72 research outputs found

    Skin friction in zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers

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    A global approach leading to a self-consistent solution to the Navier-Stokes-Prandtl equations for zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers is presented. It is shown that as ReδRe_{\delta}\rightarrow \infty, the dynamically defined boundary layer thickness δ(x)x/ln2Rex\delta(x)\propto x/\ln^{2}Re_{x} and the skin friction λ=2τwρU021/ln2δ(x)\lambda=\frac{2\tau_{w}}{\rho U_{0}^{2}}\propto 1/\ln^{2}\delta(x). Here τw\tau_{w} and U0U_{0} are the wall shear stress and free stream velocity, respectively. The theory is formulated as an expansion in powers of a small dimensionless parameter dδ(x)dx0\frac{d\delta(x)}{dx}\rightarrow 0 in the limit xx\rightarrow \infty

    Reactive Turbulent Flow in Low-Dimensional, Disordered Media

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    We analyze the reactions A+AA+A \to \emptyset and A+BA + B \to \emptyset occurring in a model of turbulent flow in two dimensions. We find the reactant concentrations at long times, using a field-theoretic renormalization group analysis. We find a variety of interesting behavior, including, in the presence of potential disorder, decay rates faster than that for well-mixed reactions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Large-Eddy Simulations of Fluid and Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Using Renormalized Parameters

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    In this paper a procedure for large-eddy simulation (LES) has been devised for fluid and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in Fourier space using the renormalized parameters. The parameters calculated using field theory have been taken from recent papers by Verma [Phys. Rev. E, 2001; Phys. Plasmas, 2001]. We have carried out LES on 64364^3 grid. These results match quite well with direct numerical simulations of 1283128^3. We show that proper choice of parameter is necessary in LES.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures: Proper figures inserte

    Non-Gaussian Distributions in Extended Dynamical Systems

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    We propose a novel mechanism for the origin of non-Gaussian tails in the probability distribution functions (PDFs) of local variables in nonlinear, diffusive, dynamical systems including passive scalars advected by chaotic velocity fields. Intermittent fluctuations on appropriate time scales in the amplitude of the (chaotic) noise can lead to exponential tails. We provide numerical evidence for such behavior in deterministic, discrete-time passive scalar models. Different possibilities for PDFs are also outlined.Comment: 12 pages and 6 figs obtainable from the authors, LaTex file, OSU-preprint-

    Porous Superhydrophobic Membranes: Hydrodynamic Anomaly in Oscillating Flows

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    We have fabricated and characterized a novel superhydrophobic system, a mesh-like porous superhydrophobic membrane with solid area fraction Φs\Phi_s, which can maintain intimate contact with outside air and water reservoirs simultaneously. Oscillatory hydrodynamic measurements on porous superhydrophobic membranes as a function of Φs\Phi_s reveal surprising effects. The hydrodynamic mass oscillating in-phase with the membranes stays constant for 0.9Φs10.9\le\Phi_s\le1, but drops precipitously for Φs<0.9\Phi_s < 0.9. The viscous friction shows a similar drop after a slow initial decrease proportional to Φs\Phi_s. We attribute these effects to the percolation of a stable Knudsen layer of air at the interface.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Passive scalar turbulence in high dimensions

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    Exploiting a Lagrangian strategy we present a numerical study for both perturbative and nonperturbative regions of the Kraichnan advection model. The major result is the numerical assessment of the first-order 1/d1/d-expansion by M. Chertkov, G. Falkovich, I. Kolokolov and V. Lebedev ({\it Phys. Rev. E}, {\bf 52}, 4924 (1995)) for the fourth-order scalar structure function in the limit of high dimensions dd's. %Two values of the velocity scaling exponent ξ\xi have been considered: %ξ=0.8\xi=0.8 and ξ=0.6\xi=0.6. In the first case, the perturbative regime %takes place at d30d\sim 30, while in the second at d25d\sim 25, %in agreement with the fact that the relevant small parameter %of the theory is 1/(d(2ξ))\propto 1/(d (2-\xi)). In addition to the perturbative results, the behavior of the anomaly for the sixth-order structure functions {\it vs} the velocity scaling exponent, ξ\xi, is investigated and the resulting behavior discussed.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 4 figure

