7 research outputs found

    Caracteristicas clinicas, laboratoriais e ultra-sonograficas de pacientes com trombose de veia porta na faixa etaria pediatrica

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    Orientador: Gabriel HesselTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias MedicasResumo: A trombose de veia porta (TVP) é uma condição rara que acomete crianças e adultos consistindo de uma obstrução extra-hepática da veia porta que, na maior parte das vezes, evolui com hipertensão portal (HP). Os conhecimentos a respeito da apresentação clínica e da investigação diagnóstica ainda não estão incorporados na rotina do conhecimento do pediatra geral, do gastroenterologista pediátrico e do ultra-sonografista. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse estudo foi analisar as características clínicas, laboratoriais e ultra-sonográficas dos pacientes com TVP na faixa etária pediátrica. Participaram do estudo 22 crianças com diagnóstico de TVP estabelecido pelo quadro clínico e ultra-sonográfico. Foi constituído um grupo controle pareado em sexo e idade. Nesse estudo foi preenchida uma ficha que consistiu em dados de identificação, presença de algum antecedente etiopatogênico para a TVP, sintoma ou sinal inicial de HP, valores dos exames laboratoriais de aspartato aminotransferase (AST), alanina aminotransferase (ALT), gama glutamiltransferase (GGT), fosfatase alcalina (FA), atividade de protrombina (AP), hemoglobina (Hb), leucócitos e plaquetas. No exame ultra-sonográfico (USG) foi avaliado o fígado com suas características de superfície, borda, parênquima e suas dimensões longitudinal e ântero-posterior, sinais de HP (espessura do ligamento venoso, relação omento menor e aorta, presença de shunt espleno-renal, presença de varizes da vesícula biliar e dimensão do baço) e estudo da contratilidade da vesícula biliar (VB). Para comparar os grupos por meio das variáveis categóricas foi empregado o teste de Qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher e por meio das variáveis contínuas foi empregado o teste de Mann-Whitney. A idade dos pacientes variou entre 1 ano e 5 meses a 20 anos e 10 meses (mediana de 11 anos e 7 meses). Não foi observada diferença em relação ao sexo e a forma de apresentação clínica inicial mais freqüente foi a hematêmese em 13/22 pacientes (59%). O fator etiopatogênico mais implicado foi o cateterismo umbilical em 8/22 pacientes (36%). Dentre os exames laboratoriais, as aminotransferases, GGT e FA não tiveram alterações significativas. O hiperesplenismo foi representado principalmente pela trombocitopenia que esteve presente em 15/22 pacientes (68%). No estudo USG foi observado que o fígado, principalmente o lobo esquerdo, estava diminuído nos pacientes com TVP. Os sinais ecográficos de HP mais freqüentes foram a esplenomegalia que estava presente em todos os pacientes seguidos do aumento da espessura da parede da VB em 20/22 pacientes (91%), espessura do ligamento venoso em 16/18 pacientes (89%) e Shunt espleno-renal em 15/20 pacientes (75%). Litíase biliar foi observada em 3/22 pacientes (13,6%). Varizes da VB foram observadas em 13/22 pacientes (59%) e a contratilidade da VB foi menor no grupo de pacientes com TVP. Conclui-se que a hematêmese foi a forma de apresentação mais freqüente e o cateterismo umbilical é um importante fator etiopatogênico. A medida do baço, da espessura do ligamento venoso e da parede da vesícula biliar são bons indicadores de hipertensão portal. O fígado, principalmente o lobo esquerdo, está com a dimensão diminuída nos pacientes com TVP e as varizes da VB é uma complicação freqüenteAbstract: Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is relatively rare disease that affects adults and children, consisting of a blockage of the portal vein, and portal hypertension (PH) is the most frequent development problem. The knowledge regarding to the clinical manifestations and diagnostics are not yet been used into the routine of the general pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist and ultrasonographic (USG) specialists. Due to this, the objective of this study was to analyze the clinical, laboratorial and USG characteristics of the pediatric patients with PVT. 22 children with clinical and USG diagnosis of PVT participated in the study. A paired sex and age group was used as control. A chart with identification data, presence of any etiopathogenic antecedent for PVT, symptom or sign of PH and laboratorial values of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma glutamyltranferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (AP), prothrombin activity (PA), hemoglobin (Hb), leucocytes and platelets was filled up. At the USG examinations it was observed liver features such as surface, edge, parenchyma together with longitudinal and antero-posterior dimensions, studies of the gallbladder (GB) contractility and PH signs (thickness of the venous ligament, lesser omentum/aorta ratio, presence of GB varices, size of the spleen and splenorenal shunt). In order to compare both groups by categorical variables, Fisher¿s exact test or chi square test was used and by means of the continuous variables the Mann Whitney test was performed. The age of the patients varied from 1 year old and 5 months to 20 years old and 10 months (average of 11 years old and 7 months). Differences in relation to gender were not observed and also the hematemesis was the most frequent form of initial clinical presentation 13/22 (59%) of the patient. The implied etiopathogenic factor was the umbilical catheterism 8/22, (36%) patients. Within the laboratorial examinations, aminotransferases, GGT and AP had no significant changes. Hypersplenism was represented mainly by thrombocytopenia presented in 15/22 (68%) of the patients. At USG study, it was observed that, mainly the left lobe of the liver was diminished in the patients with TVP. The most frequent ecographic signals of PH were splenomegaly that was presented in all patients followed by an increased thickness of the GB walls in 20/22 (91%) patients, and the thickness of the venous ligament in 16/18 (89%) patients and splenorenal shunt in 15/20 (75%) of patients. Biliary lithiasis was observed in 3/22 patients (13,6%). Varices in the GB were observed in 13/22 patients (59%) and the contractility of the GB was lower in the group of patients with TVP. It was concluded that hematemesis was the most frequent form of presentation and that the umbilical catheterism is an important ethiopathogenic factor. The measurements of the spleen, the thickness of the venous ligament and of the wall of the GB are good indicators of PH. The liver, mainly the left lobe, is shown with reduced dimension in TVP patients and the varices of the GB are frequent complications in the patients with portal vein thrombosisDoutoradoPediatriaDoutor em Saude da Criança e do Adolescent

