1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Genetic diversity of Leishmania donovani that causes cutaneous leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka: a cross sectional study with regional comparisons

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    Multiple sequence alignment. Multiple sequence alignment of the Sri Lankan, Indian and Nepalese isolates along with the reference sequences using CLUSTAL 2.1 multiple sequence alignment. Dashes(−) represent gaps introduced to optimize alignment. Asteriks (*) represent consensus nucleotides in the sequence. Lb(P):L. braziliensis [Peru] (Skin);Ld(DD8)/Ld(IN):L. donovani [India] (Bone marrow); Li(SP):L. infantum [Spain] (Unknown); Lm(A1):L. major [Libya]; Lt(TK):L. tropica [Turkey] (Skin); Lam: L. amazonenis (Skin); Li(TK):L. infantum [Turkey] (Spleen); SL-VL (52–55): VL Sri Lankan isolate (Bone marrow); SL_CL-S:Leishmania CL Sri Lankan isolate (Skin); SL_CL-DR:Leishmania CL Sri Lankan that failed to respond to antimonial drugs (Skin); IN-VL: L. donovani [India] (Bone marrow); IN-PKDL: Leishmania from post-kala azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) [India] (Skin); NP-VL: Leishmania VL Nepalian isolate (Bone marrow); NP-PKDL:Leishmania cause PKDL [Nepal] (Skin). (DOCX 25 kb