    Active and passive fields face to face

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    The statistical properties of active and passive scalar fields transported by the same turbulent flow are investigated. Four examples of active scalar have been considered: temperature in thermal convection, magnetic potential in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics, vorticity in two-dimensional Ekman turbulence and potential temperature in surface flows. In the cases of temperature and vorticity, it is found that the active scalar behavior is akin to that of its co-evolving passive counterpart. The two other cases indicate that this similarity is in fact not generic and differences between passive and active fields can be striking: in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics the magnetic potential performs an inverse cascade while the passive scalar cascades toward the small-scales; in surface flows, albeit both perform a direct cascade, the potential temperature and the passive scalar have different scaling laws already at the level of low-order statistical objects. These dramatic differences are rooted in the correlations between the active scalar input and the particle trajectories. The role of such correlations in the issue of universality in active scalar transport and the behavior of dissipative anomalies is addressed.Comment: 36 pages, 20 eps figures, for the published version see http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1367-2630/6/1/07

    Influence of compressibility on scaling regimes of strongly anisotropic fully developed turbulence

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    Statistical model of strongly anisotropic fully developed turbulence of the weakly compressible fluid is considered by means of the field theoretic renormalization group. The corrections due to compressibility to the infrared form of the kinetic energy spectrum have been calculated in the leading order in Mach number expansion. Furthermore, in this approximation the validity of the Kolmogorov hypothesis on the independence of dissipation length of velocity correlation functions in the inertial range has been proved.Comment: REVTEX file with EPS figure

    Renormalization group and anomalous scaling in a simple model of passive scalar advection in compressible flow

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    Field theoretical renormalization group methods are applied to a simple model of a passive scalar quantity advected by the Gaussian non-solenoidal (``compressible'') velocity field with the covariance δ(tt)xxϵ\propto\delta(t-t')| x-x'|^{\epsilon}. Convective range anomalous scaling for the structure functions and various pair correlators is established, and the corresponding anomalous exponents are calculated to the order ϵ2\epsilon^2 of the ϵ\epsilon expansion. These exponents are non-universal, as a result of the degeneracy of the RG fixed point. In contrast to the case of a purely solenoidal velocity field (Obukhov--Kraichnan model), the correlation functions in the case at hand exhibit nontrivial dependence on both the IR and UV characteristic scales, and the anomalous scaling appears already at the level of the pair correlator. The powers of the scalar field without derivatives, whose critical dimensions determine the anomalous exponents, exhibit multifractal behaviour. The exact solution for the pair correlator is obtained; it is in agreement with the result obtained within the ϵ\epsilon expansion. The anomalous exponents for passively advected magnetic fields are also presented in the first order of the ϵ\epsilon expansion.Comment: 31 pages, REVTEX file. More detailed discussion of the one-dimensional case and comparison to the previous paper [20] are given; references updated. Results and formulas unchange

    Particles and fields in fluid turbulence

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    The understanding of fluid turbulence has considerably progressed in recent years. The application of the methods of statistical mechanics to the description of the motion of fluid particles, i.e. to the Lagrangian dynamics, has led to a new quantitative theory of intermittency in turbulent transport. The first analytical description of anomalous scaling laws in turbulence has been obtained. The underlying physical mechanism reveals the role of statistical integrals of motion in non-equilibrium systems. For turbulent transport, the statistical conservation laws are hidden in the evolution of groups of fluid particles and arise from the competition between the expansion of a group and the change of its geometry. By breaking the scale-invariance symmetry, the statistically conserved quantities lead to the observed anomalous scaling of transported fields. Lagrangian methods also shed new light on some practical issues, such as mixing and turbulent magnetic dynamo.Comment: 165 pages, review article for Rev. Mod. Phy