129 research outputs found


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    Based on the study of marketing activities of Russian TV channels of entertainment and educational segments the modern methods of attracting viewers to television brands have been analyzed. The objects of the study are seven well-known public broadcasters, whose business has established more than twenty-five significant and cost-effective ways to influence the loyalty of the audience. In combination with negative factors indirectly affecting the implementation of loyalty programs, taking into account the existing methods of other industries, a minimum independent evaluation of the effectiveness of loyalty, which can serve as an idea for new marketing developments, and will contribute to the development of scientific research in this economical area, has been suggested

    Pharmacological evaluation polysaccharide complex flowers tansy

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    From flowers tansy extracted polysaccharide complex. Installed its qualitative and quantitative composition, have developed a technique standardizing the content of reducing sugars. By thin layer chromatography and high pressure liquid chromatography after acid hydrolysis installed monosaccharide composition: glucose, xylose, arabinose, galactose and mannose. It is proved that the polysaccharide has a high content of uronic acid, which allows it to include the class of pectin. The investigation of gastroprotective activity of polysaccharide in the prophylactic administration at model destruction of the gastric mucosa to indomethacin. Introduction polysaccharide prevents various types of erosive and ulcerative destruction. According to anti-ulcer activity of the drug is superior to ranitidine and comparable to omeprazol

    How Nursing Affects Medicare’s Outcome-Based Hospital Payments

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    Improving value is one of the central aims of recent and ongoing health care reform. In our last LDI/INQRI Brief, we reviewed the evidence of the role of nurses in increasing the value of health care. In this companion brief, we dig deeper into the three reimbursement strategies that Medicare uses to align hospital financial incentives with quality of care, and we calculate the potential effects of nursing-sensitive quality indicators on hospital payments

    Phraseological-Paroemic Description of the French Political Elite

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    В статье рассматривается модель формирования речевого имиджа современной политической элиты Французской Республики через анализ интерпретативной составляющей политического дискурса.The article examines the phenomenon of political malapropisms - statements of politicians which have come to the attention of the media and the public opinion. Such malapropisms, interpreted as phraseological-parоemic units of political discourse, constitute, in the author's view, the subject of political phraseology and paroemiology. The article provides their functional typological and characterological description in accordance with the principle of communicative relevance, comism and adequacy of speech deontology

    50^{50}Ti for a High-Intensity Heavy-Ion Beam

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    Increasing the Value of Health Care: The Role of Nurses

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    Increasing health care value has become a central objective of payment policies, insurance design and purchasing, and patient and provider decision-making. The word “value” appeared in the title of seven sections of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and earlier this year CMS set a goal of having 50 percent of reimbursement based on value. This brief reviews nurses’ contribution to value, highlighting evidence published by researchers in the Interdisciplinary Nursing Quality Research Initiative (INQRI), an 8-year program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It also looks at interventions designed to address outcomes targeted by ACA- or Medicare-related payment policies

    Ecogeographic study of peanut accessions from the VIR collection

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    Background. It has been shown that southern oilseeds, including peanuts, can be successfully grown in the south of the Russian Federation under the conditions of Krasnodar Territory and Astrakhan Province. Currently, only two peanut cultivars are included in the State Register of the Russian Federation: ‘Otradokubansky’ and ‘Astrakhansky 5’. Development of raw material for obtaining new peanut cultivars adaptable to the growing conditions in Krasnodar Territory and Astrakhan Province is a relevant task.Materials and methods. We examined 57 peanut accessions of various origins from the VIR collection. The study of peanut accessions for agronomic characters was carried out in two ecogeographic sites located in Krasnodar Territory and Astrakhan Province. Cv. ‘Otradokubansky’ was used as a reference. ANOVA was applied for statistical data processing.Results and discussion. A wide range of variability in agronomic characters was revealed during the study of peanut accessions. The most stable character was the 1000 seed weight. The share of the genotype the variability of productivity was from 30 to 40%. A great effect of soil and climate factors and the place of cultivation on the ripening of beans was observed. Seed yield depended on the genotype (60–70%) as well as on the temperature factors and the presence of moisture in the soil. The best accessions were selected according to their agronomic characters; they may serve as promising material for breeding. Some accessions are able to produce a good harvest either in Astrakhan Province or Krasnodar Territory, while others can do it regardless of the place of cultivation. This study confirmed the possibility of growing peanuts in Astrakhan Province on medium loamy soils under irrigation, or in Krasnodar Territory on black earth without irrigation

