43 research outputs found

    Features of the Work of Workers in Agriculture

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    The Article Ollines The Main Provisions of the System of "Special Assessment of Winging Conditions", Introduced Instead of the Previous Certification of Workplaces in the Agricultural CEPOR. The Clasification of Work Conditions According to The Degree Of Hazard (Hazard) Used in the Identification of Workplaces is present. The Experience of Assessing Working Conditions At JSC is refleted.theya Especialy Suscepable to Workers Employed in Fodder Production, Croft Production and Animal Husbandry, who is constantly in contact with the biological harmub substances of Animal and Plant Origin (weed Seeds, Plant Dust, Wool, Fluff, Hair, Feathers, Scales Skin, CLAWS, HOOVES, Faecal Particles, Criend Protein and Fat, Ether Extractable Substances, etc.

    Maktabgacha ta’lim jarayonida bola shaxsiga psixologik yondashuvlar

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    В данной научной статье рассматриваются психологические особенноси детей дошкольного возраста. Коммуникативная компетентность и психологический подход воспитателя в ее деятельности. Работа в малых группах и факторы их развития

    The Problem of Poverty in Our Country and Issues of Its Reduction

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    The article studied the concept of poverty, its causes, signs and measures to eliminate it are an urgent task of today. The categories of poverty definition, the development of multidimensional poverty indices and their criteria, proven and effective methods of combating poverty are highlighted

    Dynamic models and analysis of overflow of upper level of GTS for their automatic protection

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    A catastrophic increase in the supply channels of hydraulic structures on canals should be controlled, and automatic headwater protection from overflow should be carried out. Knowing the dynamic model of such a process, it is possible, according to a previously developed algorithm, to generate a control signal at the beginning of the transient process to prevent an emergency. The reasons were analyzed as threats leading to the overflow of the headwater, among which non-discharged sediments stably intensify the dynamics of the transition process. A control system simulation model was created in the MatLab environment, the coefficients were determined, and the dynamic characteristics of the pool overflow process were built. In this case, the time constant was 7 seconds, and the removal of the control signal was possible within 1-3 seconds after the start of the transition. Reducing the probability of a pool overflow threat is predicted to be within 25%

    Embroidery and artistic taste

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    Every aspect of art requires from a person the beauty of the heart, the elegance. One of the most ancient and unique types of applied decorative art is embroider

    The role of interactive methodology in teaching scientific vocabulary

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    This article discusses the role of interactive technology in teaching scientific speech to students. The use of active methods and interactive technologies in teaching ICT vocabulary develops creative initiative, encourages the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills aimed at improving communication in a professional environment

    Pensiya ta’minoti tizimini takomillashtirish

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    Mazkur maqolada mamlakatimizda pensiya ta’minoti tizimining amaldagi holatai va uni takomillashtirish yo’nalishlari tadqiq etilgan

    Measures to reduce energy consumption in modern buildings andbuildings

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    In order to reduce the energy intensity of modern buildings, to prevent the loss of available energy during their construction from materials with low thermal conductivity; expanded polystyrene. In the construction of the house, the main focus is on the cost to be made for the material that goes to it, in addition to the strength, comfort of the building. It is imperative that the economy of these costs does not adversely affect the quality of the building. Building planning we cannot take into account the costs that can adversely affect us during the period of its exploitation after it is completed in the process. As a result, we use technical means that require additional costs to ensure a comfortable temperature in our building during the winter and summer seasons. They are able to provide us with the necessary temperature by consuming electricity throughout the day. This in turn leads to a further increase in electricity demand. The climate of the Bukhara region is a rapidly changing continental climate. Air temperature varies by year from-300°С (December, January, February), to +500°С in summer (July-September). So, during a cool year, we will be forced to spend extra on electricity or thermal energy. Therefore, in the process of building construction, it will be advisable for us to take measures to save energy. In modern building construction, there is a need for us to use materials that protect against hot and cold weather in this

    Model similarity evidence and interoperability affinity in cloud-ready Industry 4.0 technologies

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    Cloud computing is revolutionizing IT environments in most fields of economy. Its service-based approach enables collaboration and data exchange on higher level, with better efficiency and parallel decreasing costs. Also manufacturing environments can benefit from cloud technology and better fulfill fast changes in market demands, by applying diverse cloud deployment models and by virtualizing manufacturing processes and assets into services. As cloud becomes the basis of most innovative manufacturing IT systems, its future role in Cyber-physical Production Systems has to be properly investigated, as their interoperability will play a role of vital importance. In this paper, after a brief introduction to cloud criticality and cloud-based manufacturing, the mutual conceptual similarities in modelling distributed industrial services of two of the major standardization frameworks for industrial Internet architectures are presented: the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA) and the Reference Architectural Model Industrie (RAMI 4.0). It is also introduced how their integration feasibility finds a strong affinity in specifications of the Open Connectivity Unified Architecture, a service-oriented architecture candidate to the standardization of Industrial Internet of Things based manufacturing platforms. Finally, the preliminary architecture of a prototype Smart Factory is presented as a case study