69 research outputs found

    Reconsider Alzheimer's disease by the 'calpain–cathepsin hypothesis'—A perspective review

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by slowly progressive neuronal death, but its molecular cascade remains elusive for over 100 years. Since accumulation of autophagic vacuoles (also called granulo-vacuolar degenerations) represents one of the pathologic hallmarks of degenerating neurons in AD, a causative connection between autophagy failure and neuronal death should be present. The aim of this perspective review is at considering such underlying mechanism of AD that age-dependent oxidative stresses may affect the autophagic-lysosomal system via carbonylation and cleavage of heat- shock protein 70.1 (Hsp70.1). AD brains exhibit gradual but continual ischemic insults that cause perturbed Ca2+ homeostasis, calpain activation, amyloid b deposition, and oxidative stresses. Membrane lipids such as linoleic and arachidonic acids are vulnerable to the cumulative oxidative stresses, generating a toxic peroxidation product 'hydroxynonenal' that can carbonylate Hsp70.1. Recent data advocate for dual roles of Hsp70.1 as a molecular chaperone for damaged proteins and a guardian of lysosomal integrity. Accordingly, impairments of lysosomal autophagy and stabilization may be driven by the calpain-mediated cleavage of carbonylated Hsp70.1, and this causes lysosomal permeabilization and/or rupture with the resultant release of the cell degradation enzyme, cathepsins (calpain–cathepsin hypothesis). Here, the author discusses three topics; (1) how age-related decrease in lysosomal and autophagic activities has a causal connection to programmed neuronal necrosis in sporadic AD, (2) how genetic factors such as apolipoprotein E and presenilin 1 can facilitate lysosomal destabilization in the sequential molecular events, and (3) whether a single cascade can simultaneously account for implications of all players previously reported. In conclusion, Alzheimer neuronal death conceivably occurs by the similar 'calpain-hydroxynonenal-Hsp70.1-cathepsin cascade' with ischemic neuronal death. Blockade of calpain and/or extra-lysosomal cathepsins as well as scavenging of hydroxynonenal would become effective AD therapeutic approaches

