715 research outputs found

    Anger;it's impact on human body

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    Anger is one of our most powerful and vital emotions with behavioural manifestation. It is described as an intense feeling in response to frustration , hurt, disappointment, or threatening.The benefits of anger include overcoming fears and building confidence to counter dangerous phenomenon  or threats which leads to the fight or flight response while the disadvantages of anger consist of excess anger serving as a numbing agent emotionally, physically and cognitively.Physiologically, emotions is considered to commence  from  brain nucleus named as  amygdale , part of brain   responsible for identifying threats to our well-being, and  relaying out an alarm when threats are identified that result in taking steps to protect ourselves. It is important to recognize the physiological effects of anger especially with all the damage this emotion might produce to our body system.This review article examines the physiology, causes of anger and impact of anger on the body

    The Prevalence Onychomycosis in North Western Region of Rajasthan

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    NTRODUCTION: Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of nail caused by dermatophytes, yeast and mould. Onchomycosis infection continues to spread worldwide and found to persist everywhere. Onchomycosis infection prevalence is continuously increasing and the possible fungal pathogens are also increasing. All nail diseases are not fungal in origin hence laboratory investigations are needed to differentiate accurately between fungal infections and other conditions.AIM: to find out mycological profile & morphological identification of fungal agent in onchomycosis infection and their prevalence in a part of Rajasthan.MATERIALS AND METHOD: A total 50 samples of nail clipings were investigated in department of microbiology by using 20% KOH and culture tubes of Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar (SDA) which were mixed with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide.RESULT: A total of 50 samples (18 male and 32 females) were tested in period of one year (January to December 2016). Among them 28(56%) samples showed fungal growth, the predominat fungual pathogen in present study were Tricophyton spp. 12 (42.86%) followed by yeasts 09 (32.14%) then molds 07(25%). Fungi commonly presented in the middle age, between 31-40 years of age, due to trauma at the work site and in women, due to their wet work.CONCLUSION: This study highlighted that Dermatophyte T.Rubrum as the main fungal pathogen which caused onychomycosis in the study region. As there are several fungi which cause the infection so it is necessary to perform culture for appropriate treatment So, it is imperative to diagnose it properly by using microbiological techniques and to treat it properly. For proper management of onychomycosis, diagnosis and accurate treatment play a key role in better outcome

    In silico investigation of antioxidant interaction and effect of probiotic fermentation on antioxidant profiling of pearl millet-based rabadi beverage

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    Pearl millet-based food products can be used for weight control and minimize the possibility of chronic diseases. They have protein, minerals, fat, phenolic compounds, and a diminutive glycemic index. Moreover, Probiotic fermentation can bring specific additional benefits in addition to nutritional improvements. In silico analysis of the chemical-protein interaction of tannic acid and ascorbic acid of pearl millet was undertaken. Further, the role of fortification of rabadi beverage by probiotic culture was also assessed in this study at different temperatures (35, 42, and 45°C) of fermentation. In silico study has predicted the association of both tannic acid and ascorbic acid with the various human proteins responsible for the growth and development of the human immune system. In all used probiotic (Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus sp. and  Streptococcus faecalis), L. rhamnosus fortified rabadi beverage at continuous increasing temperature (35, 42, 45 °C) of non-autoclaved batch showed high content of TAC (36.83 ± 5.41 µg mL-1), TPC (46.1 ± 8.28 µg mL-1) and TFC (29.91 ± 7.73 µg mL-1); while decrease in tannins content (14.84 ± 4.64 µg mL-1) as compared to control [TAC (29.32 ± 3.17 µg mL-1), TPC (25.53 ± 5.75 µg mL-1), TFC (21.91 ± 5.95 µg mL-1), and Tannins (20.74 ± 3.43 µg mL-1)].  L. rhamnosus fortified rabadi beverage of non-autoclaved batch showed better results than Lactobacillus sp. and  S. faecalis fortified rabadi beverage of both batches (autoclaved and non-autoclaved); which in turn expressed the enhanced therapeutic activity of probiotic fortified rabadi beverage

