56 research outputs found

    Homotopy types of homeomorphism groups of noncompact 2-manifolds

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    Suppose M is a noncompact connected PL 2-manifold and let H(M)_0 denote the identity component of the homeomorphism group of M with the compact-open topology. In this paper we classify the homotopy type of H(M)_0 by showing that {\cal H}(M)_0 has the homotopy type of the circle if M is the plane, an open or half open annulus, or the punctured projective plane. In all other cases we show that H(M)_0 is homotopically trivial.Comment: 13 page

    Spaces of embeddings of compact polyhedra into 2-manifolds

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    Let M be a PL 2-manifold and X be a compact subpolyhedron of M and let E(X, M) denote the space of embeddings of X into M with the compact-open topology. In this paper we study an extension property of embeddings of X into M and show that the restriction map from the homeomorphism group of M to E(X, M) is a principal bundle. As an application we show that if M is a Euclidean PL 2-manifold and dim X >= 1 then the triple (E(X,M), E^LIP(X,M), E^PL(X, M)) is an (s,Sigma,sigma)-manifold, where E_K^LIP(X,M) and E_K^PL(X, M) denote the subspaces of Lipschitz and PL embeddings.Comment: 13 page