    A putative link of PUFA, GPR40 and adult-born hippocampal neurons for memory

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    金沢倧孊医薬保健研究域 医孊系Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) such as docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids, which are enriched in the brain, are important for multiple aspects of neuronal development and function including neurite outgrowth, signal transduction and membrane fluidity. Recent studies show that PUFA are capable of improving hippocampal long-term potentiation, learning ability of aged rats, and cognitive function of humans with memory deficits, although the underlying mechanisms are unknown. There have been several reports studying physiological roles of G-protein coupled receptor 40 (GPR40) in the pancreas, but no studies have focused on the function of GPR40 in the brain. As GPR40 was recently identified in neurons throughout the brain, it is probable that certain PUFA may act, as endogenous ligands, on GPR40 at their cell surface. However, the effects of PUFA upon neuronal functions are still not clearly understood. Here, although circumferential, a combination of in vitro and in vivo data is introduced to consider the effects of docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids on brain functions. GPR40 was found in the newborn neurons of the normal and postischemic hippocampi of adult macaque monkeys, while the positive effects of PUFA upon Ca2+ mobilization and cognitive functions were demonstrated in both GPR40 gene-transfected PC12 cells and human subjects with memory deficits. The purpose of this review is to propose a putative link among PUFA, GPR40, and hippocampal newborn neurons by discussing whether PUFA can improve memory functions through GPR40 activation of adult-born neurons. At present, little is known about PUFA requirements that make possible neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. However, the idea that \u27PUFA-GPR40 interaction might be crucial for adult neurogenesis and/or memory\u27 should be examined in detail using various experimental paradigms. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    金沢倧孊医孊郚海銬のCA-1ニュヌロンは近時蚘憶を担っおいるが、䞀過性の脳虚血に脆匱で短時間血流が途絶えただけでも、その数日埌には壊死に陥り個䜓は蚘憶障害をきたす。この遅発性神経现胞死に関しおは珟圚なおその病態はベヌルにおおわれおおり有効な治療法がない。我々はサルの脳虚血実隓で掻性型muカルバむンの基質はリ゜゜ヌム膜に存圚するこず、及びmuカルパむンの掻性化が加氎分解酵玠であるカテプシンBのリ゜゜ヌム倖ぞの攟出を惹起するこずを瀺唆する知芋を埗た。即ち、掻性型muカルパむンのみを認識する抗䜓を甚いた免疫染色を行うず、虚血をかけおいない海銬のCA-1ニュヌロンは党く染色されないのに察し、20分間の脳虚血を負荷埌のCA-1ニュヌロンは、栞呚囲の胞䜓が陜性所芋を呈した。しかも、免疫電顕により怜玢するず、空胞化したリ゜゜ヌム膜に掻性型カルパむン局圚がみられた。埓っお、虚血埌のCA-1ニュヌロンに特異的にmuカルパむンの掻性化が生ずるこず、及びin vivoでの掻性型muカルパむンの基質はリ゜゜ヌム膜の膜蛋癜かその関連蛋癜であるこずが瀺唆された。さらに、抗カテプシンB抗䜓を甚いた免疫染色を行うず、䞀過性の虚血埌にはCA-1以倖の海銬ニュヌロンはリ゜゜ヌム内での染色性の増加を瀺すものであるのに察し、CA-1ニュヌロンは特異的にリ゜゜ヌム倖ぞのカテプシンの攟出を瀺した。以䞊より、CA-1ニュヌロンにおいお特異的に掻性化されるmuカルパむンは、リ゜゜ヌム膜蛋癜を限定分解する結果膜の断裂をきたし、カテプシンBがリ゜゜ヌム倖に挏出するものず掚定された。そこで、カテプシンBの特異的拮抗薬であるCA-074を虚血負荷埌に投䞎するず、CA-1領域の玄2/3のニュヌロンは軜床の虚血性倉化を瀺すものの遅発生神経现胞死は免れおいた。研究課題/領域番号:09267215, 研究期間(幎床):1997出兞研究課題「カルパむンずカテプシンの動態より芋た霊長類の虚血性神経现胞死の病態ず治療 」課題番号09267215KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-09267215/を加工しお䜜


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    金沢倧孊医孊郚カドヘリンはカルシりム䟝存性の现胞接着分子で、組織の圢態圢成や腫瘍圢成においお重芁な圹割を果たすずされおいる。本研究においおは、髄膜腫の発生に際しカドヘリンがどのような圹割を果たしおいるかを明らかにするために、髄膜腫ずその発生母地であるクモ膜絚毛に぀いお、生化孊的ならびに免疫組織化孊的な研究を行った。察象は3䟋のクモ膜絚毛ず31䟋の髄膜腫であり、埌者の内蚳は合胞现胞型(syncytial type)が11䟋、移行型(transitional type)が12䟋および線維芜现胞型(fibroblastic type)が8䟋である。モノクロ-ナル抗䜓はヒト䞊皮型カドヘリン(E型カドヘリン)に特異的に反応するHECDヌ1を甚いた。り゚スタンブロッティングでは、クモ膜絚毛および合胞现胞型ず移行型の髄膜腫においお党䟋に分子量玄124KDのE型カドヘリンが怜出されたのに察し、線維芜现胞型では1䟋も怜出されなかった。免疫組織化孊的には、クモ膜絚毛ではクモ膜现胞局(arachnoid cell layer)、现胞集簇郚(cap cell cluster)および䞭芯郚(central core)のクモ膜现胞にE型カドヘリンの発珟がみられたが、線維性被膜(fibrous capsule)ではみられなかった。䞀方、髄膜腫においおは、合胞现胞型ず移行型の合胞䜓を圢成する郚分にE型カドヘリンの発珟が匷くみられたが、移行型の束状配列(stream)を圢成する郚分では匱く、線維芜现胞型ではみられなかった。免疫電顕による怜玢においおは、クモ膜絚毛ではE型カドヘリンは、隣接するクモ膜现胞間に斑点状に凝集しお存圚しおいたのに察し、髄膜腫では接着装眮を含め现胞間のほが党域に分垃し、しかもその発珟量は増加しおいた。以䞊の結果より、カドヘリンの発珟様匏の差異が髄膜腫の組織孊的倚様性ず密接に関連しおいるこず、および腫瘍化に䌎いカドヘリンの分垃や発珟量に倉化が生ずるこずが瀺唆された。研究課題/領域番号:02670624, 研究期間(幎床):1990出兞研究課題「脳腫瘍における现胞間接着因子(カドヘリン)の研究」課題番号02670624KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-02670624/を加工しお䜜


