83 research outputs found
Taş yapıların cephelerindeki malzeme bozulmalarının yersel lazer tarama yöntemiyle araştırılması: Mardin Konağı örneği
Mardin Mansion is located in the protected area of the Mardin urban site. The building is a valuable
building that reflects the architectural features of the traditional houses of Mardin. The aim of the study
is to investigate the stone material problems of the historical Mardin mansion, which reflects the
traditional housing characteristics of the province of Mardin. For this purpose, the data obtained from
observational and laser scanning were combined and interpreted. As a result of the study, the most
common types of material deterioration in buildings; It has been seen that there are dıscolouratıon and
plants. It is thought that the intense discolouration occurring on the facades is due to the effect of
increasing air pollution in the region. As a result, it is recommended to take precautions against the
damages caused by air pollution on the facades of the buildings in the region.Mardin Köşkü, Mardin kentsel sit alanındaki koruma altına alınmış bölgede yer almaktadır. Yapı Mardingeleneksel evlerinin yöreye mimari özelliklerini yansıtan değerli bir yapıdır. Geleneksel konakta, çeşitlietkenlerden dolayı oluşan bozulmalar açıkça görülmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı, Mardin ili gelenekselkonut özelliklerini yansıtan tarihi Mardin konağının taş malzeme sorunlarının araştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçlagözlemsel ve lazer taramadan elde edilen veriler birleştirilerek yorumlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucundayapılarda en sık görülen malzeme bozulması türlerinin; yüzey kirliliği ve bitkilenme olduğu görülmüştür.Cephelerde meydana gelen yoğun yüzey kirliliğinin, yörede artan hava kirliliğinin etkisindenkaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir. Sonuçta, bölgedeki yapıların cephelerinde hava kirliliğinin nedenolduğu hasarlara karşı önlem alınması önerilmektedir
It is essential to use the Satellite images for the reason of providing data continuously,updating easily and speedly, lacking of legal procedures to taking photographs and arising geometricaccuracy at high resolution satellite images in mapping discipline. Producing of orthophoto map withsatellite images, first question coming to human mind is accuracy and the cost. In order to answer thesequestions with the IKONOS mono imagery a study have been conducted to produce orthophoto map inthe Konya Selcuk University campus area.Uydu görüntüleri sürekli bilgi sağlamaları, güncelleme kolaylığı, güncelleme hızı, resim çekmeve değerlendirilmesinde yasal engellerin olmaması ve özellikle de yüksek çözünürlüklü uydugörüntüleri ile geometrik doğruluğun arttırılması nedenlerinden dolayı haritacılık disiplininde uydugörüntülerinin kullanımında bir artış gözlenmektedir. Uydu görüntülerinin haritacılık amaçlıkullanılması durumunda ilk akla gelen sorular maliyet ve doğruluk olmuştur. Bu çalışmada bu sorularacevap verebilmek için Konya Selçuk Üniversitesi Kampüs alanında IKONOS mono uydu görüntüsü ilebir çalışma yapılmış ve sonuçları verilmiştir
YERSEL FOTOGRAMETRIK YÖNTEM İLE İBADETHANELERİN MODELLENMESİÖzet Kültürel miraslar atalarımız tarafından bizlere bırakılmış en değerli hazinelerdir. Bu nadide eserlerin gelecek nesillere taşınması, kıymetini bilen her bilinçli kişinin görevidir. Ancak bu kültür hazineleri doğal ve doğal olmayan birçok etkilerden zarar gördüğü için, gelecek nesillere aktarılmasında belgeleme çalışmalarının yapılması gerekmektedir. Belgeleme çalışmaları hem eserin zarar gördüğünde yeniden yapımı için bir plan altlığını oluşturur hem de eserde meydana gelen değişikliklerin incelenmesine, analiz edilmesine, durumunun takip edilmesine imkan tanır. Günümüzde genellikle mimarlar tarafından yapılan bu belgeleme çalışmalarında artık çağdaş teknolojilerin kullanılması bir zorunluluk olmuştur. Klasik mimari belgelemede yani röleve çalışmalarında ve restorasyon projelerinin hazırlanmasında çoğu zaman basit ölçme araç ve teknikleri kullanılmakta ve sonuç ürün olarak da tamamen kağıt baskılar olarak eserlerin çizimleri sunulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Eşrefoğlu Camii araştırılmıştır. Konya’nın Beyşehir İlçesinde, Beyşehir Gölü’nün 100m. kuzeyinde ağaç direkleriyle, ahşap tavanı, minberi ve yüzyılların sükûneti ile görkemli bir ahşap camii olan Eşrefoğlu Camii; 31,80x46,55m ebadındadır. Beyşehir’in önemli tarihi eserlerinden olan