2,844 research outputs found

    Use of accelerometry to investigate physical activity in dogs receiving chemotherapy

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    Objectives: To perform a preliminary study to assess whether single-agent palliative or adjuvant chemotherapy has an impact on objectively measured physical activity in dogs. Methods: Fifteen dogs with neoplasia (treatment group) wore ActiGraph™ accelerometers for 5-day periods before, during and after receiving single-agent adjuvant or palliative chemotherapy. Mean 5-day total physical activity and time spent in three different intensities of activity (sedentary, light-moderate and vigorous) before, during and after receiving chemotherapy were compared to a group of 15 healthy dogs (control group). Results were also compared within the treatment group across time. Results: Prior to chemotherapy, treated dogs tended to be less active than control dogs. Treatment group dogs were slightly more active at restaging than they were prior to treatment but had similar activity levels to control dogs. Marked effects of chemotherapy on physical activity were not detected. Physical activity was slightly lower in treated dogs during chemotherapy when compared to control dogs but there was a slight increase in physical activity of treated dogs during chemotherapy when compared with pretreatment recordings. There was little change in the mean 5-day total physical activity between treated dogs during chemotherapy and at restaging but a mild decrease in time spent sedentary and increase in time spent in light-moderate activity at this comparison of time points. Clinical Significance: Single-agent adjuvant or palliative chemotherapy had minimal impact on physical activity levels in dogs with neoplasia

    WISeREP - An Interactive Supernova Data Repository

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    We have entered an era of massive data sets in astronomy. In particular, the number of supernova (SN) discoveries and classifications has substantially increased over the years from few tens to thousands per year. It is no longer the case that observations of a few prototypical events encapsulate most spectroscopic information about SNe, motivating the development of modern tools to collect, archive, organize and distribute spectra in general, and SN spectra in particular. For this reason we have developed the Weizmann Interactive Supernova data REPository - WISeREP - an SQL-based database (DB) with an interactive web-based graphical interface. The system serves as an archive of high quality SN spectra, including both historical (legacy) data as well as data that is accumulated by ongoing modern programs. The archive provides information about objects, their spectra, and related meta-data. Utilizing interactive plots, we provide a graphical interface to visualize data, perform line identification of the major relevant species, determine object redshifts, classify SNe and measure expansion velocities. Guest users may view and download spectra or other data that have been placed in the public domain. Registered users may also view and download data that are proprietary to specific programs with which they are associated. The DB currently holds >8000 spectra, of which >5000 are public; the latter include published spectra from the Palomar Transient Factory, all of the SUSPECT archive, the Caltech-Core-Collapse Program, the CfA SN spectra archive and published spectra from the UC Berkeley SNDB repository. It offers an efficient and convenient way to archive data and share it with colleagues, and we expect that data stored in this way will be easy to access, increasing its visibility, usefulness and scientific impact.Comment: To be published in PASP. WISeREP: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/astrophysics/wiserep

    Conformal invariance of the exploration path in 2-d critical bond percolation in the square lattice

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    In this paper we present the proof of the convergence of the critical bond percolation exploration process on the square lattice to the trace of SLE6_{6}. This is an important conjecture in mathematical physics and probability. The case of critical site percolation on the hexagonal lattice was established in the seminal work of Smirnov via proving Cardy's formula. Our proof uses a series of transformations and conditioning to construct a pair of paths: the ++\partialCBP and the -\partialCBP. The convergence in the site percolation case on the hexagonal lattice allows us to obtain certain estimates on the scaling limit of the ++\partialCBP and the -\partialCBP. By considering a path which is the concatenation of ++\partialCBPs and -\partialCBPs in an alternating manner, we can prove the convergence in the case of bond percolation on the square lattice.Comment: This is a preliminary version. The first two authors attended the Planar Statistical Models workshop in Sanya from Jan 5 to Jan 8, 2013. We received many critical comments from the participants. We will revise the paper and provide a clean proo

    SN2007ax : An Extremely Faint Type Ia Supernova

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    We present multi-band photometric and optical spectroscopic observations of SN2007ax, the faintest and reddest Type Ia supernova (SNIa) yet observed. With M_B = -15.9 and (B-V)max = 1.2, this SN is over half a magnitude fainter at maximum light than any other SNIa. Similar to subluminous SN2005ke, SN2007ax also appears to show excess in UV emission at late time. Traditionally, Delta-m_15(B) has been used to parameterize the decline rate for SNeIa. However, the B-band transition from fast to slow decline occurs sooner than 15 days for faint SNeIa. Therefore we suggest that a more physically motivated parameter, the time of intersection of the two slopes, be used instead. Only by explaining the faintest (and the brightest) supernovae, we can thoroughly understand the physics of thermonuclear explosions. We suggest that future surveys should carefully design their cadence, depth, pointings and follow-up to find an unbiased sample of extremely faint members of this subclass of faint SNeIa.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Service evaluation to establish the sensitivity, specificity and additional value of broad-range 16S rDNA PCR for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis from resected endocardial material in patients from eight UK and Ireland hospitals

