50 research outputs found

    Rabbinic Wisdom

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    Low molecular weight thymic factor inhibits histamine release from basophils

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    Low molecular weight thymic factor stimulates the suppressor function of T-lymphocytes, increases cAMP content (but not cGMP) in lymphocytes and inhibits histamine release from sensitized basophils. The mechanisms of LTF action are discussed

    Figuration/Abstraction: Fairfield Porter/Willem de Koonig

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    While the words of figurative art and abstract expressionism may seem to be eons apart for the average viewer, it was the premise of Figuration/Abstraction: Fairfield Porter/Willem de Kooning to explore, in the worlds of curator David Leach, a shared attitude regarding the essentials of image making. In the collision of realism and abstraction which highlighted a long period of East Coast painting characterized by these two major figures. Leach has seen a love of color and a strong interest in shape as well as a love for the fast-moving gestural mark

    A Research In Urban Form: Syntactic Analyses Of Galata And Arnavutköy

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1995Bu çalışma şehirsel mekân düzen türlerinin genelde hissedilemeyen yapısının radikal bir şekilde analizini yapmak ve bu düzeni oluşturan nedenleri birtakım somut verilerle açıklamak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Şehirlerin karmaşık yapılarını açıklamada etkin bir yere sahip şehirsel mekân organizasyon konusunun; morfolojik yapıyı sosyal yapı ile ilişkilendirerek tanımlayan "mekân sentaks" (space syntax) yöntemi içerisinde incelenerek ele alındığı bu çalışmada, mekânsal strüktürün şehrin kendi formu içerisinde anlaşılabilmesine çalışılmış ve mekân organizasyon şekillenmesinde etkili olan unsurlar kavramsal ve sayısal bir şekilde açıklanmıştır. Çalışma genel anlamda şehrin mekânsal düzenini şehrin iç yapısında inceleyen şehirsel morfoloji biliminin tüm bileşenleriyle tanıtılarak açıklanıldığı bölüm ile şehirsel mekân organizasyonuna somut birtakım açıklayıcı tanımlar getiren mekân sentaks yönteminin tanıtılıp, İstanbul'un Galata ve Arnavutköy örneklem bölgelerinde uygulanıldığı diğer bölüm olmak üzere iki aşamadan oluşmaktadır. Çalışma, özellikle fonksiyonel ve mekânsal anlamda karmaşık bir yapısı olan İstanbul'un tarihi ve kül türel değeri yüksek iki bölgesinde bir karşılaştırma yapılabilmesini mümkün kılmakta ve mevcut dokunun ne gibi yeni önerilere gereksinimi olduğu konularında birtakım somut fikirler getirmektedir. Çalışma yedi bölümden oluşmaktadır: Birinci Bölüm'de; çalışmanın amacı ve yöntemi açıklanmıştır. İkinci Bölüm'de; şehirsel morfoloji bilimi tanımsal olarak açıklanmıştır. Üçüncü Bölüm'de; şehirsel morfoloji değişimlerini, tarihsel süreç içerisinde incele yen ve bu değişime neden olan güçleri ortaya çıkaran morfogenesis çalışmaları açıklanmış ve morfogenetiklerin benimsediği tarihsel süreç içerisinde şehirsel morfoloji evreleri tanıtılmıştır. Dördüncü Bölüm'de; yöntemin uygulandığı örneklem bölgeleri Galata ve Arnavutköy ile mekân sentaks yöntemi tanıtılmıştır. Bu bölümde, ayrıca yöntemin çıkış noktaları, analitik yapısı açıklanmış ve bölümün sonunda da yöntemin ne tür sonuçlar verdiği uygulanan örneklerde ayrıca belirtilmiştir. Beşinci Bölüm'de; örneklem bölgelerinin mekân sentaks yönteminden elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Altıncı Bölüm'de çalışmada elde edilen genel sonuçlar önerilerle beraber yorumlanarak açıklanmıştır.The subject of the thesis is to analyse the spatial and morphological organisations in urban areas with explaining the determinants of it in a substantial way of research. Today most of the population of the industrial world lives in urban environments and the production and maintenance of the physical parts of those environments absorb a large part of societies. And also the built environment is a fundemental means by which individuals and societies orientate themselves in time and space. But how remarkable it is therefore that, there has been little research on physical form of cities. On the other hand, today most architects and planners believe that something has gone badly wrong with the design of urban spaces. No matter how hard they try, they do not seem able to recreate the unforced, informal liveliness that once contributed so much to the quality of urban living. In fact, nowadays there is suddenly a big interest in physical forms of urban areas. The search for "Urbanity" in physical form of cities has become a central theme in architecture and urban design disciplines with developing a variety of contending styles and movements. This subject is used in the inquires of the public spaces. And also this recent growth of research on physical form of urban areas is occuring in the several disciplines- e.g. in geography, planning and planing history, urban design, arhitecture and urban history. And also there is a marked increase in the rate of production of scholarly papers on aspects of urban form and the publication of several books providing conspectuses of the urban landscape. But whether this part of heightened interest in the urban landscape will prove insightful is as yet unclear. That a number of major, sometimes spectacular, urban features have been associated with post-modernism, for example hightech corridors, festival settings and pedestrian malls, is undoubted. And some of them have been the subject of individual examination. But the need for a theory of the creation of late 20th century urban landscapes that is distinct from earlier theories has yet to be demonstrated. The difficult phase of assembling information with which to test these speculations is only just beginning. - x - The reason of this situation is, intact, the inadequate knowledge in design disciplines. There is a substantial gap in the knowledge of the social implications of strictly formal, hence designing decisions. There is no adequate description and explanation of why certain types of spatial patterning seem inevitably to lead to that curious feeling of a disembodied