34 research outputs found

    Improve Performance Wireless Sensor Network Localization using RSSI and AEMM

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    Improve wireless sensor network localisation performance using RSSI and an advanced error minimisation method (AEMM). WSNs remain domain-specific and are typically deployed to support a single application. However, as WSN nodes become more powerful, it becomes increasingly important to investigate how multiple applications can share the same WSN infrastructure. Virtualisation is a technology that may allow for this sharing. The issues surrounding wireless sensor node localisation estimation are still being researched. There are a large number of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) with limited computing, sensing, and energy capabilities. Localisation is one of the most important topics in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) because location information is typically useful for many applications. The locations of anchor nodes and the distances between neighbouring nodes are the primary data in a localisation process. The complexity and diversity of current and future wireless detector network operations drive this. Several single schemes have been proposed and studied for position estimation, each with advantages and limitations. Nonetheless, current methods for evaluating the performance of wireless detector networks are heavily focused on a single private or objective evaluation. Accurate position information in a wireless detector network is critical for colourful arising operations (WSN). It is critical to reducing the goods of noisy distance measures to improve localisation accuracy. Existing works (RSSI) are detailed and critically evaluated, with a higher error rate using a set of scenario requirements. Our proposed method (AEMM) is critical for detecting and dealing with outliers in wireless sensor networks to achieve a low localisation error rate. The proposed method (AEMM) for localisation and positioning nodes in wireless sensor networks supported by IOT and discovering the appropriate position of several nodes addresses all of the issues in WSN

    Differential in Utilization of Maternal Care Services in Empowered Action Group States, India (1990-2006)

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    Background: Low use of maternal care services is one of the reasons why child mortality and maternal mortality is still considerably high in India. Most maternal deaths are preventable if mothers receive essential health care before, during, and after childbirth. In India, the eight socioeconomically backward states referred to as the Empowered Action Group (EAG) states; lag behind in the demographic transition and low utilization of maternal health care services. Addressing the maternity care needs of women may have considerable ramifications for achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG – 5). Aims & Objectives:  To explore the prevalence, trends and factors associated with the utilization of maternal care services in Empowered Action Group States, India (1990-2006). Material Methods: Data from three rounds of the round of the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), known as the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) of India were analyzed. Bivariate and multivariate-pooled logistic regression model were applied to examine the utilization of the maternal and child health care trends over time. Result: The results from analysis indicate that the full ANC and skilled birth attendant (SBA) has increased from 17% and 20% to 25% and35% respectively during the last one and half decade (1990-2006). Conclusion: Various socioeconomic and demographic factors are associated with the utilization of maternal care services in EAG states, India. Promoting the use of family planning, female education, targeting vulnerable groups such as poor, illiterate, high parity women, involving media and grass root level workers and collaboration between community leaders and health care system could be some important policy level interventions to address the unmet need of maternal and child health care services among women. The study concludes that much of these differentials are social constructs that can be reduced by prioritizing the needs of the disadvantaged and adopting appropriate policy change options in EAG states in Indi

    Pattern of Substance Abuse, Sexual Behavior and its Determinants among Unmarried Youth in India

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    This paper describes patterns of substance abuse sexual behaviour and its determinants among unmarried youth in India and also evaluates how these patterns are associated with each others Data come from the Youth in India Situation and Needs Study a sub-nationally representative survey conducted during 2006 2008 Logistic regression analysis binary and multinomial showed relationships between predictor variables and alcohol consumption and alcohol and sexual risk indicators as well as two of the sexual health indicators associated with premarital sex Substance use was significantly high among the age group of 20-24 years Factors such as substance use by caste tribe any member in family paid work and lower educational status were significantly associated with substance use by study subjects The prevalence of substance use was high among male youths as compared to female youths Male youth recognized more Premarital sexual behavoiur than the female youth Premarital sex were significantly higher among youths who had some disposable income in hand i e those belonging the paid work or both paid and unpaid work Youth is most important period of human life as they are easily influenced by habits and behavoiurs of their parents siblings or peers and initiate substance use as well as premarital sex Therefore improvement of educational and employment status of youths strongly needed Youths and their parents urgently need health education regarding the consequences of substance use and unsafe pre marital se