    Biological features and cultivation of sesame (a review)

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    Sesame is an ancient oilseed crop grown throughout the arid and subarid climates. Sesame oil has a good taste and is appreciated for its beneficial properties. The genus Sesamum L. (Pedaliaceae Lindl.) includes up to 38 species. The only cultivated species is S. indicum L. (2n = 26). It is grown in areas located between 45° N and 45° S. South Africa is considered the homeland of S. indicum. Sesame seeds contain 50–63% of oil, 25–27% of protein, 20% of carbohydrates, and are sources of such micronutrients as copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, C and E. Sesame seeds and oil are used not only in the food industry but also in medicine. Sesame meal is a good animal feed. Recently, thanks to the deciphering of the sesame nuclear genome and the development of various genomic resources, including molecular markers for qualitative and quantitative characters, molecular breeding has become possible for such agronomic traits as high oil content and its composition, drought resistance, resistance to waterlogging, disease resistance, and high yield. The world production of sesame seeds according to FAO estimates for 2019 was about 7 million tons. The largest cropping areas are located in Africa, India, and China. In Russia, sesame can be grown in southern regions: Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Rostov and Astrakhan Provinces. Breeding work on sesame was carried out at the All-Union Research Institute of Oil Crops, where cultivars resistant to bacterial blight and Fusarium wilt were developed. Currently, sesame breeding programs are absent in Russia. There are over 25,000 sesame accessions in the world’s genebanks, including about 1,500 accessions in the VIR collection


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    Objective: the examine variants of quantity of intercostal nerves in the area of the lateral edge rectus sheath around umbilical region, depending on the shape of the anterior abdominal wall. Materials and methods: There were studied 88 floating corpses of both sexes without pathology of the anterior abdominal wall. Among them there were 45% male corpses (mean age – 53,8±11,9 years) and 55% – female corpses (51,9±13,2 years). We measured linea bicostalis, linea bispinalis and linea xiphoidopubica, determined quantity of the intercostal nerves in the umbilical region of the anterior abdominal wall. Results: At the study of anthropometric parameters of the anterior abdominal wall were found that linea bicostalis averaged 29,2±0,3 cm, linea bispinalis – 28,2±0,2 cm, linea xiphoidopubica – 30,4±0,5 cm. Using method of cluster analysis of the new data were obtained the main shapes of anterior abdominal wall: male, oval, female. It was found that persons with a female shape of the anterior abdominal wall was observed significantly more often 2 pairs of intercostal nerves (74%). In turn, at persons with oval shape were often observed 3 pairs of intercostal nerves (60%). In the cases of the male shape of the anterior abdominal wall 1 pair of intercostal nerves were observed in 38%, and 2 pairs of nerves – in 50% of cases. Conclusions: The quantity of intercostal nerves in the area of the lateral edge rectus sheath around umbilical region depends on the shape of the anterior abdominal wall

    The Role of Vesicles in Transporting of Cholera Toxin

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    The review reports on the secretion pathways of the main virulence factor of Vibrio cholerae, cholera toxin, both through the two-stage Sec-dependent type 2 secretion system and with the help of vesicles of the outer membrane of V. cholerae. The ways of toxin transfer into the host organism, depending on its form, are discussed. The well-studied free soluble cholera toxin is secreted extracellularly and transmitted in a GM1-dependent manner through cholesterolrich lipid rafts. The transfer of cholera toxin associated with vesicles has advantages over free toxin, because substances inside the outer membrane vesicles are protected from external proteases and host antibodies by the membrane that forms the vesicle. Vesicular transporting of cholera toxin into the target cell occurs via clathrin-dependent, caveolin-dependent and lipid raft-dependent endocytosis. The specific transport route is determined by the structure of the vesicles. Clathrindependent endocytosis is described for V. cholerae strains cultivated at low osmolarity of the medium, whose outer membrane vesicles contain the cholera toxin subunit A inside. Lipid raft-dependent endocytosis is characteristic of vesicles in which cholera toxin is located on the surface. In addition, endocytosis of V. cholerae outer membrane vesicles through structures known as caveolae is presented