35 research outputs found

    Pulse glucometry: A new approach for noninvasive blood glucose measurement using instantaneous differential near-infrared spectrophotometry

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科知的システム創成金沢大学工学部We describe a new optical method for noninvasive blood glucose (BGL) measurement. Optical methods are confounded by basal optical properties of tissues, especially water and other biochemical species, and by the very small glucose signal. We address these problems by using fast spectrophotometric analysis in a finger, deriving 100 transmittance spectra per second, to resolve optical spectra (900 to 1700 nm) of blood volume pulsations throughout the cardiac cycle. Difference spectra are calculated from the pulsatile signals, thereby eliminating the effects of bone, other tissues, and nonpulsatile blood. A partial least squares (PLS) model is used with the measured spectral data to predict BGL levels. Using glucose tolerance tests in 27 healthy volunteers, periodic optical measurements were made simultaneously with collection of blood samples for in vitro glucose analysis. Altogether, 603 paired data sets were obtained in all subjects and two-thirds of the data or of the subjects randomly selected were used for the PLS calibration model and the rest for the prediction. Bland-Altman and error-grid analyses of the predicted and measured BGL levels indicated clinically acceptable accuracy. We conclude that the new method, named pulse glucometry, has adequate performance for safe, noninvasive estimation of BGL. © 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

    In the spotlight: Bioinstrumentation

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    Significant advances in the field of biomedical instrumentation have continued to contribute towards improvements in the quality of clinical diagnosis and treatment, which could have important implications for health and welfare. Up to the present, progress in several topics has been reviewed within the In the Spotlight column, including new and noteworthy measurement methods [1], ballistocardiography revisited [2], wearable monitoring [3], and home healthcare technologies [4]. The present review deals with three notable topics from recent publications in the field of bioinstrumentation. These are: (1) new conducting polymer electrodes for in vivo bio-electrical measurements, (2) mHealth technology using mobile communication devices such as mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs), and (3) non-invasive in vivo measurement of blood constituents. These topics are of recent or renewed interest and, where appropriate, progress since the previous reviews [1], [2] will be highlighted. © 2008-2011 IEEE


