15,189 research outputs found

    Technique for manufacturing nickel electrodes

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    A method of manufacturing nickel electrodes distinctive for its use of a composite material for the electrode made up of nickel compound, electrode material, cobalt in metal form or cobalt in compound form is investigated. The composite is over-discharged (same as reverse charging) in an alkaline solution. After dealkalization, synthetic resin adhesive is added and the electrode is formed. Selection of the cobalt compound is made from a group consisting of cobalt oxide, cobalt hydroxide, cobalt carbonate and cobalt sulfate. The method upgrades plate characteristics by using an active material in a non-sintered type nickel electrode, which is activated by electro-chemical effect

    Modeling near-field tsunami observations to improve finite-fault slip models for the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake

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    The massive tsunami generated by the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake (M_w 9.0) was widely recorded by GPS buoys, wave gauges, and ocean bottom pressure sensors around the source. Numerous inversions for finite-fault slip time histories have been performed using seismic and/or geodetic observations, yielding generally consistent patterns of large co-seismic slip offshore near the hypocenter and/or up-dip near the trench, where estimated peak slip is ~60 m. Modeling the tsunami generation and near-field wave processes using two detailed rupture models obtained from either teleseismic P waves or high-rate GPS recordings in Japan allows evaluation of how well the finite-fault models account for the regional tsunami data. By determining sensitivity of the tsunami calculations to rupture model features, we determine model modifications that improve the fit to the diverse tsunami data while retaining the fit to the seismic and geodetic observations

    Theoretical Response to the Discovery of Deeply Bound Pionic States in 208Pb(d,3He) reactions

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    Recently, deeply bound pionic states were found experimentally in (d, 3^3He) reactions on 208^{208}Pb. They found an isolated peak structure in the bound region below the pion production threshold. We study theoretically these excitation functions in (d, 3^3He) reactions on 208^{208}Pb at Td_d=600 MeV. We found very good agreement with the (d, 3^3He) excitation functions and could identify the underlying structures of the pionic states. We study the energy dependence of the (d, 3^3He) reactions and the change of the excitation functions with the incident energy.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, Figures available on request, Z.Phys.A.accepte

    The basic K nuclear cluster K- pp and its enhanced formation in the p + p -> K+ + X reaction

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    We have studied the structure of K- pp nuclear cluster comprehensively by solving this three-body system exactly in a variational method starting from the Ansatz that the Lambda(1405) resonance (Lambda*) is a K-p bound state. We have found that our original prediction for the presence of K-pp as a compact bound system with M = 2322MeV/c2,B=48MeVandGamma=60MeVremainsunchangedbyvaryingtheKba−rNandNNinteractionswidelyasfarastheyreproduceLambda(1405).ThestructureofK−pprevealsamolecularfeature,namely,theK−inLambda∗asan"atomiccenter"playsakeyroleinproducingstrongcovalentbondingwiththeotherproton.Wehaveshownthattheelementaryprocess,p+p−>K++Lambda∗+p,whichoccursinashortimpactparameterandwithalargemomentumtransfer(Q 1.6 MeV/c2, B = 48 MeV and Gamma = 60 MeV remains unchanged by varying the Kba-rN and NN interactions widely as far as they reproduce Lambda(1405). The structure of K- pp reveals a molecular feature, namely, the K- in Lambda* as an "atomic center" plays a key role in producing strong covalent bonding with the other proton. We have shown that the elementary process, p + p -> K+ + Lambda* + p, which occurs in a short impact parameter and with a large momentum transfer (Q ~ 1.6 GeV/c), leads to unusually large self-trapping of Lambda* by the participating proton, since the Lambda*-p system exists as a compact doorway state propagating to K- pp (R{Lambda*-p} ~ 1.67 fm).Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures. Phys, Rev. C, in pres

    Recombining Plasma & Gamma-ray Emission in the Mixed-morphology Supernova Remnant 3C 400.2

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    3C 400.2 belongs to the mixed morphology supernova remnant class, showing center-filled X-ray and shell-like radio morphology. We present a study of 3C 400.2 with archival Suzaku and Fermi-LAT observations. We find recombining plasma (RP) in the Suzaku spectra of north-east and south-east regions. The spectra of these regions are well described by two-component thermal plasma models: The hard component is in RP, while the soft component is in collisional ionization equilibrium (CIE) conditions. The RP has enhanced abundances indicating that the X-ray emission has an ejecta origin, while the CIE has solar abundances associated with the interstellar material. The X-ray spectra of north-west and south-west regions are best fitted by a two-component thermal plasma model: an ionizing and a CIE plasma. We have detected GeV gamma-ray emission from 3C 400.2 at the level of ∌\sim5σ\sigma assuming a point-like source model with a power-law (PL) type spectrum. We have also detected a new GeV source at the level of ∌\sim13σ\sigma assuming a Gaussian extension model with a PL type spectrum in the neighborhood of the SNR. We report the analysis results of 3C 400.2 and the new extended gamma-ray source and discuss the nature of gamma-ray emission of 3C 400.2 in the context of existing NANTEN CO data, DRAO HI data, and the Suzaku X-ray analysis results.Comment: Accepted to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Transient trimethylaminuria related to menstruation

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    BACKGROUND: Trimethylaminuria, or fish odor syndrome, includes a transient or mild malodor caused by an excessive amount of malodorous trimethylamine as a result of body secretions. Herein, we describe data to support the proposal that menses can be an additional factor causing transient trimethylaminuria in self-reported subjects suffering from malodor and even in healthy women harboring functionally active flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3). METHODS: FMO3 metabolic capacity (conversion of trimethylamine to trimethylamine N-oxide) was defined as the urinary ratio of trimethylamine N-oxide to total trimethylamine. RESULTS: Self-reported Case (A) that was homozygous for inactive Arg500stop FMO3, showed decreased metabolic capacity of FMO3 (i.e., ~10% the unaffected metabolic capacity) during 120 days of observation. For Case (B) that was homozygous for common [Glu158Lys; Glu308Gly] FMO3 polymorphisms, metabolic capacity of FMO3 was almost ~90%, except for a few days surrounding menstruation showing < 40% metabolic capacity. In comparison, three healthy control subjects that harbored heterozygous polymorphisms for [Glu158Lys; Glu308Gly] FMO3 or homozygous for wild FMO3 showed normal (> 90%) metabolic capacity, however, on days around menstruation the FMO3 metabolic capacity was decreased to ~60–70%. CONCLUSION: Together, these results indicate that abnormal FMO3 capacity is caused by menstruation particularly in the presence, in homozygous form, of mild genetic variants such as [Glu158Lys; Glu308Gly] that cause a reduced FMO3 function