    Usporedba lidokaina i kombinacije lidokaina i ketamina primijenjenih za distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) u goveda

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    The hoof diseases of cattle can be managed surgically under intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA). For routine induction of IVRA, a tourniquet is placed circumferentially at the metacarpus/metatarsus. In the present study, hoof diseases of cattle were corrected using a modified IVRA technique. The cattle with hoof ailments were randomly divided into two groups and a tourniquet was placed just distal to the dew claws instead of at the metacarpus/metatarsus in order to decrease the dose of anesthetic. In group I lidocaine (2mg/kg) and in group II a mixture of lidocaine and ketamine (2mg/kg+1.5mg/kg) was injected into the axial digital vein to induce distal intravenous regional anesthesia (DIVRA). The heart rate, respiration rate, systolic and diastolic pressure were unaffected in both groups. Oxygen saturation was significantly (P<0.05) lower between 5 and 60 minutes in group I and between 15 and 40 minutes in group II animals. The sensory and motor block onset time was shorter, and the sensory and motor block recovery time was longer in group II animals as compared to group I animals. It was concluded that the DIVRA technique using lidocaine alone and lidocaine admixed with ketamine are suitable for hoof examination and surgery.Bolesti papaka u goveda mogu se kirurški liječiti pod intravenskom regionalnom anestezijom (IVRA). Za rutinsko uvođenje u IVRA-u postavlja se kružno čvrsti zavoj na metakarpus/metatarzus. U ovom su istraživanju bolesti papaka u goveda liječene modificiranom IVRA metodom. Istražene životinje nasumično su podijeljene u dvije skupine a zavoj kojim se samnjuje doza anestetika postavljen je, umjesto na metakarpus/metatarzus, distalno od rudimentiranih papaka. U skupini I primijenjen je lidokain (2 mg/kg), a u skupini II kombinacija lidokaina i ketamina (2 mg/kg + 1,5 mg/kg). Za uvođenje u distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) anestetici su aplicirani u aksijalnu digitalnu venu. Srčana frekvencija, frekvencija disanja, sistolički i dijastolički tlak u obje su skupine bili nepromijenjeni. Zasićenost kisikom bila je znakovito niža (P<0,05) između 5. i 60. minute u skupini I te između 15. i 40. minute u skupini II. Vrijeme pojave senzornih i motoričkih blokova bilo je kraće, a vrijeme oporavka tih blokova dulje u životinja u skupini II u usporedbi sa skupinom I. Zaključeno je da je DIVRA, uz upotrebu i samog lidokaina i lidokaina u kombinaciji s ketaminom, prikladna metoda za pregled i obavljanje kiruških zahvata na papcima goveda

    Glycemic control in smokers and risk of type 2 diabetes

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    Chronic cigarette smoking seems to markedly aggravate insulin resistance that could be due to the increase in counter-regulatory hormones such as GH, cortisol and catecholamine's that elevates blood glucose, Weight gain usually follows the cessation of smoking and increasingly, fear of weight gain discourages many smokers from attempting to quit Yet, weight gain after quitting smoking has proved so unresponsive  to preventive attempt  as to suggest that weight control  might even be incompatible with successful smoking cessation . Innovative treatments that can prevent or minimize weight gain are badly needed to encourage quitting smoking. However recently featured review and research on smoking and diabetes concluded the evidence that smoking is associated with the preparation for development of type 2 diabetes in men and women Therefore, this review focuses in the possible features of smoking cessation on the glycemic control and risk of type 2 diabetes.key words: Hyperglycemia,Smokers, types 2 diabete

    Nutritional Intervention during Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Environments A Dietary Perspective