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    金沢大学工学部3年度(平成5〜7年度)に渡る研究を通し、得られた新知見等の成果の概要を箇条書すれば以下のようである。1.無侵襲・無拘束循環動態モニタシステムの基本設計と開発:(1)無侵襲計測法の検討;本システムの開発に当り、その基本となる無侵襲計測法として、血圧(BP)計測では、その精度と信頼性等に優れた光電的容積振動法を、また心拍出量(CO)計測では生体組織の電気的物性の違いを利用した胸部アドミタンス法を採用し、各々の超小型化を図った電気制御回路を開発した。特に、生体アドミタンス計測では、従来法とは異なる4電極交流(50kHz)電圧クランプ法を考案し、回路の大幅な縮小が実現された。更に、BPやCO値を決定するに当り、CPUによる信号処理を高精度・高信頼に実行するアルゴリズムも開発した。(2)システムの基本設計と試作開発;以上の知見に基づき、電気的アドミタンス法と容積振動法を併用した小型軽量(104x64x32mm,160g)の循環動態モニタ用携帯システムの設計・試作開発に成功した。本システムによれば、BP、CO以外に末梢循環抵抗や心臓酸素消費量指標等の全8項目が長時間同時モニタできる。(3)姿勢情報を含むシステムの基本設計と試作開発;循環生理情報が姿勢・行動変化に大きく影響を与えることに注目し、日常生活の姿勢変化を長時間モニタできるタバコ大サイズの携帯ユニットを設計開発し、前記システムと組合わせた無拘束循環動態・姿勢計測システムの開発に成功した。2.システムの試用と性能評価:1.で得たシステムを先ず実際に日常生活場での予備試験的に試用し、システム評価を行ったところ、中強度の運動時や急激な体位変換時等では、ア-ティファクトにより計測困難な場合があったが、全体として安定で信頼できる動作性能を有していた。更に、COの長時間計測の追随性と信頼性を検証するため、侵襲的長時間連続測定装置(Baxter社Vigilance)との対比試験も行い、本法の優位性が実証された。3.長時間モニタとデータ解析:以上の所見から、本システムを健常者や院内或は通院している循環器疾患加療患者を対象に24時間以上のモニタリング試験を実施した。得られた長時間時系列データに対し、最大エントロピ法(MEM)解析を適用し、日常行動と非行動による各種循環パラメータの周期構造に及ぼす影響、投薬加療に伴う主に血圧の周期構造に与える影響、夜間血圧低下の心機能性或は末梢循環性因子の寄与度、実験室及び日常生活における血圧昇圧機序の状況恒常性と固体恒常性の関連性など、心理生理学的、循環生理学的並びに臨床生理学的な興味ある新知見を得た。4.総合評価と実用化への検討:一連の開発研究とシステム試用の実験的検討を通して、本研究は当初の目標をほぼ達成し、またシステムの有用性と実用性が立証出来たと言える。現在、本研究で考案・開発したシステムについて、メーカーによる製品実用化が検討されており、本研究成果はその基礎資料として期待されている。In recognition of the increasing need for health maintenance and disease prevention, an attempt was made to develop a non-invasive and ambulatory system capable of monitoring various cardiovascular parameters, naturally including cardiac output and blood pressure, during daily activities in a fully automatic manner. It is based on the electrical admittance cardiography and the volume-oscillometric method. The system mainly consists of (i) a finger cuff with a photo-plethysmographic sensor for detecting blood volume changes and tetra-polar electrodes for detecting the bio-admittance signal, (ii) a portable unit (104x64x32mm, 160g) which allows necessary measuring procedures and control, together with signal processing and data storage in a CMOS RAM,using a single-chip microcomputer, and (iii) data reproducing and analysing unit using a personal computer system. Asubject carries the former two during monitoring Long-term monitoring is made with a desired interval of 2,5 and 10 min preset, and after the monitoring the stored data are reproduced and analyzed by the computer, being displayd pulse rate (HR), pulse interval (PI), systolic (SBP)/meanMBP)/diastolic pressure (DBP), ventricular ejection time (Ts), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO=HR・SV), peripheral vascular resistance (Rp=MBP/CO) and rate pressure product (RPP=HR・SBP) as an index of cardiac oxygen consumption in a trend manner.Besides the development of thissystem, a portable instrument for long-term ambulatory monitoring of human posture chnge has been designed, taking physiological importance and usefulness of such information along with cardiovascular haemodynamic parameters into consideration. It is based on the fact that almost all human postures in daily life, e. g. standing, sitting, lying, walking etc., can be estimated from the angles corresponding to the gravitational direction in three portions ; chest, thigh and lower leg. The instrument (58x94x25mm, 130g) includes preamplifiers, an A/D converter (6bit ; sampling interval, 0.1,0.2,0.5,1s), and a CMOS RAM (2MB) for storing the angles from electro-magnetic inclinometers placed on the three portions.Performance, availability and stability for monitoring by these two systems have been tested with successful and satisfactory results. Lots of 24-hour monitorings and data analyzes regarding the interactiive relation among the cardiovascular variables and the periodic construction of their circadian fluctuations using the maximum entropy method (MEM) have also been successfully made, suggesting that each proposed system appears promising as a method for use not only in further advanced basic and clinical cardiovascular researches but also in case of self care at home.研究課題/領域番号:05555107, 研究期間(年度):1993 – 1995出典:研究課題「心拍出量・血圧含む循環機能情報の無侵襲・無拘束長時間計測システムの開発」課題番号05555107(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-05555107/055551071995kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作


