26 research outputs found

    Results of the study of the relationship between the number of rolling stock units of freight road transport and gross regional products

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    Road transport is an important branch of the national economy. This is due to many of its advantages compared to other modes of transport, primarily high mobility and the ability to deliver goods “to the doorstep”. The activities of road freight transport are carried out within two main groups. The first group is transportation carried out under contracts between business entities, the second — to meet their own technological needs of business entities. Information on the first group contains official statistical reporting, information on the second group is missing. This situation leads to the impossibility of an objective assessment of the impact of road transport on the socio-economic development of regions, causing inadequate reactions in the systems of road transport, for example, in the areas of regulation of the structure of road transport and personnel training. This is the reason for the relevance of the work. The aim of the work is to establish the relationship between the number of rolling stock of freight road transport and indicators of gross regional products (GRP), taking into account parts of gross regional products by industry. As the approach used, the hypothesis is used that: the socio-economic development of the regions is impossible without an efficiently functioning freight road transport; The existing official information support of the state and activity of road freight transport does not allow an objective assessment of its impact on the socio-economic development of the regions. The methodological apparatus of the study is based on the application of the principles of system analysis, methods of mathematical statistics, in particular, correlation and regression analysis. The paper uses the official statistical information of Rosstat on road freight transportation, the number of trucks in the regions, gross regional products and parts of gross regional products by industry. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identified relationship between the number of trucks and gross regional products of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as parts of gross regional products by industry, characterized by the establishment of general and particular relationships between economic and technical indicators. The novelty of the study is a toolkit for managing road freight transport. The practical significance of the study lies in the creation of tools for managing the operation of road transport to regulate the structure of freight vehicles in accordance with the objectives of the development of the regions. Directions for further research are to apply the above methodology to passenger road transport for the development of a management system for regional transport systems

    Realization of potential of enterprise structure development as the criterion of ensuring the object-differentiated approach to rendering the state support : the Russian Federation

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    The objective of the research. Undertaken in the conditions of an economic crisis and sanctions restrictions the attempts of system optimization of business activity state regulation in Russia still don't contribute to increase in business sector efficiency and to full accomplishment of all assigned social and economic functions. In the article the author rationalizes the point, assuming that in the basis of state regulation system the implementation level of entrepreneurial structure capacity, as the most adequate criterion of rendering the state support of business activity, which besides shall carry an object-differentiated nature, shall be laid. Short description of methodology. In the article authors offer an original interpretation of the concept "potential of enterprise structure development" and a method to calculate an indicator "the realization level of potential of enterprise structure development" as key criterion at realizing an object-differentiated approach to rendering the state support of enterprise structures. Compilation of the most important research results and their significance. In the article based on the formed differentiation criteria of measures of the state support of entrepreneurial structures authors offer the measures system differentiated on the bases of the implementation level of potential of entrepreneurial structures development and the importance of this structure in strategic priorities system of territorial development on preferential creation of institutional conditions for an entrepreneurship development; on internal capacity development of entrepreneurial structures; on direct support of business activity.peer-reviewe

    Assessing the impact of high environmental temperatures on the frequency and structural characteristics of violations of traffic rules

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    In the hot season, there is a positive relationship between the number of accidents per thousand registered vehicles and air temperature, due to the fact that high temperatures and solar activity can have a significant negative impact on the condition of drivers. As a rule, the creation of an emergency is preceded by a violation of traffic rules. Therefore, the identification of the type and number of violations committed by drivers at high ambient temperatures is relevant. The purpose of the work is to assess the impact of high ambient temperatures on the structure and frequency of traffic violations. Based on a literature review, the article states that at present there is no methodology for assessing the impact of high ambient temperatures on the characteristics of traffic violations. As an information platform, data from the Wialon — GPS/Glonass system are used, which allow you to objectively assess the characteristics of driving activity and the number of traffic violations. The work uses methods of mathematical statistics. The main result of the work, which constitutes the scientific novelty of the study, is the revealed increasing dependence of the total number of traffic violations on the average monthly ambient temperature. The structure of such violations is determined. The most significant, based on the impact on the accident rate, violations are: exceeding the speed limit and abrupt and dangerous maneuvers. It has been found that the total number of violations of the rules increases during periods with high ambient temperatures by 94% compared to months with moderate temperatures. The largest number of violations consists in exceeding the speed limit — 97.8% of their total number. The practical significance of the work consists in obtaining objective information about accidents at high ambient temperatures, on the basis of which it becomes possible to develop organizational and technological measures aimed at improving road safety. The areas of further research are related to the creation of an information platform for theoretical and methodological tools aimed at preventing high accidents of road transport in the hot season


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    The article deals with the organizational and methodological basis for the formation of competitive technologies and innovative fi nancing mechanisms and investment projects. The stages of development of methods and algorithms for the selection of projects as more is learned about the processes of research and development. A classifi cation of possible technologies and tools for project selection, and shows the features of the technologies used existing investment structures (foundations and companies).В статье рассматриваются организационно-методические основы формирования конкурсных технологий и механизмов финансирования инновационных и инвестиционных проектов. Приведены этапы развития методов и алгоритмов выбора проектов по мере накопления знаний о процессах исследований и разработок. Предложена классификация возможных технологий и механизмов выбора проектов, а также показаны особенности технологий, используемых существующими инвестиционными структурами (фондами и компаниями)

