3,680 research outputs found

    Preliminary Results from the Caltech Core-Collapse Project (CCCP)

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    We present preliminary results from the Caltech Core-Collapse Project (CCCP), a large observational program focused on the study of core-collapse SNe. Uniform, high-quality NIR and optical photometry and multi-epoch optical spectroscopy have been obtained using the 200'' Hale and robotic 60'' telescopes at Palomar, for a sample of 50 nearby core-collapse SNe. The combination of both well-sampled optical light curves and multi-epoch spectroscopy will enable spectroscopically and photometrically based subtype definitions to be disentangled from each other. Multi-epoch spectroscopy is crucial to identify transition events that evolve among subtypes with time. The CCCP SN sample includes every core-collapse SN discovered between July 2004 and September 2005 that was visible from Palomar, found shortly (< 30 days) after explosion (based on available pre-explosion photometry), and closer than ~120 Mpc. This complete sample allows, for the first time, a study of core-collapse SNe as a population, rather than as individual events. Here, we present the full CCCP SN sample and show exemplary data collected. We analyze available data for the first ~1/3 of the sample and determine the subtypes of 13 SNe II based on both light curve shapes and spectroscopy. We discuss the relative SN II subtype fractions in the context of associating SN subtypes with specific progenitor stars.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the meeting "The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins", Cefalu, Italy, June 2006, to be published by AIP, Eds. L. Burderi et a

    Validity and practical utility of accelerometry for the measurement of in-hand physical activity in horses

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    Background: Accelerometers are valid, practical and reliable tools for the measurement of habitual physical activity (PA). Quantification of PA in horses is desirable for use in research and clinical settings. The objective of this study was to evaluate a triaxial accelerometer for objective measurement of PA in the horse by assessment of their practical utility and validity. Horses were recruited to establish both the optimal site of accelerometer attachment and questionnaire designed to explore owner acceptance. Validity and cut-off values were obtained by assessing PA at various gaits. Validation study- 20 horses wore the accelerometer while being filmed for 10 min each of rest, walking and trotting and 5 mins of canter work. Practical utility study- five horses wore accelerometers on polls and withers for 18 h; compliance and relative data losses were quantified. Results: Accelerometry output differed significantly between the four PA levels (P &#60;0•001) for both wither and poll placement. For withers placement, ROC analyses found optimal sensitivity and specificity at a cut-off of &#60;47 counts per minute (cpm) for rest (sensitivity 99.5 %, specificity 100 %), 967–2424 cpm for trotting (sensitivity 96.7 %, specificity 100 %) and &#8805;2425 cpm for cantering (sensitivity 96.0 %, specificity 97.0 %). Attachment at the poll resulted in optimal sensitivity and specificity at a cut-off of &#60;707 counts per minute (cpm) for rest (sensitivity 97.5 %, specificity 99.6 %), 1546–2609 cpm for trotting (sensitivity 90.33 %, specificity 79.25 %) and &#8805;2610 cpm for cantering (sensitivity 100 %, specificity 100 %) In terms of practical utility, accelerometry was well tolerated and owner acceptance high. Conclusion: Accelerometry data correlated well with varying levels of in-hand equine activity. The use of accelerometers is a valid method for objective measurement of controlled PA in the horse

    Autonomous frequency domain identification: Theory and experiment

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    The analysis, design, and on-orbit tuning of robust controllers require more information about the plant than simply a nominal estimate of the plant transfer function. Information is also required concerning the uncertainty in the nominal estimate, or more generally, the identification of a model set within which the true plant is known to lie. The identification methodology that was developed and experimentally demonstrated makes use of a simple but useful characterization of the model uncertainty based on the output error. This is a characterization of the additive uncertainty in the plant model, which has found considerable use in many robust control analysis and synthesis techniques. The identification process is initiated by a stochastic input u which is applied to the plant p giving rise to the output. Spectral estimation (h = P sub uy/P sub uu) is used as an estimate of p and the model order is estimated using the produce moment matrix (PMM) method. A parametric model unit direction vector p is then determined by curve fitting the spectral estimate to a rational transfer function. The additive uncertainty delta sub m = p - unit direction vector p is then estimated by the cross spectral estimate delta = P sub ue/P sub uu where e = y - unit direction vectory y is the output error, and unit direction vector y = unit direction vector pu is the computed output of the parametric model subjected to the actual input u. The experimental results demonstrate the curve fitting algorithm produces the reduced-order plant model which minimizes the additive uncertainty. The nominal transfer function estimate unit direction vector p and the estimate delta of the additive uncertainty delta sub m are subsequently available to be used for optimization of robust controller performance and stability

    A Very Large Array Search for 5 GHz Radio Transients and Variables at Low Galactic Latitudes

