13 research outputs found

    Discovery of a kleptoplastic 'dinotom' dinoflagellate and the unique nuclear dynamics of converting kleptoplastids to permanent plastids

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    A monophyletic group of dinoflagellates, called ‘dinotoms’, are known to possess evolutionarily intermediate plastids derived from diatoms. The diatoms maintain their nuclei, mitochondria, and the endoplasmic reticulum in addition with their plastids, while it has been observed that the host dinoflagellates retain the diatoms permanently by controlling diatom karyokinesis. Previously, we showed that dinotoms have repeatedly replaced their diatoms. Here, we show the process of replacements is at two different evolutionary stages in two closely related dinotoms, Durinskia capensis and D. kwazulunatalensis. We clarify that D. capensis is a kleptoplastic protist keeping its diatoms temporarily, only for two months. On the other hand, D. kwazulunatalensis is able to keep several diatoms permanently and exhibits unique dynamics to maintain the diatom nuclei: the nuclei change their morphologies into a complex string-shape alongside the plastids during interphase and these string-shaped nuclei then condense into multiple round nuclei when the host divides. These dynamics have been observed in other dinotoms that possess permanent diatoms, while they have never been observed in any other eukaryotes. We suggest that the establishment of this unique mechanism might be a critical step for dinotoms to be able to convert kleptoplastids into permanent plastids.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prey preference in a kleptoplastic dinoflagellate is linked to photosynthetic performance

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    Dinoflagellates of the family Kryptoperidiniaceae, known as “dinotoms”, possess diatom-derived endosymbionts and contain individuals at three successive evolutionary stages: a transiently maintained kleptoplastic stage; a stage containing multiple permanently maintained diatom endosymbionts; and a further permanent stage containing a single diatom endosymbiont. Kleptoplastic dinotoms were discovered only recently, in Durinskia capensis; until now it has not been investigated kleptoplastic behavior and the metabolic and genetic integration of host and prey. Here, we show D. capensis is able to use various diatom species as kleptoplastids and exhibits different photosynthetic capacities depending on the diatom species. This is in contrast with the prey diatoms in their free-living stage, as there are no differences in their photosynthetic capacities. Complete photosynthesis including both the light reactions and the Calvin cycle remain active only when D. capensis feeds on its habitual associate, the “essential” diatom Nitzschia captiva. The organelles of another edible diatom, N. inconspicua, are preserved intact after ingestion by D. capensis and expresses the psbC gene of the photosynthetic light reaction, while RuBisCO gene expression is lost. Our results indicate that edible but non-essential, “supplemental” diatoms are used by D. capensis for producing ATP and NADPH, but not for carbon fixation. D. capensis has established a species-specifically designed metabolic system allowing carbon fixation to be performed only by its essential diatoms. The ability of D. capensis to ingest supplemental diatoms as kleptoplastids may be a flexible ecological strategy, to use these diatoms as “emergency supplies” while no essential diatoms are available.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.We are grateful to Dr Benjamin Bailleul for discussing the photoactivity possibility of N. inconspicua, and to Prof Dieter Spiteller and Dr Adrien Lapointe for suggesting the feeding experiment of D. capensis with four selected diatoms. We also thank Dr Martin Stöckl, from the Bioimaging Centre at University of Konstanz, for technical support of the CLSM. Our thanks also go to Ms Selina Pucher and Mr Alexander H. FĂŒrst for discussing the RT-qPCR data analyses and evaluation, and to Mr Niccolo Mosesso for discussing the TEM protocol improvement. This research was supported by the Bridging Stipend of University of Konstanz (No.638/20, granted to NY), the DFG Research Grant (No. YA 577/2-1, granted to NY), and the Symbiosis Model Systems Award (No. GBMF9360, granted to NY, RT, DGM, PGK) of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The CERCA Programme of Generalitat of Catalonia is also acknowledged. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is supported by the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pigment compositions are linked to the habitat types in dinoflagellates