architecture, devoid of human contact and activity, any more than there is an understanding of why common-or-garden urban space of the past so easily provided a setting for the life that nowadays seems so often to be missing. The lack of the knowledge and probably the loss of responsibility as well-stems from a conceptual difficulty. Designers do not have concepts and techniques that allow them to describe and investigate the kinds of spatial order that are to be found in highly complex physicial objects like towns and cities. It is because designers today do not properly understand their spatial logic that they cannot develop a proper understanding of their spatial consequences. In short, the disciplines which are searching the physicial form of cities have to develop a method which explains the determinants of the spatial organisation in a substantial way of research. In that thesis, a search for a method which explains the spatial organisations in the cities has been done. In order to give an objective and precise description of the spatial organisations, the urban morphology discipline, which makes a research of the determinants of the spatial organisation in the internal structure of the cities, has been introduced. In the second part of this study, an objective and precise description of the urban morphology has been introduced. Urban morphology is related to three variables. These are plan or layout, land use or the function of buildings and the architectural style of buildings. And these three vary independently and produce on infinitive variety of urban scene. In this part also the history of urban morphology has been explained. And the most popular studies of this subject are introduced. Then the recent approaches to that subject is explained and conceptual part of the urban morphology is introduced. Urban morphology like other research studies that make an analysis of the urban forms, develop some methods in order to give substantial descriptions to that spatial organisation in cities. Up to now, a traditional study of urban morphology was seen and this traditional studies has given a great conceptual informations of urban forms. But after the revolution of computers, the studies in this subject has developed and began to give objective and substantial products. In this chapter, the recent techniques of urban morphology has been introduced. The methods and the purpose of the methods are explained in their own applications. In the third part of this study, the changes of urban morphology through the morphology history are introduced. Th evolution of the urban morphology is analysed according to the morphogenetics. For that reason, at first, the description XI of urban morphogenesis has been done and the individuals who studies morphogenesis, in an other word, the morphogenetics has been introduced. In that part of this study, the order that has been followed through the evolution of urban morphology is the order that recent morphogenetics, e.g. Vance, accept. In the fourth part of the study, the method-space syntax which is used in this thesis and the sample regions Galata and Amavutköy and their social, cultural, spatial structures are introduced. Space syntax, developed at the Unit for Architectural Studies. University College London (Hillier, 1988; Hillier and Hanson, 1984: Hiller et al., 1983; 1989a; 1989b; 1990), is a technique that can be used for morphological analysis of buildings, architectural plans, urban areas, and urban plans. The aim behind the technique is to describe different aspects of the relationships between the morphological structure of man-made environments and social structures or events. Space syntax has been used in a wide range of research projects. Hillier et al (1987a) made an analysis of house genotypes. Peponis et al (1990) looked at the function of the morphological structure of buildings in the-way-findings process. Hanson (1989) described the sociocultural implications of different plans for the rebuilding of London after the great fire. Miller (1989) used space syntax as a tool in the process of urban renewal in a Swedish town. Hillier et al (1989b) attempted to predict spatial patterns of crime in urban areas, and De Holanda (1989) was concerned with social implications of different ways of structring city-form in the Third World. Mills (1989) showed how the spatial structure of townships acts as a mechanism of control in the apartheid ideology. Last and most important, the relationship between the morphological structure of urban areas and (mostly pedestrian) movement patterns has been researched frequently (Hillier, 1988: Hillier and Hanson, 1984: Hillier et al., 1983; 1987b; 1989a; 1990; Peponis et al. 1989. The central concept of space syntax is integration. It is supposed that the distribution of integration across an urban area correlates with the movement pattern in that area. Urban areas can be distinguished by, and compared in terms, of, different levels of integration. Integration is used as a measure of quality for urban areas. The technique allows one to express integration in numeric values. In common with many other measures of spatial structure, these values are dependent upon the size of the urban area. Moreover, the distribution across the area may be biased due to the effect of the edges. These properties may not be very problematic when the aim of the research is to examine the relationship between morphology and movement pattern in a single area. However, if one wishes to test this relationship acrosss urban areas, as their study, these biases may constitute a serious Xil methodological problem. Strictly speaking one is unable to conclude whether variations in integration values simply reflect size biases or represent real differences between morphological structures. In the research they try to solve the problem of bias due to the edges by relating mathematically the values of the integration measure to other features of the urban area. This can be done only when integration values do not suffer from size biases. For these reasons a standardisation of integration measures is needed. The aim in this project is to develop an integration measure