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    金沢倧孊医孊郚付属病院・脳神経倖科脳血管攣瞮は刺激物質による血管の機胜的収瞮(第1盾), 䞭膜筋现胞壊死による血管の麻痺性拡匵(第2盾)および内膜肥厚による血管内腔の圢態孊的狭容(第3盾)の3盞性倉化を瀺した. 即ち, 臎死的な脳血管攣瞮を合䜵したクモ膜䞋出血, 髄膜炎および被殻出血手術の蚈10症䟋より採取された攣瞮血管を光顕的, 電顕的に怜玢した結果.(1)芖床䞋郚こずにlaterl hypo-thalamicに虚血性倉化がみられた. たた, くも膜䞋腔の小血管より倚数の炎症现胞や血液物質が挏出しおいた.(2)脳血管攣瞮は原因の劂䜕を問わず同様な血管病倉を惹起した.(3)内膜は光顕的には内皮䞋局の氎腫ず結合組織の増殖を瀺し, 血管内腔を圢態孊的に狭容しおいた. 電顕的には内皮现胞間にopen juncetonがみられ, 内皮䞋局ではmyofibroblastが増殖し倚量の結合組織や基底膜様物質を産生しおいた.(4)䞭膜は光顕的に筋现胞の奜酞性の凝固壊死により絶察数が枛少し, 血管壁の菲薄化ず血管内腔の拡匵がみられた.(5)電顕的には䞭膜節现胞壊死の基本的特城は筋線皚の融解であり, これらは埮现顆粒状物質に眮換しおいた.(6)现胞内噚宀は腫倧した粗面小胞䜓ず糞粒䜓のみが残存し, 胞䜓内には倚数のラむ゜ゟヌンがみられた.(7)现胞間隔では基底膜様物質の増加ず倚量の现胞残〓がみられた. さらに, 芖亀又槜に血液や゚ピネフリンを泚入しお補䜜した実隓的脳血管攣瞮モデル犬30頭より採取された攣瞮血管を組織孊的に怜玢した結果, (1)犬の芖亀又槜に1CC/kgの血液を泚入しおも臚床剖怜䟋に䌌た䞭膜筋现胞壊死を䜜補し埗なかった.(2)しかし, 0.2mg/kgの゚ピネフリンを泚入するず, 実隓2日目より90日目にかけお䞭膜现胞壊死が芳察された.(3)䞭膜现胞壊死は芖床䞋郚の軟化巣ずクモ膜䞋腔の小血管の達過性亢進を合䜵した犬で顕著であった.(4)゚ピネフリンの芖亀又槜内泚入により䜜補された実隓的脳血管攣瞮は臚床剖怜䟋によく䌌た䞭膜筋现胞壊死を〓した.Myonecrosis following cerebral vasospasm associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningitsis and trans-sylvian surgery was ultrastructurally studied. The basic feature of myonecrosis was dissolution of myofilaments with resultant fine granular or filamentous material. The disintegrating cytoplasm often contained numerous glycogen granules, dense bodies, autophagic vacuoles and myelin-like membranous bodies. A well-developed sarcoplasmic reticulum was preserved despite myofilament dissolution, while mitochondria showed marked swelling. The nuclei showed either dilution of chromatin or pyknotic change. The basal lamina was remarkably thickened and maintained an irregular outline of the necrotic smooth muscle cells. Enlarged intercellular space contained abundant cellular debris, vesicular structures and connective tissue fibers. Furthermore, myonecrosis following the injection of epinephrine into the canine chiasmatic cistern was studied. Microscopically, the circle of Willis showed coagulation necrosis and fibrosis of the media. The fine structure of myonecrosis was characterized by six dynamic chenges of vacuolation, dissolution of myofilaments, focal cytoplasmic necrosis, fragmentation, coagulation necrosis and intercellular fibrosis. Despite a simple experimental procedure, the present models disclosed myonecrosis with a marked similarity to humans and contained all of the previously reported ultrstructural features of experimental myonecrosis.研究課題/領域番号:60570665, 研究期間(幎床):1985 – 1987出兞研究課題「実隓的脳血管攣瞮が惹起する䞭膜筋现胞壊死の病態ず治療」課題番号60570665KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-60570665/605706651987kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/を加工しお䜜


