13 research outputs found

    Extraction of high-value added compounds by subcritical water and fractionation by membrane processes : Valorization of vine and wine by-products by eco-innovative processes

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    Ce travail a portĂ© sur l'extraction de substances naturelles de sous-produits de la vigne en mettant en Ɠuvre des procĂ©dĂ©s "verts" tels que l'extraction par eau sous-critique et la purification par filtration membranaire. Ces procĂ©dĂ©s reprĂ©sentent une alternative Ă  l'extraction par solvant, traditionnellement utilisĂ©e dans la production de substances bio-sourcĂ©es. La majeure partie de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur des marcs de raisin de cĂ©pages variĂ©s, l'extraction a Ă©tĂ© optimisĂ©e et comparĂ©e sur la base du rendement, de la composition chimique et de l'activitĂ© antioxydante des extraits obtenus. De tous les cĂ©pages testĂ©s, les extraits de Dunkelfelder ont prĂ©sentĂ© l'activitĂ© antioxydante la plus Ă©levĂ©e et la concentration en familles de molĂ©cules polyphĂ©noliques la plus importante. En outre, ce marc de raisin de Dunkelfelder a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© comme modĂšle afin d'optimiser les diffĂ©rents paramĂštres du procĂ©dĂ© tels que la tempĂ©rature, la pression et le temps de sĂ©jour hydraulique. AprĂšs la phase d'extraction par eau sous-critique, les extraits obtenus se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s riches en de nombreuses familles de molĂ©cules. Ainsi, une Ă©tape de purification des composĂ©s cibles avant usage industriel s'est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e indispensable. Le couplage de l'extraction par eau sous-critique avec des procĂ©dĂ©s membranaires reprĂ©sente une solution innovante pour la purification de ces extraits. Des essais de filtration tangentielle de l'extrait ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s avec onze membranes d'ultrafiltration (100 kDa Ă  2 kDa) et neuf membranes de nanofiltration (1000 Da Ă  150 Da). Le suivi du procĂ©dĂ© s’est appuyĂ© sur une dĂ©termination des paramĂštres opĂ©ratoires optimisĂ©s et sur la dĂ©termination des coefficients de rĂ©tention des diffĂ©rentes familles des macro et micromolĂ©cules. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont dĂ©montrĂ© que l'utilisation des technologies membranaires pourrait dans le futur, constituer une innovation technologique pour la purification des composĂ©s bio-actifsThis work has dealt with extraction of natural substances from winery by-products using "green" processes such as extraction by subcritical water and purification by membrane processes. These processes are an alternative to solvent extraction traditionally used in the natural products industry. Main part of the work was done on different grape pomace, extraction was optimized and compared in terms of yield, chemical composition, and antioxidant activity of extracts. Dunkelfelder extracts exhibited the strongest antioxidant activity and comparison of chemical compositions of the different extracts indicated. Furthermore this Dunkelfelder grape pomace was used as model in order to optimize the different process parameters such as temperature, pressure and hydraulic retention time. After the subcritical water extraction, extracts produced were found to be rich in several families of molecules. An essential purification step of target compounds prior to industrial use was indispensable. Coupling the subcritical water with membrane processes offers an innovative solution for the purification of these extracts. Thereby, the extract was assayed in a cross-flow apparatus against eleven membranes of ultrafiltration (100 to 2 kDa) and nine membranes of nanofiltration (1000 to 150 Da). The monitoring of the process was carried out by determining performance parameters and retention coefficients of different families of macro and micromolecules. The results obtained have demonstrated that the use of membrane technologies could bring innovative changes in the recovery of bioactive compounds for future industries

    Extraction des molécules à haute valeur ajoutée par eau sous critique et fractionnement par procédés membranaires : Valorisation des co-produits de la vigne et du vin par des procédés éco-innovants

