209 research outputs found

    Review: New Masters, New Servants

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    Localists and “Locusts” in Hong Kong: Creating a Yellow-Red Peril Discourse

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    Hong Kong’s “localists” depict mainlanders as locusts ruining the territory and bringing an end to a vaunted way of life. In this article, we first discuss anti-mainlander prejudice in Hong Kong and its resemblance to earlier biases by Shanghai people against Chinese from neighboring provinces. We then empirically test claims localists make about the mainlander presence in Hong Kong and show that mainland visitors and migrants are not working the harms attributed to them. There follows a review of “insect language” as integral to racial vilification in several settings, with Hong Kong’s anti-locust movement a recent example. We go on to elaborate on the vilifiers themselves and on the Hong Kong government’s obligations, under international and local law, to punish them. Hong Kong nativism, we contend, is significant beyond the SAR and its relations with the rest of China. Nativist “anti-locust” agitation exemplifies the global advancement of ethnic antagonism as a putative solution to problems that are actually rooted in gross and increasing inequality, not ethnicity per se. Vilification of ethnic groups and these underlying problems must be addressed politically and legally and, while the Hong Kong case is both structurally similar to others and highly specific, what is done in the SAR will have wider implications

    Towards Efficient Sparse Coding for Scalable Image Annotation

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    10.1145/2502081.2502127MM 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Multimedia Conference947-95

    Clinical characteristics and management of immune checkpoint inhibitor-related cardiotoxicity: A single-center experience

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    BackgroundImmune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have revolutionized cancer therapy in the past decade and amplify T-cell-mediated immune responses by disrupting immunoinhibitory signals. The augmented T-cell immune response has led to a range of immune-related adverse effects (irAEs). Immune-related cardiotoxicity has been reported in case series but has been underappreciated due to difficulties in diagnosis. This article describes epidemiological, clinical presentation, subtype, and treatment data and a new systematic framework for the clinical management of cardiotoxicity.MethodsData were extracted for cancer patients who received ICIs in a single center between January 1, 2020, and February 28, 2022. ICI-associated cardiotoxicity was clinically diagnosed based on clinical presentations, biochemical biomarkers, and imaging features.ResultsWe identified a total of 12 (2.46%) cases of ICI-related cardiotoxicity from 487 patients who received PD-1 or PD-L1 inhibitors. All patients were diagnosed with advanced or metastatic solid tumors. The severity of ICI-related cardiotoxicity ranged from subclinical cardiac abnormalities (subclinical type) with only asymptomatic troponin-I (TnI) elevations (25.0%) to symptomatic cardiac abnormalities (clinical type) (75.0%). Patients with symptomatic cardiac abnormalities had several manifestations, including tachyarrhythmia (16.7%), bradyarrhythmia (41.7%), or cardiac failure (8.3%). The median immunotherapy exposure time was 1.5 doses (range: 1 to 5), and the median time from the initial immunotherapy to the onset of ICI-related cardiotoxicity was 33.5 days (IQR: 20.3 to 46.8). Most patients, including those with subclinical cardiac abnormalities, were administered systemic corticosteroids (58.3%). One (8.3%) patient was put on mechanical ventilation, one (8.3%) received plasma exchange therapy, one (8.3%) was implanted with a pacemaker, and one (8.3%) was admitted to the ICU. Three patients with symptomatic cardiac abnormalities (25.0%) died, and other patients presented with significant clinical improvement with good outcomes.ConclusionICI-related cardiotoxicity is uncommon but critical with a high mortality rate and poor prognosis, especially for a small group of patients with symptomatic cardiac abnormalities. More attention should be given to cardiotoxicity associated with ICIs, and these patients should be given baseline examinations and biochemical analyses before and after the initiation of immunotherapy, intensive cardiac assessments, an accurate and rapid diagnosis, and timely multidisciplinary management with immunosuppressive agents and other necessary clinical interventions

    Dissecting the mechanism of the nonheme iron endoperoxidase FtmOx1 using substrate analogues

