29 research outputs found

    Epithelial Sheet Folding Induces Lumen Formation by Madin-Darby Canine Kidney Cells in a Collagen Gel

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    Lumen formation is important for morphogenesis; however, an unanswered question is whether it involves the collective migration of epithelial cells. Here, using a collagen gel overlay culture method, we show that Madin-Darby canine kidney cells migrated collectively and formed a luminal structure in a collagen gel. Immediately after the collagen gel overlay, an epithelial sheet folded from the periphery, migrated inwardly, and formed a luminal structure. The inhibition of integrin-beta 1 or Rac1 activity decreased the migration rate of the peripheral cells after the sheets folded. Moreover, lumen formation was perturbed by disruption of apical-basolateral polarity induced by transforming growth factor-beta 1. These results indicate that cell migration and cell polarity play an important role in folding. To further explore epithelial sheet folding, we developed a computer-simulated mechanical model based on the rigidity of the extracellular matrix. It indicated a soft substrate is required for the folding movement

    Lateral Gene Transfer Between Protozoa-Related Giant Viruses of Family and Chlamydiae

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    Obligate intracellular chlamydiae diverged into pathogenic and environmental chlamydiae 0.7-1.4 billion years ago. While pathogenic chlamydiae have adapted to a wide range of vertebrates, environmental chlamydiae inhabit unicellular amoebae, the free-living Acanthamoeba . However, how and why this divergence occurred remains unclear. Meanwhile, giant viruses consisting of protozoa-related and protozoa-unrelated viruses have been discovered, with the former group being suggested to have more influenced environmental chlamydiae during their evolution while cohabiting host amoebae. Against this background, we attempted to visualize genes of giant viruses in chlamydial genomes by bioinformatic analysis mainly with comparative genome and phylogenic analysis, seeking genes present in chlamydiae that are specifically shared with protozoa-related giant viruses. As a result, in contrast to protozoa-unrelated giant viruses, the genes of protozoa-related giant viruses were significantly shared in both the chlamydia genomes depending on the giant virus type. In particular, the prevalence of Mimiviridae genes among the protozoa-related giant virus genes in chlamydial genomes was significantly high. Meanwhile, the prevalence of protozoa-related giant virus genes in pathogenic chlamydia genomes was consistently higher than those of environmental chlamydiae; the actual number of sequences similar to giant virus was also significantly predominant compared with those in the environmental chlamydial genomes. Among them, the most prevalent of giant virus was in the case of chlamydiae with Megavirus chiliensis ; total of 1338 genes of the chlamydiae were found to be shared with the virus (444 genes specific to environmental chlamydiae, 892 genes shared between both chlamydiae, only two genes in the pathogenic chlamydiae). Phylogenic analysis with most prevalent sets ( Megavirus chiliensis and Protochlamydia EI2 or Chlamydia trachomatis L2 434Bu) showed the presence of orthologs between these with several clustered. In addition, Pearson’s single regression analysis revealed that almost the prevalence of the genes from the giant viruses in chlamydial genomes was negatively and specifically correlated with the number of chlamydial open reading frames (ORFs). Thus, these results indicated the trace of lateral gene transfer between protozoa-related giant viruses of family Mimiviridae and chlamydiae. This is the first demonstration of a putative linkage between chlamydiae and the giant viruses, providing us with a hint to understand chlamydial evolution

    Amoebal Endosymbiont Parachlamydia acanthamoebae Bn9 Can Grow in Immortal Human Epithelial HEp-2 Cells at Low Temperature; An In Vitro Model System to Study Chlamydial Evolution

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    Ancient chlamydiae diverged into pathogenic and environmental chlamydiae 0.7-1.4 billion years ago. However, how pathogenic chlamydiae adapted to mammalian cells that provide a stable niche at approximately 37 °C, remains unknown, although environmental chlamydiae have evolved as endosymbionts of lower eukaryotes in harsh niches of relatively low temperatures. Hence, we assessed whether an environmental chlamydia, Parachlamydia Bn9, could grow in human HEp-2 cells at a low culture temperature of 30 °C. The assessment of inclusion formation by quantitative RT-PCR revealed that the numbers of bacterial inclusion bodies and the transcription level of 16SrRNA significantly increased after culture at 30 °C compared to at 37 °C. Confocal microscopy showed that the bacteria were located close to HEp-2 nuclei and were actively replicative. Transmission electron microscopy also revealed replicating bacteria consisting of reticular bodies, but with a few elementary bodies. Cytochalasin D and rifampicin inhibited inclusion formation. Lactacystin slightly inhibited bacterial inclusion formation. KEGG analysis using a draft genome sequence of the bacteria revealed that it possesses metabolic pathways almost identical to those of pathogenic chlamydia. Interestingly, comparative genomic analysis with pathogenic chlamydia revealed that the Parachlamydia similarly possess the genes encoding Type III secretion system, but lacking genes encoding inclusion membrane proteins (IncA to G) required for inclusion maturation. Taken together, we conclude that ancient chlamydiae had the potential to grow in human cells, but overcoming the thermal gap was a critical event for chlamydial adaptation to human cells

    Increased Tropism of Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Palmitic Acid-Treated Hepatocytes to Activated Hepatic Stellate Cells

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    Myofibroblast-like activated hepatic stellate cells (aHSCs), which produce collagen, a major cause of liver fibrosis, are specific target cells for antifibrotic treatment. Recently, several reports have indicated that extracellular vesicles (EVs) play important roles in cell-to-cell communication through their tropism for specific cells or organs. Therefore, the present study aimed to identify aHSC-directed EVs by focusing on cell-to-cell interactions in the liver under pathological conditions. EVs were derived from the hepatocyte cell line AML12 treated with or without palmitic acid (PA) and evaluated for their physical properties and uptake by the aHSC cell line LX-2. AML12-derived EVs had a mean particle diameter of 110–130 nm, negative charge, and expressed the exosomal makers CD9 and CD63. PA-treated AML12 cells released larger EVs with higher protein levels than those without PA treatment. The intracellular uptake efficacy of EVs derived from PA-treated AML12 cells into activated LX-2 cells was significantly higher than those without PA treatment. Our study revealed that PA treatment induces hepatocytes to release EVs with aHSC-tropism. These findings may contribute to the development of an EV-based drug delivery system (DDS) for aHSC-targeted therapy and provide new insights into the role of steatotic hepatocyte-derived EVs in physiological or pathophysiological functions

    Temporal images of the computational simulation of epithelial sheet folding.

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    <p>The numbers above the images show relative time (s) from the start of modeling. <i>(A)</i> As a control, the parameters are modulated appropriately. <i>(B)</i> The rigidity of the upper substrate (red springs, the parameter in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0099655#pone-0099655-g006" target="_blank">Fig. 6<i>D</i></a>) is increased. <i>(C)</i> The rigidity of the lower substrate (red springs) is increased.</p

    Inhibition of either integrin-β1 or Rac1, but not ROCK, delayed folding.

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    <p><i>(A)</i> The scatter plot shows the migration distance from the outer periphery to the leading edge for each treatment. Observation time corresponds to that in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0099655#pone-0099655-g003" target="_blank">Fig. 3</a>. The equation used to calculate the average distance is described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0099655#s2" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>. The mean values of three independent experiments are shown. <i>(B)</i> Histogram indicating the mean ratio of the migration velocity in the presence of inhibitors. The ratio was calculated by dividing the migration velocity after inhibitor treatment by the velocity before treatment. The mean values are shown with SD (shown as error bars) from three independent experiments, *<i>p<0.05</i>, **<i>p<0.01</i>.</p