256 research outputs found

    Remission of anorexia nervosa after thyroidectomy: A report of two cases with Graves' disease and anorexia nervosa

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    We report two patients with anorexia nervosa and Graves' disease who received subtotal thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and concomitantly experienced remission from anorexia nervosa. Both were young women (aged 20 and 26) at the time of surgery. Both had well controlled thyroid function and eating behavior at the time of surgery. Both were followed for over five years without relapse of anorexia nervosa or hyperthyroidism. These cases suggest the existence of an endocrine factor originating from the thyroid gland that is involved in the pathogenesis of anorexia nervosa. Since patients of thyroidectomy can remain in good health with supplement of thyroxine alone, it can be hypothesized that this anorexigenic endocrine factor is an evolutionary relic not necessary for the normal function of humans and does not have physiological effects unless secreted beyond normal levels. Given that, it implies the existence of a creature in the animal kingdom for which such an anorexigenic hormone is essential for survival. Migrating birds eat beyond their caloric expenditure before migration and become anorexic for the duration of their flight. It is also known that their thyroid function is elevated during migration. The normal physiology of migration is a complex mechanism involving the hypothalamic, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and reproductive hormones. The mechanism of disease, however, can be simpler. A review of the literature is presented that suggest a heretofore unreported thyroid hormone, which is involved in the regulation of migration behavior, may be the responsible factor behind anorexia nervosa

    Superconductivity in In-doped AgPbBiTe3 compounds synthesized by high-pressure synthesis

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    NaCl-type metal tellurides (MTe) have been widely studied due to unique physical properties. We investigated the In-doping effects on structural and physical properties of Na-Cl type (AgPbBi)(1-x)/3InxTe and the superconducting properties of the In-doped samples. Polycrystalline samples with x = 0-0.5 were synthesized by utilizing high-pressure synthesis. For x = 0.2-0.5, superconductivity was observed in magnetization measurements, where the highest transition temperature (Tc) was 2.8 K for x = 0.4. We measured specific heat for x = 0.4 and confirmed the bulk nature of the superconductivity. The evolution of the Seebeck coefficient and lattice constant by In doping suggests that In valence state is In+3, and the In doping generates electron carriers in the (AgPbBi)(1-x)/3InxTe system.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Pex14p phosphorylation regulates peroxisome import

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    Peroxisomal matrix proteins are imported into peroxisomes via membrane-bound docking/translocation machinery. One central component of this machinery is Pex14p, a peroxisomal membrane protein involved in the docking of Pex5p, the receptor for peroxisome targeting signal type 1 (PTS1). Studies in several yeast species have shown that Pex14p is phosphorylated in vivo, whereas no function has been assigned to Pex14p phosphorylation in yeast and mammalian cells. Here, we investigated peroxisomal protein import and its dynamics in mitotic mammalian cells. In mitotically arrested cells, Pex14p is phosphorylated at Ser-232, resulting in a lower import efficiency of catalase, but not the majority of proteins including canonical PTS1 proteins. Conformational change induced by the mitotic phosphorylation of Pex14p more likely increases homomeric interacting affinity and suppresses topological change of its N-terminal part, thereby giving rise to the retardation of Pex5p export in mitotic cells. Taken together, these data show that mitotic phosphorylation of Pex14p and consequent suppression of catalase import are a mechanism of protecting DNA upon nuclear envelope breakdown at mitosis

    Uniaxial negative thermal expansion in an orthorhombic superconductor CoZr3

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    We investigated the temperature evolution of crystal structure of orthorhombic CoZr3, which is a superconductor with a transition temperature of 4.3 K, by synchrotron and laboratory (CuK{\alpha}) X-ray diffraction. Uniaxial negative thermal expansion along the c-axis, which is similar to that observed in tetragonal CoZr2, has been observed at a wide temperature range of T = 90-800 K in CoZr3, while a-and b-axis exhibit positive thermal expansion.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material

    Experimental Determination of Bose-Hubbard Energies

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    We present the first experimental measurement of the ensemble averages of both the kinetic and interaction energies of the three-dimensional Bose--Hubbard model at finite temperature and various optical lattice depths across weakly to strongly interacting regimes, for an almost unit filling factor. The kinetic energy is obtained through Fourier transformation of a time-of-flight signal, and the interaction energy is measured using a newly developed atom-number-projection spectroscopy technique, by exploiting an ultra-narrow optical transition of two-electron atoms. The obtained experimental results can be used as benchmarks for state-of-the-art numerical methods of quantum many-body theory. As an illustrative example, we compare the measured energies with numerical calculations involving the Gutzwiller and cluster-Gutzwiller approximations, assuming realistic trap potentials and particle numbers at nonzero entropy (finite temperature); we obtain good agreement without fitting parameters. We also discuss the possible application of this method to temperature estimations for atoms in optical lattices using the thermodynamic relation. This study offers a unique advantage of cold atom system for `quantum simulators', because, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first experimental determination of both the kinetic and interaction energies of quantum many-body system.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure

    Selective Gene Transfer to the Retina Using Intravitreal Ultrasound Irradiation

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    This paper aims to evaluate the efficacy of intravitreal ultrasound (US) irradiation for green fluorescent protein (GFP) plasmid transfer into the rabbit retina using a miniature US transducer. Intravitreal US irradiation was performed by a slight modification of the transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy system utilizing a small probe. After vitrectomy, the US probe was inserted through a scleral incision. A mixture of GFP plasmid (50 μL) and bubble liposomes (BLs; 50 μL) was injected into the vitreous cavity, and US was generated to the retina using a SonoPore 4000. The control group was not exposed to US. After 72 h, the gene-transfer efficiency was quantified by counting the number of GFP-positive cells. The retinas that received plasmid, BL, and US showed a significant increase in the number (average ± SEM) of GFP-positive cells (32 ± 4.9; n = 7; P < 0.01 ). No GFP-positive cells were observed in the control eyes (n = 7). Intravitreal retinal US irradiation can transfer the GFP plasmid into the retina without causing any apparent damage. This procedure could be used to transfer genes and drugs directly to the retina and therefore has potential therapeutic value

    Weak antilocalization induced by Se substitution in layered BiCh2_2-based (Ch = S, Se) superconductors LaO1x_{1-x}Fx_xBiS2y_{2-y}Sey_y

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    We report transport properties for layered BiCh2-based (Ch = S, Se) superconductors LaO1-xFxBiS2-ySey (x = 0.2, 0.5, y = 0-1.05) and the observation of weak antilocalization (WAL). Electrical resistivity and Hall coefficients for the Se-poor samples increase with decreasing temperature. The increase becomes less pronounced with increasing Se concentration indicating a loss of insulating behavior. Interestingly, the moderately Se-substituted samples exhibit metallic behavior in the high-temperature region and a weak increase in the resistivity in the low-temperature regions, which indicates the existence of carrier localization. The heavily Se-substituted compounds show metallic behavior in the entire-temperature region. Sign changes of the Hall coefficients are observed for the x = 0.2 samples, which possibly is related to a charge-density wave (CDW). Magnetoresistance measurements indicate that WAL is realized in the heavily Se-substituted systems. The WAL behavior is weakened by the changes in F and Se concentrations. A crossover state of the WAL and WL emerges around the moderately F-doped and Se-free LaO0.8F0.2BiS2. The change of the resistivity behavior by the F and Se substitution clearly correlates to the difference of the magnetoconductance. Moreover, the localization regions of the WAL-WL crossover and weak WAL states are possibly associated with the CDW. We propose that the BiCh2-based system is a good platform for studying relationship between WAL, superconductivity, and electronic ordering because those states are tunable by element substitutions with bulk single crystals

    Paracrine Effects of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Promote Lymphangiogenesis in Irradiated Lymphatic Endothelial Cells

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    BACKGROUND: There is currently no reliable treatment for secondary lymphedema caused by lymph node dissection or radiotherapy; however, stem cell-based regenerative medicine is emerging as a promising remedy for such complications. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of adipose-derived stem cells on lymphangiogenesis involving human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells exposed to ionizing radiation. METHODS: Proliferation, migration, and tube formation were analyzed in human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells that were co-cultured with adipose-derived stem cells or cultured in adipose-derived stem cell-conditioned medium. The levels of lymphangiogenic factors secreted from adipose-derived stem cells were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and Western blotting. RESULTS: Co-culturing with adipose-derived stem cells and the use of adipose-derived stem cell-conditioned medium both significantly promoted proliferation, migration, and tube formation in nonirradiated human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells. The authors also found that irradiated adipose-derived stem cells had similar alleviative effects on irradiated human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and Western blotting analysis revealed that irradiating adipose-derived stem cells increased their secretion of basic fibroblast growth factor in a dose-dependent manner, whereas it caused no detectable change in their secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor A or C, or hepatocyte growth factor. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrated that factors secreted by adipose-derived stem cells contribute to the promotion of lymphangiogenesis in irradiated human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells. The authors\u27 findings also suggest that radiation potentiates the paracrine effects of adipose-derived stem cells by stimulating basic fibroblast growth factor protein expression

    Aggregation of magnetic nanoparticles in biological solvents evaluated by HTS-SQUID magnetic immunoassay system

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    Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have been studied for various medical applications by taking advantage of their unique magnetic properties. Magnetic immunoassay (MIA) is a technique for the rapid detection of target biomarkers by antigen-antibody reaction between antibody-modified MNPs and the target biomarker. In this study, we aim to improve the accuracy of the MIA, we evaluated the AC magnetic properties of MNPs in the biological solvents. To measure the magnetic signal of MNPs, we used the developed HTS-SQUID magnetic immunoassay system. First, we evaluated the instability of the HTS-SQUID magnetic immunoassay system using pellets of manganese (II) fluoride. The results show that the device instability due to operating time does not affect the measurement of magnetic signal changes in MNPs due to biological solvents. Since the magnetic properties of MNPs depend on particle size and viscosity, we measured the time evolution of the magnetic signal of Resovist in glycerin, human serum, sheep whole blood, and NaCl. It was found that the magnetic signal of Resovist decreased exponentially with ions contained in the solvent. The results are fitted as the exponential double function, suggesting that the magnetic signal of MNPs in biological solvents is affected by the aggregation of MNPs in the blood and that there are at least two steps in the mechanism of the aggregation