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    FtmOx1 is a nonheme iron (NHFe) endoperoxidase, catalyzing three disparate reactions, endoperoxidation, alcohol dehydrogenation, and dealkylation, under in vitro conditions; the diversity complicates its mechanistic studies. In this study, we use two substrate analogues to simplify the FtmOx1-catalyzed reaction to either a dealkylation or an alcohol dehydrogenation reaction for structure-function relationship analysis to address two key FtmOx1 mechanistic questions: (1) Y224 flipping in the proposed COX-like model vs α-ketoglutarate (αKG) rotation proposed in the CarC-like mechanistic model and (2) the involvement of a Y224 radical (COX-like model) or a Y68 radical (CarC-like model) in FtmOx1-catalysis. When 13-oxo-fumitremorgin B (7) is used as the substrate, FtmOx1-catalysis changes from the endoperoxidation to a hydroxylation reaction and leads to dealkylation. In addition, consistent with the dealkylation side-reaction in the COX-like model prediction, the X-ray structure of the FtmOx1•CoII•αKG•7 ternary complex reveals a flip of Y224 to an alternative conformation relative to the FtmOx1•FeII•αKG binary complex. Verruculogen (2) was used as a second substrate analogue to study the alcohol dehydrogenation reaction to examine the involvement of the Y224 radical or Y68 radical in FtmOx1-catalysis, and again, the results from the verruculogen reaction are more consistent with the COX-like model.R24 GM134210 - NIGMS NIH HHSPublished versio

    Author Correction: The flying spider-monkey tree fern genome provides insights into fern evolution and arborescence (Nature Plants, (2022), 8, 5, (500-512), 10.1038/s41477-022-01146-6)

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    Correction to: Nature Plantshttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-022-01146-6, published online 9 May 2022. In the version of the article initially published, Dipak Khadka, who collected the samples in Nepal, was thanked in the Acknowledgements instead of being listed as an author. His name and affiliation (GoldenGate International College, Tribhuvan University, Battisputali, Kathmandu, Nepal) have been added to the authorship in the HTML and PDF versions of the article

    Interiorized Feminism and Gendered Nostalgia of The ‘Daughter Generation’ in Ning Ying's Perpetual Motion

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The original publication is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1386/jcc.5.3.253_1Ning Ying’s 2006 film Wuqiong dong/Perpetual Motion can be regarded as her first attempt to explore the genre of ‘women’s film’. Deviating from her previous neo-realist style, this film seeks to cultivate an alternative cinematic practice through developing a heavy-handed negative aesthetics. Ning Ying interiorizes the filmic exploration of female subjectivity in an enclosed time and space, which is constantly haunted by a spectral aesthetics characterized by audio-visual allusions to loss, grave, ruins and ghosts. However, the film’s radical content and alternative aesthetics are, ironically, packaged in prevailing consumer aesthetics and commodity fetishism on and off the silver screen. All these competing drives and accounts render the film a contested narrative constantly oscillating between avant-garde feminism and domestic melodrama, and between a register of disintegrating sisterhood and a celebrity scandal of adultery. This article examines the discursive and aesthetic innovations, contradictions and limits of Ning Ying’s cinematic feminism

    Chromosome-level genome assembly of a regenerable maize inbred line A188.

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    BACKGROUND The maize inbred line A188 is an attractive model for elucidation of gene function and improvement due to its high embryogenic capacity and many contrasting traits to the first maize reference genome, B73, and other elite lines. The lack of a genome assembly of A188 limits its use as a model for functional studies. RESULTS Here, we present a chromosome-level genome assembly of A188 using long reads and optical maps. Comparison of A188 with B73 using both whole-genome alignments and read depths from sequencing reads identify approximately 1.1 Gb of syntenic sequences as well as extensive structural variation, including a 1.8-Mb duplication containing the Gametophyte factor1 locus for unilateral cross-incompatibility, and six inversions of 0.7 Mb or greater. Increased copy number of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 1 (ccd1) in A188 is associated with elevated expression during seed development. High ccd1 expression in seeds together with low expression of yellow endosperm 1 (y1) reduces carotenoid accumulation, accounting for the white seed phenotype of A188. Furthermore, transcriptome and epigenome analyses reveal enhanced expression of defense pathways and altered DNA methylation patterns of the embryonic callus. CONCLUSIONS The A188 genome assembly provides a high-resolution sequence for a complex genome species and a foundational resource for analyses of genome variation and gene function in maize. The genome, in comparison to B73, contains extensive intra-species structural variations and other genetic differences. Expression and network analyses identify discrete profiles for embryonic callus and other tissues