346 research outputs found

    FE2 evaluation of stress triaxiality / lode angle dependencies of void growing processes

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    Differential AMPK-mediated metabolic regulation observed in hibernation-style polymorphisms in Siberian chipmunks

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    Hibernation is a unique physiological phenomenon allowing extreme hypothermia in endothermic mammals. Hypometabolism and hypothermia tolerance in hibernating animals have been investigated with particular interest; recently, studies of cultured cells and manipulation of the nervous system have made it possible to reproduce physiological states related to hypothermia induction. However, much remains unknown about the periodic regulation of hibernation. In particular, the physiological mechanisms facilitating the switch from an active state to a hibernation period, including behavioral changes and the acquisition of hypothermia tolerance remain to be elucidated. AMPK is a protein known to play a central role not only in feeding behavior but also in metabolic regulation in response to starvation. Our previous research has revealed that chipmunks activate AMPK in the brain during hibernation. However, whether AMPK is activated during winter in non-hibernating animals is unknown. Previous comparative studies between hibernating and non-hibernating animals have often been conducted between different species, consequently it has been impossible to account for the effects of phylogenetic differences. Our long-term monitoring of siberian chipmunks, has revealed intraspecific variation between those individuals that hibernate annually and those that never become hypothermic. Apparent differences were found between hibernating and non-hibernating types with seasonal changes in lifespan and blood HP levels. By comparing seasonal changes in AMPK activity between these polymorphisms, we clarified the relationship between hibernation and AMPK regulation. In hibernating types, phosphorylation of p-AMPK and p-ACC was enhanced throughout the brain during hibernation, indicating that AMPK-mediated metabolic regulation is activated. In non-hibernating types, AMPK and ACC were not seasonally activated. In addition, AMPK activation in the hypothalamus had already begun during high Tb before hibernation. Changes in AMPK activity in the brain during hibernation may be driven by circannual rhythms, suggesting a hibernation-regulatory mechanism involving AMPK activation independent of Tb. The differences in brain AMPK regulation between hibernators and non-hibernators revealed in this study were based on a single species thus did not involve phylogenetic differences, thereby supporting the importance of brain temperature-independent AMPK activation in regulating seasonal metabolism in hibernating animals

    Lubrication pressure model in a non-negligible gap for fluid permeation through a membrane with finite permeability

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    Shintaro Takeuchi, Toshiaki Fukada, Shuji Yamada, Suguru Miyauchi, and Takeo Kajishima, "Lubrication pressure model in a non-negligible gap for fluid permeation through a membrane with finite permeability", Physical Review Fluids, 6(11), 114101, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.114101

    Triple-helix potential of the mouse genome

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    Certain DNA sequences, including mirror-symmetric polypyrimidine•polypurine runs, are capable of folding into a triple-helix–containing non–B-form DNA structure called H-DNA. Such H-DNA–forming sequences occur frequently in many eukaryotic genomes, including in mammals, and multiple lines of evidence indicate that these motifs are mutagenic and can impinge on DNA replication, transcription, and other aspects of genome function. In this study, we show that the triplex-forming potential of H-DNA motifs in the mouse genome can be evaluated using S1-sequencing (S1-seq), which uses the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)–specific nuclease S1 to generate deep-sequencing libraries that report on the position of ssDNA throughout the genome. When S1-seq was applied to genomic DNA isolated from mouse testis cells and splenic B cells, we observed prominent clusters of S1-seq reads that appeared to be independent of endogenous double-strand breaks, that coincided with H-DNA motifs, and that correlated strongly with the triplex-forming potential of the motifs. Fine-scale patterns of S1-seq reads, including a pronounced strand asymmetry in favor of centrally positioned reads on the pyrimidine-containing strand, suggested that this S1-seq signal is specific for one of the four possible isomers of H-DNA (H-y5). By leveraging the abundance and complexity of naturally occurring H-DNA motifs across the mouse genome, we further defined how polypyrimidine repeat length and the presence of repeat-interrupting substitutions modify the structure of H-DNA. This study provides an approach for studying DNA secondary structure genome-wide at high spatial resolution

    Fundamental Characteristics of a Cylindrical Linear Pulse Motor for the Artificial Heart

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    A new actuator using a cylindrical linear pulse motor for the artificial heart is proposed with descriptions of the principle of operation, theoretical expression of thrust, and experimental results. The actuator has a simple configuration and its size is much smaller than the ordinary external backup facility using a pneumatic power. The actuator consists chiefly of a linear pulse motor and two rooms of sacs for the right and left ventricles. Some problems have been found to be solved before the actuator can be applied to the actual artificial heart.Article信州大学工学部紀要 56: 59-72 (1984)departmental bulletin pape

    Preparation of Organic-Inorganic Nano-Composite Electrolyte Membrane for Intermediate-Temperature PEFCs

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    ナノダイナミクス国際シンポジウム 平成22年1月21日(木) 於長崎大学Nagasaki Symposium on Nano-Dynamics 2010 (NSND2010), January 21, 2010, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, Invited Lectur