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    The future war scenario is based on use and applications of various conventional and non-convectional agents which includes weaponised or non-weaponised chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN), toxic industrial materials, direct energy devices/ weapons, and or high yield explosives. These include nerve agents, blood agents, vesicants or skin blistering agents, lung irritants, asphyxiants or choking agents. Biological weapons are basically disease causing microorganisms and other replicating entities including viruses, infectious nucleic acids and prions. These agents have ability to infect host and are highly virulent, pathogenic and dangerous in nature. The interface between ammunitions and above agents is soldier whose physical and mental health is affected as enough precautionary measures are not adopted. The reducing environment thus created has various agents which enter into exposed body and lead to mild to serious damage to various vital parts of the human body. As food is important component for survival and intrinsic to basic human nutrition and health, therefore, it is imperative to develop certain kind of a wholesome meal system which can be consumed by the soldiers tasked with combating CBRN situations during such operations. Such meals can be in the form of solid or liquid type and packaged in suitable delivery system, compatible and amenable with the CBRN suit. Food can be contaminated during CBRN conditions by coming in direct or indirect contact with CBRN agents. Therefore, the food materials to be used under such conditions need to be protected in suitable coverings as consumption of contaminated food can be lethal. Designer meal for CBRN environment is not only suitable for soldiers but also to all human interface dealing with similar scenario viz. the low intensity conflicts and surgical operations, nuclear submarines, cosmonauts, pilots, individuals handling radiation equipment and patient undergoing chemotherapy for cancer

    Optimisation of Processing Parameters for the Preparation of Vegetable Curd from Decorticated Sesame Seeds (Sesamum indicum)

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    Current study aims to develop and optimise the processing parameters for the preparation of imitated curd by using vegetable milk extracted from decorticated sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum). Experiments were planned to optimise curdling process for sesame milk with respect to inoculum (1-5%), lactose (1-5%), added proteins (1-3%). It was established that total solid content in a range of 9-10%, dispersion stability with 30-45% scored well (7.8±0.2) on preferential sensory test i.e. nine-point hedonic scale. Sesame milk supplemented with 5% lactose, 1% electrolyte salt mix, 1% sucrose was subjected to fermentation (10±1.0) hrs at 35±2°C) with 5% inoculum (lactic acid bacteria culture) resulted into a vegetable curd with desired consistency (855.6±47.5 g.sec), acidity (0.57±0.02% lactic acid equivalent; LAE), flavor and overall acceptability (OAA). The Solid Not Fat (SNF) content of optimised vegetable curd was found to be 22.20±0.40%, with protein, fat and ash content as 6.70±0.06%, 6.91±0.06% and 0.92±0.01% respectively. The characteristics of vegetable milk (non-dairy) and toned milk (dairy) were well comparable on various aesthetic parameters (fluidity, color, flavor and taste). Proportional characterisation of vegetable (non-dairy) curd with dairy curd relating to its nutritional profile, color analysis, textural and rheological parameters established its similarity. Such dairy analogues may be considered as substitute to various dairy products where milk-based products are scanty or non-available

    Biped dynamic walker with alternate unpowered and partially powered steps in a gait cycle

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    The biped dynamic walker considered in this paper has three actuators - two at the ankle joints and one at the hip joint. We consider the case of one of the two ankle actuators at fault. Despite having only two actuators operational, we show that successful gait is possible for a typical case of virtual passive dynamic walking. We analyze such gaits for local and global stability for a virtual slope and for the cases of completely unpowered or partially powered alternate steps. It is shown that completely unpowered alternate steps are preferred over partially powered alternate steps in the case of virtual passive dynamic walking for global stability, and the other way for local stability. Copyright © 2020 Krishna Prakash Yadav, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Trends of ectopic pregnancies in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

