13 research outputs found

    A new look at Sco OB1 association with Gaia DR2

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    We present and discuss photometric optical data in the area of the OB association Sco OB1 covering about 1 squared degree. UBVI photometry is employed in tandem with Gaia DR2 data to investigate the 3 dimensional structure and the star formation history of the region. By combining parallaxes and proper motions we identify 7 physical groups located between the young open cluster NGC 6231 and the bright nebula IC4628. The most prominent group coincides with the sparse open cluster Trumpler 24. We confirm the presence of the intermediate age star cluster VdB-Hagen 202, which is unexpected in this environment, and provide for the first time estimates of its fundamental parameters. After assessing individual groups membership, we derive mean proper motion components, distances, and ages. The seven groups belong to two different families. To the younger family (family I) belong several pre-Main Sequence stars as well. These are evenly spread across the field, and also in front of VdB-Hagen 202. VdB-Hagen 202 and two smaller, slightly detached, groups of similar properties form family II, which do not belong to the association, but are caught in the act of passing through it. As for the younger population, this forms an arc-like structure from the bright nebula IC 4628 down to NGC 6231, as previously found. Moreover, the pre-Main Sequence stars density seems to increase from NGC 6231 northward to Trumpler 24

    The young Galactic cluster NGC 225: binary stars??? content and total mass estimate

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    Galactic star clusters are known to harbour a significant amount of binary stars, yet their role in the dynamical evolution of the cluster as a whole is not comprehensively understood. We investigated the influence of binary stars on the total mass estimate for the case of the moderately populated Galactic star cluster NGC 225. The analysis of multi-epoch radial velocities of the 29 brightest cluster members, obtained over two observational campaigns, in 1990-1991 and in 2019-2020, yields a value of binary fraction of α = 0.52 (15 stars out of 29). Using theoretical isochrones and Monte Carlo simulations we found that the cluster mass increases at least 1.23 times when binaries are properly taken into account. By combining Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) photometric data with our spectroscopic observations, we derived estimates of NGC 225 fundamental parameters as follows: mean radial velocity ⟨ Vr ⟩ = -9.8 ± 0.7 km s-1; log (τ) = 8.0-8.2 dex; distance D = 676 ± 22 pc; and colour excess E(B - V) = 0.29 ± 0.01 mag

    Photometric Study of the Open Cluster NGC 225

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    Abstract—NGC 225 is a young moderately populated cluster with discrepant age, distance, and color excess estimates reported by different authors. We combine our photometry with the data from large surveys (2MASS, WISE, Pan-STARRS) to derive the parameters of NGC 225 and study the extinction law in the near infrared in the direction of the cluster. We use theoretical isochrones to infer the color excess E(B - V) = 0.29 pm 0.01, distance D = 667 pm 18 pc, and Age = 100–160 Myr. We fit extinction in the infrared by a power-law relation, (Formula presented.), and find (Formula presented.)


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    The purpose of the study is to identify trends and future models for the innovativedevelopment of Russian Federation. Paper deals with the innovative development of theleading countries of world economic growth. Particular attention is given to«neoindustrialization» of economically developed countries and innovative nature ofclustering of economic space. The modern factors of global competitiveness and economiccontent of the innovative transformation of the economy is specified. Theoreticalapproaches and tendencies of innovative transformation of economy are proved. Theauthors identified scientific, technological, production, spatial-territorial and institutionalmarketaspects of innovative transformation. Paper includes the differentiation of theStates-leaders of industrial production in the context of key indicators of globalcompetitiveness. The transformation model of innovative economy formation ispresented, the indicators of global competitiveness of the Russian Federation areconsidered. The authors propose structural and logical scheme of innovativetransformation of the national economic system of the Russian Federation is developed. Agraphic interpretation of the transformation of the economic system of the territory underthe influence of innovative development is proposed

    Global competitiveness, neoindustrialization and innovative clusters: International indicators and trends of russian federation

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    The purpose of the study is to identify trends and future models for the innovativedevelopment of Russian Federation. Paper deals with the innovative development of theleading countries of world economic growth. Particular attention is given to«neoindustrialization» of economically developed countries and innovative nature ofclustering of economic space. The modern factors of global competitiveness and economiccontent of the innovative transformation of the economy is specified. Theoreticalapproaches and tendencies of innovative transformation of economy are proved. Theauthors identified scientific, technological, production, spatial-territorial and institutionalmarketaspects of innovative transformation. Paper includes the differentiation of theStates-leaders of industrial production in the context of key indicators of globalcompetitiveness. The transformation model of innovative economy formation ispresented, the indicators of global competitiveness of the Russian Federation areconsidered. The authors propose structural and logical scheme of innovativetransformation of the national economic system of the Russian Federation is developed. Agraphic interpretation of the transformation of the economic system of the territory underthe influence of innovative development is proposed

    Search for and Investigation of Double Open Clusters

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    The physical and kinematical parameters of three pairs of open clusters, NGC 6755 and Czernik 39, NGC 1857 and Czernik 20, Berkeley 70 and SAI 47, are determined using the data from several photometric catalogs in order to confirm or disprove the binarity of these pairs