61 research outputs found

    Relationship of variations of the total electron content of ionosphere in magnetically conjugated regions with precipitation of high-energy charged particles

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    Purpose. A qualitative and quantitative study of the correlation of space-time changes of the total electron content of the ionosphere with variations in the energetic electron flux during a significant increase of the solar wind density and velocity. Determination of the conditions when the increase of the intensity of the flux of energetic electrons can be accompanied by the appearance of large-scale inhomogeneities of the ionosphere observed in magnetically conjugated regions of the Northern and Southern hemispheres.Мета. Якісне та кількісне дослідження кореляції просторово-часових змін повного електронного вмісту з варіаціями потоку енергійних електронів під час істотного збільшення щільності і швидкості сонячного вітру. Визначення умов, за яких збільшення інтенсивності потоку енергійних електронів може супроводжуватися виникненням великомасштабних неоднорідностей іоносфери, що спостерігаються у магнітосполучених регіонах північної та південної півкуль

    Global circuit response to the 11-year solar cycle: Changes in source or in medium?

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    © International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, ICAE 2014 Modifications to both the DC and AC global circuits are considered on both short time scales and on the 11-year solar cycle time scale. New long-term records of Schumann resonances are considered as documentation of the AC global circuit. In most cases, changes in the medium of the global circuit provide a better qualitative explanation than intrinsic source changes (i.e., lightning and electrified clouds) for the variations in the global circuit. Further work is needed with the quantitative details

    Effects of Energetic Solar Emissions on the Earth–Ionosphere Cavity of Schumann Resonances

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. Schumann resonances (SR) are the electromagnetic oscillations of the spherical cavity bounded by the electrically conductive Earth and the conductive but dissipative lower ionosphere (Schumann in Z Naturforsch A 7:6627–6628, 1952). Energetic emissions from the Sun can exert a varied influence on the various parameters of the Earth’s SR: modal frequencies, amplitudes and dissipation parameters. The SR response at multiple receiving stations is considered for two extraordinary solar events from Solar Cycle 23: the Bastille Day event (July 14, 2000) and the Halloween event (October/November 2003). Distinct differences are noted in the ionospheric depths of penetration for X-radiation and solar protons with correspondingly distinct signs of the frequency response. The preferential impact of the protons in the magnetically unshielded polar regions leads to a marked anisotropic frequency response in the two magnetic field components. The general immunity of SR amplitudes to these extreme external perturbations serves to remind us that the amplitude parameter is largely controlled by lightning activity within the Earth–ionosphere cavity

    Концептуальная модель группового производства

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    Розглянуто загальну концепцію створення гнучких комп’ютерно-інтегрованих систем (ГКІС) та запропоновано узагальнену концептуальну модель гнучкого виробництва під групову технологію. Визначено функції складових виробничого процесу, наведено формалізований опис функціонального складу, структури ГКІС та запропоновано гіперпросторове уявлення щодо формування обробляючих ресурсів для групової технології.The general conception of flexible computer-integrated system (FCIS) is considered and generalized model of group flaxible manufacturing is proposed. The functions of production process’es components of the FCIS function composition, structure and hyperspace of treating resources for group technology are presented.Рассмотрена общая концепция создания гибких компьютерно-интегрированных систем (ГКИС) и предложена обобщенная концептуальная модель гибкого производства под групповую технологию. Определены функции составляющих производственного процесса, приведено формализованное описание функционального состава, структуры ГКИС и предложено гиперпространственное представление формирования обрабатывающих ресурсов для групповой технологии

    Solar Cycle-Modulated Deformation of the Earth–Ionosphere Cavity

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    The Earth–ionosphere cavity resonator is occupied primarily by the electromagnetic radiation of lightning below 100 Hz. The phenomenon is known as Schumann resonances (SR). SR intensity is an excellent indicator of lightning activity and its distribution on global scales. However, long-term measurements from high latitude SR stations revealed a pronounced in-phase solar cycle modulation of SR intensity seemingly contradicting optical observations of lightning from satellite, which do not show any significant solar cycle variation in the intensity and spatial distribution of lightning activity on the global scale. The solar cycle-modulated local deformation of the Earth–ionosphere cavity by the ionization of energetic electron precipitation (EEP) has been suggested as a possible phenomenon that may account for the observed long-term modulation of SR intensity. Precipitating electrons in the energy range of 1–300 keV can affect the Earth–ionosphere cavity resonator in the altitude range of about 70–110 km and modify the SR intensities. However, until now there was no direct evidence documented in the literature supporting this suggestion. In this paper we present long-term SR intensity records from eight stations, each equipped with a pair of induction coil magnetometers: five high latitude (|lat| \u3e 60°), two mid-high latitude (50° \u3c |lat| \u3c 60°) and one low latitude (|lat| \u3c 30°). These long-term, ground-based SR intensity records are compared on the annual and interannual timescales with the fluxes of precipitating 30–300 keV medium energy electrons provided by the POES NOAA-15 satellite and on the daily timescale with electron precipitation events identified using a SuperDARN radar in Antarctica. The long-term variation of the Earth–ionosphere waveguide’s effective height, as inferred from its cutoff frequency, is independently analyzed based on spectra recorded by the DEMETER satellite. It is shown that to account for all our observations one needs to consider both the effect of solar X-rays and EEP which modify the quality factor of the cavity and deform it dominantly over low- and high latitudes, respectively. Our results suggest that SR measurements should be considered as an alternative tool for collecting information about and thus monitoring changes in the ionization state of the lower ionosphere associated with EEP

    Ionospheric Non-linear Effects Observed During Very-Long-Distance HF Propagation

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    A new super-long-range wave propagation technique was implemented at different High Frequency (HF) heating facilities. The HF waves radiated by a powerful heater were scattered into the ionospheric waveguide by the stimulated field aligned striations. This waveguide was formed in a valley region between the E- and F- layers of the ionosphere. The wave trapping and channeling provide super-long-range propagation of HF heater signals detected at the Ukrainian Antarctic Academik Vernadsky Station (UAS) which is many thousand kilometers away from the corresponding HF heating facility. This paper aims to study the excitation of the ionospheric waveguide due to the scattering of the HF heating wave by artificial field aligned irregularities. In addition, the probing of stimulated ionospheric irregularities can be obtained from analyses of the signals received at far distance from the HF heater. The paper uses a novel method of scattering of the HF radiation by the heating facility for diagnostics of non-linear effects at the super-long radio paths. Experiments were conducted at three different powerful HF facilities: EISCAT (Norway), HAARP (Alaska), and Arecibo (Puerto Rico) and by using different far spaced receiving sites. The key problems for super-long-range propagation regime is the feeding of ionospheric waveguide. Then the energy needs to exit from the waveguide at a specific location to be detected by the surface-based receiver. During our studies the waveguide feeding was provided by the scattering of HF waves by the artificial ionospheric turbulence (AIT) above the HF heater. An interesting opportunity for the channeling of the HF signals occurs due to the aspect scattering of radio waves by field aligned irregularities (FAI), when the scattering vector is parallel to the Earth surface. Such FAIs geometry takes place over the Arecibo facility. Here FAI are oriented along the geomagnetic field line inclined by 43 degrees. Since the Arecibo HF beam is vertical, the aspect scattered waves will be oriented almost horizontally toward the South. Such geometry provides unique opportunity to channel the radio wave energy into the ionospheric waveguide and excites the whispering gallery modes