Eşrefoğlu Camii, Konya’ya 72km mesafededir, Bu çalışma ile Eşrefoğlu Cami’nin fotogrametrik olarak ölçülmesi, 3B modellenmesi ve gerçek dokuları ile kaplanması amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca caminin çatısının modellenmesi için insansız hava araçları da kullanılmış, çekilen fotoğraflar da değerlendirilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Kültürel Miras, 3B model, Yersel Fotogrametri.MODELİNG OF MOSQUES WITH FOTOGRAMETRİK METHODAbstractCultural heritages are the most valuable treasure left to us by our ancestries. Moving of this precious work of arts to next generations is a dream of every concious person who know worths of this treasures. However, moving this treasure to the next generation, documentation works are needed for this cultural treasures due to damaging with natural and un-natural effects. Documentation process both its constitudes as a base plan when damaged for rebuilding and it is enable to analysis, monitoring, pursue of status, investigations of changes on work of art. Nowadays, modern technologies should be used in documentary works which made by architects. Many times, in classical architectural documentation that is roleve works and in the restoration project simple survey instruments and technics are used and drawings of work of arts on paper presented as a final production. This study investigated the Esrefoglu mosque. Esrefoglu mosque, which is a magnificent wooden mosque with wooden columns, timber ceiling and mimbar, and tranquility of the centuries, has dimensions of 31,80x46,55m in Beyşehir County of Konya, 100 m away from the Beyşehir Lake. Esrefoglu Mosque as one of the important historical artifacts of Beysehir is at a distance of 72 km to Konya. In this study, it is aimed to photogrammetric measurement, 3Dmodelingandcover with the real layers of Esrefoglu mosgue. In addition, unmanned aerial vehicles were being used for the modeling of the mosque's roof and the photos were evaluated.Keywords: Cultural Heritages, 3D Model, Terrestrial Photogrammetry
Land subsidence and its relations with sinkhole activity in karapınar region, turkey: A multi-sensor insar time series study
The Karapinar basin, located in the Central Anatolian part of Turkey, is subjected to land subsidence and sinkhole activity due to extensive groundwater withdrawal that began in the early 2000s. In this study, we use Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and groundwater level data to monitor and better understand the relations between groundwater extraction, land subsidence, and sinkhole formation in the Karapinar basin. The main observations used in the study are InSAR-derived subsidence velocity maps calculated from both Sentinel-1 (2014–2018) and COSMO-SkyMed (2016–2017) SAR data. Our analysis reveals broad areas of subsidence with rates exceeding 70 mm/yr. The InSAR-derived subsidence was compared with GNSS data acquired by a continuously operating GNSS station located in the study area, which show a similar rate of subsidence. The temporal characteristic of both InSAR and GNSS time series indicate a long-term subsidence signal superimposed by seasonal variability, which follows the overall groundwater level changes, with over 80% cross-correlation consistency. Our results also indicate that sinkhole activity is limited to slow subsidence areas, reflecting strong cohesion of near-surface rock layers that resist subsidence but yield to collapse in response to aquifer system deformation induced by groundwater extraction
Land subsidence and its relations with sinkhole activity in karapınar region, turkey: A multi-sensor insar time series study
The Karapinar basin, located in the Central Anatolian part of Turkey, is subjected to land subsidence and sinkhole activity due to extensive groundwater withdrawal that began in the early 2000s. In this study, we use Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and groundwater level data to monitor and better understand the relations between groundwater extraction, land subsidence, and sinkhole formation in the Karapinar basin. The main observations used in the study are InSAR-derived subsidence velocity maps calculated from both Sentinel-1 (2014–2018) and COSMO-SkyMed (2016–2017) SAR data. Our analysis reveals broad areas of subsidence with rates exceeding 70 mm/yr. The InSAR-derived subsidence was compared with GNSS data acquired by a continuously operating GNSS station located in the study area, which show a similar rate of subsidence. The temporal characteristic of both InSAR and GNSS time series indicate a long-term subsidence signal superimposed by seasonal variability, which follows the overall groundwater level changes, with over 80% cross-correlation consistency. Our results also indicate that sinkhole activity is limited to slow subsidence areas, reflecting strong cohesion of near-surface rock layers that resist subsidence but yield to collapse in response to aquifer system deformation induced by groundwater extraction