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    This work has dealt with extraction of natural substances from winery by-products using "green" processes such as extraction by subcritical water and purification by membrane processes. These processes are an alternative to solvent extraction traditionally used in the natural products industry. Main part of the work was done on different grape pomace, extraction was optimized and compared in terms of yield, chemical composition, and antioxidant activity of extracts. Dunkelfelder extracts exhibited the strongest antioxidant activity and comparison of chemical compositions of the different extracts indicated. Furthermore this Dunkelfelder grape pomace was used as model in order to optimize the different process parameters such as temperature, pressure and hydraulic retention time. After the subcritical water extraction, extracts produced were found to be rich in several families of molecules. An essential purification step of target compounds prior to industrial use was indispensable. Coupling the subcritical water with membrane processes offers an innovative solution for the purification of these extracts. Thereby, the extract was assayed in a cross-flow apparatus against eleven membranes of ultrafiltration (100 to 2 kDa) and nine membranes of nanofiltration (1000 to 150 Da). The monitoring of the process was carried out by determining performance parameters and retention coefficients of different families of macro and micromolecules. The results obtained have demonstrated that the use of membrane technologies could bring innovative changes in the recovery of bioactive compounds for future industries.Ce travail a portĂ© sur l'extraction de substances naturelles de sous-produits de la vigne en mettant en Ɠuvre des procĂ©dĂ©s "verts" tels que l'extraction par eau sous-critique et la purification par filtration membranaire. Ces procĂ©dĂ©s reprĂ©sentent une alternative Ă  l'extraction par solvant, traditionnellement utilisĂ©e dans la production de substances bio-sourcĂ©es. La majeure partie de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur des marcs de raisin de cĂ©pages variĂ©s, l'extraction a Ă©tĂ© optimisĂ©e et comparĂ©e sur la base du rendement, de la composition chimique et de l'activitĂ© antioxydante des extraits obtenus. De tous les cĂ©pages testĂ©s, les extraits de Dunkelfelder ont prĂ©sentĂ© l'activitĂ© antioxydante la plus Ă©levĂ©e et la concentration en familles de molĂ©cules polyphĂ©noliques la plus importante. En outre, ce marc de raisin de Dunkelfelder a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© comme modĂšle afin d'optimiser les diffĂ©rents paramĂštres du procĂ©dĂ© tels que la tempĂ©rature, la pression et le temps de sĂ©jour hydraulique. AprĂšs la phase d'extraction par eau sous-critique, les extraits obtenus se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s riches en de nombreuses familles de molĂ©cules. Ainsi, une Ă©tape de purification des composĂ©s cibles avant usage industriel s'est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e indispensable. Le couplage de l'extraction par eau sous-critique avec des procĂ©dĂ©s membranaires reprĂ©sente une solution innovante pour la purification de ces extraits. Des essais de filtration tangentielle de l'extrait ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s avec onze membranes d'ultrafiltration (100 kDa Ă  2 kDa) et neuf membranes de nanofiltration (1000 Da Ă  150 Da). Le suivi du procĂ©dĂ© s’est appuyĂ© sur une dĂ©termination des paramĂštres opĂ©ratoires optimisĂ©s et sur la dĂ©termination des coefficients de rĂ©tention des diffĂ©rentes familles des macro et micromolĂ©cules. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont dĂ©montrĂ© que l'utilisation des technologies membranaires pourrait dans le futur, constituer une innovation technologique pour la purification des composĂ©s bio-actif

    Histological Study of Induced Incisions on Rabbits’ Tongues with Three Diode Lasers with Different Wavelengths in Continuous Mode

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    Objective. Diode lasers have multiple indications in everyday dental practice. They allow carrying out incisions, coagulation of soft tissue, and Low-Level Laser Therapy. The goal of this study is to compare histologically the tissue interaction zones and edges of an induced laser incision on rabbits’ tongues with three different wavelengths of 810, 940, and 980 nm in continuous mode. Methods. Fourteen male rabbits were divided into six groups. Each animal underwent three incisions of 10 mm length on the right ventral face of the tongue, carried out in continuous mode with three diode lasers with different wavelengths of 810, 940, and 980 nm. Rabbits were sacrificed at 0, 1, 2, 6, and 15 hours and 14 days. Five rabbits were sacrificed at 0 hours and 2 hours and one rabbit was sacrificed at 1, 6, and 15 hours and at 14 days. The appearance of neutrophils marked the onset time of the inflammatory reaction. Histological study of the incisions was chosen to evaluate the edges and to measure the depth and width of carbonization and necrotic and inflammatory zones. Healing was evaluated at 14 days. Friedman test was used to assess statistical differences between groups. Results. In the experimental adopted conditions, the carbonization zone was marked by degradation of vacuoles and an elongation of nuclei and was observed on the edges of incisions. Carbonization and necrotic and inflammatory zones were measured for rabbits sacrificed at 0, 1, 2, 6, and 15 hours but the onset of inflammation zone marked by the infiltration of neutrophils did not appear before 6 hours. The neutrophils infiltration was higher at 15 hours than at 6 hours. Complete healing was shown at 14 days. According to the time for the regularity of the edges, the interpretation was qualitative without a statistical test. The statistical analysis of the three different diode lasers in this study showed nonsignificant difference between the different groups for the depth (p=0.121) and width (p=0.376) of the incisions, the carbonization zone (p=0.692), and the necrotic zone (p=0.223). For the inflammation zone at 6 and 15 hours, statistical analysis was not carried out; only one rabbit was enough to evaluate onset of neutrophils infiltration and to compare its density for 6 and 15 hours. Conclusion. These results indicate that diode laser used in the continuous mode is predictable for induced incision. The use of three diode lasers with different wavelengths of 810, 940, and 980 nm did not reveal a significant statistical difference according to depth and width of the incision and for carbonization and necrotic zone. The appearance of neutrophils was marked between 4 and 6 hours and was higher at 15 hours

    Characterisation of polyphenols and antioxidant potential of red and white pomace by-product extracts using subcritical water extraction