that is independent of the size of urban areas and to compare the performance of this new measure with that of existing measures of integration. To apply space syntax it is necessary to construct a graphical representation of an urban area. This is typically done by dividing the total space of the area into public and nonpublic space. Public space can only be continuous and is called the open space of the area. This open space is divided in the least set of fattest convex spaces. By definition no tangent can be drawn on the perimeter of a convex space that passes through that space at any point. On the basis of both the open space and the configuration of the convex spaces the axial map of an area can be drawn. The axial map contains the least set of the longest straight lines that can be drawn in the open space so that every convex space is crossed by at least one such line. The number of lines is called. L. The axiaal map can be represented as a graph: the nodes of the graph represent the lines of the axial map; the links represent the intersections of the lines. The number of nodes corresponds to the number of lines and is also called L. The only difference between the graph and axial map is the different representation of the same features of an urban area. The axial map resembles the ground plan of an urban area but is not very convenient for computations. The graph, on the other hand, does not look like a ground plan at all, but makes computations easy. Whenever someone is referring to the axial map they use 'number of lines'; referring to the graph that is used 'number of nodes'. In space syntax, distance always means topological distance and it will be refered to it as 'depth' or D.Depth is measured in steps. The depth between two lines that intersect is 1. In every other case it is the minimum number of lines that must be crossed to get from one line to the other, plus 1. The sum of the depths of a line to ail the other lines of the axial map is called the total depth or Td of that line. The D values tend to get very large and are not easy to work with. Therefore, space syntax works with the mean depth or Td of lines. When a line of axial map has a low Td or D value the axial map will look shallow from this point of view; all the other lines are very near. The axial map will look much deeper from lines with higher D values. Maps with a low mean D value will, XIII from most lines, look more shallow than maps with a high mean Td value. The distinction between deep and shallow is central to space syntax. Urban areas are described and compared in terms of the depth and shallowness of their axial maps. The distribution of these properties across the lines of the axial map is a second way to distinguish urban areas. It must be understood that integration always means integration towards something. Axial maps with a low mean D value are integrated towards themselves. Lines with a low D are integrated towards the other lines of the axial map. The integration of a line towards all the other lines of the axial map is called global integration and can be expressed in the D value of the line. The integration of an axial map towards itself is called the mean global integration of the map and can be expressed as the mean of D value of the lines of the map. The values of Td and D depend on the number of lines (L) of an axial map. They increase when L increases. In order to be able to compare axial maps of different size, standardisation of integration measures is needed. With an objective and precise method of description, this technique can be used in the description and analysis of patterns of spatial organisation, both at the building level and urban level. The idea of that method is that, by using this method, the researchers can investigate how well environments work, rigorously relating social variables to morphological structure of the cities. And also they can thus simulate the performance of real and hypothetical schemes on the computer, so that it can be used as a suggestive and evaluate design tool. Space syntax is therefore both a method and a message, and it would open up new perspectives to urban design. It gives a rational way of approaching urban design "top down" so that anyone can participate in the decision taking process from the "bottom up'. Space syntax allows the structur of the area to suggest new possibilities. Above all, it is a way of looking at the oldest problem of all in urban design: how to add the new to the old. And with using space syntax method, a comparison can be done between the traditional towns and modern cities. In this chapter, a wide description of this method has been done. The principles of this method has been introduced-integration, movement organisation... etc and analytic structure of it has been explained. And also a comparison between Apt and Marquess Rood estate has been explained in order to make the subject clear. In the fifth chapter, the results that has been provided from the spacesyntax in the sample areas are tested. In this chapter, the description of the spatial orgaisations that are seen in Arnavutköy and Galata is compared in a substantial way of research and with an objective analysis method the movement pattern has been introduced. By determiming the integrated core, the measure of the movement has been done by counting the number of shops in that area. And the relationship xiv - between the movement and the integrated area is measured by using the regression analysis method. In the last chapter the results and suggestions has been introduced. Finally, by examining the morphological variety of the urban layouts and the identifications of the specific and distinctive characteristics of the sample areas of Istanbul such as Galata and Arnavutköy, that reflect the richness ad the density of its social, economic, cultural environment, will contribute considerably richness of the urban design knowledge. And such studies will provide messages to planners and architects by making an objective description of spatial organisations in the urban areas.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Postcard\u27Jud Yalkut: Visions and Sur-Realities\u27