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    We present the results of a 5 GHz survey with the Very Large Array (VLA) and the expanded VLA, designed to search for short-lived (≾1 day) transients and to characterize the variability of radio sources at milli-Jansky levels. A total sky area of 2.66 deg^2, spread over 141 fields at low Galactic latitudes (b≅6-8 deg), was observed 16 times with a cadence that was chosen to sample timescales of days, months, and years. Most of the data were reduced, analyzed, and searched for transients in near real-time. Interesting candidates were followed up using visible light telescopes (typical delays of 1-2 hr) and the X-ray Telescope on board the Swift satellite. The final processing of the data revealed a single possible transient with a peak flux density of f_ν≅2.4 mJy. This implies a transient's sky surface density of κ(f_ν > 1.8 mJy) = 0.039^(+0.13 +0.18)_(–0.032,–0.038) deg^(–2) (1σ, 2σ confidence errors). This areal density is roughly consistent with the sky surface density of transients from the Bower et al. survey extrapolated to 1.8 mJy. Our observed transient areal density is consistent with a neutron star's origin for these events. Furthermore, we use the data to measure the source variability on timescales of days to years, and we present the variability structure function of 5 GHz sources. The mean structure function shows a fast increase on ≈1 day timescale, followed by a slower increase on timescales of up to 10 days. On timescales between 10 and 60 days, the structure function is roughly constant. We find that ≳30% of the unresolved sources brighter than 1.8 mJy are variables at the >4σ confidence level, presumably mainly due to refractive scintillation

    Supernova PTF 09uj: A possible shock breakout from a dense circumstellar wind

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    Type-IIn supernovae (SNe), which are characterized by strong interaction of their ejecta with the surrounding circumstellar matter (CSM), provide a unique opportunity to study the mass-loss history of massive stars shortly before their explosive death. We present the discovery and follow-up observations of a Type IIn SN, PTF 09uj, detected by the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). Serendipitous observations by GALEX at ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths detected the rise of the SN light curve prior to the PTF discovery. The UV light curve of the SN rose fast, with a time scale of a few days, to a UV absolute AB magnitude of about -19.5. Modeling our observations, we suggest that the fast rise of the UV light curve is due to the breakout of the SN shock through the dense CSM (n~10^10 cm^-3). Furthermore, we find that prior to the explosion the progenitor went through a phase of high mass-loss rate (~0.1 solar mass per year) that lasted for a few years. The decay rate of this SN was fast relative to that of other SNe IIn.Comment: Accepted to Apj, 6 pages, 4 figure

    The Structure, Kinematics and Physical Properties of the Molecular Gas in the Starburst Nucleus of NGC 253

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    We present 5.2" x 2.6" resolution interferometry of CO J=1-0 emission from the starburst galaxy NGC 253. The high spatial resolution of these new data, in combination with recent high resolution maps of 13CO, HCN and near-infrared emission, allow us for the first time to link unambiguously the gas properties in the central starburst of NGC 253 with its bar dynamics. We confirm that the star formation results from bar-driven gas flows as seen in "twin peaks" galaxies. Two distinct kinematic features are evident from the CO map and position-velocity diagram: a group of clouds rotating as a solid body about the kinematic center of the galaxy, and a more extended gas component associated with the near-infrared bar. We model the line intensities of CO, HCN and 13CO to infer the physical conditions of the gas in the nucleus of NGC 253. The results indicate increased volume densities around the radio nucleus in a twin-peaks morphology. Compared with the CO kinematics, the gas densities appear highest near the radius of a likely inner Linblad resonance, and slightly lead the bar minor axis. This result is similar to observations of the face-on, twin-peaks galaxy NGC 6951, and is consistent with models of starburst generation due to gas inflow along a bar.Comment: To appear in the ApJ, 28 pages, 12 figure file

    Elasticity-driven Nanoscale Texturing in Complex Electronic Materials

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    Finescale probes of many complex electronic materials have revealed a non-uniform nanoworld of sign-varying textures in strain, charge and magnetization, forming meandering ribbons, stripe segments or droplets. We introduce and simulate a Ginzburg-Landau model for a structural transition, with strains coupling to charge and magnetization. Charge doping acts as a local stress that deforms surrounding unit cells without generating defects. This seemingly innocuous constraint of elastic `compatibility', in fact induces crucial anisotropic long-range forces of unit-cell discrete symmetry, that interweave opposite-sign competing strains to produce polaronic elasto-magnetic textures in the composite variables. Simulations with random local doping below the solid-solid transformation temperature reveal rich multiscale texturing from induced elastic fields: nanoscale phase separation, mesoscale intrinsic inhomogeneities, textural cross-coupling to external stress and magnetic field, and temperature-dependent percolation. We describe how this composite textured polaron concept can be valuable for doped manganites, cuprates and other complex electronic materials.Comment: Preprin