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    ・無拘束連続循環動態計測ステムの改良:容積補償法血圧計測システムとアドミタンス法心拍出量計測システムを組み合わせ、循環動態計測を無拘束且つ連続的に行う上で、血圧計測に於いては外光の影響を軽減する回路の導入、カフ容積の縮小及び電空変換器の周波数特性の向上を、心拍出量計測に於いてはアーチファクト対策の為にデジタルフィルタ技術にによる基線安定化を盛り込んだ。心拍出量計測で問題となるテープ電極の装置違和感に関しては、64chインピーダンスマッピングシステムを用い電流分布の一様性を確認しながら、電極の形状と配置を検討した結果、座位に於いては、テープ電極のスポット電極への置き換えが可能となった。 ・日常行動下健常人に於ける実験とデータ解析:試作システムを用いて日常行動下の血圧と心拍出量計測を実施した結果、各種行動に伴う循環動態パラメータの変動が良く捕えら、それらは従来の知見との一致も多数認められた。これら実験データを基に、自律神経活動の評価を試みた。結果、日常行動下に於ける健常人を対象とした自律神経系の活動評価では、時間領域として、圧受容体反射感度の推定、周波数領域として、心拍間隔の揺らぎのパワースペクトル密度及び血圧対心拍間隔・血圧対末梢循環抵抗の伝達関数の解析が利用可能であった。但し、これらの評価方法は高運動負荷時には高位中枢神経関与により推定精度の低下は避けられなかった。 今後は本研究の成果を基に、軽負荷時は周波数領域での解析、高負荷時は日常動作の中より起立動作を抽出しての時間領域での解析を組み合わせ、日常行動下に於ける自律神経系活動量の推定を試みる予定である。また、試作システムに於ける心拍出量計測用電極の形状や配置及び血圧計測用のカフや騒音を改善し、より長時間の計測、更には睡眠中の計測にも応用できる実用システムへと改善して行く計画である。Improvement of the ambulatory cardiovascular monitoring system : A newly designed circuit which reduces the influence of the external light, a high-speed cuff pressure controller, and a digital filtering technique for the measurement of pulsatile admittance signal were embedded in the new cardiovascular monitoring system based on the volume-compensation and the electrical admittance method. As a result, more stable and reliable monitoring of the cardiovascular hemodynamic parameters were made on a beat-by-beat basis under various ambulatory situations. The replacement of the band-electrode to spot-electrode in the admittance cardiography was also successfully performed on a sitting position using the 64-ch impedance mapping system. ・Estimation of autonomic nervous activity under daily life : Using the new monitoring system, cardiovascular parameters were successfully monitored on the subjects during their daily life activities. The changes of the parameters were corresponded to the subject\u27s postures and activities as almost the same as the previous studies obtained in the laboratory and hospital testings. With regard to the analysis of the parameters, the calculation of the baro-receptor cardiac reflex sensitivity based on the Bertinieri\u27s method, and the analysis of the power spectrum density and the transfer function were made, and it was continued to be able to estimate the vagal and sympathetic activities under daily activities except strong exercises. It was also suggested that the analysis of the total peripheral resistance change following the posture change from sitting to standing was more suitable for the estimation of the sympathetic activity during exercise.研究課題/領域番号:09480252, 研究期間(年度):1997–1999, 平成11(1999)年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 研究成果報告書の一部, 総論(はしがき, 研究概要, 研究成果概要)を掲載。出典:「日常行動下における自律神経系による循環調節機序の解析に関する研究」研究成果報告書 課題番号09480252(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作