GeoValueIndex map of public property assets generating via Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information System for Mass Appraisal
The aim of this study is to develop a value-based GeoValueIndex with AHP weights and GIS for the criteria of the Mersin University (MEU) Çiftlikköy Campus real properties, and it is referred to as the “GeoValueIndex” in this study. GeoValueIndex is a symbolic value that combines geographic and non-geographic features of real properties. The data of the real properties on the campus were collected and arranged for mass appraisal. One of the Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methodologies, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), was used to weight the criteria. GeoValueIndex was calculated by multiplying each parcel’s geographic and non-geographic data by their weights and adding them. GeoValueIndex Map is obtained by associating GeoValueIndex and parcel in GIS software. GeoValueIndex of real properties save time, effort, and cost in mass appraisal processes. There are many techniques for doing GeoValueIndex operations, and the ones presented in this study are only proposals
Sinkholes are commonly defined as deep pits giving the appearance of a chimney or well resulting by collapsing of underground rivers in horizontal or near-bedded lime stones or active cave ceilings. Sinkholes appear as deep pits in the so-called karst land, usually on limestones and carbonates that are easily rinsed with water. The sinkhole occurrences in our country are very often seen on the Obruk Plateau in the Konya Closed Basin. In Karapinar region and its surroundings located in this plateau, especially in recent years surface deformations and sinkhole formations are frequent. The resulting sinkholes in the field of agriculture and occurred in areas close to residential areas is to upset the locals.Several studies have been carried out about the formation of sinkholes in Konya Closed Basin and especially around Karapinar. As a result of the literature survey, different information about the number of sinkholes in the region has been reached. Therefore, an inventory information system that is as up-to-date as daily, accurate, and rich in attribute information (position information, shape, diameter, depth, distance to settlements, year of formation, region etc.), has been created as a result of detailed field work, analyzing satellite images, and examining digital terrain model. The inventory information of the 283 objects created within the scope of the study will be used as support data in the future hazard, risk and planning studies. In addition, the inventory data will be shared through a Web-based system with the relevant people and institutions. The Geoinformation System-like Web application is built using Google Maps and Fusion Tables services for data storage and management, both are free services from Google Inc. The web application's infrastructure includes HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Google Maps API V3, and Google Fusion Tables API technologies. Using these technologies, it is possible to create effective map "Mash-Up" applications by adding Google maps to a Web page, where spatial data is stored in Fusion Tables and can be displayed as a layer on Google maps. The sinkhole inventory information system presented with web-based application is handled in detail in this article
