166 research outputs found

    Roles of Gibberellins and Abscisic Acid in Regulating Germination of Suaeda salsa Dimorphic Seeds Under Salt Stress

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    Seed heteromorphism observed in many halophytes is an adaptive phenomenon toward high salinity. However, the relationship between heteromorphic seed germination and germination-related hormones under salt stress remains elusive. To gain an insight into this relationship, the roles of gibberellins (GAs) and abscisic acid (ABA) in regulating germination of Suaeda salsa dimorphic brown and black seeds under salinity were elucidated by studying the kinetics of the two hormones during germination of the two seed types with or without salinity treatment. Morphological analysis suggested that brown and black are in different development stage. The content of ABA was higher in dry brown than in black seeds, which gradually decreased after imbibition in water and salt solutions. Salt stress induced ABA accumulation in both germinating seed types, with higher induction effect on black than brown seeds. Black seeds showed lower germination percentage than brown seeds under both water and salt stress, which might be attributed to their higher ABA sensitivity rather than the difference in ABA content between black and brown seeds. Bioactive GA4 and its biosynthetic precursors showed higher levels in brown than in black seeds, whereas deactivated GAs showed higher content in black than brown seeds in dry or in germinating water or salt solutions. High salinity inhibited seed germination through decreasing the levels of GA4 in both seeds, and the inhibited effect of salt stress on GA4 level of black seeds was more profound than that of brown seeds. Taken together higher GA4 content, and lower ABA sensitivity contributed to the higher germination percentage of brown seeds than black seeds in water and salinity; increased ABA content and sensitivity, and decreased GA4 content by salinity were more profound in black than brown seeds, which contributed to lower germination of black seeds than brown seeds in salinity. The differential regulation of ABA and GA homeostases by salt stress in dimorphic seeds might provide a strategy for S. salsa plants to survive adverse environmental conditions.National High Technology R&D program of China (Project Code: 2013BAC02B01

    Activation of strigolactone biosynthesis by the DWARF14-LIKE/KARRIKIN-INSENSITIVE2 pathway in mycorrhizal angiosperms, but not in Arabidopsis, a non-mycorrhizal plant

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    Strigolactones (SLs) are a class of plant hormones that regulate many aspects of plant growth and development. SLs also improve symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere. Recent studies have shown that the DWARF14-LIKE (D14L)/KARRIKIN-INSENSITIVE2 (KAI2) family, paralogs of the SL receptor D14, are required for AMF colonization in several flowering plants, including rice. In this study, we found that (−)-GR5, a 2′S-configured enantiomer of a synthetic SL analog (+)-GR5, significantly activated SL biosynthesis in rice roots via D14L. This result is consistent with a recent report, showing that the D14L pathway positively regulates SL biosynthesis in rice. In fact, the SL levels tended to be lower in the roots of the d14l mutant under both inorganic nutrient-deficient and -sufficient conditions. We also show that the increase in SL levels by (−)-GR5 was observed in other mycorrhizal plant species. In contrast, the KAI2 pathway did not upregulate the SL level and the expression of SL biosynthetic genes in Arabidopsis, a non-mycorrhizal plant. We also examined whether the KAI2 pathway enhances SL biosynthesis in the liverwort Marchantia paleacea, where SL functions as a rhizosphere signaling molecule for AMF. However, the SL level and SL biosynthetic genes were not positively regulated by the KAI2 pathway. These results imply that the activation of SL biosynthesis by the D14L/KAI2 pathway has been evolutionarily acquired after the divergence of bryophytes to efficiently promote symbiosis with AMF, although we cannot exclude the possibility that liverworts have specifically lost this regulatory system

    Mechanism of delayed seed germination caused by high temperature during grain filling in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    High temperature during grain filling considerably reduces yield and quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.); however, how high temperature affects seed germination of the next generation is not yet well understood. Here, we report that seeds from plants exposed to high temperature during the grain filling stage germinated significantly later than seeds from unstressed plants. This delay remained even after dormancy release treatments, suggesting that it was not due to primary seed dormancy determined during grain filling. In imbibed embryos of heat-stressed seeds, expression of abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis genes (OsNCEDs) was higher than in those of control seeds, whereas that of ABA catabolism genes (OsABA8′OHs) was lower. In the aleurone layer, despite no change in GA signaling as evidenced by no effect of heat stress on OsGAMYB gene expression, the transcripts of α-amylase genes OsAmy1C, OsAmy3B, and OsAmy3E were significantly down-regulated in heat-stressed seeds in comparison with controls. Changes in promoter methylation levels were consistent with transcriptional changes of ABA catabolism-related and α-amylase genes. These data suggest that high temperature during grain filling results in DNA methylation of ABA catabolism-related and α-amylase gene promoters, delaying germination of heat-stressed seeds