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    金沢大学工学部本研究は、平成6年度〜平成8年度の3年間に渡って研究が展開され、各年度の研究実施計画に沿って研究が進められ、主に以下に示すような研究成果が得られた。(1)無拘束連続血圧・心拍間隔計測システムの開発と改良化研究:申請者らが考案した容積補償法の原理を用いて、一心拍毎に血圧を連続計測できる携帯型のシステム開発が行われ、研究の進行に併せて改良化研究を行った。血圧計測部位は実験条件に合わせ、手指基節或は浅側頭動脈部を選択出来るように工夫し、圧迫カフ内には容積検出センサ、圧センサ、及び電空変換器が内蔵され、カフ圧制御系の周波数応答をDC〜25Hzまで改善できた。本システムによれば、測定手順や信号・データ処理等はCPUで全自動的に実施され、一心拍毎の最高(SBP)/平均(MBP)/最低血圧(DBP)、脈波間隔、心電図R-R間隔(IBI)、及び呼吸数がメモリICカードに収録(約700,000心拍分)される。携帯装置本体の外寸/重量は160x140x45mm/700gfで、測定終了後データはマイコンで再生/処理される。(2)自律神経系循環調節解析法とソフトウエアの開発:本研究では、(a) SBPとIBIの時系列データから解析する圧受容体-心臓反射機能とその感度(BRS)、(b) SBPを入力、IBIを出力とした相互相関分析から得られる迷走神経活動由来の周波数伝達関数、及び(c)交感/迷走神経活動機能を評価できるとされるスペクトル解析法の3法とした。特に(c)では、従来のFFT解析より高精度/高信頼の最大エントロピ法を導入して、時系列データを解析するソフトウエアを開発し、コンピュータベースの解析処理システムを構築した。(3)システムの試用性能と予備実験:フィールド試験を行う前段階として、実験室内で各種負荷に対するデータ収集を行い、上記システムの実際試用性能の評価を行った。この際、ヒトの姿勢情報も同時計測できるシステムの開発も並行して行い、心理精神的ストレスを含めた各種負荷に対するデータ解析から、本システムの有効性が確認された。(4)フィールド試験による自律神経系循環調節機能の解析と今後の課題:実験を行うに当り、循環調節に於ける交感及び迷走活動は相互に拮抗的に働き、日常生活の行動負荷が大きくなるに従って迷走活動は抑制され、交感活動が亢進されると言う仮説を立てた。本仮説の妥当性を検証したところ、BRS及びIBIの高周波数領域(0.15〜0.5Hz)におけるパワスペクトル密度は行動負荷が大きくなるに従い小さくなり、迷走活動の良い指標となることが示され、このことは周波数伝達関数からも実証された。しかし、IBIの低周波数領域(0.04〜0.12Hz)のパワ及びSBPのそれは、行動負荷の大きさと有意な相関は示さなかった。即ち、日常生活行動下における自律神経系循環調節を評価する場合、迷走活動については実験室レベルで得られた生理学的所見とほぼ一致したが、交感活動については単純なスペクトル解析では困難であった。これには瞬時末梢血管抵抗の定量的解析が必要であることが示唆され、本研究で得たシステムを更に発展させ、一心拍毎の心拍出量(CO)をも同時計測する無拘束システムの開発が重要であるとの結論を得た。そこで、CO計測にこれまで本研究と並行して研究を進めてきた胸部電気的アドミタンス法をシステムに導入する検討が進められ、その基本設計を行い、今後更なる発展的研究も提示することが出来た。In order to analyze autonomic regulation of cardiovascular system during daily life activities, a non-invasive and ambulatory system (160x140x45mm, 700gf) has been newly designed, which can automatically monitor systolic (SBP) /mean (MBP) /diastolic pressure (DBP), pulse interval (P-P), inter-beat interval (IBI) and respiration interval (ReP) from ECG waveform on a beat-by-beat basis. Principle of blood pressure measurement is based on the volume-compensation method using vascular unloading, previously proposed by us. 6 time-series data are recorded in an IC memory card after necessary signal processings using a single-chip microcomputer with an interactive software, altogether about 700,000 beats of data being stored. After the monitoring, these stored data are reproduced, displayd on a CRT monitor, and performed necessary analyzes using a conventional personal computer. Taking physiological importance of the effect of human posture changes on the cardiovascular variables into consideration, a portable instrument for long-term ambulatory monitoring of the posture chnges has been also designed in parallel with the development of the present system. This measurement is based on the fact that almost all human postures in daily life can be estimated from the angles corresponding to the gravitational direction in three portions ; chest, thigh and lower leg. The instrument (58x94x25mm, 130g) can store these angles in a CMOS RAM (2MB) using electro-magnetic inclinometers placed on the three portions, and easily be used together with the above system if rewuired under an experimental situation.In this study, autonomic regulatory function of the cardiovascular system was assessed by (i) baroreceptor-cardiac reflex sensitivity (BRS) obtained by computerised scanning of beat-by-beat SBP and PP (or IBI) values, (ii) transfer function calculated by power and cross spectra of SBP and IBI data, and (iii) spectral analysis of SBP and IBI data using a naximum entropy method, which were performed by a personal computer-based system.Using young (20-24 years old, male) healthy subjects, data were collected under daily life activities and categorized into 9 physical activities ; supine (rest), siting (rest), desk work on a chair, standing, working during standing without movement, walking, up and down the stairs, and bicycle exercise. It is demonstrated that the BRS values and power spectral density of IBI data over high frequency (HF) range of 0.15-0.5 Hz were significantly reduced following the increase in the physical activities, indicating that vagal nerve activity would be depressed by the increase in the physical activities. This phenomenon was also confirmed by the gain of the transfer function at higher values of the coherence over low frequency (LF) range of 0.04-0.12 Hz and HF range. However, power spectral densities of IBI and SBP data over LF range showed no significant correlation with the physical activities, indicating that LF powers of both SBP and IBI might be modulated by the vagal and sympathetic nerve activity against the physical activities and thus not be a significant index to assess only the sympathetic activity. Through these findings, we conclude that further development of ambulatory system capable of monitoring both blood pressure and cardiac output (and thus peripheral vascular resistance) should be desired to evaluate in detail the sympathetic activity during daily life.研究課題/領域番号:06454722, 研究期間(年度):1994 – 1996出典:研究課題「無侵襲・無拘束循環機能計測による自律神経調節機序の解析に関する研究」課題番号06454722(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-06454722/064547221996kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作


