1,235 research outputs found

    Inference of the Russian drug community from one of the largest social networks in the Russian Federation

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    The criminal nature of narcotics complicates the direct assessment of a drug community, while having a good understanding of the type of people drawn or currently using drugs is vital for finding effective intervening strategies. Especially for the Russian Federation this is of immediate concern given the dramatic increase it has seen in drug abuse since the fall of the Soviet Union in the early nineties. Using unique data from the Russian social network 'LiveJournal' with over 39 million registered users worldwide, we were able for the first time to identify the on-line drug community by context sensitive text mining of the users' blogs using a dictionary of known drug-related official and 'slang' terminology. By comparing the interests of the users that most actively spread information on narcotics over the network with the interests of the individuals outside the on-line drug community, we found that the 'average' drug user in the Russian Federation is generally mostly interested in topics such as Russian rock, non-traditional medicine, UFOs, Buddhism, yoga and the occult. We identify three distinct scale-free sub-networks of users which can be uniquely classified as being either 'infectious', 'susceptible' or 'immune'.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Excitation power and temperature dependence of excitons in CuInSe2

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    Excitonic recombination processes in high quality CuInSe2 single crystals have been studied by photoluminescence (PL) and reflectance spectroscopy as a function of excitation powers and temperature. Excitation power dependent measurements confirm the identification of well-resolved A and B free excitons in the PL spectra and analysis of the temperature quenching of these lines provides values for activation energies. These are found to vary from sample to sample, with values of 12.5 and 18.4meV for the A and B excitons, respectively, in the one showing the highest quality spectra. Analysis of the temperature and power dependent PL spectra from the bound excitonic lines, labelled M1, M2, and M3 appearing in multiplets points to a likely assignment of the hole involved in each case. The M1 excitons appear to involve a conduction band electron and a hole from the B valence band hole. In contrast, an A valence band hole appears to be involved for the M2 and M3 excitons. In addition, the M1 exciton multiplet seems to be due to the radiative recombination of excitons bound to shallow hydrogenic defects, whereas the excitons involved in M2 and M3 are bound to more complex defects. In contrast to the M1 exciton multiplet, the excitonic lines of M2 and M3 saturate at high excitation powers suggesting that the concentration of the defects involved is low. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4709448

    Statistics of a noise-driven Manakov soliton

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    We investigate the statistics of a vector Manakov soliton in the presence of additive Gaussian white noise. The adiabatic perturbation theory for Manakov soliton yields a stochastic Langevin system which we analyze via the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for the probability density function (PDF) for the soliton parameters. We obtain marginal PDFs for the soliton frequency and amplitude as well as soliton amplitude and polarization angle. We also derive formulae for the variances of all soliton parameters and analyze their dependence on the initial values of polarization angle and phase.Comment: Submitted to J.Phys.A: Mathematical and Genera

    Diamagnetic shift of the A free exciton in CuGaSe2 single crystals

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    Single crystals of CuGaSe2 were studied using magnetophotoluminescence inmagnetic fields up to 20 T at 4.2 K. The rate of the diamagnetic shift in the A free exciton peak was determined to be 9.82 x 10(-6) eV/T-2. This rate was used to calculate the reduced mass as 0.115m(0), the binding energy as 12.9 meV, the Bohr radius as 5.1 nm and an effective hole mass of 0.64m(0) (m(0) is the free electron mass) of the free A exciton using a low-field perturbation approach and the hydrogenic model

    Excited states of the free excitons in CuInSe2 single crystals

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    High-quality CuInSe2 single crystals were studied using polarization resolved photoluminescence (PL) and magnetophotoluminescence (MPL). The emission lines related to the first (n=2) excited states for the A and B free excitons were observed in the PL and MPL spectra at 1.0481 meV and 1.0516 meV, respectively. The spectral positions of these lines were used to estimate accurate values for the A and B exciton binding energies (8.5 meV and 8.4 meV, respectively), Bohr radii (7.5 nm), band gaps (E-g(A)=1.050 eV and E-g(B)=1.054 eV), and the static dielectric constant (11.3) assuming the hydrogenic model

