505 research outputs found

    The Construction of Containment Anxiety: A Critical Geopolitical Analysis of Turkey’s Military Intervention into Syria

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    The Turkish Armed Forces successfully executed two consecutive cross-border operations (Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch) in Syria following the failed coup d‘état in 2016. Turkey‘s supposedly traditional ―Kurdophobic‖ reflexes were widely deemed as the motivation behind these operations. However, these assertions are weak when it comes to Turkey‘s relatively harmonious relations with Iraqi Kurdistan and the significant portion of Turkish Kurds‘ endorsement of the incumbent Turkish government. Moreover, the fact that the Turkish government was not a hardliner against the Kurdish-led outlawed Democratic Union Party and its military wing People's Protection Units in the early days of the Syrian Civil War undermines these essentialist and reductionist contentions. This article proposes a geopolitics-driven and more holistic explanation to the Turkish military campaign into Northern Syria. Its objective is to provide a more comprehensive insight into Turkish geopolitical manoeuvres in Syria, to set the contextual and ideational background of the military operations and to present Turkey‘s cognitive horizon for its actions within its vicinity. The article anchors its theoretical basis in the ―critical geopolitics‖ approach in order to place the Turkish intervention into a broader geopolitical context


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    Physical education teachers’ gaining the perception of physical education as a discipline and putting their NOS (Nature of science) notion into operation are crucial for the promotion of educational success. The main purpose of this study is to determine prospective physical education teachers’ and physical education graduates’ nature of science perceptions and their attitudes towards using scientific knowledge in their teaching process. This study was carried out through random sampling method. The participants were 232 prospective physical education teachers studying pedagogical formation at Hitit University and Amasya University and undergraduate students studying physical education and sports at Amasya University in 2015-2016 academic years. “The Nature of Scientific Knowledge Scale” developed by Rubba and Anderson and translated and adapted in Turkish by Kılıç, Sungur, Çakıroğlu and Tekkaya (2005) was used as the data collection tool. It was revealed in the study that while the variables related to subjects’ gender, grade level and whether they follow scientific developments or not cause statistically differences the variables related to the type of master programme and their ages cause no differences. Through the findings of the study, physical education teachers’ NOS perceptions have been determined and some suggestions have been offered for further studies.  Article visualizations

    Matbuat hayatı:Tuna'dan Batı'ya, seyahat hatıraları

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 154-İsmail Habib Sevü


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    Cafer Açın was born in Ankara in 1939, as stated in his autobiography . He began his main education in 1950, registering at the Department of Instrument Manufacturing for Secondary and High School Students at the Ankara Technical Teacher Training College, and then studied at the Ankara State Conservatory, where his department was transferred in 1957. According to his autobiography, he wrote poems, painted and composed about 30 songs. He often mentioned his teacher, Mithat Arman, in his works, a man who contributed greatly to both his education and personality. In this article, the works of Cafer Açın have been examined

    Science Perceptions of Prospective Class Teachers

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    The perceptions of class teachers, who will deliver science education at the elementary school, of information and science are significant as these affect the quality of education received by children.  The aim of this research is to determine perceptions of prospective class teachers of science. The sample group of the research consists of 120 prospective class teachers. Quantitative research method is employed, word association test is used in the research for data collecting. Findings are presented with conceptual networks and frequency tables. It has been determined that prospective teachers can make associations among the concepts of physical science, science, technology, experiment and scientific method whereas they cannot associate science education with science to an adequate level, and they have a part of the elements regarding nature of science. Some recommendations are given based on the research results. Keywords: science education, perception of science, teacher education, prospective teacher

    CRR'de Usmanbaş'a saygı gecesi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 204-İlhan Usmanba

    Benim gözümle yazı yazanlar:11:Mehmed Rauf

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 63-Mehmet RaufUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    “Aşk” Romanında Modernizmin Açmazları Ve Geleneğin Yeniden İnşası