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    Infective endocarditis (IE) can be diagnosed in the clinical microbiology laboratory by culturing explanted heart valve material. We present a service evaluation that examines the sensitivity and specificity of a broad-range 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the detection of the causative microbe in culture-proven and culture-negative cases of IE. A clinical case-note review was performed for 151 patients, from eight UK and Ireland hospitals, whose endocardial specimens were referred to the Microbiology Laboratory at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for broad-range 16S rDNA PCR over a 12-year period. PCR detects the causative microbe in 35/47 cases of culture-proven IE and provides an aetiological agent in 43/69 cases of culture-negative IE. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of the 16S rDNA PCR assay were calculated for this series of selected samples using the clinical diagnosis of IE as the reference standard. The values obtained are as follows: sensitivity = 67 %, specificity = 91 %, PPV = 96 % and NPV = 46 %. A wide range of organisms are detected by PCR, with Streptococcus spp. detected most frequently and a relatively large number of cases of Bartonella spp. and Tropheryma whipplei IE. PCR testing of explanted heart valves is recommended in addition to culture techniques to increase diagnostic yield. The data describing the aetiological agents in a large UK and Ireland series of culture-negative IE will allow future development of the diagnostic algorithm to include real-time PCR assays targeted at specific organisms

    Validity and practical utility of accelerometry for the measurement of in-hand physical activity in horses

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    Background: Accelerometers are valid, practical and reliable tools for the measurement of habitual physical activity (PA). Quantification of PA in horses is desirable for use in research and clinical settings. The objective of this study was to evaluate a triaxial accelerometer for objective measurement of PA in the horse by assessment of their practical utility and validity. Horses were recruited to establish both the optimal site of accelerometer attachment and questionnaire designed to explore owner acceptance. Validity and cut-off values were obtained by assessing PA at various gaits. Validation study- 20 horses wore the accelerometer while being filmed for 10 min each of rest, walking and trotting and 5 mins of canter work. Practical utility study- five horses wore accelerometers on polls and withers for 18 h; compliance and relative data losses were quantified. Results: Accelerometry output differed significantly between the four PA levels (P <0•001) for both wither and poll placement. For withers placement, ROC analyses found optimal sensitivity and specificity at a cut-off of <47 counts per minute (cpm) for rest (sensitivity 99.5 %, specificity 100 %), 967–2424 cpm for trotting (sensitivity 96.7 %, specificity 100 %) and ≥2425 cpm for cantering (sensitivity 96.0 %, specificity 97.0 %). Attachment at the poll resulted in optimal sensitivity and specificity at a cut-off of <707 counts per minute (cpm) for rest (sensitivity 97.5 %, specificity 99.6 %), 1546–2609 cpm for trotting (sensitivity 90.33 %, specificity 79.25 %) and ≥2610 cpm for cantering (sensitivity 100 %, specificity 100 %) In terms of practical utility, accelerometry was well tolerated and owner acceptance high. Conclusion: Accelerometry data correlated well with varying levels of in-hand equine activity. The use of accelerometers is a valid method for objective measurement of controlled PA in the horse

    A Very Large Array Search for 5 GHz Radio Transients and Variables at Low Galactic Latitudes

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    We present the results of a 5 GHz survey with the Very Large Array (VLA) and the expanded VLA, designed to search for short-lived (≾1 day) transients and to characterize the variability of radio sources at milli-Jansky levels. A total sky area of 2.66 deg^2, spread over 141 fields at low Galactic latitudes (b≅6-8 deg), was observed 16 times with a cadence that was chosen to sample timescales of days, months, and years. Most of the data were reduced, analyzed, and searched for transients in near real-time. Interesting candidates were followed up using visible light telescopes (typical delays of 1-2 hr) and the X-ray Telescope on board the Swift satellite. The final processing of the data revealed a single possible transient with a peak flux density of f_ν≅2.4 mJy. This implies a transient's sky surface density of κ(f_ν > 1.8 mJy) = 0.039^(+0.13 +0.18)_(–0.032,–0.038) deg^(–2) (1σ, 2σ confidence errors). This areal density is roughly consistent with the sky surface density of transients from the Bower et al. survey extrapolated to 1.8 mJy. Our observed transient areal density is consistent with a neutron star's origin for these events. Furthermore, we use the data to measure the source variability on timescales of days to years, and we present the variability structure function of 5 GHz sources. The mean structure function shows a fast increase on ≈1 day timescale, followed by a slower increase on timescales of up to 10 days. On timescales between 10 and 60 days, the structure function is roughly constant. We find that ≳30% of the unresolved sources brighter than 1.8 mJy are variables at the >4σ confidence level, presumably mainly due to refractive scintillation