    Ultra-sonografia do figado e das vias biliares em pacientes com fibrose cistica

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    Orientador: Gabriel HesselDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar por ultra-sonografia as alterações hepáticas e das vias biliares em pacientes com fibrose cística (FC). Foram estudados 38 pacientes com FC (grupo A) na faixa etária de 01 a 18 anos e seus respectivos controles (grupo B). Os pacientes do grupo A foram pesados e classificados em eutróficos e desnutridos de acordo com o critério de Gomez. A função pancreática foi determinada pelo método de VAN-DE KAMER e os pacientes classificados no subgrupo AI (com esteatorréia) e subgrupo A2 (sem esteatorréia). A ultra-sonografia foi realizada estando os pacientes emjejum e decúbito dorsal. A hepatometria foi efetuada em sentido longitudinal na linha axilar anterior. Obteve-se, também, as características de superfície, borda, ecogenicidade e textura hepática. Os pacientes com alteração do parênquima foram submetidos à biópsia hepática percutânea. Para a vesícula biliar (VB) foram obtidas as seguintes medidas: 1. Maior dimensão longitudinal, 2. Maior dimensão ântero-posterior e 3. Área. Essas medidas foram obtidas em jejum, 30 e 60 minutos após a ingestão de alimento e a partir dos resultados foi calculado o índice de contração. No grupo A, os pacientes receberam a quantidade habitual de enzimas pancreáticas. Além da obtenção das medidas, observou-se também a presença ou ausência de barro biliar e litíase biliar. Para comparar as variáveis categóricas foi utilizado o teste de McNemar corrigido pelo qui-quadradoe para comparar o índice de contração da vesícula biliar entre os subgrupos AI e A2 foi empregado o teste U de Mann-Whitney. Nesses testes, a diferença foi considerada significativa se p<0,05. Em relação ao estado nutricional, observou-se que 18 pacientes (47,4%) foram considerados desnutridos. A presença de esteatorréia foi identificada em 22 pacientes (57,9%). Na ultra-sonografia hepática não se observou diferença entre os grupos, em relação às características de parênquima, borda e superfície. Contudo, houve diferença na dimensão do fígado, sendo maior no grupo B. Em 4 pacientes foram observadas alterações ecográficas da textura do parênquima hepático e, na biópsia, 3 pacientes apresentavam esteatose. Na ultra-sonografia da VB, observou-se apenas 1 paciente com litíase biliar e nenhum paciente com barro biliar. A dimensão da VB, em jejum, foi maior no grupo B em relação ao grupo A em todas as dimensões. O índice de contração em 30 e 60 minutos também foi maior no grupo B em relação ao grupo A considerando as medidas de área e maior comprimento longitudinal. No grupo A, não ocorreu diferença nos Índices de contração entre os subgrupos AI e A2. Em conclusão, a alteração histológica mais freqüente nos pacientes com alteração ultra-sonográfica do parênquima hepático foi esteatose e o índice de contração da VB foi menor no grupo de FC do que no grupo controleAbstract: This ultrasonographic study aimed to gain information on the relationship between, liver and gall bladder alterations and functions was carried out to compare the effects of cystic fibrosis (CF) in patients, ages 1-18 years old, representative of A group. The investigation was done through the analysis of ultrasonographic images of the liver and gall bladder of other 38 control individuaIs, representative the B group, the same number of patients affected by cystic fibrosis. Patients of A group were weighed and classified according to the Gomez criteria in eutrofic and undemourished. Analysis of pancreatic function was done by the Van De Kamer method and the patients found to be with esteatorrhoea, sub-group 1, and without esteatorrhoea, sub-group 2. Ultrasonographies were performed with patients while in eight hours to ovemight fasting, laying in supine position. Measurements of the liver were done longitudinally Ín the axiliar anterior line. Characteristics of the organs, such as surface, edge, ecogenecity and the liver texture w,ere also accomplished. Patients with parenchyma aIterations were submitted to percutaneous biopsy. The gaIlbladder was measured and fumished the following information: 1- Larger longitudinal dimension. 2- Larger anteroposterior dimension 3- Whole area. These data were measured in fasting, 30 minutes and 60 minutes after ingestion of food and resulted in a contractility index. Patients of A group received the usual quantity of pancreatic enzyme. Beside the measurements, absence or presence of biliary sludge and stones was also established. Comparisons between continuous variables between subjects and control group was accomplished through the test; comparison between categoricaI variables was determined by the I,,) McNemar test, corrected by the Q-square; comparison between contractility of the gall bladder in both groups was determined by the U test from Mann- Whitney. Significance of t tests, McNemar test, and U test were determined by p<0,05. Regarding the nutritional status, it was observed that 18 patients (47,4%) were considered undemourished. Steatorrhoea was present in 22 patients (57,9%). The ultrasonography of the liver did not disclose differences between groups concerning characteristics of the parenchyma, edge and surface. However, there were differences in liver dimension, with larger sizes in B group. Four patients that showed ecographic alterations in the texture of the hepatic parenchyma and the biopsies of three patients revealed steatosis. Ultrasonography of the gallbladder evidenced only one patient with cholelitiasis and none with biliary sludge. AlI dimensions of the gallbladder in fasting patients were larger in B group when compared with A group. The contractility index 30 and 60 minutes postprandial, the area and the longitudinal length, were also larger in B group when compared with the A group. In A group no differences were observed between subgroups AI and A2. The contractility index of the gall bladder was smaller in the CF than in the control group. Conc1uding, the histological alterations observed in biopsy material were more frequent with patients showing ultrasonographic modification of the hepatic parenchyma. The gall bladder contractility index was also smaller in the CF group than in the controlMestradoPediatriaMestre em Saude da Criança e do Adolescent