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    Exhibit dates: January 31–March 7, 2013 Locations: Gallery 249 (College Park Center), ArtStreet Studio D Gallery, and Roesch Library Gallery Visions and Sur-Realities is a three part retrospective exhibit of works by Jud Yalkut, internationally acclaimed pioneer of experimental film and video. Gallery 249 features video environments and collage media, ArtStreet presents Holograms and Movie Machines, and Roesch Library Gallery exhibits works in collage media including literary journals and artist books. Presented by ArtStreet, University Libraries and the Department of Visual Arts.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/whitebox_studiod/1120/thumbnail.jp

    Installation View: \u27Jud Yalkut: Visions and Sur-Realities\u27

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    Exhibit dates: January 31–March 7, 2013 Locations: Gallery 249 (College Park Center), ArtStreet Studio D Gallery, and Roesch Library Gallery Visions and Sur-Realities is a three part retrospective exhibit of works by Jud Yalkut, internationally acclaimed pioneer of experimental film and video. Gallery 249 features video environments and collage media, ArtStreet presents Holograms and Movie Machines, and Roesch Library Gallery exhibits works in collage media including literary journals and artist books. Presented by ArtStreet, University Libraries and the Department of Visual Arts.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/whitebox_studiod/1119/thumbnail.jp

    Görüntü makinalar işletim dizgesinde bilgisayar ağları için server'in tasarlanıp gerçekleştirilmesi

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.SUMMARY This century is called as ' The Century of Communication ; Information '.We should easily access all data and could use it by means of communication facilities. The existence of information is important. The most important thing is to make this information transferable. The communication systems should connect each domains for transfering information between them. By the help of these links, disadvantages of geography» time? environment and country are eliminated. This special part of Computer Engineering is called 'Communication and Networking Engineering'» In this study we implemented the server on the computer networks in terms of data communication. In the 1st part» the fundamentals of data cpmmuncation has been described briefly. In the second part, the digital data communcation and the relationship between communcation techniques and protocols has been explained. \ ^ In the third part, communication architecture has been mentioned. In the forth part, we discussed about the computer networks, the purpose -of them and... we talked about RSCS which is the basis of this study. 69Özet 'Bilgi cağı' veya 'iletişim cağı' veya 'Bilgi iletişim caği' olarak isimlendirilen bir dönemdeyiz. Kanımızca yalnızca bilgi cağı olarak nitelendirmek yeterli değildir. Günümüzde bilginin önemi yanında gereksinim duyulan yerde bulunması ve değerlendirilmesi söz konusu olmalıdır. Aksi halde» bilginin salt varolduğu halde, sorunu çözecek ortamda bulunmaması 5 onun asla kullanılamamasının sağlar. Bu durumda da 'varolmasının' hiçbir yararı yoktur. Bilginin gereksinimini sağlamak üzere ortam değiştirmesi» bilişim endüstrisi içinde farklı coğrafik bölgelerde bulunan bilgisayarların birbirine bağlanmasını ya da bir bilgisayardaki bilgilere erilimi sağlayacak üç işletim sistemlerinin yaygınlaşmasını beraberinde getirmistir. Bu da 'bilgi iletişimi' adi verilen bilgisayar mühendisliğinin bir dalını oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmamızda bilgi iletişimin temel konularını ele alıp» bilgisayar ağlarında servis verici sistemler üzerinde uygulama gerçekleştirdik. Birinci bölümde bilgi iletisimindeki temel konular, ikinci bölümde sayısal veri iletişimi konuları ele alınmış ve iletişim tekniği ile iletişim protokolleri üzerinde durulmuştur. üçüncü bölümde iletişim protokolleri ve iletişim mimarisi daha ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde bilgisayar ağları ve ağ türleri; son bölümde ise materyal olarak kullanılan RSCS sistemleri tanıtılmaya çalışılmıştır. 6

    Yalkut Mashiach V'Geula-23

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    Yalkut Mashiach V'Geula-22

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    Adrenergic regulation and effect of pharmaceutical preparations in case of bronchial asthma

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    Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio