75 research outputs found

    The distance to the C component of I Zw 18 and its star formation history: A probabilistic approach

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    We analyzed the resolved stellar population of the C component of the extremely metal-poor dwarf galaxy Izw18 in order to evaluate its distance and star formation history as accurately as possible. In particular, we aimed at answering the question of whether this stellar population is young. We developed a probabilistic approach to analyzing high-quality photometric data obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys of the Hubble Space Telescope. This approach gives a detailed account of the various stochastic aspects of star formation. We carried out two successive models of the stellar population of interest, paying attention to how our assumptions could affect the results. We found a distance to the C component of I Zw 18 as high as 27 Mpc, a significantly higher value than those cited in previous works. The star formation history we inferred from the observational data shows various interesting features: a strong starburst that lasted for about 15 Myr, a more moderate one that occurred approx 100 Myr ago, a continuous process of star formation between both starbursts, and a possible episode of low level star formation at ages over 100 Myr. The stellar population studied is likely approx 125 Myr old, although ages of a few Gyr cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, nearly all the stars were formed in the last few hundreds of Myr.Comment: 13 pags., 17 (low-resolution) Figs. Accepted by A&


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    Human community, whose behavior is determined by the influence of biological and social systems, the ability to realize and evaluate the results of its activities, orientation, strategic decisions, to ensure the sustainable development of the ecosystem, in a context of increasing the factor of limited resources (energy, materials, information) is transformed into intellectualization public relations and institutions. Rural development in the context of decentralization has led to the search for effective public administration mechanisms. The purpose of the study is to establish a mechanism for improving the territorial communities management technology on the example of Family Homesteads. The research methodology is based on structured interviews and unstructured conversations with the inhabitants of family homesteads, leadership of local self-government and experts in the field of rural development. Activation of the processes of rural development through the implementation of the idea of "Family Homestate" involves the participation of the population in the normative regulation (the adoption of the relevant law); assistance in the development of new settlements in rural areas by changing the status of the land, creating a land bank; activation of activity of public organizations registered in territorial communities, organization of settlements at the level of territorial communities, including the exchange of experience, coordination of activities in the middle of the movement, establishment of positive relations between the local population and immigrants and others like that. The advantages of the practice of public administration of the territory are established with the help of blockchain technology, which allows to reduce administration costs and promote resource participation

    Increasing Vehicle Utilization Efficiency of «Park Plus» Company

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    В дипломній роботі проведено удосконалення структури перевезення вантажів на автотранспорті задля підвищенні ефективності використання транспортних засобів компанії «Парк плюс» .In the diploma work improvement of the structure of freight transportation on motor transport in order to increase the efficiency of the use efficiency «of Park Plus company»vehicles.1 ТРАНСПОРТНА СИСТЕМА КРАЇНИ. РОЗВИТОК, РОЛЬ ТА ЗНАЧЕННЯ ТРАНСПОРТУ 11 1.1 Транспорт в народному господарстві 11 1.2 Розвиток транспорту 13 1.3 Види транспорту їх характеристика та значення 15 1.4 Автомобільні шляхи України 21 1.5 Статистичні данні вантажного автомобільного транспорту за поточний рік 24 1.6 Актуальність вантажних перевезень 29 2. АНАЛІЗ ВИРОБНИЧО-ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ КОМПАНІЇ «ПАРК ПЛЮС» 31 2.1 Характеристика та аналіз компанії «Парк плюс» 31 2.2 Характеристика бази компанії «Парк плюс» 33 2.3 Перевезення вантажів компанією 33 2.4 Дослідження техніко – експлуатаційних показників роботи автопарку 35 2.5 Проблеми та пропозиції до оптимізації транспортної роботи компанії 38 3. ПІДВИЩЕННЯ ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ ВИКОРИСТАННЯ ТРАНСПОРТНИХ ЗАСОБІВ КОМПАНІЇ «ПАРК ПЛЮС» 40 3.1 Вибір способу перевезення вантажів, методу організації руху на маршрутах та рухомого складу 40 3.2 Розрахунок оптимізації використання рухомого складу. 48 3.3 Оптимізація оперативного планування та перевезення вантажів на маршруті 58 4. ПРОГНОЗУВАННЯ МАТЕРІАЛЬНОГО ПОТОКУ З ДОПОМОГОЮ ТРЕНДУ ТА СЕЗОННОСТІ 60 4.1 Визначення теорії ланцюгів постачання 60 4.2 Визначення тривалості сезону 66 4.3 Прогнозування на другий та наступні сезони року 71 4.4 Визначення якості зробленого прогнозу 75 5. ТЕХНІКО – ЕКОНОМІЧНЕ ОБГРУНТУВАННЯ ПРОЕКТУ 77 5.1 Виробнича програма з експлуатації 77 5.2 Витрати на експлуатацію рухомого складу 85 5.3 Кошторис витрат і калькуляція собівартості автомобільних перевезень 97 5.4 Розрахунок фінансових результатів проекту 98 5.5 Розподіл чистого прибутку 102 5.6 Розрахунок техніко-економічних показників проекту 103 5.7 Розрахунок економічного ефекту впровадження організаційнотехнічних заходів 104 6. ОХОРОНА ПРАЦІ ТА БЕЗПЕКА В НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ СИТУАЦІЯХ 110 6.1 Нещасні випадки на автотранспортних підприємствах 110 6.1.1 Основні причини виробничого травматизму і професійних захворювань 110 6.1.2 Схеми причинно-слідчих зв’язків 114 6.1.3 Навчання працівників АТП безпеці праці 115 6.1.4 Забезпечення оптимальних умов праці та відпочинку водіїв 118 6.2 Структура цивільного захисту в компанії «Парк плюс» 121 6.2.1 Обов’язки начальника цивільного захисту його заступників 126 6.2.2 Документи розроблені для цивільного захисту 127 7. ЕКОЛОГІЯ 130 7.1 Вплив транспорту на екологію 130 7.2 Рівень екологічного використання транспорту 134 7.3 Заходи проти забруднення довколишнього середовища транспортом та їх ефективність 136 ЗАГАЛЬНІ ВИСНОВКИ 140 ПЕРЕЛІК ПОСИЛАНЬ 142 ДОДАТКИ 14