    Fertilization controls tiller numbers via transcriptional regulation of a MAX1-like gene in rice cultivation

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    低施肥でも穂数が減らず、収量を確保できるイネを開発 --ゲノム編集技術で、SDGs時代の新しいイネ遺伝資源を創成--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-13.Fertilization controls various aspects of cereal growth such as tiller number, leaf size, and panicle size. However, despite such benefits, global chemical fertilizer use must be reduced to achieve sustainable agriculture. Here, based on field transcriptome data from leaf samples collected during rice cultivation, we identify fertilizer responsive genes and focus on Os1900, a gene orthologous to Arabidopsis thaliana MAX1, which is involved in strigolactone biosynthesis. Elaborate genetic and biochemical analyses using CRISPR/Cas9 mutants reveal that Os1900 together with another MAX1-like gene, Os5100, play a critical role in controlling the conversion of carlactone into carlactonoic acid during strigolactone biosynthesis and tillering in rice. Detailed analyses of a series of Os1900 promoter deletion mutations suggest that fertilization controls tiller number in rice through transcriptional regulation of Os1900, and that a few promoter mutations alone can increase tiller numbers and grain yields even under minor-fertilizer conditions, whereas a single defective os1900 mutation does not increase tillers under normal fertilizer condition. Such Os1900 promoter mutations have potential uses in breeding programs for sustainable rice production

    Reduced endogenous secretory RAGE in blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is associated with poor prognosis in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Background The endogenous secretory receptor for advanced glycation end products (esRAGE) is a soluble isoform produced by alternative splicing of the RAGE gene. The isoform has anti-inflammatory properties due to its inhibition of the RAGE/ligand interaction and is reduced in the lung tissue of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). This study aimed to investigate the association of esRAGE serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) levels with progression of IPF. Methods This study included 79 IPF patients and 90 healthy controls. IPF and control serum esRAGE levels were compared, and the correlation between serum and BALF esRAGE levels was analyzed in 57 IPF patient samples. We also investigated the relationship of esRAGE serum and BALF levels with prognoses and lung function parameters in patients with IPF. Results Serum esRAGE levels in IPF patients were significantly lower than those in healthy controls (162.0 +/- 102.4 ng/ml and 200.7 +/- 107.3 ng/ml,p = 0.009), although the baseline characteristics of age and smoking history were not matched. Serum levels of esRAGE were correlated with BALF esRAGE levels (r(s) = 0.317). The BALF esRAGE levels were also correlated with diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide (r(s) = 0.406). A Kaplan-Meier curve analysis and univariate/multivariate Cox hazard proportion analysis revealed that lower levels of esRAGE in blood and BALF were significantly associated with poorer prognoses in patients with IPF. Conclusions Decreased esRAGE levels in BALF and blood were associated with poor prognoses in patients with IPF. These results suggest that esRAGE could be related to the pathophysiology of IPF and serum esRAGE could be a potential prognostic marker of IPF.Peer reviewe

    Efficacy of prophylactic clip closure in reducing the risk of delayed bleeding after colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection in patients on anticoagulant therapy: Multicenter prospective study

