32 research outputs found

    Multi material powder delivering systems for selective laser melting

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    Published ArticleSelective Laser Melting (SLM) is a powder bed fusion process which is an additive manufacturing (AM) process, whereby a laser beam selectively fuses regions of a powder bed to form complex objects. Growth in the SLM field has revealed the need for parts containing multiple materials for applications in the medical, tool making, aerospace and other hi-tech industries. By applying multiple materials, regions with different mechanical properties, thermal conductivity zones or corrosion-resistant coatings can be achieved in a single manufacturing cycle utilizing the SLM process. With the SLM process physical bonds can be formed between different materials by creating an interlocking interface due to the rapid solidification of the molten materials. With the current SLM equipment, multi material objects are possible but only with material differences between the layers. New approaches are needed to develop a method that allows multi material parts not only in the Z axis, but also allow material differences on a single layer (X-Y axis). Approaches such as powder feeding through a capillary tube, auger feed system, electrostatic charge or masks have all been proposed as solutions to multi material deposition. Multi material objects produced in a single cycle with complex geometry and prescribed properties has the opportunity of further growing the AM market

    Titanium Alloys Manufactured by In Situ Alloying During Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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    Published ArticleThis work is focused on the investigation and understanding of in situ processes in Ti-15%Mo and Ti6Al4V-1.38%Cu alloys by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). In both materials, Mo and Cu were introduced as elemental powders into the precursor powder mixture. The effect of process parameters, i.e., energy input on surface morphology and homogeneity, was investigated. The importance of different thermophysical properties of blended powders is also discussed. The chemical composition of phases and phase distribution in sintered materials were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy. The mechanical properties of in situ alloyed as-built LPBF specimens were determined. The results obtained developed knowledge that is important for understanding the in situ alloying process during LPBF, and they create a base for synthesizing new materials

    Residual stresses in direct metal laser sintered parts

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    Published ArticleDirect Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) fabricates parts using a track-by-track, layer-by-layer method in which powder is formed by melting and solidification of single tracks and thin layers. A laser beam scans over the powder layer thus creating a cross-sectional area of the 3D object. High-concentration of laser energy input leads to high thermal gradients which induce residual stress within the as-built parts. Methods for measurement residual stresses and stresses in DMLS parts were analysed


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    Published ArticleThis paper describes the geometrical characteristics of single tracks manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM) at different laser powers (20-170 W) and scanning speeds (0.1-2.0 m/s). Simulation of temperature distribution during processing is carried out. A conclusion about the optimal process parameters and peculiarities of selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V alloy at low and high laser powers and scanning speeds is reached. The analysis of temperature fields creates opportunities to build parts with the desired properties by using SLM


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    ArticleThe formation of in-situ Ti6Al4V-x%Cu (1%, 3% and 5% Cu) alloy structures by Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) for application in medical implants was investigated. Ti6Al4V (ELI) powder was mixed with pure Cu powder of similar particle size distribution. Optimal process parameters were established for in-situ alloying of Ti6Al4V-x%Cu to form dense parts with suitable microstructural and surface quality. Process parameters such as laser power, scanning speed, hatch distance and layer thickness directly affect the surface quality and part density. Firstly, single track formation was studied at different scanning speeds for 170 W and 340 W laser powers. The effect of laser power and scanning speed on the track width and shape was described. Secondly, the surface roughness and single layer morphology were considered

    Qualification of Ti6Al4V ELI Alloy Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion for Biomedical Applications

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    Published ArticleTi6Al4V ELI samples were manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) in vertical and horizontal directions and subjected to various heat treatments. Detailed analyses of porosity, microstructure, residual stress, tensile properties, fatigue and fractured surfaces were performed based on X-ray micro computed tomography, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction methods. Types of fractures and tensile fracture mechanisms in LPBF Ti6Al4V ELI alloy were studied. Detailed analysis of the microstructure and the corresponding mechanical properties were compared with standard specifications for conventional Ti6Al4V alloy (grade 5 and 23) for surgical implant applications. Conclusions regarding mechanical properties and heat treatment of LPBF Ti6Al4V ELI for biomedical applications were made

    In situ heat treatment in selective laser melted martensitic AISI 420 stainless steels

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    Published ArticleThe article explores an evolution of a microstructure in AISI 420martensitic stainless steel during selective laser melting. Several upper layers had hardness of 750 HV and contained 21±12 vol.% austenite phase. The final bulk microstructure consisted of thermally decomposed martensitewith hardness of 500–550HV and unusually high, 57±8 vol.%,amount of austenite. Obtained results indicate that duringmanufacturing a partitioning and austenite reversion took place, owing to the thermal cycling of the inner regions duringmanufacturing. Numerical simulation was found plausible to analyze and explain thermally activated processes that occurred in situ. Results of numerical simulation of the thermal cycles in dependence on the processing parameters suggested a possibility to control the thermal processes by variation of the laser energy input


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    Published Conference ProceedingsIn this paper the fabrication of in-situ Ti6Al4V-xCu alloy structures by DMLS are investigated. Ti6Al4V is a commonly used biomedical alloy because of it suitable mechanical and biocompatible properties. Copper is a proven anti-bacterial agent and in small amounts is not toxic to the human body. Ti6Al4V-xCu implants can be constructed to have a biocompatible structure with copper additions to reduce the risk of bacterial infection and implant failure. Infection at the bone–implant interface is the most probable reason for implant failure directly after implantation. Ti6Al4V powder was mixed with Cu powder to form a master alloy. Optimal process parameters need to be established for in-situ alloying of Ti6Al4V-xCu to form dense parts with suitable surface quality. The effect of laser scanning speeds and hatch distance on surface characteristics was investigated. The surface roughness, chemical composition and distribution of Cu near the surface and within the synthesized layer, as well as micro hardness were considered. A rescanning strategy was employed and showed improved alloy homogeneity and surface quality


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    Published ArticleTo remove residual stresses, an as-built SLM object is usually post-treated. This treatment can affect the microstructure, changing the final mechanical characteristics. This investigation is focused on the microstructural characterisation of 316L austenitic stainless steel in as-built and annealed conditions. The SLM microstructure was relatively stable up to 900°C, when cell boundaries start to disappear. At higher temperatures, an insignificant grain coarsening was detected. These microstructural changes caused a gradual drop in the hardness. The obtained result is background for the future development of post-treatment regimens to achieve a high level in the final mechanical properties of SLM objects