42 research outputs found

    Characterization of histopathology and gene-expression profiles of synovitis in early rheumatoid arthritis using targeted biopsy specimens

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    The disease category of early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been limited with respect to clinical criteria. Pathological manifestations of synovitis in patients whose disease is clinically classified as early RA seem to be heterogeneous, with regular variations. To clarify the relation between the molecular and histopathological features of the synovitis, we analyzed gene-expression profiles in the synovial lining tissues to correlate them with histopathological features. Synovial tissues were obtained from knee joints of 12 patients with early RA by targeted biopsy under arthroscopy. Surgical specimens of long-standing RA (from four patients) were examined as positive controls. Each histopathological parameter characteristic of rheumatoid synovitis in synovial tissues was scored under light microscopy. Total RNAs from synovial lining tissues were obtained from the specimens selected by laser capture microdissection and the mRNAs were amplified by bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase. Their cDNAs were analyzed in a cDNA microarray with 23,040 cDNAs, and the levels of gene expression in multilayered lining tissues, compared with those of normal-like lining tissues in specimens from the same person, were determined to estimate gene-expression profiles characteristic of the synovial proliferative lesions in each case. Based on cluster analysis of all cases, gene-expression profiles in the lesions in early RA fell into two groups. The groups had different expression levels of genes critical for proliferative inflammation, including those encoding cytokines, adhesion molecules, and extracellular matrices. One group resembled synovitis in long-standing RA and had high scores for some histopathological features – involving accumulations of lymphocytes and plasma cells – but not for other features. Possible differences in the histopathogenesis and prognosis of synovitis between the two groups are discussed in relation to the candidate genes and histopathology

    A Japanese, Multicenter, Open-label, Phase 3 Study to Investigate the Safety and Efficacy of Gadobutrol for Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging of the Central Nervous System

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    Purpose: Gadobutrol 1.0 M is macrocyclic gadolinium-based contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This multicenter, open-label, phase 3 study aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of gadobutrol-enhanced versus unenhanced MRI in the visualization and diagnosis of central nervous system (CNS) lesions in Japanese patients.Methods: A total of 223 patients referred for contrast-enhanced MRI of the CNS underwent unenhanced and gadobutrol-enhanced (0.1 mmol/kg body weight) MRI. The unenhanced and combined (unenhanced and enhanced) images were evaluated by three independent readers in a blinded manner for degree of contrast enhancement, border delineation, internal morphology, and number of detected lesions (primary variables), and for primary diagnosis and diagnostic confidence. Final clinical diagnoses were established by an independent truth committee consisting of two neurosurgeons. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were calculated for the detection of malignancy and the preciseness of diagnoses (secondary variables) by comparing the results obtained by the blinded readers and the truth committee.Results: Gadobutrol enhancement significantly improved three visualization parameters in MR images: contrast enhancement, border delineation, and internal morphology (P < 0.0001). Non-inferiority was achieved for mean number of lesions detected. Gadobutrol-enhanced imaging provided significant improvements in sensitivity and accuracy for the detection of malignant disease with no loss in specificity, and also improvements in accuracy of exact match diagnosis and diagnostic confidence. Drug-related adverse events were reported in 6 out of 223 patients (2.7%); all were non-serious.Conclusion: Gadobutrol is an effective and well-tolerated contrast agent for MR imaging of the CNS

    Detection of lung tumors in mice using a 1-tesla compact magnetic resonance imaging system.

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    Due to their small size, lung tumors in rodents are typically investigated using high-field magnetic resonance (MR) systems (4.7 T or higher) to achieve higher signal-to-noise ratios, although low-field MR systems are less sensitive to susceptibility artifacts caused by air in the lung. We investigated the feasibility of detecting lung tumors in living, freely breathing mice with a 1-T compact permanent magnet MR system. In total, 4 mice were used, and MR images of mouse lungs were acquired using a T1-weighted three-dimensional fast low-angle shot sequence without cardiac or respiratory gating. The delineation and size of lung tumors were assessed and compared with histopathological findings. Submillimeter lesions were demonstrated as hyperintense, relative to the surrounding lung parenchyma, and were delineated clearly. Among the 13 lesions validated in histopathological sections, 11 were detected in MR images; the MR detection rate was thus 84.6%. A strong correlation was obtained in size measurements between MR images and histological sections. Thus, a dedicated low-field MR system can be used to detect lung tumors in living mice noninvasively without gating

    Sex-linked neuroanatomical basis of human altruistic cooperativeness

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    Human altruistic cooperativeness, one of the most important components of our highly organized society, is along with a greatly enlarged brain relative to body size a spectacular outlier in the animal world. The &quot;social-brain hypothesis&quot; suggests that human brain expansion reflects an increased necessity for information processing to create social reciprocity and cooperation in our complex society. The present study showed that the young adult females (n = 66) showed greater Cooperativeness as well as larger relative global and regional gray matter volumes (GMVs) than the matched males (n = 89), particularly in the social-brain regions including bilateral posterior inferior frontal and left anterior medial prefrontal cortices. Moreover, in females, higher cooperativeness was tightly coupled with the larger relative total GMV and more specifically with the regional GMV in most of the regions revealing larger in female sex-dimorphism. The global and most of regional correlations between GMV and Cooperativeness were significantly specific to female. These results suggest that sexually dimorphic factors may affect the neurodevelopment of these &quot;social-brain&quot; regions, leading to higher cooperativeness in females. The present findings may also have an implication for the pathophysiology of autism; characterized by severe dysfunction in social reciprocity, abnormalities in social-brain, and disproportionately low probability in females