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    A detailed assessment of the c o n t e n t o f high added-value compounds in grape pomace varieties was carried out following a subcritical water extraction method. High amounts of anthocyanins and tannins were recovered from fermented grape pomace at differential temperatures with high variability between t h e by-products observed. Contrary to anthocyanins, high extraction temperatures (about 200°C) yielded higher amounts of tannins. Overall, we found that grape pomace antioxidant activity and total polyphenols, quantified by t h e Folin Ciocalteu method, were not directly related to the main polyphenol content in SWE extracts. The data obtained in our study by using laboratory-scale equipment will be useful for developing an industrial-scale SWE process. Finally, it was shown that grape pomace by-products can be considered a s an important source of polyphenols. They could therefore potentially provide a basis for the sustainable and integrated exploitation of winemaking by-products, to be used as inexpensive and readily available sources of bioactive compounds for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries.ANR-12-innov-0001-0

    Selecting ultrafiltration membranes for fractionation of high added value compounds from grape pomace extracts

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    The purpose of the current study is to investigate the use of ultrafiltration membrane for the fractionation of phenolic compounds from subcritical water grape pomace extract and the separation of these compounds from other co-extracted components. The extract was assayed in a cross-flow apparatus against eleven membranes with molecular weight ranging from 100 to 2 kDa. Monitoring of the process was executed by determining performance parameters and retention coefficients of proteins, polysaccharides, sugars, phenolic and anthocyanin classes. Results indicated that retention of solutes was affected, not by size exclusion, but primarily by severe fouling phenomena due to polar solutes adsorption on the membrane surface. With the exception of the separation obtained between polymeric and monomeric proanthocyanidins, polysulfone membranes were not able to fractionate phenolic classes. Membranes starting of 20 kDa and over retained high percentages (>60%) of polysaccharides and proteins

    Pamidronate Rescue Therapy for Hypercalcemia in a Child With Williams Syndrome

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    A 15-month-old male infant diagnosed with Williams Syndrome (WS) was admitted with severe hypercalcemia and nephrocalcinosis. Intravenous hydration and furosemide failed to yield an appreciable and sustainable fall in serum calcium, while the injection of pamidronate achieved a significant decrease in serum calcium in a short period of time. This bisphosphonate could be considered as a second-line treatment for refractory hypercalcemia in WS

    Particles with magnetic patches: synthesis, morphology control, and assembly

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    The concept of patchy particles is revolutionizing the research field of colloidal assembly, by the design of particles whose surface is purposely patterned to promote attractive interactions with their neighbors in limited number, and in privileged and programmed directions. The idea of magnetic patches makes it possible to imagine assemblies not only spontaneous by simple magnetic coupling but also triggered and canceled at will due to external magnetic fields. This review shows that studies published until now mainly deal with particles with a single magnetic patch, often called Janus particles. The very diverse synthetic routes have been brought together into four main strategies, covering the size range from 100 nm to 100 ”m. Their assembly capacity is described both from experimental and simulation viewpoints. The orientation of the magnetic moment of the patch and its decentering extent with respect to the particle are the key parameters for controlling the morphology of clusters, loops, staggered chains, double chains, helices, microtubes, etc. The review offers some perspectives to generalize these studies to multipatch particles, examples of which are still too rare, and to make assemblies sustainable, especially after the removal of the structuring magnetic fields

    Sexually transmitted Infections and the use of condoms in biology textbooks : a comparative analysis across sixteen countries

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    Our study focused on two topics, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and the control of STIs using condoms. For this, we analysed and compared 42 school textbooks from 16 countries on the general topic “Human Reproduction and Sex Education” using a specific grid designed by the BIOHEAD-CITIZEN project. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was a common topic in all the textbooks that were analysed, although it appeared in quite different chapters, such as, Human Procreation (the control of reproduction, the hygiene of reproduction, or in chapters devoted to STIs and AIDS), Immunology (with AIDS as an example of immune deficiency), and Personal Protection. Some textbooks provided information about other STIs in addition to AIDS. There appeared important differences among countries concerning both the number of images in the textbooks and the number of STIs that were discussed in the textbooks. There were also differences among various textbooks addressing the same educational level that came from different publishers in terms of the way that STIs were presented. More than half of the analysed textbooks did not link the presentation of STIs with their prevention via the use of condoms, and only a few textbooks illustrate an unrolled male condom on the penis. Our results also indicated that (i) for most of the analysed biology textbooks there was a preference for the biomedical model of health education that provided sufficient scientific knowledge, (ii) only in Finland there was an attempt for health promotion of competencies relating to a healthy sexual behaviour, and (iii) the textbooks from Morocco and Tunisia illustrated how traditional values could be promoted in parallel with biomedical knowledge by using injunctive moral content. Interactions between scientific knowledge (K), values (V), and social practices (P) had been found and seemed to determine what was present (and how) or absent in school textbooks.LIBEC/CIFPEC - Unidade de investigação 16/644 da FCT.European project FP6 Biohead-Citizen CIT2-CT-2004-506015.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) - “AnĂĄlise de manuais escolares” (PTDC/CED/65224/2006)