14 research outputs found

    Bakteri dan Kesehatan Manusia

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    Bakteri merupakan sel prokariotik dengan genom  berbentuk  sirkuler dan mempunyai plasmid.  Bakteri  di samping  dikenal  sebagai agen  penyebab penyakit,  bakteri  juga mempunyai  manfaat  yang  besar  bagi kehidupan manusia  seperti  pemanfaatan bakteri  dalam  pembuatan  yogurt  dan antibiotik. Di dalam tubuh manusia pun bakteri memberikan manfaat yang banyak pertahanan melawan infeksi, berperan dalam sistem imun, sumber  nutrient  dan menstimulasi  pergantian epitel. Bakteri yang menghuni tubuh manusia disebut mikroba flora normal. Menghuni kulit dan selaput mukosa individu sehat dan normal, Kebanyakan  bakteri  anaerob  dan  fakultatif anaerob

    Risk Factors of Typhoid Infection in the Indonesian Archipelago.

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    BACKGROUND: Knowledge of risk factors and their relative importance in different settings is essential to develop effective health education material for the prevention of typhoid. In this study, we examine the effect of household level and individual behavioural risk factors on the risk of typhoid in three Indonesian islands (Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Papua) in the Eastern Indonesian archipelago encompassing rural, peri-urban and urban areas. METHODS: We enrolled 933 patients above 10 years of age in a health facility-based case-control study between June 2010 and June 2011. Individuals suspected of typhoid were tested using the typhoid IgM lateral flow assay for the serodiagnosis of typhoid fever followed by blood culture testing. Cases and controls were defined post-recruitment: cases were individuals with a culture or serology positive result (n = 449); controls were individuals negative to both serology and culture, with or without a diagnosis other than typhoid (n = 484). Logistic regression was used to examine the effect of household level and individual level behavioural risk factors and we calculated the population attributable fraction (PAF) of removing each risk significant independent behavioural risk factor. RESULTS: Washing hands at critical moments of the day and washing hands with soap were strong independent protective factors for typhoid (OR = 0.38 95% CI 0.25 to 0.58 for each unit increase in hand washing frequency score with values between 0 = Never and 3 = Always; OR = 3.16 95% CI = 2.09 to 4.79 comparing washing hands with soap sometimes/never vs. often). These effects were independent of levels of access to water and sanitation. Up to two thirds of cases could be prevented by compliance to these practices (hand washing PAF = 66.8 95% CI 61.4 to 71.5; use of soap PAF = 61.9 95%CI 56.7 to 66.5). Eating food out in food stalls or restaurant was an important risk factor (OR = 6.9 95%CI 4.41 to 10.8 for every unit increase in frequency score). CONCLUSIONS: Major gains could potentially be achieved in reducing the incidence of typhoid by ensuring adherence to adequate hand-washing practices alone. This confirms that there is a pivotal role for 'software' related interventions to encourage behavior change and create demand for goods and services, alongside development of water and sanitation infrastructure

    Analisis Bioautografi Kromatografi Lapis Tipis dan Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Bawang Tiwai (Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.) terhadap Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections are the major health problem in Indonesia; this is mainly due to their resistance to antibiotics. Based on this, the quest for new sources of natural based antimicrobial drugs is necessary. Bawang tiwai (Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.) is one of the natural materials that have potential as an antibacterial natural-based of Indonesia origin. Bawang tiwai already used empirically by local communities in East Kalimantan to treat various diseases. The aim of this research is to know the antibacterial activity of E. bulbosa ethanol extract on MRSA and to know the type of secondary metabolite with antibacterial activity tested by TLC bioautography method. The experiment was conducted on Research Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Mulawarman University, Samarinda. TLC results showed that ethanol extract of E. bulbosa has compounds containing sugar, alkaloids, steroids, and flavonoids. The results of TLC bioautography show that ethanol extract of E. bulbosa can inhibit the growth of MRSA. MIC results show that ethanol extract of E. bulbosa has potent antibacterial activity against MRSA with MIC 1 mg/mL. The conclusion of this research is all the results support the potential of bawang tiwai as the alternative component of natural-based antibacterial agents against MRSA


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    Penelitian mengenai " Gambaran Karakteristik Ibu Penderita HIV/AIDS yang Melahirkan Bayi di RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda", telah dilakukan untuk periode Desember 2015 sampai dengan Maret 2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif terhadap ibu penderita HIV/AIDS yang melahirkan bayi. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui usia, asal kabupaten/kota, pekerjaan, risiko tinggi, pengobatan ARV, terjadinya AIDS dan status bayi dari penderita HIV/AIDS di RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan usia terbanyak ibu penderita HIV/AIDS yang melahirkan bayi terdapat pada rentang usia 30-34 tahun, Asal kabupaten/kota terbanyak berasal dari Samarinda, pekerjaan terbanyak adalah ibu rumah tangga, risiko tinggi terbanyak adalah pasangan risti. Pederita lebih banyak yang sudah mendapatkan pengobatan ARV dan belum masuk ke tahap AIDS, status bayi terbanyak adalah belum diperiksa