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    P糖蛋癜が脳内毛现血管内皮现胞及び脳腫瘍の现胞膜透過性に及がす圱響に぀いお、薬物動態孊的、生化孊的及び免疫組織化孊的な怜玢を行った、ラットの脳に15䞇個の9Lグリオヌマ现胞を定䜍脳的に移怍した埌2週間目に,1)ラゞオアむ゜トヌプでラベルした薬剀を頚動脈内に泚入し,5秒間での脳内及び腫瘍内ぞの移行を液䜓シンチレヌションカりンタヌにより枬定し,Oldendorfらの方法により解析した.さらに,2)薬剀を现胞倖に排出するこずで癌现胞の倚剀薬剀耐性に関䞎するP-糖蛋癜の有無を,C-219モノクロヌナル抗䜓を甚いお脳内毛现血管,腫瘍内血管及び腫瘍现胞膜においお免疫組織化孊的に怜玢し,3)これらの超埮構造ずの関連を怜玢した.その結果,1)血液-脳関門を移行しないはずのシュクロヌスは9Lグリオヌマ内に脳内ぞの取り蟌みの5倍移行した.MCNUず5-FU,アドリアマむシンはシュクロヌスず同様に正垞脳内ぞはほずんど移行しなかったが,ACNUはシュクロヌスよりは有意に倚く移行した.MCNUずアドリアマむシンはコントロヌルであるシュクロヌスず同様,腫瘍内には十分に取り蟌たれたが,腫瘍现胞内ぞは取り蟌たれなかった。䞀方,ACNUず5-FUは腫瘍现胞内にも著明に取り蟌たれた.5-FUの培逊9Lグリオヌマ现胞内ぞの移行は,ATP阻害剀や4℃の培逊液䞭で著しく枛少した.2)脳内毛现血管の内皮现胞ず9Lグリオヌマの腫瘍现胞膜では免疫組織化孊的にP-糖蛋癜の発珟がみられたが,腫瘍内血管の内皮现胞にはみられなかった.3)腫瘍内血管の内皮现胞には電顕的に倚数の窓圢成や内皮现胞の腫倧,及び内皮现胞間隙の開倧等が芳察された.以䞊より,MCNUや5-FU,アドリアマむシンの脳内ぞの移行のみならず,MCNUやアドリアマむシンの9Lグリオヌマ现胞内ぞの移行は,それぞれ脳内毛现血管内皮现胞膜ず腫瘍现胞膜に発珟したP-糖蛋癜による现胞倖排出の為制限されおいるものず掚定された.Two weeks after the inoculation of 1.5x10^5 of 9L glioma cells into the rat brain, the transfer of radiolabelled drugs into the brain and the experimental 9L glioma during the first cerebral circulation,was measured with a liquid scintilation counter and analyzed by the method of Oldendorf. The expression of P-glycoprotein, which is known to be associated with the efflux of drugs, was also studied, using anti-P-glycoprotein monoclonal antibody: C-219. Furthermore, the ultrastructure of brain capillaries, tumor vessels and glioma cells was studied by conventional and immuno-electron microscopy. Sucrose (control), the transport of which through the blood-brain barrier is known to be saturable, accumulated to 5 fold higher levels in the tumor relative to brain. MCNU (ranimustine: methyl 6-[3-(2-chloroethyl-3-nitrosoureido]-6-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside), 5-FU (5-fluorouracil) and doxorubicin (Adriamycin) showed quite little accumulation into the normal brain, whereas ACNU (nimustine: 1-(4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl) methyl-3-(2-chloroethyl)-3-nitrosourea hydrochloride) showed an increased accumulation. MCNU and doxorubicin showed negligible accumulation in the glioma cells despite diffusion into the tumor interstitial space. In contrast, ACNU and 5-FU showed an increased accumulation in tumor cells. The transfer of 5-FU into the cultured 9L glioma cells was decreased by ATP inhibitors or by low temperature. Although both brain capillary endothelial cells and glioma cell membranes were immunohistochemically positive for P-glycoprotein, the tumor vasculature showed low expression of P-glycoprotein. The endothelial cells of tumor vessels ultrastructurally showed increased fenestrations, swelling and disrupted junctions. Accordingly, it is suggested that hydrophilic drugs such as doxorubicin, being pumped out by P-glycoprotein, do not accumulate in 9L glioma as do other lipophilic drugs such as ACNU, or 5-FU associated with the carrier-mediated mechanism.研究課題/領域番号:03454347, 研究期間(幎床):1991-1992研究機関: 金沢倧孊医孊郚出兞「P糖蛋癜の血液ヌ脳関門及び脳腫瘍の现胞膜透過性に察する効果」研究成果報告曞 課題番号03454347(KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜


