252 research outputs found

    Cardiac diseases in pregnancy and its feto-maternal outcome

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    Background: Cardiac disease complicates 1-3% of all pregnancies. Of this Rheumatic heart disease constitute 74% and congenital heart disease 26%.Methods: A retrospective study of all patients with cardiac diseases delivered was conducted. A tabulated representation of the data was done. The various cardiac diseases were categorized according the severity, NYHA classification, type of pathology, the maternal and perinatal outcome was assessed, and the maternal mortality and perinatal mortality was recorded.Results: 84% patients belonged to age group 20-29 years. 8% were teen aged and 4% patients were elderly. 64% patients were either P0+0 or P0+1. 8% patients were P0+3 and 2% patient were P3+0. 74% patients had RHD. 26% had grade I, 40% had grade II, 20% patients had grade III and 14% had grade IV heart disease. The associated complications were anemia 46%, Respiratory tract infection 12%, pregnancy induced hypertension 2% and recurrent rheumatic fever 2%. 48% had normal vaginal delivery, 20% had forceps delivery and 32% had caesarean delivery. One mother died of heart failure. All patients of grade I (100%) had term delivery. 23.07% of grade I, 30% of grade II, 60% of grade III and 100% babies of grade IV mothers were of low birth weight (˂2.5 kg). Babies weighing ˂1.5 kg were seen in 5% grade II, 10% grade III and 42.85% mothers with grade IV disease. 2 of grade IV and each of grade I, II and III died.Conclusions: Feto-maternal outcome can be improved with close supervision of obstetrician and cardiologist throughout the pregnancy by antenatal care, early diagnosis and management

    Draft genome sequence of Sclerospora graminicola, the pearl millet downy mildew pathogen:Genome sequence of pearl millet downy mildew pathogen

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    Sclerospora graminicola pathogen is one of the most important biotic production constraints of pearl millet worldwide. We report a de novo whole genome assembly and analysis of pathotype 1. The draft genome assembly contained 299,901,251 bp with 65,404 genes. Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], is an important crop of the semi-arid and arid regions of the world. It is capable of growing in harsh and marginal environments with highest degree of tolerance to drought and heat among cereals (1). Downy mildew is the most devastating disease of pearl millet caused by Sclerospora graminicola (sacc. Schroet), particularly on genetically uniform hybrids. Estimated annual grain yield loss due to downy mildew is approximately 10?80 % (2-7). Pathotype 1 has been reported to be the highly virulent pathotype of Sclerospora graminicola in India (8). We report a de novo whole genome assembly and analysis of Sclerospora graminicola pathotype 1 from India. A susceptible pearl millet genotype Tift 23D2B1P1-P5 was used for obtaining single-zoospore isolates from the original oosporic sample. The library for whole genome sequencing was prepared according to the instructions by NEB ultra DNA library kit for Illumina (New England Biolabs, USA). The libraries were normalised, pooled and sequenced on Illumina HiSeq 2500 (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) platform at 2 x100 bp length. Mate pair (MP) libraries were prepared using the Nextera mate pair library preparation kit (Illumina Inc., USA). 1 ?g of Genomic DNA was subject to tagmentation and was followed by strand displacement. Size selection tagmented/strand displaced DNA was carried out using AmpureXP beads. The libraries were validated using an Agilent Bioanalyser using DNA HS chip. The libraries were normalised, pooled and sequenced on Illumina MiSeq (Illumina Inc., USA) platform at 2 x300 bp length. The whole genome sequencing was performed by sequencing of 7.38 Gb with 73,889,924 paired end reads from paired end library, and 1.15 Gb with 3,851,788 reads from mate pair library generated from Illumina HiSeq2500 and Illumina MiSeq, respectively. The sequences were assembled using various assemblers like ABySS, MaSuRCA, Velvet, SOAPdenovo2, and ALLPATHS-LG. The assembly generated by MaSuRCA (9) algorithm was observed superior over other algorithms and hence used for scaffolding using SSPACE. Assembled draft genome sequence of S. graminicola pathotype 1 was 299,901,251 bp long, with a 47.2 % GC content consisting of 26,786 scaffolds with N50 of 17,909 bp with longest scaffold size of 238,843 bp. The overall coverage was 40X. The draft genome sequence was used for gene prediction using AUGUSTUS. The completeness of the assembly was investigated using CEGMA and revealed 92.74% proteins completely present and 95.56% proteins partially present, while BUSCO fungal dataset indicated 64.9% complete, 12.4% fragmented, 22.7% missing out of 290 BUSCO groups. A total of 52,285 predicted genes were annotated using BLASTX and 38,120 genes were observed with significant BLASTX match. Repetitive element analysis in the assembly revealed 8,196 simple repeats, 1,058 low complexity repeats and 5,562 dinucleotide to hexanucleotide microsatellite repeats.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Polymorphic Signature of the Anti-inflammatory Activity of 2,2′- {[1,2-Phenylenebis(methylene)]bis(sulfanediyl)}bis(4,6- dimethylnicotinonitrile)