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    Compared to planktonic species, there is little known about the ecology, physiology, and existence of benthic dinoflagellates living in sandy beach or seafloor environments. In a previous study, we discovered 13(2),17(3)-cyclopheophorbide a enol (cPPB-aE) from sand-dwelling benthic dinoflagellates. This enol had never been detected in phytoplankton despite the fact that it is a chlorophyll a catabolite. We speculated from this discovery that habitat selection might be linked to pigment compositions in dinoflagellates. To test the hypothesis of habitat selection linking to pigment compositions, we conducted extensive analysis of pigments with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for 40 species using 45 strains of dinoflagellates including three habitat types; sand-dwelling benthic forms, tidal pool inhabitants and planktonic species. The 40 dinoflagellates are also able to be distinguished into two types based on their chloroplast origins; red alga-derived secondary chloroplasts and diatom-derived tertiary ones. By plotting the pigments profiles onto three habitats, we noticed that twelve pigments including cPPB-aE were found to occur only in benthic sand-dwelling species of red alga-derived type. The similar tendency was also observed in dinoflagellates with diatom-derived chloroplasts, i.e. additional sixteen pigments including chl c (3) were found only in sand-dwelling forms. This is the first report of the occurrence of chl c (3) in dinoflagellates with diatom-derived chloroplasts. These results clarify that far greater diversity of pigments are produced by the dinoflagellates living in sand regardless of chloroplast types relative to those of planktonic and tidal pool forms. Dinoflagellates seem to produce a part of their pigments in response to their habitats

    Plagiodinium ballux sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a deep (36 m) sand dwelling dinoflagellate from subtropical Japan

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    A new species of marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellate, Plagiodinium ballux N. Yamada, Dawut, R. Terada & T. Horiguchi is described from a deep (36 m) seafloor off Takeshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan in the subtropical region of the northwest Pacific. The species is thecate and superficially resembles species of Prorocentrum, but possesses an extremely small epitheca. The cell varies from ovoid to a rounded square, and is small (15.0-22.5 mu m in length) and laterally compressed. The thecal plates are smooth and the thecal plate arrangement (Po, 1 ', 0a, 5 '', 5C, 2S, 5"', 0p, 1 '''') is similar to that of Plagiodinium belizeanum, the type species of the genus. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA and partial LSU rDNA reveal that the dinoflagellate is closely related to P. belizeanum, but it can be clearly distinguished by its size and cell shape. This suite of morphological and molecular differences leads to the conclusion that this deep benthic dinoflagellate represents a new species of the genus Plagiodinium

    Identification of Highly Divergent Diatom-Derived Chloroplasts in Dinoflagellates, Including a Description of Durinskia kwazulunatalensis sp. nov. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae)

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    Dinoflagellates are known to possess chloroplasts of multiple origins derived from a red alga, a green alga, haptophytes, or diatoms. The monophyletic "dinotoms" harbor a chloroplast of diatom origin, but their chloroplasts are polyphyletic belonging to one of four genera: Chaetoceros, Cyclotella, Discostella, or Nitzschia. It has been speculated that serial replacement of diatom-derived chloroplasts by other diatoms has caused this diversity of chloroplasts. Although previous work suggested that the endosymbionts of Nitzschia origin might not be monophyletic, this has not been seriously investigated. To infer the number of replacements of diatom-derived chloroplasts in dinotoms, we analyzed the phylogenetic affinities of 14 species of dinotoms based on the endosymbiotic rbcL gene and SSU rDNA, and the host SSU rDNA. Resultant phylogenetic trees revealed that six species of Nitzschia were taken up by eight marine dinoflagellate species. Our phylogenies also indicate that four separate diatom species belonging to three genera were incorporated into the five freshwater dinotoms. Particular attention was paid to two crucially closely related species, Durinskia capensis and a novel species, D. kwazulunatalensis, because they possess distantly related Nitzschia species. This study clarified that any of a total of at least 11 diatom species in five genera are employed as an endosymbiont by 14 dinotoms, which infers a more frequent replacement of endosymbionts in the world of dinotoms than previously envisaged.publishe