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    Background: Ectopic Pregnancy is a common life threatening emergency in the first trimester of pregnancy. Increase in incidence and impairment in fertility are the major concerns. The present study was undertaken to determine the incidence, clinical presentation, risk factors, diagnosis, management, maternal morbidity and mortality due to ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive study was done over a period from January 2014 to October 2016. A total of 73 cases were admitted with the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The following parameters: age, parity, risk factors, gestational age, clinical presentation, investigations, findings at surgery, morbidity and mortality associated with ectopic pregnancy was noted.Results: The incidence of ectopic pregnancy was 0.89%. The peak age of incidence was 25 to 34 years. Multiparous women were the most sufferers. Amenorrhea (93.15%), abdominal pain (87.67%) and vaginal bleeding (64.38%) were the frequent presenting complaints. Pelvic inflammatory disease (32.87%), history of previous caesarean section (26.02%) and history of abortion (13.69%) were the important risk factors. There were 90.41% patients with hemoglobin level less than 10 gm/dl, 8.21% of patients admitted with feature of shock. Majority (90.41%) of the cases were diagnosed through history and clinical examination. The commonest site of ectopic pregnancy was the ampulla (52.94%). Surgery by open method in the form of salpingectomy (72.05%) was the mainstay of treatment. Medical management was possible only in five cases. Morbidity included anemia (97.05%), urinary tract infections (11.76%) and wound infection (4.41%). No maternal mortality noted.Conclusions: Early presentation, high index of suspicion, early referral and timely intervention in the form of conservative or surgical treatment is the key to successful management of ectopic pregnancy

    Sustainable Agroecosystems for Livelihood Security in Indian Himalayas

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    Agroforestry systems are an age-old practice in the Indian Himalayan region. Agroforestry deals with the combination of tree species with crop plants, fisheries, animals, bee keeping, and so on, and it is based on the principle of optimum utilization of land. Agrihorticulture, silvihorticulture, hortipastoral, and silvipastoral systems are diversified land use options for agroforestry in the hill region. The study was conducted at experimental farm Hawalbagh (29o36′N and 79o 40′ E, 1250 m amsl) of Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan, Almora, India. Study in an agri-horti system revealed that ragi (Eluesine coracana) and soybean (Glysine max) during kharif (rainy season) and wheat (Triticum estivum) and lentil (Lens esculenta) during rabi (winter season) can be grown successfully with pecan nut (Carya illinoinensis) tree without significant reduction in the yield of the crop. However, grain yield of these crops was numerically higher in the field without pecan nut tree. In fruit-based agri-horti system four fruit crops, hill lemon (Citrus limon), pear (Pyrus communis), plum (Prunus domestica), and apricot (Prunus armeniaca) were planted with soybean in kharif and dual purpose wheat during rabi season. During initial years, no significant effect on grain yield was observed with the presence of different fruit trees. Green forage yield varied from 4600 to 5900 kg/ha in different treatments. In different treatments, ginger (Zingiber officinale) and turmeric (Curcuma longa), turmeric and taro (Colocasia esculenta), and two varieties of turmeric (Pant Pitabh and Swarna) were grown under Grewia optiva, Quercus leucotrichophora, Bauhinia variegata, and Celtis australis. Turmeric and ginger produced significantly higher yield (12.04 and 7.99 t/ha) under oak. The highest rhizome yield was obtained under Quercus leucotrichophora (11,738 kg/ha) followed by Bauhinia variegata. Pant Pitabh gave significantly higher yield (10,860 kg/ha) than swarna. Improved systems with five tree species, that is, Grewia optiva, Quercus leucotrichophora, Bauhinia retusa, Melia azedarach, and Morus alba and four grasses, that is, Setaria kazugulla, Setaria nandi, Congo signal, and Broad leaf paspalum (Paspalum spp.) were tested under the silvipastoral system. Quercus leucotrichophora yielded (10,675 kg/ha) significantly higher green biomass than others, and the lowest green biomass was harvested from Grewia optiva. Among grasses, Setaria nandi produced the highest green forage (6234 kg/ha). Thus, in hilly terrain, planting of interspatial woody perennials, with least negative influences on the agronomic crops, seems productive in agroforestry system for settled farming. Therefore, agroforestry is a set of land use alternative, which if developed for resource poor farmers, can provide increased values and reduced risks and it should be made more popular in the rural areas