    Characterization of toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains isolated in Russia

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    The aim of the study was to characterize toxigenic strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae by examining 12 toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae isolated in Russia between January, 2017 to June, 2019. The morphological, toxigenic and biochemical properties of C. diphtheriae was studied. Genotyping of C. diphtheriae strains was performed using MLST and dtxR gene sequencing with subsequent phylogenetic analysis. Results. Toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae were isolated in the Novosibirsk, Samara and Chelyabinsk Regions, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug — Yugra as well as the Republic of Northern Ossetia — Alania. Among these strains, 5 were isolated from diphtheria patients (moderate disease found in one case, mild course — remaining patients) and 7 strains were isolated from bacterial carriers. In two cases C. diphtheriae from diphtheria patients were identified as ST25 sequence type, gravis variant; in one case — ST8 type, gravis variant; two cases — ST67 sequence type, mitis variant. In asymptomatic carriers of tox-positive C. diphtheriae strains they belonged to ST25 sequence type, gravis variant — in two cases, ST67 type, mitis variant — in four cases. A sequencing type was not identified in one case. All sequence types were widespread globally being presented by a large number of isolates in the PubMLST and characterized by a substantial amount of derivative sequence types. At the same time, they belonged to different clonal complexes and differed markedly from each other contributing to their reliable difference as assessed by MLST. Study of gene dtxR sequence diversity showed that all allelic variants were typical for the representatives of these sequence types. New alleles of gene dtxR were not revealed in strains examined. It was shown that non-synonymous substitution C440T leading to A147V amino acid substitution was found solely in one allele distributed in ST8, ST185, ST195 and ST451 types suggesting at late mutation. In contrast, the polymorphism C640A resulting in the amino acid substitution L214I was found not only in the same allele, but also in the basal tree branches indicating that isoleucine was in the ancestral sequence of the protein

    A clinical case of SYNGAP1-associated encephalopathy in a girl with epilepsy, intellectual disability, and autism

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    This paper describes a female patient aged 3 years 6 months with SYNGAP1-associated encephalopathy manifesting with symptomatic epilepsy, intellectual disability, and autism. There were difficulties in  differential diagnosis, since in addition to SYNGAP1 mutation (c2214_2217deltgag), heterozygous BCKDHB gene mutation  (chr6: 80910740G>a, rs3834233) and microduplication of a segment of chromosome 22 were found de novo. The features of the course and  treatment of epilepsy in SYNGAP1 are discussed. A combination of  valproic acid and oxcarbazepine was the most effective treatment for epilepsy

    Умова повного вимітання та її узагальнення у диференціальних іграх

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    Differential games with fixed finishing time are considered. Sets of the initial positions favourable for pursuer and escaper are described. Under the conditions of full sweep with separated controls, alternative theorems are valid. Games are considered separately from the positions of pursuer and escaper. The strategies of players for various classes of games and for advantages of each player are described.Рассмотрены дифференциальные игры с фиксированным временем окончания. Описаны множества начальных позиций, благоприятных для догоняющего и убегающего игроков. В случае выполнения определенных условий выметания справедливы теоремы об альтернативе. Игры рассматриваются для разделенных управлений игроков отдельно с позиций догоняющего и убегающего. Описаны стратегии игроков для различных классов игр c преимуществом того или иного игрока.Розглянуто диференціальні ігри з фіксованим часом закінчення. Описано множини початкових позицій, сприятливих для доганяючого та утікаючого гравців. У випадку виконання означених умов вимітання при розділених керуваннях дійсні теореми про альтернативу. Ігри розглядаються окремо з позицій доганяючого та утікаючого гравців. Описано стратегії гравців для різних класів ігор з перевагою того чи іншго гравця


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    The article deals with the organizational and methodological basis for the formation of competitive technologies and innovative fi nancing mechanisms and investment projects. The stages of development of methods and algorithms for the selection of projects as more is learned about the processes of research and development. A classifi cation of possible technologies and tools for project selection, and shows the features of the technologies used existing investment structures (foundations and companies)

    CRP level changes in gout

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    Цель. Изучить уровень СРБ при обострении подагрического артрита и в момент его купирования. Материал и методы. 41 больной мужского пола в возрасте от 30 до 73 лет, с длительностью болезни от 1 мес. до 28 лет: 26 с острым подагрическим артритом, 15 - с,хроническим течением артрита. Моноартрит l- го плюснефалангового сустава имели 27, олигоартрит - 9, полиартрит - 5 больных. Длительность артрита до начала лечения составляла в среднем 35 дней. Всем больным по поводу обострения артрита назначался нимесил в дозе 200 мг в день в течение 2-3 недель. СРБ определялся твердофазным иммуно- ферментным методом до и после лечения. Результаты. Повышенный уровень СРБ [медиана 14,1 (7,3-24,9)мг/л ] в начале исследования обнаружен у всех пациентов независимо от характера артрита. После проведенной терапии ннмесилом определялось практически трехкратное снижение уровня СРБ до 5,19 (2,2-11,0) мг/л (р<0,0001). Медленное снижение СРБ при хроническом артрите и корреляция его уровня с остаточными признаками воспаления свидетельствовали о необходимости продления курса лечения до полного исчезновения всех симптомов активности подагрического артрита. Использование СРБ как лабораторного показателя, отражающего степень воспаления, может помочь как в определении длительности курса, так и для оценки эффективности терапии