12,605 research outputs found

    Effects of a primordial magnetic field with log-normal distribution on the cosmic microwave background

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    We study the effect of primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) on the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We assume the spectrum of PMFs is described by log-normal distribution which has a characteristic scale, rather than power-law spectrum. This scale is expected to reflect the generation mechanisms and our analysis is complementary to previous studies with power-law spectrum. We calculate power spectra of energy density and Lorentz force of the log-normal PMFs, and then calculate CMB temperature and polarization angular power spectra from scalar, vector, and tensor modes of perturbations generated from such PMFs. By comparing these spectra with WMAP7, QUaD, CBI, Boomerang, and ACBAR data sets, we find that the current CMB data set places the strongest constraint at k102.5k\simeq 10^{-2.5} Mpc1^{-1} with the upper limit B3B\lesssim 3 nG.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Constraints on the neutrino mass and the primordial magnetic field from the matter density fluctuation parameter σ8\sigma_8

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    We have made an analysis of limits on the neutrino mass based upon the formation of large-scale structure in the presence of a primordial magnetic field. We find that a new upper bound on the neutrino mass is possible based upon fits to the cosmic microwave background and matter power spectrum when the existing independent constraints on the matter density fluctuation parameter σ8\sigma_8 and the primordial magnetic field are taken into account.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D, to match proof

    Resonant formation of Lambda(1405) by stopped-K- absorption in deuteron

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    To solve the current debate on the position of the quasi-bound K^-p state, namely, "Lambda(1405) or Lambda*(1420)", we propose to measure the T_{21} = T_{Sigma-pi \leftarrow Kbar-N} Sigma-pi invariant-mass spectrum in stopped-K- absorption in deuteron, since the spectrum, reflecting the soft and hard deuteron momentum distribution, is expected to have a narrow quasi-free component with an upper edge of M = 1430 MeV/c^2, followed by a significant "high-momentum" tail toward the lower mass region, where a resonant formation of Lambda(1405) of any mass and width in a wide range is revealed. We introduce a "deviation" spectrum as defined by DEV = OBS (observed or calculated) / QF (non-resonant quasi-free), in which the resonant component can be seen as an isolated peak free from the QF shape.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Constraints on the Primordial Magnetic Field from σ8\sigma_8

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    A primordial magnetic field (PMF) can affect the evolution of density field fluctuations in the early universe.In this paper we constrain the PMF amplitude BλB_\lambda and power spectral index nBn_\mathrm{B} by comparing calculated density field fluctuations with observational data, i.e. the number density fluctuation of galaxies.We show that the observational constraints on cosmological density fluctuations, as parameterized by σ8\sigma_8, lead to strong constraints on the amplitude and spectral index of the PMF.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication as Phys. Rev.

    The basic K nuclear cluster K- pp and its enhanced formation in the p + p -> K+ + X reaction

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    We have studied the structure of K- pp nuclear cluster comprehensively by solving this three-body system exactly in a variational method starting from the Ansatz that the Lambda(1405) resonance (Lambda*) is a K-p bound state. We have found that our original prediction for the presence of K-pp as a compact bound system with M = 2322MeV/c2,B=48MeVandGamma=60MeVremainsunchangedbyvaryingtheKbarNandNNinteractionswidelyasfarastheyreproduceLambda(1405).ThestructureofKpprevealsamolecularfeature,namely,theKinLambdaasan"atomiccenter"playsakeyroleinproducingstrongcovalentbondingwiththeotherproton.Wehaveshownthattheelementaryprocess,p+p>K++Lambda+p,whichoccursinashortimpactparameterandwithalargemomentumtransfer(Q 1.6 MeV/c2, B = 48 MeV and Gamma = 60 MeV remains unchanged by varying the Kba-rN and NN interactions widely as far as they reproduce Lambda(1405). The structure of K- pp reveals a molecular feature, namely, the K- in Lambda* as an "atomic center" plays a key role in producing strong covalent bonding with the other proton. We have shown that the elementary process, p + p -> K+ + Lambda* + p, which occurs in a short impact parameter and with a large momentum transfer (Q ~ 1.6 GeV/c), leads to unusually large self-trapping of Lambda* by the participating proton, since the Lambda*-p system exists as a compact doorway state propagating to K- pp (R{Lambda*-p} ~ 1.67 fm).Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures. Phys, Rev. C, in pres

    Constraints on the Evolution of the Primordial Magnetic Field from the Small-Scale Cosmic Microwave Background Angular Anisotropy

