63 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of an Extensive Reading Program with Xreading in a Japanese University

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    The literature has provided empirical evidence that traditional extensive reading (ER) programs can help develop learners’ lexical knowledge and reading speed. However, few studies have examined whether the same positive outcomes can be found in online ER programs. The current study investigated the effects of an online ER program with Xreading, where students were expected to learn vocabulary incidentally as well as intentionally. It was discovered that the students were able to increase their vocabulary knowledge and average reading speed over the course of one academic year. Thus, the students’ vocabulary knowledge and reading rate appear to be improved by this online ER program. However, the correlations between the total word counts and vocabulary gains as well as reading rate gains were not statistically significant. Therefore, these improvements can be due to the influence of other English lessons, though the results could be caused by the fact that most of the students completed the word count goals. Some suggestions for future research are also presented

    Refining and Validating a Japanese University English Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Questionnaire

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    In applied linguistics, many researchers have been studying teacher self-efficacy. Some of them have been improving and validating the instrument to measure it. The purpose of the present study is to validate an adapted version of Praver’s (2014) questionnaire. The modified questionnaire, a 30-item 6-point Likert scale, was comprised of 10 items measuring efficacy for student engagement (SE), 10 items measuring efficacy for instructional strategies (IS), and 10 items measuring efficacy for classroom management (CM). The questionnaire was answered by 33 English teachers who work at a Japanese university, and a Rasch analysis was performed to examine its validity. The results showed that although there were a few items that should be replaced, most of the items functioned well. The modified items increased the difficulty level so that they could even measure the self-efficacy of able teachers

    Teaching Critical Thinking in Discussion

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    Facilitating Teaching English Through English in Japanese Junior and Senior High Schools Through Applications of the MERRIER Approach

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    This paper examines the MERRIER approach within the context of TeachingEnglish Through English (TETE) in Japan. TETE has become a focus point forthe improvement of English as Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learningin Japanese public and private high schools. The paper provides thebackground and theoretical underpinnings of the MERRIER approach, and tooutline practical applications of the approach reports how this approach waspresented in the workshop on MERRIER done as part of the InternationalChristian University (ICU) In-Service Teacher Development seminar in 2015and 2016. It concludes with some ideas and suggestions for the inclusion ofMERRIER applications in EFL teaching to facilitate the spread andimplementation of TETE in Japanese junior and senior high schools

    Exploratory Investigation into Successful and Less Successful Learners of English with Interviews

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    Previous analyses revealed that the students in an English program at abilingual university in Tokyo significantly improved their English proficiencyover their first year. Further statistical analyses such as structural equationmodeling, however, were unable to discover what factors contributed to theimprovement positively or negatively. Thus, to investigate what factorscontribute to the success of English learners in the English program, we askedboth successful and less successful students how they studied during the firstyear of their university education in and out of class. The results showed thatsuccessful and less successful learners employed no different learningstrategies, but two factors, English-speaking selves and test familiarity,emerged as possible factors that might influence the improvement of theirEnglish proficiency

    The Analysis of a Short Study Abroad Program at ICU

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    With the popularity of studying abroad on the rise, a closer look at the effectsof ICU’s SEA Program were taken into consideration for this study. Due to avariety of changes having occurred since Watanabe’s (2000) study of the SEAProgram, an updated look at the program was deemed necessary. The TOEFLITP pre-test and IELTS post test scores of 333 students in the ELA Programwere statistically analyzed. Special attention was paid to any differences inEnglish gains between the students who had participated in the SEA Programand those who had not. In addition, a comparison of the test scores between thestudents who had experienced homestay was made with the scores of thosewho had stayed in a dormitory. While a small effect was found in the firstcomparison, there did not appear to be a statistically significant difference inthe second comparison. The effect of further variables on the gains in Englishin connection with the SEA Program should be considered in the future

    Atomic-scale flattening of SiC surfaces by electroless chemical etching in HF solution with Pt catalyst

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    The authors present a method for flattening SiC surfaces with Pt as a catalyst in HF solution. The mechanism for flattening SiC surfaces is discussed. The flattened 4H-SiC (0001) surface is composed of alternating wide and narrow terraces with single-bilayer-height steps, which are induced by the rate difference of the catalytic reactions between adjacent terraces. Scanning tunneling microscopy images reveal a 1×1 phase on the terraces. The 1×1 phase is composed of coexisting of F- and OH-terminated Si atoms, which originate from the polarization of the underlying Si-C bonds. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.Kenta Arima, Hideyuki Hara, et al. "Atomic-scale flattening of SiC surfaces by electroless chemical etching in HF solution with Pt catalyst", Appl. Phys. Lett. 90(20), 202106 (2007) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2739084

    Fabrication of a 64-Pixel TES Microcalorimeter Array with Iron Absorbers Uniquely Designed for 14.4-keV Solar Axion Search