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    Weak noncovalent interactions are the basic forces in crystal engineering. Polymorphism in flexible molecules is very common, leading to the development of the crystals of same organic compounds with different medicinal and material properties. Crystallization of 2,2′- {[1,2-phenylenebis(methylene)]bis(sulfanediyl)}bis(4,6-dimethylnicotinonitrile) by evaporation at room temperature from ethyl acetate and hexane and from methanol and ethyl acetate gave stable polymorphs 4a and 4b, respectively, while in acetic acid, it gave metastable polymorph 4c. The polymorphic behavior of the compound has been visualized through singlecrystal X-ray and Hirshfeld analysis. These polymorphs are tested for anti-inflammatory activity via the complete Freund’s adjuvant-induced rat paw model, and compounds have exhibited moderate activities. Studies of docking in the catalytic site of cyclooxygenase-2 were used to identify potential anti-inflammatory lead compounds. These results suggest that the supramolecular aggregate structure, which is formed in solution, influences the solid state structure and the biological activity obtained upon crystallization

    Facilitators and barriers to the uptake of COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose among adult population: qualitative analysis across six different states of India

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    IntroductionIndia launched the COVID-19 vaccination drive on 16th January 2021 by vaccinating the adult population above 18 years of age. This was followed by the introduction of an additional precaution dose. As on 18th October 2022, 1,02,66,96,808 (1.02 Billion) first dose and 94, 95, 39,516 (949 Million) second doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered. However, when compared to the uptake of the primary doses, the precaution dose uptake lagged behind with only 21,75, 12,721 (217 million) doses administered. Even though, the uptake of the primary doses remained optimal, irrespective of different interventions by the Government of India, the uptake of the precaution dose remained poor. In this context, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare wanted to understand the facilitators and Barriers for precaution dose uptake among adults so that future immunization campaigns could address these issues.MethodsAn exploratory qualitative study was conducted to assess the facilitators and barriers for COVID-19 precaution dose uptake at community level across 6 different states in India. From each of the states, two districts with the highest and lowest rates of COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose uptake were selected. In each of these districts, 2 block Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs), one with high and one with low uptake were identified. Within these block PHCs, a PHC field area with high and low precaution dose uptakes was identified. From the identified sites a minimum of four IDIs, four FGDs were conducted among the community members. KIIs of the State Immunization Officers, District Immunisation Officers, PHC Medical Officers, healthcare workers like Accredited Social Health Activist/Auxiliary Nurse Midwife were also conducted. The data was audio recorded and it was transcribed, translated and analysed using framework approach.ResultsIt was observed that rise in COVID-19 cases prompted the community to take the precaution dose, this along with the cost of hospitalization and the number of productive days being lost as a result of being infected resulted in vaccine uptake. The fear of non-availability of COVID-19 vaccines latter on also prompted people for vaccine uptake. While the barriers were, poor accessibility to vaccination centers, long hours of travel, poor road connectivity and lack of transportation facilities. However, the most prominent barriers observed across all study sites was that a sense of pandemic fatigue and complacency had developed both among the providers as well as the beneficiaries. Other barriers include differences in vaccination schedules and longer duration between the primary doses of some vaccines. Media was identified to be both a barrier and facilitator for Covid-19 Precaution dose uptake. Even though media played an important role in disseminating information in the beginning of the campaign, it was soon followed by the circulation of both misinformation and disinformation.DiscussionThe study identified that dissemination of accurate information and community involvement at each stage of planning and implementation are crucial for the success of any campaign. Efforts should be constantly made to address and re-invent strategies that will be most suitable for the needs of the community. Therefore, in order to ensure successful vaccination campaigns, it is crucial that along with political will it is also important to have a decentralized approach with inter-sectoral coordination with different stakeholders such as healthcare workers, community members and the different departments such as the local self-governments, education department, law & order department etc. These lessons learnt from COVID-19 vaccination campaigns must not be forgotten and must be applied in future vaccination campaigns and while framing public health policies

    A simple experimental method to generate partially coherent optical bottle beam

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    An experimental study is carried out to investigate a special kind of three-dimensional intensity distribution of a partially coherent optical beam known as optical bottle beam produced by using an annular aperture and lens combination (Lens Aperture System). In this paper, we are demonstrating the experimental results of our observations. The investigation also includes the effects of coherence modulation and central obstruction of the annular aperture (used in Lens Aperture System) on the resultant partially coherent optical bottle beam. The method discussed in this paper is simple and cost effective

    Comparative evaluation of remineralizing efficacy of silver containing fluoride, nano hydroxyapatite and self assembling peptide on early enamel carious lesions under atomic force microscope: An in vitro study

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    Aim: To evaluate and compare the efficacy of 3 different materials on remineralization of early enamel carious lesions. Materials and Methods:80 maxillary single rooted premolars were divided into four groups(n=20). Group 1: Control,Group 2 : Silver diamine fluoride ,Group 3 : Nano-hydroxyapatite and Group 4: Self assembling peptide. Each group except control group were subdivided into two subgroups. All the materials were demineralized in demineralizing solution for 96 hours, which was daily renewed after 24 hours until uniform early carious lesion were formed. After the formation of lesions, half of specimens from each tested subgroups had the material applied and the half of the specimens didn’t. All the specimens were immersed together in 20 mL of artificial saliva at 37ċ for 24 h. After 24 hours experimental materials were rubbed off using cotton pellate socked in acetone. All the specimens were then washed with distilled water and again immersed in fresh artificial saliva for 48 hours at 37ċ in an incubator. Saliva was exchanged after 24 hours with fresh saliva. The pair of negative control group was only immersed in artificial saliva for 24 and 48 hours continuously and saliva was not exchanged during this period.&nbsp