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    Recent observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have extended the measured power spectrum to higher multipoles ll\gtrsim1000, and there appears to be possible evidence for excess power on small angular scales. The primordial magnetic field (PMF) can strongly affect the CMB power spectrum and the formation of large scale structure. In this paper, we calculate the CMB temperature anisotropies generated by including a power-law magnetic field at the photon last-scattering surface (PLSS). We then deduce an upper limit on the PMF based on our theoretical analysis of the power excess on small angular scales. We have taken into account several important effects such as the modified matter sound speed in the presence of a magnetic field. An upper limit to the field strength of Bλ|B_\lambda|\lesssim 4.7 nG at the present scale of 1 Mpc is deduced. This is obtained by comparing the calculated theoretical result including the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect with recent observed data on the small-scale CMB anisotropies from the WilkinsonMicrowaveAnisotropyProbeWilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), the Cosmic Background Imager (CBI), and the Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver (ACBAR). We discuss several possible mechanisms for the generation and evolution of the PMF.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ April 10, 200

    Energy dependence of KK^--"pppp" effective potential derived from coupled-channel Green's function

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    We investigate the energy dependence of a single-channel effective potential between the KK^- and the "pppp"-core nucleus, which can be obtained as an KK^--"pppp" equivalent local potential from a coupled-channel model for Kˉ(NN)\bar{K}(NN)-π(ΣN)\pi(\Sigma N) systems. It turns out that the imaginary part of the resultant potential near the πΣN\pi \Sigma N decay threshold can well approximate the phase space suppression factor of KppπΣNK^-pp \to \pi \Sigma N decay modes. The effects on the pole position of the π(ΣN)\pi(\Sigma N) state in the πΣN\pi \Sigma N channel are also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics (EXA2011), September 5-9, 2011, Wien, Austria, to appear in Hyperfine Interaction

    Palatable Meal Anticipation in Mice

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    The ability to sense time and anticipate events is a critical skill in nature. Most efforts to understand the neural and molecular mechanisms of anticipatory behavior in rodents rely on daily restricted food access, which induces a robust increase of locomotor activity in anticipation of daily meal time. Interestingly, rats also show increased activity in anticipation of a daily palatable meal even when they have an ample food supply, suggesting a role for brain reward systems in anticipatory behavior, and providing an alternate model by which to study the neurobiology of anticipation in species, such as mice, that are less well adapted to "stuff and starve" feeding schedules. To extend this model to mice, and exploit molecular genetic resources available for that species, we tested the ability of wild-type mice to anticipate a daily palatable meal. We observed that mice with free access to regular chow and limited access to highly palatable snacks of chocolate or “Fruit Crunchies” avidly consumed the snack but did not show anticipatory locomotor activity as measured by running wheels or video-based behavioral analysis. However, male mice receiving a snack of high fat chow did show increased food bin entry prior to access time and a modest increase in activity in the two hours preceding the scheduled meal. Interestingly, female mice did not show anticipation of a daily high fat meal but did show increased activity at scheduled mealtime when that meal was withdrawn. These results indicate that anticipation of a scheduled food reward in mice is behavior, diet, and gender specific

    The Reionization History and Early Metal Enrichment inferred from the Gamma-Ray Burst Rate

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    Based on the gamma-ray burst (GRB) event rate at redshifts of 4z124 \leq z \leq 12, which is assessed by the spectral peak energy-to-luminosity relation recently found by Yonetoku et al., we observationally derive the star formation rate (SFR) for Pop III stars in a high redshift universe. As a result, we find that Pop III stars could form continuously at 4z124 \leq z \leq 12. Using the derived Pop III SFR, we attempt to estimate the ultraviolet (UV) photon emission rate at 7z127 \leq z \leq 12 in which redshift range no observational information has been hitherto obtained on ionizing radiation intensity. We find that the UV emissivity at 7z127 \leq z \leq 12 can make a noticeable contribution to the early reionization. The maximal emissivity is higher than the level required to keep ionizing the intergalactic matter at 7z127 \leq z \leq 12. However, if the escape fraction of ionizing photons from Pop III objects is smaller than 10%, then the IGM can be neutralized at some redshift, which may lead to the double reionization. As for the enrichment, the ejection of all metals synthesized in Pop III objects is marginally consistent with the IGM metallicity, although the confinement of metals in Pop III objects can reduce the enrichment significantly.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, ApJL accepte