    Aktivitas Antimikroba Ekstrak Daun Karamunting (Melastoma malabathricum L.) Terhadap Bakteri Penyebab Diare

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    Diare hingga kini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan utama di Indonesia. Pemberian antibiotik merupakan salah satu upaya penatalaksanaan diare, namun belakangan terkendala masalah adanya resistensi terhadap antibiotik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka upaya pencarian sumber antimikroba baru berbasis tumbuhan obat perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji potensi ekstrak daun karamunting (Melastoma malabathricum L.) yang secara tradisional digunakan etnis Dayak sebagai obat diare. Aktivitas antimikroba ekstrak tumbuhan diuji terhadap 5 bakteri standar;  Escherichia  coli ATCC 35128, Shigella sonnei ATCC 25931, Campylobacter jejuni ATCC 33291, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442, dan Enterobacter cloacae ATCC13047. Pengukuran aktivitas antimikroba dilakukan dengan disc diffusion method (Kirby-Bauer) dan pengukuran minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak daun M. malabathricum dapat menghambat pertumbuhan seluruh bakteri uji, dengan diameter zona hambat sebesar 12,3-16 mm dan MIC sebesar 2,3-13,3 mg/ml. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah ekstrak daun M. malabathricum berpotensi sebagai antidiare berdasarkan aktivitas antimikrobanya. &nbsp

    Analisis Bioautografi Dengan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Pada Ekstrak Etanol Daun Caesalpinia sumatrana ROXB. Terhadap Bakteri Penyebab Infeksi Nosokomial

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    Infeksi nosokomial merupakan masalah kesehatan utama di Indonesia, hal ini terutama disebabkan adanya resistensi terhadap antibiotik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka upaya pencarian sumber antimikroba baru berbasis tumbuhan obat perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji potensi ekstrak daun Caesalpinia sumatrana Roxb. yang secara tradisional digunakan etnis Dayak sebagai obat luka dan sakit kulit. Analisis bioautografi ekstrak tumbuhan dilakukan dengan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT), terhadap Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus dan Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Hasil penelitian pada ekstrak C. sumatrana ditemukan golongan senyawa mengandung gula memiliki potensi aktivitas antimikroba terhadap keempat bakteri;  senyawa golongan alkaloid memiliki potensi aktivitas antimikroba terhadap S. aureus dan MRSA; senyawa golongan terpen-steroid memiliki potensi aktivitas antimikroba terhadap P. mirabilis, S. aureus dan MRSA; dan senyawa golongan flavonoid memiliki potensi aktivitas anti mikroba terhadap S. aureus. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah hasil metabolit sekunder ekstrak daun C. sumatrana dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab infeksi nosokomial. &nbsp

    The Spatial Analysis of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Spreading and Its Interactions with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Background: Extrapulmonary Tubercolosis (EPTB) is an infectious disease that affects tissue outside the lungs. EPTB patients cannot be source of infection, therefore the findings in the community indicate that there are still active pul- monary TB patients acting as a source of infection. Understanding distributions of EPTB can be used as indicator to individu- ate the unmonitored source of TB transmission in the community. Objectives: The aim of this study is to analyze EPTB using spatial modeling based on patients’ location. Methods: This study is an observational research with spatial analysis approach using SatScanv.9.4.4 and ArcGis v.10.4. Involving 46 samples of EPTB patients in Anatomy Pathology Laboratory of RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie in 2017 and 7 pul- monary TB patients who were contacts of EPTB patients. The distribution of EPTB patients is mostly located in areas with high population density. Results: The results showed that the dis- tribution pattern of EPTB patients was mostly in areas with high population densi- ties. Space-time permutation model shows there are 3 clusters of EPTB with a 2.91, 0.97, 1.13 km radius centered on -0.504177 S/117.092132 E, -0.476895 S /117.141700 E, -0.517031 S/117.092132 E. Conclusion: The distribution of patients with EPTB and pulmonary TB indicates there is an interaction between EPTB and pulmonary TB in the cluster area. Bernoulli model shows that there is 1 cluster of EPTB and pulmonary TB with relative risk 5.29, radius of 3.19 km, and centered on - 0.458159 S / 117.149945 E

    Working Women: In the Perspective of History, Arabic Language and Law

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    In this modern era, the issue of working women is still a tofic of discussion and debate in society. Working women are not only a matter of women as individuals, but also a matter of the family and society. This is because the benafits of working women are not only felt by individuals, but also by families and communities. This connection certainly involves socio-economic and psychological values in the activities of working women. however, in practice there is still a mindset in society that views women as having no right to work in the public sector, but only suitable to work in the domestic sector. Therefore, public awareness and women as individuals need to be strangthened with knowledge and understanding of the meaning of the term "work" in historical, linguistic and legal dimensions. This paper explains the urgency of mastering the language, in this connection is Arabic to gain a better understanding of the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadits as well as other sources of Islamic law written in Arabic, as well as to gain a batter and correct understanding of law works for womwn. In addition, this study also reveals the historical conditions of working women since the time of the Prohet, to the arrangements for working women in this modern era and the laws that underlie them