    Five Non-motile Dinotom Dinoflagellates of the Genus Dinothrix

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    Dinothrix paradoxa and Gymnodinium quadrilobatum are benthic dinoflagellates possessing diatom-derived tertiary plastids, so-called dinotoms. Due to the lack of available genetic information, their phylogenetic relationship remains unknown. In this study, sequencing of 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and the rbcL gene from temporary cultures isolated from natural samples revealed that they are close relatives of another dinotom, Galeidinium rugatum. The morphologies of these three dinotoms differ significantly from each other; however, they share a distinctive life cycle, in which the non-motile cells without flagella are their dominant phase. Cell division occurs in this non-motile phase, while swimming cells only appear for several hours after being released from each daughter cell. Furthermore, we succeeded in isolating and establishing two novel dinotom strains, HG180 and HG204, which show a similar life cycle and are phylogenetically closely related to the aforementioned three species. The non-motile cells of strain HG180 are characterized by the possession of a hemispheroidal cell covered with numerous nodes, while those of the strain HG204 form aggregations consisting of spherical smooth-surface cells. Based on the similarity in life cycles and phylogenetic closeness, we conclude that all five species should belong to a single genus, Dinothrix, the oldest genus within this clade. We transferred Ga. rugatum and Gy. quadrilobatum to Dinothrix, and described strains HG180 and HG204 as Dinothrix phymatodea sp. nov. and Dinothrix pseudoparadoxa sp. nov.publishe

    Nitzschia captiva sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), the essential prey diatom of the kleptoplastic dinoflagellate Durinskia capensis, compared with N. agnita, N. kuetzingioides and other species

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    Durinskia capensis is a kleptoplastic dinoflagellate species from high intertidal marine rock pools, which can use a variety of diatoms for photosynthesis. However, very few of the diatoms permit indefinite survival of the dinoflagellate and rbcL sequences show that D. capensis isolated from nature contains one of two closely related Nitzschia species as its kleptoplastids. In culture, without a supply of these ‘essential’ Nitzschia cells to replenish the intracellular store of diatom plastids and other organelles, D. capensis eventually loses all its kleptoplastids and dies. Inside Durinskia, diatoms do not possess frustules and so cannot be compared morphologically with free-living forms. Recently, one of the essential Nitzschia species was isolated from the type locality of D. capensis and grown in culture, allowing comparison with similar Nitzschia species, particularly N. agnita and N. kuetzingioides, examined from type material. We conclude that the ‘essential diatom’ of D. capensis differs morphologically from these and other Nitzschia species and it is therefore described as N. captiva sp. nov. Nitzschia agnita and N. kuetzingioides, on the other hand, are conspecific and N. agnita has priority. Nitzschia captiva and N. agnita are extremely similar in valve shape, dimensions, pattern and ultrastructure, but can be separated by their girdle structure. Nitzschia agnita appears to be a freshwater species, though somewhat salt-tolerant. In contrast, N. captiva, which is known principally from records of the kleptoplastids of D. capensis rather than from frustules, is so far marine.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Outer dynein arm light chain 1 is essential for controlling the ciliary response to cyclic AMP in Paramecium tetraurelia

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    The individual role of the outer dynein arm light chains in the molecular mechanisms of ciliary movements in response to second messengers, such as Ca(2+) and cyclic nucleotides, is unclear. We examined the role of the gene termed the outer dynein arm light chain 1 (LC1) gene of Paramecium tetraurelia (ODAL1), a homologue of the outer dynein arm LC1 gene of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, in ciliary movements by RNA interference (RNAi) using a feeding method. The ODAL1-silenced (ODAL1-RNAi) cells swam slowly, and their swimming velocity did not increase in response to membrane-hyperpolarizing stimuli. Ciliary movements on the cortical sheets of ODAL1-RNAi cells revealed that the ciliary beat frequency was significantly lower than that of control cells in the presence of ≄1 mM Mg(2+)-ATP. In addition, the ciliary orientation of ODAL1-RNAi cells did not change in response to cyclic AMP (cAMP). A 29-kDa protein phosphorylated in a cAMP-dependent manner in the control cells disappeared in the axoneme of ODAL1-RNAi cells. These results indicate that ODAL1 is essential for controlling the ciliary response by cAMP-dependent phosphorylation