ABSTRACT: In recent times, the studies on the preservation of cultural heritage has become one of the priority issues.Residential areas established in different places since Human beings has passed to public life. Some of these areas, now in use as a residential area, some due to the changing conditions of life and nature has lost its residential property. In both cases, the residential areas have become either excessive urbanization or victims of indifference. Today, many historical remains of the city under the ground. Of the present historical sites, making documentation in its current form, recording by excavation work, transferring to future generations by preserving the historical value is very important. In this study, obtaining of 3D model of theater and precision study was carried out on obtained model using kite photos of theater ,at Uzuncaburc Diocaesarea of the ancient theater in the Province of Mersin Silifke District. As a result, using photogrammetric techniques with unmanned aircraft, it has been shown to provide adequate positioning accuracy archaeological documentation. In this way, the production base of the excavation, before and after excavations modeling, monitoring of the development period of the excavation, working area detection and it carries the base may be qualifications of the restoration project
Efforts made for obtaining the most straight and healthy data in cultural heritage documentation has caused to emerge new techniques in documentation field. With rapid developing technology, modern documentation techniques take the place of conventional documentation techniques and this has provided the improvement of contemporary documentation techniques rapidly. Today’s technology gives possibility to documentation and transmitting of cultural heritage to new generations more sensitive and more rapidly. In the content of this study, Konya Karatay and Sırçalı Medresah Photogrammetric projects were given and comparisons were made between methods. At the result of the study, importance of methods used in cultural heritage documentation was emphasized and their effect to documentation process was discussed. Kültürel mirasımızın belgelenmesinde doğru ve sağlıklı veriyi elde edebilmek için yapılan çabalar, belgeleme alanında yeni tekniklerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuş, gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte klasik yöntemle belgeleme yerini artık modern belgeleme tekniklerine bırakmış, bu da çağdaş belgeleme tekniklerinin hızlı bir şekilde ilerlemesini sağlamıştır. Bugünkü teknoloji tarihi eserlerin ve korunacak yapıların artık daha hassas ve daha hızlı bir şekilde belgelenmesine ve gelecek nesillere aktarılmasına olanak vermektedir. Çalışmada, mimarlıkta belgeleme ve önemine değinilmiş, belgeleme bileşenlerinden bahsedilmiş ve kültürel mirasın belgelenmesinde kullanılan modern yöntemler kısaca anlatılıştır. Çalışma kapsamında Konya Karatay ve Sırçalı Medrese’nin fotogrametrik rölövelerine yer verilmiş ayrıca farklı yöntemler arasında karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda yöntemlerin kültürel mirasın belgelenmesindeki yerine ve önemine değinilmiş, yöntemlerin, belgeleme sürecindeki etkileri tartışılmıştır.
Increasing the penetration depth for ultrafast laser tissue ablation using glycerol based optical clearing
Background: Deep tissue ablation is the next challenge in ultrafast laser microsurgery. By focusing ultrafast pulses below the tissue surface one can create an ablation void confined to the focal volume. However, as the ablation depth increases in a scattering tissue, increase in the required power can trigger undesired nonlinear phenomena out of focus that restricts our ability to ablate beyond a maximum ablation depth of few scattering lengths. Optical clearing (OC) might reduce the intensity and increase the maximal ablation depth by lowering the refractive index mismatch, and therefore reducing scattering. Some efforts to ablate deeper showed out of focus damage, while others used brutal mechanical methods for clearing. Our clinical goal is to create voids in the scarred vocal folds and inject a biomaterial to bring back the tissue elasticity and restore phonation. Materials and methods: Fresh porcine vocal folds were excised and applied a biocompatible OC agent (75% glycerol). Collimated transmittance was monitored. The tissue was optically cleared and put under the microscope for ablation threshold measurements at different depths. Results: The time after which the tissue was optically cleared was roughly two hours. Fitting the threshold measurements to an exponential decay graph indicated that the scattering length of the tissue increased to 83±16 μm, which is more than doubling the known scattering length for normal tissue. Conclusion: Optical clearing with Glycerol increases the tissue scattering length and therefore reduces the energy for ablation and increases the maximal ablation depth. This technique can potentially improve clinical microsurgery
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