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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系本研究は,組織を通過した近赤外領域(900-1700nm)透過・散乱光に瞬時差分分光スペクトル分析を行い,妨害物質である組織成分を除去して,血液成分のみに由来する信号成分を抽出し,血糖値を非観血的に計測する方法を探究する基礎的研究を行うことを目的としている。今年度は,前年度の成果に基づき、(1)石英フローセル(2種類のセル長を用い、見かけ上血液容積変化を模擬)と血液以外の組織を模擬した妨害物質(シリコンシート材等)、およびセル内血液を0-80cm/sの流速で還流させることができるシリンジ型ポンプから構成された物理的模擬回路を作製し、現有の近赤外分光器(Spectrum One NTS ; Perkin Elmer社)を利用して本法の検証実験を行った。種々の血液グルコース濃度(60〜450mg/dl)の試料を用い実験を行ったところ、光路長変化(血液容積変化)に対する差分分光スペクトルは血液成分(本研究ではグルコース)の分光スペクトルのみを抽出できることが確認された。この成果に基づき、(2)組織透過光の差分分光スペクトル分析に基づく本計測法を実際のヒト指尖部を計測部位とした場合についての瞬時分光測光システムの基本設計と実験用システムの試作開発を行った。システムの基本構成は、ハロゲンランプを利用した光源、送・受光ファイバ、モノクロメータ、InGaAsマルチアレー光検出器(512ch.)、およびパソコンから成る。本システムの基本性能は、測定波長域900〜1700nm、波長分解能8nm、最大スペクトル速度1800spectra/s、最小露光時間10μsであり、高性能・高精度な瞬時分光測光システムの開発に成功した。ヒト指尖部を用いた実験を通し、スペクトル速度100spectra/s、露光時間10msにおいて、透過光強度-波長-時間の3次元関係が明瞭に計測可能であることが確認され、さらに組織内血液(動脈血)変化に伴う透過光強度変化も全波長領域で良好に検出可能であることが実証され、本萌芽研究の当初の目的を十分果たすことができた。今後は、世界で初めて開発された本システムを用い、本法原理に基づいてin vivo実験を行い、実試用における本法の原理的検証と血糖値計測の精度評価などの研究を行い、本法原理に基づく小型装置を実用化させ、わが国から非侵襲血糖計測機器を世界に発進していく必要がある。研究課題/領域番号:16650101, 研究期間(年度):2004 – 2005出典:「瞬時差分分光スペクトル分析による非観血的血糖計測法に関する基礎研究」研究成果報告書 課題番号16650101(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))(https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-16650101/)を加工して作