    Gallbladder Motility In Children With Chronic Constipation.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate gallbladder motility in constipated children. A cross-sectional study was conducted on pediatric patients with refractory constipation examined in a pediatric gastroenterology unit of a teaching hospital between January 2005 and August 2006. All of the patients seen during the period were included (age range, 2-16 years). The control group, matched for sex and age, was selected among patients seen at the same basic health units where patients were seen before being referred to pediatric gastroenterologists. A gallbladder contractility index was calculated based on fasting and postprandial gallbladder areas, using an ultrasonographic method. Ultrasonography studies were performed prospectively and blindly by the same physician. Measurements obtained in patients were compared with those obtained in controls. A total of 132 constipated children and the same number of healthy controls were included in the study. Median and mean fasting gallbladder areas were similar in patients and controls. Postprandial gallbladder areas were larger in the patient group, mean +/- SD = 594.8 +/- 206.4 mm, median, 562.5 mm, than in the control group, mean +/- SD = 541.1 +/- 156.1 mm, median, 530.5 mm; P = .031. Logistic regression showed that the risk of a contractility index <25% was 5.2 times greater in patients (odds ratio [OR] 5.2; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5-10.81) than in controls. Age was found to be a protective factor (OR 0.79; 95% CI 0.71-0.88). Gallbladder motility disorder was identified in a group of children with severe constipation. This finding may contribute to the understanding of functional constipation in children.46414-

    Biochemical, Anthropometric And Body Composition Indicators As Predictors Of Hepatic Steatosis In Obese Adolescents.

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    To describe the prevalence of hepatic steatosis and to assess the performance of biochemical, anthropometric and body composition indicators for hepatic steatosis in obese teenagers. Cross-sectional study including 79 adolecents aged from ten to 18 years old. Hepatic steatosis was diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound in case of moderate or intense hepatorenal contrast and/or a difference in the histogram ≥7 on the right kidney cortex. The insulin resistance was determined by the Homeostasis Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) index for values >3.16. Anthropometric and body composition indicators consisted of body mass index, body fat percentage, abdominal circumference and subcutaneous fat. Fasting glycemia and insulin, lipid profile and hepatic enzymes, such as aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase, were also evaluated. In order to assess the performance of these indicators in the diagnosis of hepatic steatosis in teenagers, a ROC curve analysis was applied. Hepatic steatosis was found in 20% of the patients and insulin resistance, in 29%. Gamma-glutamyltransferase and HOMA-IR were good indicators for predicting hepatic steatosis, with a cutoff of 1.06 times above the reference value for gamma-glutamyltransferase and 3.28 times for the HOMA-IR. The anthropometric indicators, the body fat percentage, the lipid profile, the glycemia and the aspartate aminotransferase did not present significant associations. Patients with high gamma-glutamyltransferase level and/or HOMA-IR should be submitted to abdominal ultrasound examination due to the increased chance of having hepatic steatosis