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    If a hypothetical elementary particle called an axion exists, to solve the strong CP problem, a 57Fe nucleus in the solar core could emit a 14.4-keV monochromatic axion through the M1 transition. If such axions are once more transformed into photons by a 57Fe absorber, a transition edge sensor (TES) X-ray microcalorimeter should be able to detect them efficiently. We have designed and fabricated a dedicated 64-pixel TES array with iron absorbers for the solar axion search. In order to decrease the effect of iron magnetization on spectroscopic performance, the iron absorber is placed next to the TES while maintaining a certain distance. A gold thermal transfer strap connects them. We have accomplished the electroplating of gold straps with high thermal conductivity. The residual resistivity ratio (RRR) was over 23, more than eight times higher than a previous evaporated strap. In addition, we successfully electroplated pure-iron films of more than a few micrometers in thickness for absorbers and a fabricated 64-pixel TES calorimeter structure.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, published in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity on 8 March 202


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     髄膜癌腫症は,がんの集学的治療の進歩による生存期間の延長に伴い,診断される機会も増加している.髄膜癌腫症は患者のQuality of life(QOL) を著しく低下させ,生命予後に直結することが多い.神経症状の軽減によるQOL の改善を考えると,髄膜癌腫症に対する外科治療の介入を検討し直す必要があると思われる. 我々は,髄膜癌腫症に対し外科治療を施行した3症例経験した.外科治療の適応に関し,過去の症例も交え,文献的考察を加え報告する. 【症例1】56歳男性.肺癌を原発とする多発脳転移を伴う髄膜癌腫症と診断された.全脳照射後に全身化学療法を行うも,意識障害をきたし,全身化学療法の継続が困難となった.髄液排除によりPerformance Status(PS)が改善したため,脳室腹腔短絡術を施行した.術後,意識障害は改善し,治療を再開した.PS は改善し,比較的良好な日常生活を送れQOL は改善したと考えられたが,Nivolumab の副作用により,全身状態は悪化し,術後3か月で死亡した. 【症例2】55歳女性.肺腺癌と診断され,頭痛が出現し,髄膜癌腫症と診断された.EGFR-TKIを含む全身化学療法を行い,症状は改善傾向であった.その後,頭痛,嘔気が増悪しPS は低下した.脳室ドレナージ術により,PS は改善し,嘔気・疼痛のコントロールが可能となったため,脳室腹腔短絡術を施行した.術後,緩和医療に移行し,残された時間を有意義に過ごすことができ,QOL は改善したと考えられたが,全身状態の悪化により術後4か月で死亡した. 【症例3】66歳女性.頭痛が出現し,肺癌に伴う,髄膜癌腫症と診断された.疼痛コントロールが困難であり,PS も低下していたため,脳室ドレナージ術を施行したところ,疼痛コントロールが可能となった.PS の改善に伴い,Erlotinib による治療を開始することができた.しかし,間質性肺炎による全身状態の悪化により,脳室腹腔短絡術は施行できず,脳室ドレナージ術から44日で死亡した. The incidence of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis is increasing with the extension of the survival because of the advances in cancer treatment. This condition significantly deteriorates the patients\u27 quality of life (QOL) and worsens the prognosis. Because the reduction of neurological symptoms can be expected to improve the QOL, it is necessary to reexamine the indications for surgical treatment of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. We report three cases of surgically treated leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, and we review the literature, including past cases, with regard to the indications for surgical treatment. Case 1: A 56-year-old man was diagnosed with leptomeningeal carcinomatosis with multiple brain metastases from lung cancer. Whole-brain irradiation was performed, followed by systemic chemotherapy, which was discontinued because of the development of a consciousness disorder. As the patient’s performance status (PS) improved after ventricular drainage, ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt was performed. Postoperatively, the consciousness disorder improved, and treatment was restarted. The patient’s PS and QOL improved; he was able to live a relatively good daily life. However, he died 3 months after the surgery because of deterioration of his general condition resulting from the side effects of nivolumab. Case 2: A 55-year-old woman diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma complained of headaches. She was diagnosed with leptomeningeal carcinomatosis and underwent systemic chemotherapy, including epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Her symptoms initially improved; however, after a while, the headaches and nausea worsened and her PS deteriorated. The ventricular drainage improved her PS; therefore, VP shunt was performed. Postoperatively, her PS and QOL improved and she was switched to palliative care as the nausea and pain became controllable. However, she died because of deterioration of her general condition 4 months after the surgery. Case 3: A 66-year-old woman complaining of headaches was diagnosed with leptomeningeal carcinomatosis associated with lung cancer. Because pain control was difficult and her PS was reduced, ventricular drainage was performed. Postoperatively, pain control became possible and her PS improved. Although treatment with erlotinib was started, the patient could not undergo VP shunt because of deterioration of her general condition resulting from an interstitial pneumonia, and she died 44 days after the ventricular drainage