    Scattering linear polarization of late-type active stars

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    Many active stars are covered in spots, much more so than the Sun, as indicated by spectroscopic and photometric observations. It has been predicted that star spots induce non-zero intrinsic linear polarization by breaking the visible stellar disk symmetry. Although small, this effect might be useful for star spot studies, and it is particularly significant for a future polarimetric atmosphere characterization of exoplanets orbiting active host stars. Using models for a center-to-limb variation of the intensity and polarization in presence of continuum scattering and adopting a simplified two-temperature photosphere model, we aim to estimate the intrinsic linear polarization for late-type stars of different gravity, effective temperature, and spottedness. We developed a code that simulates various spot configurations or uses arbitrary surface maps, performs numerical disk integration, and builds Stokes parameter phase curves for a star over a rotation period for a selected wavelength. It allows estimating minimum and maximum polarization values for a given set of stellar parameters and spot coverages. Based on assumptions about photosphere-to-spot temperature contrasts and spot size distributions, we calculate the linear polarization for late-type stars with TeffT_{\rm eff} = 3500 K - 6000 K, loggg = 1.0 - 5.0, using the plane-parallel and spherical atmosphere models. Employing random spot surface distribution, we analyze the relation between spot coverage and polarization and determine the influence of different input parameters on results. Furthermore, we consider spot configurations with polar spots and active latitudes and longitudes.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&

    The influence of design parameters of rotary dryer on sunflower seeds drying

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    Introduction. In order to improve the drying of sunflower seeds in the apparatus of the rotary type, it is appropriate to model processes in this devices using computer simulation software. Materials and methods. Simulation of sunflower seeds drying was based on the finite element method using the software package Flow Vision (company "TUSYM") and mathematical and statistical methods. Results. Mathematical models were obtained that show the dependence of pressure of coolant (air) in the drying chamber of rotary dryer on the rate of the coolant, the open cross-sectional area of the gas distributor plate and its resistance, the dependence of duration of sunflower seeds drying on fill factor of the drying chamber and its volume as well as the final material moisture content. The equilibrium distribution of the coolant pressure in the drying chamber of rotary dryer was obtained. It provides a constant height of the fluidized bed of sunflower seeds and quality of its drying. The design of rotary dryer was improved by providing the angential supply of coolant and installing a spiral partition under gas distribution grid, which allows to uniformly distribute the coolant in the drying chamber. Conclusion. The drying process of sunflower seeds in a rotating dryer was improved. It is advisable to use the experimental result when choosing the mode of drying at the design stage of drying equipment

    Improving the design of rotary dryers for drying sunflower seeds

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    In patients with ischemic-gangrenous form of diabetic foot syndrome intra-arterial injection of ozone-containing physiological saline made according to Seldinger method promotes decrease of glycemia level and potentiates a positive therapeutic effect of a comprehensive treatment of this category of patients. Stimulation of the macrophage functional activity under ozone effect as well as availability of destructive changes in the cells without necrotizing lesions can be explained by involvement of apoptosis mechanism as a positive factor in the regulation of local homeostasis on the final inflammatory (exudative) phase of a wound process