29 research outputs found

    Architecture of Renaissance and Mannerist Fireplaces in Bohemia and Sebastiano Serlio

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    After the introductory chapters on Vitruvius and Sebastiano Serlio; which also discribe component books of Serlio's architectural treatise; the chapter devoted to the history and development of heating devices is included. This is followed by the main part of the diploma thesis "Architecture of Renaissance and Mannerist Fireplaces in Bohemia and Sebastiano Serlio" dealing with the analysis and comparison of fireplaces of Renaissance buildings in Bohemia. The first circle contains Prague buildings - the Royal Summer Palace at Prague Castle; however where fireplaces didn't preserve; and the Star Summer Palace in Prague Liboc which was designed by Archduke Ferdinand of Tyrol. The second circle of buildings contains the Pilsen Town Hall, the Kaceřov Chateau and the Nelahozeves Chateau. These buildings are connected by locality (the Pilsen Town Hall, the Kaceřov Chateau) and by builder Florian Griespek (the Kaceřov Chateau, the Nelahozeves Chateau). The third circle pays attention to the South Bohemian fireplaces at the Jindřichův Hradec Chateau and at the Kratochvíle Chateau of Rosenbergs

    What girls want? The picture of their world in magazines Super Dívka and BravoGirl!

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    The aim of the diploma thesis What do the girls want? The reflection of their world in the magazines Super Dívka and BravoGirl! is to analyze the representation of lifestyle in the magazines for girls and the evolution of this representation within fifteen years. For the needs of this work, the individual theoretical concepts have been discussed, in order to better understand the problematics of media representation of reality. We defined notions such as social and media construction of reality, theory of representation, gender, stereotypes, myths and ideology. Other chapters are dedicated to the notion of lifestyle from its sociological and media perspective, to the girls' magazines themselves and to their up to now researches. These researches are concerned especially with the problematics of consolidation of gender stereotypes in the society through proposed patterns of behaviour and creation of norms of femininity. At the same time, they consider the magazines to be the holders of ideology in consumer and patriarchal society. For the needs of this thesis, the mixed analytical method has been used. The content analysis quantitatively classifies thematic agenda of magazines and semiotic analysis follows denotative and connotative level of signs and their meanings for the representation of..

    Structural Study of Cell Attachment Peptide Derived from Laminin by Molecular Dynamics Simulation - Fig 11

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    <p><b>Categorization of residues for (a) EF1 and (b) EF2 residues into four groups.</b> Dashed lines show positions of H-bonds. Open circles are the pairs of hydrophobic amino acids.</p

    Autocorrelation of rate of formation of β-sheet structure.

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    <p>(a) and (b) show autocorrelation of rate of formation of β-sheet structure obtained from replicas of EF1 and EF2 used for analysis. (c) shows the autocorrelation of EF1 and EF2 obtained from conventional MD.</p

    Free energy landscape of EF2 obtained from REMD.

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    <p>These maps indicate the existence probabilities of the EF2 peptide obtained from simulations at 300 K (a), 310 K (b), 322.5 K (c) and 343 K (d). Relative free energy change (kJ/mol) is colored as shown on the right side of the plots. Reaction coordinates are RMSD and <i>R</i><sub>g</sub>. The structures in blue are selected from typical structures among conformations at the vicinity of the global minimum.</p