    Characterization of carbon contamination under ion and hot atom bombardment in a tin-plasma extreme ultraviolet light source

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    Molecular contamination of a grazing incidence collector for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography was experimentally studied. A carbon film was found to have grown under irradiation from a pulsed tin plasma discharge. Our studies show that the film is chemically inert and has characteristics that are typical for a hydrogenated amorphous carbon film. It was experimentally observed that the film consists of carbon (~70 at. %), oxygen (~20 at. %) and hydrogen (bound to oxygen and carbon), along with a few at. % of tin. Most of the oxygen and hydrogen are most likely present as OH groups, chemically bound to carbon, indicating an important role for adsorbed water during the film formation process. It was observed that the film is predominantly sp3 hybridized carbon, as is typical for diamond-like carbon. The Raman spectra of the film, under 514 and 264 nm excitation, are typical for hydrogenated diamond-like carbon. Additionally, the lower etch rate and higher energy threshold in chemical ion sputtering in H2 plasma, compared to magnetron-sputtered carbon films, suggests that the film exhibits diamond-like carbon properties.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Representation of tripotents and representations via tripotents

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    Let A be an algebra. An element AāˆˆA is called tripotent if A3=A. We study the questions: if both A and B are tripotents, then: Under what conditions are A+B and AB tripotent? Under what conditions do A and B commute? We extend the partial order from the Hilbert space idempotents to the set of all tripotents and show that every normal tripotent is self-adjoint. For A=Mn(C) we describe the set of all finite sums of tripotents, the convex hull of tripotents and the set of all tripotents averages. We also give the new proof of rational trace matrix representations by Choi and Wu [2]. Ā© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    States on Symmetric Logics: Conditional Probability and Independence. II

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    We study the notions of conditional probabilities, independence and Īµ-independence for states on symmetric logics. We prove that a non-atomic state on the logic with the Lyapunov's property is determined by its specification of independent events. We present the examples of (1) Ī”-subadditive but is not subadditive and (2) two-valued non Ī”-subadditive states on symmetric logic. We investigate the independence relation transitivity for a Ī”-subadditive state. We also study continuity properties of conditional probabilities and Īµ-independence relation with respect to natural pseudometric for Ī”-subadditive state. Finally, we pose two open problems. Ā© 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Correction of retinal ischemia/reperfusion by 3-(1H-benzimidazol-2-il)-1,2,2-trimethyl cyclopentancarbonic acid in experiment

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    Results of ocular fundus studies revealed the most pronounced protective effects of 3-(1Hbenzimidazol-2-il)-1,2,2-trimethyl cyclopentancarbonic acid in a dose 50 mg/kg on the model of retinal ischemiareperfusion in Wistar rats, which is reflected in the restoration of the optic disc. Correction of retinal ischemiareperfusion by 3-(1H-benzimidazol-2-il)-1,2,2-trimethyl cyclopentancarbonic acid in a dose 50 mg/kg leads to higher values of the coefficient b/a of electroretinography after 72 hours of reperfusion compared to the group with pathology correction by the same drug in a dose 10 mg/kg, which indicates the restoration of the electrophysiological state of the retin

    Gaussian Mixture Models and Model Selection for [18F] Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography Classification in Alzheimerā€™s Disease

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    We present a method to discover discriminative brain metabolism patterns in [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET) scans, facilitating the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimerā€™s disease. In the work, the term ā€œpatternā€ stands for a certain brain region that characterizes a target group of patients and can be used for a classification as well as interpretation purposes. Thus, it can be understood as a so-called ā€œregion of interest (ROI)ā€. In the literature, an ROI is often found by a given brain atlas that defines a number of brain regions, which corresponds to an anatomical approach. The present work introduces a semi-data-driven approach that is based on learning the characteristics of the given data, given some prior anatomical knowledge. A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and model selection are combined to return a clustering of voxels that may serve for the definition of ROIs. Experiments on both an in-house dataset and data of the Alzheimerā€™s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) suggest that the proposed approach arrives at a better diagnosis than a merely anatomical approach or conventional statistical hypothesis testing
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