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    Ogiyama H., Kato M., Yamaguchi S., et al. Efficacy of prophylactic clip closure in reducing the risk of delayed bleeding after colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection in patients on anticoagulant therapy: Multicenter prospective study. Digestive Endoscopy , (2024); https://doi.org/10.1111/den.14761.Objectives: The high rate of delayed bleeding after colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) in patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy remains a problem. Whether prophylactic clip closure reduces the rate of delayed bleeding in these patients is unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of prophylactic clip closure in patients receiving anticoagulants. Methods: This multicenter prospective interventional trial was conducted at nine referral centers in Japan. Patients regularly taking anticoagulants, including warfarin potassium or direct oral anticoagulants, and undergoing ESD for colorectal neoplasms were enrolled. The discontinuation of anticoagulants was minimized according to recent guidelines. After the ESD, post-ESD ulcers were prophylactically closed using endoclips. The primary end-point was the incidence of delayed bleeding. The sample size was 45 lesions, and prophylactic clip closure was considered effective when the upper limit of the 90% confidence interval (CI) for delayed bleeding did not exceed 20%. Results: Forty-five lesions were used, and three were excluded. Complete closure was achieved in 41/42 lesions (97.6%). The overall delayed bleeding rate was low, at 4.9% (2/41; 90% [CI] 0.8–14.5), which was significantly lower than that at the prespecified threshold of 20% (P = 0.007). The median closure procedure time was 17 min, and the median number of clips was nine. No massive delayed bleeding requiring transfusion, interventional radiology, or surgery was observed, and no thromboembolic events were observed. Conclusion: Prophylactic clip closure may reduce the risk of delayed bleeding following colorectal ESD in patients receiving anticoagulants. Trial registration: UMIN Clinical Trial Registry (UMIN000036734)

    A novel artificial intelligence-based endoscopic ultrasonography diagnostic system for diagnosing the invasion depth of early gastric cancer

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    The version of record of this article, first published in Journal of Gastroenterology, is available online at Publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00535-024-02102-1.Background: We developed an artificial intelligence (AI)-based endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) system for diagnosing the invasion depth of early gastric cancer (EGC), and we evaluated the performance of this system. Methods: A total of 8280 EUS images from 559 EGC cases were collected from 11 institutions. Within this dataset, 3451 images (285 cases) from one institution were used as a development dataset. The AI model consisted of segmentation and classification steps, followed by the CycleGAN method to bridge differences in EUS images captured by different equipment. AI model performance was evaluated using an internal validation dataset collected from the same institution as the development dataset (1726 images, 135 cases). External validation was conducted using images collected from the other 10 institutions (3103 images, 139 cases). Results: The area under the curve (AUC) of the AI model in the internal validation dataset was 0.870 (95% CI: 0.796–0.944). Regarding diagnostic performance, the accuracy/sensitivity/specificity values of the AI model, experts (n = 6), and nonexperts (n = 8) were 82.2/63.4/90.4%, 81.9/66.3/88.7%, and 68.3/60.9/71.5%, respectively. The AUC of the AI model in the external validation dataset was 0.815 (95% CI: 0.743–0.886). The accuracy/sensitivity/specificity values of the AI model (74.1/73.1/75.0%) and the real-time diagnoses of experts (75.5/79.1/72.2%) in the external validation dataset were comparable. Conclusions: Our AI model demonstrated a diagnostic performance equivalent to that of experts

    Function of KAI2 signaling in plant drought adaptation

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    Drought causes substantial reductions in crop yields worldwide. Therefore, we set out to identify new chemical and genetic factors that regulate drought resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Karrikins (KARs) are a class of butenolide compounds found in smoke that promote seed germination, and have been reported to improve seedling vigor under stressful growth conditions. Here, we discovered that mutations in KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE2 (KAI2), encoding the proposed karrikin receptor, result in hypersensitivity to water deprivation. We performed transcriptomic, physiological and biochemical analyses of kai2 plants to understand the basis for KAI2-regulated drought resistance. We found that kai2 mutants have increased rates of water loss and drought-induced cell membrane damage, enlarged stomatal apertures, and higher cuticular permeability. In addition, kai2 plants have reduced anthocyanin biosynthesis during drought, and are hyposensitive to abscisic acid (ABA) in stomatal closure and cotyledon opening assays. We identified genes that are likely associated with the observed physiological and biochemical changes through a genome-wide transcriptome analysis of kai2 under both well-watered and dehydration conditions. These data provide evidence for crosstalk between ABA- and KAI2-dependent signaling pathways in regulating plant responses to drought. A comparison of the strigolactone receptor mutant d14 (DWARF14) to kai2 indicated that strigolactones also contributes to plant drought adaptation, although not by affecting cuticle development. Our findings suggest that chemical or genetic manipulation of KAI2 and D14 signaling may provide novel ways to improve drought resistance