    Development of a novel tympanic temperature monitoring system for GT car racing athletes

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    Motor racing athletes, especially Grand Touring (GT) car racing drivers in the closed-cockpit category, can face lifethreatening situations caused by heat stroke. In this paper, a novel continuous tympanic temperature monitoring system, that could help to reduce this risk, is presented. The system consists of an earpiece containing an infrared-radiation-type tympanic thermometer and a micro-speaker. We validated the reliability of the system for tympanic temperature monitoring in 10 healthy volunteers (21.8 ± 1.0 S.D. years) using a temperature-controlled water bath. In addition, we evaluated the usefulness of the system with 2 professional drivers under real racing conditions in the 2010 SUPER GT International Series. The results showed strong correlation between the infrared-radiation tympanic temperature obtained by the present system and both the direct tympanic temperature (r = 0.994, n = 1119, P < 0.001) and the sublingual temperature (r = 0.972, n = 1119, P < 0.001) as a reference temperature. The mean difference between these temperatures was +0.09°C, and -0.08°C, and 95 % confidence interval (equal to 1.96 S.D.) was 0.21°C, and 0.44°C, respectively. In the field test, involving real competitive racing under severe conditions on a racing circuit, the system functioned well. These results suggest that our novel system has an acceptable performance in a race setting as a reliable tympanic temperature monitor and could help to improve safety of motor sports. © 2013 Springer-Verlag

    Quantitative evaluation of movement using the timed up-and-go test

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    Accurate determination of respiratory rhythm and pulse rate using an under-pillow sensor based on wavelet transformation

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    金沢大学大学院医学系研究科先端医療技術学A real-time noninvasive and unconstrained method is proposed to determine the respiratory rhythm and pulse rate with an under-pillow sensor during sleep. The sensor is composed of two fluid-filled polyvinyl tubes set in parallel and sandwiched between two acrylic plates. One end of each tube is hermetically sealed, and the other end is connected to one of two pressure sensors. Inner pressure in each tube therefore changes in accordance with respiratory motion and cardiac beating. By employing the á trous algorithm of wavelet transformation (WT), the respiratory and cardiac cycle can be discriminated from the pressure waveforms. The respiratory rhythm was obtained from the WT 2 6 scale approximation, and the pulse rate from the sum of WT 2 4 and 25 scale details without WT reconstruction after soft-threshold denoising. The algorithm\u27s latency can be set to be minimal and the respiratory rhythm and pulse rate were estimated directly from the extracted respiration and pulse waveforms, respectively. This method has been tested with a total of about 25 h data collected from 13 subjects. By comparing the detection results with those of reference data, the average pulse rate detection sensitivity and positive predictivity were 99.17% and 98.53%, and the respiratory rhythm detection sensitivity and positive predictivity were 95.63% and 95.42%. © 2005 IEEE

    Real-time monitoring of respiration rhythm and pulse rate during sleep

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    金沢大学大学院医学系研究科先端医療技術学A noninvasive and unconstrained real-time method to detect the respiration rhythm and pulse rate during sleep is presented. By employing the à trous algorithm of the wavelet transformation (WT), the respiration rhythm and pulse rate can be monitored in real-time from a pressure signal acquired with a pressure sensor placed under a pillow. The waveform for respiration rhythm detection is derived from the 26 scale approximation, while that for pulse rate detection is synthesized by combining the 24 and 2 5 scale details. To minimize the latency in data processing and realize the highest real-time performance, the respiration rhythm and pulse rate are estimated by using waveforms directly derived from the WT approximation and detail components without the reconstruction procedure. This method is evaluated with data collected from 13 healthy subjects. By comparing with detections from finger photoelectric plethysmograms used for pulse rate detection, the sensitivity and positive predictivity were 99.17% and 98.53%, respectively. Similarly, for respiration rhythm, compared with detections from nasal thermistor signals, results were 95.63% and 95.42%, respectively. This study suggests that the proposed method is promising to be used in a respiration rhythm and pulse rate monitor for real-time monitoring of sleep-related diseases during sleep. © 2006 IEEE