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    Geçmişle bağını radikal bir şekilde koparan ve gelecek vaatleri boşa çıkan modernizm, insanı eşyaya indirgeyerek şey’leştirmiştir. Modernizmin ilerleme/gelişme/asrileşmeye dair vaatlerinin tam olarak istenilen sonuçları ver(e)memesi ve hayal kırıklığı yaratması, modern insanı yeni arayışlara yönlendirmiştir. Modernizmle birlikte süreklilik/kesinlik/eminlik duyguları dumura uğrayan modern insan için postmodernizm bir çıkış noktasıdır. Bu açıdan postmodernizmin güçlü argümanlarından olan “geleneğin yeniden inşası”, bellek yitimine uğrayan modern insanın tutamak arayışının bir sonucudur. Elif Şafak’ın “Aşk” isimli romanında başkarakter Ella’nın şahsında modernizmin açmazlarına yer verilmiş; dini-tarihi, ve geleneksel ögelerin yorumlanarak yer aldığı romanda yazar, geleneği modern insanın açmazlarına yönelik tutamak arayışının karşılığı ve kurgusal bir öge olarak kullanmıştır. Ne var ki geleneğin üretimi noktasında bazı sıkıntılar mevcuttur: Gelenek modernizmin akla, pratiğe ve kapitalizme bulanmış tinsel yoksulluğunu sağaltıcı bir üretim ile mi romanda yer almaktadır yoksa geleneği sarsan istismar edici bir yaklaşımla mı ele alınmaktadır? Bu çalışma, “Aşk” romanında modernizmin açmazlarını ortaya koyarak bu soruların cevaplanmasını amaçlamaktadır

    Debates over ‘negotiations in Oslo’ in contex of finding solutions to the terrorism problem and its reflections on Turkish MediaTerör sorununa çözüm aranması bağlamında “Oslo görüşmeleri” tartışması ve Türk Medyasına yansımaları

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    Dealing with terrorist organisation leaders of PKK has been one of the leading topic in September, 2012 in Turkey in terms of finding solutions to fighting against terrorism. A total of 19 national level newspaper and their columnists have been examined in terms of content analyze research method. One of the research methods in use of Social Sciences is the content analysis method. The method has been started to use in School of Journalism in Columbia University at the beginning of 19th century. The main aim of the content analysis method is analyzing the content such as words, symbols, thoughts in systematic way. The target of the method is to systematically analyze the count of the words, meaning of sentences, and inclination in terms of both in quantitative and qualitative and to detect consensus versus disagreements, and is also a progress to figure out meaning and the main idea of an article or a written document. As the results of the research, three groups of ideas/columnists have been identified consist of 1) supporting negotiations with PKK, 2)sceptical about negotiations and offering to take some steps before starting negotiations and 3) regretting the idea of negotiations with PKK. ÖzetTerör sorununa çözüm arayışları kapsamında dile getirilen PKK ile müzakere etmek fikri 2012 yılının Eylül ayında Türkiye gündeminde tartışma konusu olmuştur. Ulusal düzeyde ve günlük yayın yapan 19 gazete, 18-28 Eylül 2012 Tarihleri arasında incelenerek yayınlanan köşe yazıları üzerinden içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Sosyal bilimlerinde kullanılan araştırma yöntemleri içerisinden bir tanesi de içerik analizi yöntemidir. 19 y.y. başlarında Columbia Üniversitesi Gazetecilik okulunda başlayan içerik çözümlemesi çalışmaları daha sonra yaygınlaşarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. İçerik analizinde amaç metin içeriğinde yer alan sözcükler, simgeler, semboller, düşünceler ve temalar gibi özelliklerin, açık yada gizli ifadeler ve anlamların sistematik bir şekilde yorumlanarak analiz edilmesidir. İçerik analizinde seçilen sözel, yazılı metinlerde yer alan anlatım ve eğilimlerin nicelik ve niteliğinin ortaya konması, benzerlik ve farklılıklarının açığa çıkartılması, içerikte ifade edilen anlatım ve amacın ortaya konması için sistematik bir çalışma yapılması hedeflenmektedir. Araştırma sonucunda 1) PKK ile müzakereleri destekleyenler, 2) müzakere konusunda çekinceleri olan ve belirli şartların yerine getirilmesini öne sürenler ve 3) müzakerelerin terör sorununu çözeceğine inanmayarak bu fikri reddeden üç farklı düşüncede olan grubun bulunduğu gözlenmiştir