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    ニュヌロン新生に関心を持぀研究者の倧郚分がげっ歯を察象ずしおいる䞖界的状況の䞭で、申請者は脳虚血サルを甚いお、げっ歯類のニュヌロン新生ず霊長類のそれずの間には著明な差異があるこずを明らかにした。1)げっ歯類で報告された通り、脳虚血負荷は成䜓サル海銬の神経系前駆现胞(NPCs)を増加させる。しかし、その増加床はげっ歯類のおよそ1/10であり、NPCsから神経现胞ぞの分化床はげっ歯類のおよそ1/15である。2)たた、げっ歯類ずは異なりサルの偎脳宀䞋垯(SVZ)のNPCsは海銬CA1においお神経现胞に分化するこずは皆無であった。すなわち、げっ歯類のデヌタに基づき、脳宀䞋垯のNPCsを皮々の栄逊因子等により賊掻しお海銬CA1のニュヌロン新生を促すこずは霊長類においおはきわめおむずかしい。3)次に、げっ歯類ずサルの内圚性シグナルの差異を明らかにした。すなわち、げっ歯類のNPCsおよびニュヌロン前駆现胞は胎児脳のニュヌロン新生を促す転写因子であるPax6ずEmx2およびNgn2を発珟しおいる。しかし、サルのSVZではこれらの転写因子はNPCsの段階で発珟しおいるのみで、ニュヌロン前駆现胞においおはこれらの転写因子の発珟はみられず、Sox1やNgn1、Dlx1/5、Olig3およびNkx2.2の発珟がみられた。4)虚血埌のニュヌロン新生が芋られるサル海銬においおは、NPCsは脳宀䞋垯ではなく顆粒䞋局(SGZ)の血管の倖膜に由来しおいた。しかも、SGZの血管ニッシェはCA1ずは察照的に成長因子であるBDNFや接着因子であるPSA-NCAMに富んでいた。5)サル偎脳宀䞋垯および嗅球においおも脳虚血負荷によっおNPCsが増加しおいたが、これらが新皮質や線状䜓ぞず遊走しお神経现胞に分化するこずは䟋倖的で、げっ歯類での報告ずはきわめお察照的であった。The followings are main findings of the past three years, using a model of cerebral injury-global ischemia.1)We found that ischemia can increase the number of NPC in adult monkey hippocampus similarly to the rodent brain, but the monkey response was much lower than the rodent response-10 times in quantity, and more importantly-15 times in ability to produce neurons (neuronal differentiation) (Mol Cell Neurosci 23:292-301,2003).2)Further, monkey NPC were unable to replace any neurons in the ischemia-vulnerable CA1 sector (Glia 42;209-224,2003), which suggests that they cannot mediate a clinically-significant effect without an external influence.3)Recently, we have identified potential molecular explanation for this discrepancy between rodent and monkey NPC-while rodent NPC in CA1 sector express the developmental transcription factors Pax6,Emx2 and Ngn2 that can promote neurogenesis, monkey NPC in CA1 did not express these proteins.4)Importantly, we have identified a vascular niche around the adventitia of blood vessels that can promote neurogenesis in monkey dentate gyrus but not in CA1 sector (Hippocampus 14:861-875,2004).5)Lastly, we were the first to describe postischemic NPC upregulation in SVZ of the lateral ventricle, also in the olfactory bulb, and a limited neuronal production in the postischemic monkey neocortex and striatum (J Neurosci Res 81:776-788,2005).6)Thus, the applicant\u27s group has investigated all major regions in the primate telencephalon with respect to postischemic neurogenesis.研究課題/領域番号:15390432, 研究期間(幎床):2003-2005研究機関: 金沢倧孊倧孊院医孊系研究科出兞「䞀過性脳虚血埌のサル海銬における遺䌝子、蛋癜および神経幹现胞の発珟倉化」研究成果報告曞 課題番号15390432 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜

    Еxpression of Transcriptional Factor SOX2 in Populations of Cortical Progenitors in Human Fetal Telencephalon

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    Cerebral cortex Пf mammals is mainly generated during the embryonic period by stem cells and their derivative progenitors in the palium of the developing telencephalon. Various genes in complex interactions are involved in the processes of differentiation of the cerebral neurons. Transcriotional factor Sox2 plays a key role for self renewing and sustaining multipotency of embryonic neural stem/progenitor cells. Data about the expression and function of Sox2 in human fetal brain are insufficient and controversial.In the present sudy tissue samples of spontaneously aborted human fetuses aged between 12th to 28th gestational weeks (g. w.) were examined by a standard histological and immunohistochemical technique for paraffin sections. Sox2 expression was followed in the zones of cellular proliferation and migration in the occipital lobe of human fetal telencephalon mainly during 17th g. w. Within ventricular and outer subventricular zones we detected similar amount approximately 45% Sox2+ cells, whereas in the intermediate zone, cortical plate and marginal zone expression of Sox2 was not found.The data obtained on the location and expression dynamics of Sox2 contribute to a more complete understanding of neural stem/progenitor cell biology during embryonic neurogenesis in the human cerebral cortex

    Quantity and Distribution of Proliferating Cells in the Juvenile and Adult Primate Spinal Cord

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    ÃŒultipotent progenitors exist in the adult mam- malian central nervous system, capable of producing both neurons and glia. Their proliferation in the spi- nal cord is limited. Generation of putative stem/pro- genitor cells has been reported in intact and injured spinal cord of rodents and in a limited number in monkeys with a spinal injury, but not in intact spi- nal cord in vivo. We recently reported de novo gener- ated cells in the intact spinal cord of macaque mon- keys. Here we extend these findings by showing data of intact juvenile and neonatal monkey spinal cord. We used bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to label the de novo generated cells in the experimental animals and stud- ied their quantity and distribution at different time- points after the BrdU infusion. As expected, we found a significant elevation of the BrdU-labeled cells at neo- natal stage. However, there was no difference between juvenile and adult stages. These results suggest that the survival of newly born cells in the intact primate spinal cord does not change after juvenile stage and this could be used to further study repair mechanisms in adult primate spinal cord

    Phenotype of De Novo Generated Cells in the Spinal Cord of Adult Macaque Monkeys

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    Neuronal stem and progenitor cells exist in the spinal cord of sexually mature mammals. Òhåy play an important role during repaining processes after in- jury, but their proliferation and differentiation are limited. In the present study we used the proliferative marker bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for a short (2 h) and three longer survival periods (2, 5 and 10 weeks) to investigate the quantity, topography and fate of de novo generated cells in intact spinal cord of adult pri- mates (macaque monkeys). We applied as well single or in combinations markers for mesenchymal cells or/ and neuronal stem/progenitor cells to demonstrate the phenotype of the proliferating cells. We found that af- ter the short period of BrdU application (2 h) the num- ber of BrdU+ cells is significantly elevated only in the cervical segments. Most of the cells in the ependymal layer are immunopositive for Vimentin or/and Nestin. This is an indice for their cellular belonging. A con- siderable number of Vimentin+ cells of the ependy- mal layer form long characteristic processes directed to underlying blood capillaries. Òhis indicates their participation as a component of the ependymal cellu- lar niche. The presence of BrdU+/Nestin+ cells in the central canal surrounding zone confirms the existence of dividing neuronal stem/progenitor cells cells in the spinal cord of adult primates
