295 research outputs found

    Work Life Balance Amongst the Working Women in Public Sector Banks - A Case Study of State Bank of India

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    In terms of Indian context, the concern over work-life balance is gradually becoming a common talk especially for women employees. Work life balance is a state of equilibrium in which the demand of both professional and personal life is equal. Each role having different set of demands and when such role demands overlap, multiple problems are faced. In reality life and work over-lap and interact. In designing the work life policies employer should think that the commitment of employees can make the difference between those companies which compete at the marketplace and those which cannot. A balanced life for women is one where they spread their energy and effort between key areas of importance. This research study aims to figure out the working environment of public sector banks for women employees and what is the perception of women about the initiative and policies of banks and effects of those initiatives on their lives. Chi square test is applied in this paper to check the authenticity of data given by the respondents. The research is conducted among working women in banks with special reference to SBI, Bhopal (M.P.) city head office. We suggest that Work-Life Balance is not a problem to be solved. It is an ongoing issue to be managed

    Claim settlement process of life insurance policies in insurance services: a comparative study of LIC of India and ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company

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    For the purpose of covering up financial risk along with better return on the investment, Life insurance coverage is taken up. Claims are filed at the time of maturity or in case of death/disability. The study focuses on the claim settlement process of life insurance services of LIC of India and ICICI prudential life insurance company. With the increasing market due to increasing number of policies, numbers of claims are also increasing in both the companies. Therefore it is very much essential to have simple and clear claim settlement process. The study is based on the secondary data collected from IRDA and research papers from various journals. The study concluded that in both LIC of India and ICICI prudential life insurance company are following proper claim settlement process.LIC of India claim settlement process is very much efficient but not that transparent and approachable as claim settlement process of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company with their preference to customers, setting standards by claim settlement process and continues to lead private life insurance sector

    Performance Management System in Maharatna Companies (A Leading Public Sector Undertaking) of India - A Case Study of B.H.E.L., Bhopal (M.P.)

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    Extensive changes in the global economy have made it imperative for the governments all over the world to improve the quality of their governance structures. The Government of India has also introduced the New Public Management concepts in public administration with emphasis on "results" or "performance" to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services. This research aims to figure out the key variables that are having strong influence on Performance management system with special reference to BHEL, Bhopal (M.P.). Chi square test is applied in this paper to check the authenticity of data given by the respondents. We are also going to study the PM process, awareness level and satisfaction level of employees of BHEL and how the PM system affects the performance and career development of employees

    Consumer Preference towards Retail Stores for Food and Grocery in Evolving Retail Market

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    The study reveals that young and high income consumer preferences for grocery shopping are gradually shifting from local kirana stores to organized retail stores. The study was carried out in the market of Indore. Multivariate statistical techniques were used to analyze the data collected with the help of a structured questionnaire. The main objective of the study is to understand whether Indian consumers are likely to move from conventional kirana stores to organised retail grocery stores while shopping for groceries. The study found that the customer perceived to be more satisfied with organised retail store when compared with conventional kirana stores in relation with price and benefits in shopping

    Human Resource Planning and Audit - A Case Study of HEG Limited

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    Prompt advancement in product / service and process technology, many operations in the manufacturing and service industries in recent years require competitive HR practices. So this research study stresses on HR planning and audit practices. HR planning is all about good management; good strategic management; good business management and particularly good people management. It is important that you put thought and careful planning into your human resource practices. And the purpose of the HR Audit is to conduct a more in-depth analysis of the HR function to identify areas of strength and weakness and where improvements may be needed. Conducting an audit involves a review of current practices, policies, and procedures, and may include benchmarking against organizations of similar size and/or industry. This research aims to figure out the practices, employee perception and measures adopted by HEG limited for Human resource planning and audit. Chi square test is applied at (.05 or 5 %) significance level in this paper to check the authenticity of data given by the respondents. Findings suggests that it is difficult to assess accurate HR planning and adopting accurate audit practices because practices itself does not produce right or wrong answers, but it produces a series of alternatives from which the right course of action can be chosen

    Service Marketing Triangle and GAP Model in Hospital Industry

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    A service is any act or performance, one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything its production may or may not be tied to a physical product. Service includes all economic activities whose output is not a physical product or construction, consumed at the time it is produced and provides added value in forms (such as convenience, amusement, timeliness, comfort and health) that are essentially intangible and it concerns of its first purchaser. Service Marketing triangle shows three interlinked groups (customer, provider and the company) that work together to develop, promote and deliver service to the satisfaction of the customer. Service marketing involves three types of marketing: External Marketing, Internal Marketing and Interactive Marketing, while when it comes to GAP model than there are four potential gaps (Knowledge gap, Service design and standard gap, Service performance gap, communication gap) within the service organization. If we talk about importance of service marketing in the hospital industry so we come to know that break at any point whether it is in service marketing triangle or in GAP model can spoil relationship of hospital with the existing and potential customers

    Multiple Fistula-In-Ano treated by Kshara Sutra - A Case Report

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    Fistula-in-ano is a chronic and troublesome disease encountered in general practice. It consists of 1.6% of all surgical admissions and leads to physical, psychological and social problems. The management includes various treatment modalities with variable outcomes. Ksharasutra is a medicated thread used in ano-rectal disorders particularly for the management of fistula-in-ano in Ayurveda. In this study Ksharasutra was prepared by Apamarga Kshara (Ash of Achyranthus aspera Linn.), Snuhi Ksheera (Euphorbia neriifolia Linn.) and turmeric powder (Curcuma longa Linn.). A patient with multiple fistula-in-ano was treated by application of Ksharasutra. This case study demonstrates the utility of Ksharasutra in Multiple Fistula-in ano

    Reheating constraints on modified quadratic chaotic inflation

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    The Reheating era of inflationary Universe can be parameterized by various parameters like reheating temperature TreT_{\text{re}}, reheating duration NreN_{\text{re}} and average equation of state parameter ω‾re\overline{\omega }_{\text{re}}, which can be constrained by observationally feasible values of scalar power spectral amplitude AsA_{\text{s}} and spectral index nsn_{\text{s}}. In this work, by considering the quadratic chaotic inflationary potential with logarithmic-correction in mass, we examine the reheating era in order to place some limits on model's parameter space. By investigating the reheating epoch using Planck's 2018 data, we show that even a small correction can make the quadratic chaotic model consistent with latest cosmological observations. We also find that the study of reheating era helps to put much tighter constraints on model and effectively improves accuracy of model

    Experimental and Theoretical (ab initio and DFT) Analysis of UV-Vis Spectra, Thermodynamic Functions and Non-linear Optical Properties of 2-Chloro-3,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde

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    In the present work, UV- Visible spectra of 2-Chloro-3,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde (2,3,4-CDMB) compound have been carried out experimentally and theoretically. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of title compound in three solvents (Acetone, Diethyl Ether, CCl4) of different polarity were examined in the range of 200 500 nm. The structure of the molecule was optimized and the structural characteristics were determined by HF and DFT (B3LYP) methods with 6-31+G(d,p) and 6-311++G(d,p) as basis sets. The excitation energy, wavelength corresponds to absorption maxima () and oscillator strength (f) are calculated by Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) using B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) and B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) as basis sets. The electric dipole moment (μ), polarizability (α) and the first hyperpolarizability (β ) have been computed to evaluate the non-linear optical (NLO) response of the investigated compound by HF and DFT (B3LYP) with already mentioned basis sets. Thermodynamic functions of the title compound at different temperatures were also calculated
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