6 research outputs found


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    We describe a case of a 75-year-old woman with squamous cell carcinoma in the right renal pelvis accompanied by multiple dysplasia in the upper urinary tract. Though it is difficult to make a preoperative diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma, lavage cytology is particularly valuable. Renal arteriography and cross-sectional imaging are also useful to assess an accurate stage. We postulate that severe dysplasia could be a precursor of squamous cell carcinoma as well as transitional cell carcinoma


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    腎血管腫4例を報告した.良性血管性腫瘍である腎血管腫は腎動脈造影でも必ずしも異常陰影を示さず, 診断は困難である.うち2例の海綿状血管腫摘出例はCTで, 造影剤増強効果をもたないlow-densityな腫瘤影を示した.しかし, 動脈造影で診断した2例はCTでは異常陰影を認めなかった.このように腎血管腫の動脈造影とCTは血管腫自体の構成血管成分により種々の像を呈するものと考えるFour cases of renal hemangioma are presented. Renal hemangioma is difficult to detect because this benign vascular tumor never demonstrates any abnormalities on renal arteriography. Computed tomography in two resected cases of cavernous hemangioma revealed a low-density mass without any enhance effect, while the others diagnosed by the selective renal arteriography demonstrated no abnormality on computed tomography. We postulate that both angiographic and computed tomographic appearances of the renal hemangioma could depend on its vascular components. Related reports are also reviewed


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    We report a case of metastatic renal tumor from lung cancer. A 53-year-old man presented with gross hematuria 2 years after treatment of the primary lesion. Investigations suggested a metastatic tumor in the right kidney from the lung which was accompanied with regional lymph node metastasis. Surgical treatment was not performed because of his poor condition and the lymph node involvement. Therefore, the combination chemotherapy of 5-fluorouracil, vincristine and doxorubicin, OK-432 was applied. Although this conservative management was effective, he died of progression 6 months later and an autopsy confirmed the diagnosis of metastatic renal tumor