525 research outputs found

    Mathematical simulation of the influence of surface roughness and mass loss on thermal protection

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    A mathematical model of the thermochemical destruction of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic in the presence of surface roughness and composite ablation is refined based on known theoretical results. It is shown that mass loss through rough surface ambiguously influences the intensity of heat exchange processes in thermal protective material. Results of numerical calculations are compared with known data

    Mathematical modeling of heat and mass transfer in a thermal protection coating with gas flow fluctuations

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    The thermochemical destruction of a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer when affected by a high enthalpy fluctuating gas flow is simulated numerically. The possibility of controlling the heat transfer process in the composite material is studied

    Phonon bottleneck in p-type Ge/Si quantum dots

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    We study the effect of quantum dot size on the mid-infrared photo- and dark current, photoconductive gain, and hole capture probability in ten-period p-type Ge/Si quantum dot heterostructures. The dot dimensions are varied by changing the Ge coverage and the growth temperature during molecular beam epitaxy of Ge/Si(001) system in the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. In all samples, we observed the general tendency: with decreasing the size of the dots, the dark current and hole capture probability are reduced, while the photoconductive gain and photoresponse are enhanced. Suppression of the hole capture probability in small-sized quantum dots is attributed to a quenched electron-phonon scattering due to phonon bottleneck

    AC Conductance in Dense Array of the Ge0.7_{0.7}Si0.3_{0.3} Quantum Dots in Si

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    Complex AC-conductance, σAC\sigma^{AC}, in the systems with dense Ge0.7_{0.7}Si0.3_{0.3} quantum dot (QD) arrays in Si has been determined from simultaneous measurements of attenuation, ΔΓ=Γ(H)Γ(0)\Delta\Gamma=\Gamma(H)-\Gamma(0), and velocity, ΔV/V=(V(H)V(0))/V(0)\Delta V /V=(V(H)-V(0)) / V(0), of surface acoustic waves (SAW) with frequencies ff = 30-300 MHz as functions of transverse magnetic field HH \leq 18 T in the temperature range TT = 1-20 K. It has been shown that in the sample with dopant (B) concentration 8.2×1011 \times 10^{11} cm2^{-2} at temperatures TT \leq4 K the AC conductivity is dominated by hopping between states localized in different QDs. The observed power-law temperature dependence, σ1(H=0)T2.4\sigma_1(H=0)\propto T^{2.4}, and weak frequency dependence, σ1(H=0)ω0\sigma_1(H=0)\propto \omega^0, of the AC conductivity are consistent with predictions of the two-site model for AC hopping conductivity for the case of ωτ0\omega \tau_0 \gg 1, where ω=2πf\omega=2\pi f is the SAW angular frequency and τ0\tau_0 is the typical population relaxation time. At T>T > 7 K the AC conductivity is due to thermal activation of the carriers (holes) to the mobility edge. In intermediate temperature region 4<T< < T< 7 K, where AC conductivity is due to a combination of hops between QDs and diffusion on the mobility edge, one succeeded to separate both contributions. Temperature dependence of hopping contribution to the conductivity above TT^*\sim 4.5 K saturates, evidencing crossover to the regime where ωτ0<\omega \tau_0 < 1. From crossover condition, ωτ0(T)\omega \tau_0(T^*) = 1, the typical value, τ0\tau_0, of the relaxation time has been determined.Comment: revtex, 3 pages, 6 figure

    Localization of electrons in dome-shaped GeSi/Si islands

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    We report on intraband photocurrent spectroscopy of dome-shaped GeSi islands embedded in a Si matrix with n+-type bottom and top Si layers. An in-plane polarized photoresponse in the 85–160 meV energy region has been observed and ascribed to the optical excitation of electrons from states confined in the strained Si near the dome apexes to the continuum states of unstrained Si. The electron confinement is caused by a modification of the conduction band alignment induced by inhomogeneous tensile strain in Si around the buried GeSi quantum dots. Sensitivity of the device to the normal incidence radiation proves a zero-dimensional nature of confined electronic wave functions

    Weak splittings of quotients of Drinfeld and Heisenberg doubles

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    We investigate the fine structure of the simplectic foliations of Poisson homogeneous spaces. Two general results are proved for weak splittings of surjective Poisson submersions from Heisenberg and Drinfeld doubles. The implications of these results are that the torus orbits of symplectic leaves of the quotients can be explicitly realized as Poisson-Dirac submanifolds of the torus orbits of the doubles. The results have a wide range of applications to many families of real and complex Poisson structures on flag varieties. Their torus orbits of leaves recover important families of varieties such as the open Richardson varieties.Comment: 20 pages, AMS Late

    Spine-sheath polarization structures in four active galactic nuclei jets

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    We present the results of multifrequency (15 + 8 + 5 GHz) polarization Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the three BL Lacertae objects 0745 + 241, 1418 + 546 and 1652 + 398 together with 5-GHz VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP) observations of 1418 + 546 and 1.6- and 5-GHz VSOP observations of the blazar 1055 + 018. The jets of all these sources have polarization structure transverse to the jet axis, with the polarization E vectors aligned with the jet along the jet spine and 'sheaths' of orthogonal E vectors at one or both edges of the jet. The presence of polarization aligned with the jet near the 'spine' may indicate that the jets are associated with helical B fields that propogate outward with the jet flow; the presence of orthogonal polarization near the edges of the jet may likewise be a consequence of a helical jet B field, or may be owing to an interaction with the ambient medium on parsec scales. We have tentatively detected interknot polarization in 1055 + 018 with E aligned with the local jet direction, consistent with the possibility that the jet of this source is associated with a helical B field

    “Clerks of Revolution”: Jewish Youth of Province in Events of Civil War (Tambov Province)

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    Based on archival materials and published sources, the article deals with the problem of the participation of provincial Jewish youth in the suppression of the insurgent movement on the territory of the Tambov province. The relevance of the study is due to the need to specificate and clarify the historical role of the Jewish youth of the Russian province in the tragic events of the Civil War. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that on the basis of the biographies of the Jews of the “revolutionary turning point” generation, the mechanism of their social lifts is established. For the first time, the role and motives of the participation of Tambov Jewish communists in the fight against the peasant uprising of 1920—1921 under the leadership of A. S. Antonova are studied. The causes of anti-Semitic sentiments in the provincial society of the period of the civil war are revealed. The authors come to the conclusion that the anti-Semitism of urban and rural residents was largely due to the abuse of power by local Jews. It is noted that due to the noticeable penetration of the Jewish element into the Communist Party, in the public consciousness of the peasantry, the Bolsheviks were often identified with the Jews, stimulating the growth of dissatisfaction with the Soviet government within the peasant society