    A comparative analysis of phytoplankton diversity and abundance during monsoon season in selected beels (wetlands) of Assam, India

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    Water collected from 8 selected floodplain wetlands (beels) of Brahmaputra valley basin were examined using both filtered method (FM) and sedimentation method (SM) for the assessment of phytoplankton diversity and abundance. A total 22 and 41 species were recorded by employing FM and SM, respectively. There was a significance difference (p<0.05) between FM and SM. Species and abundance of phytoplankton were lesser in FM than SM and it was due to exclusion of minute size (<25?) from net and maximum retention of species in sedimentation method. Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, Chrysophyta and Dinophyta were recorded during study period. Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and Cyanophyta were dominant groups. Bacillariophyta was dominant group followed by Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta in FM while Chlorophyta was dominant group followed by Bacillariophyta and Cyanophyta SM. Total phytoplankton densities were recorded from 35 cells L-1 to 3808 cells L-1 in FM while 1.55×104 cells L-1 to 12.33×105 cells L-1 to in SM. Diversity indices of phytoplankton were varied widely in FM and SM. Siligurijan beel and Bildora beels were considered more stable environment than other beels based on diversity indices

    Factors associated with unmet need of family planning in Bihar, India: a spatial and multilevel analysis

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    Background: Many women in low and middle-income countries would like to limit or delay their pregnancy, but they do not enough access to consistent use of modern contraceptive methods. The concept of unmet need for family planning is focus to reproductive health policies, as it endures serious implications for the women, the child, family and the whole society. The aims of the study are to assess the spatial dimensions of extent of unmet need for family planning and also identify association between individual, household, community and district level covariates with the level of unmet need for family planning among married women of reproductive age group in Bihar, India.Methods: The study uses data from fourth round of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4). To meet the objective the analysis included descriptive, spatial visualization, spatial autocorrelation and multilevel logistic model. In the first step of analysis the multivariate analysis was used to know the levels of unmet need for family planning by selected background characteristics.Results: This study indicating that nearly one in five or more women experiences unmet need for family planning suggests that the problem remains of considerable magnitude and that action is needed to fill the gap in contraceptive use, which is currently estimated at a lowest 24 percent. Apart from providing a current estimate of unmet need, our study identified a number of relevant socioeconomic and demographic factors likely to shape the probability that a women experiences unmet need. It is observed across individual level, community/psu level and district level.Conclusions: Considering this fact, family planning program in Bihar should also focus on eliminating misconceptions and fear about contraception through proper counselling of couples and information, education and communication activities in the community and try to improve the quality of advice and care services related to family planning

    Growth trends and forecasting of fish production in Assam, India using ARIMA model

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    Fish is an essential component of the diet of the most populace in Assam and fish farming has been one of the sources of livelihood in rural areas. Assam ranks first in fish production among North-eastern states of India. However, fish production is not sufficient to meet the demand despite having vast aquatic resources in the state. The present study was undertaken to determine the decadal growth of fish production in the state using the compound growth rate. The study also attempted modeling and forecasting of fish production in Assam using Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) methodology. For the present study, time-series data on fish production in Assam from 1980-81 to 2018-19 was obtained from the Directorate of Fisheries, Government of Assam. Data for the period 1980-81 to 2014-15 was utilized to build an ARIMA model and validated through the remaining data from 2015-16 to 2018-19. The best suitable model for the state’s fish production was ARIMA (1,1,0) based on the values of the model selection criterion. The actual fish production and forecast values using a fitted model were in close agreement. The out-of-sample forecast values of fish production in the state for the subsequent years 2019-20 to 2022-23 showed an increasing trend from 336.97 to 358.21 thousand metric tonnes. Considering the vast aquatic resources in the state, the study calls for serious attention by policymakers, researchers, and developmental agencies for harnessing the potential of fisheries resources for making the North-east region self-sufficient in fish production as a whole and Assam in particular.

    Challenges and opportunities in mixed method data collection on mental health issues of health care workers during COVID-19 pandemic in India

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    Background: The present paper describes the key challenges and opportunities of mixed method telephonic data collection for mental health research using field notes and the experiences of the investigators in a multicenter study in ten sites of India. The study was conducted in public and private hospitals to understand the mental health status, social stigma and coping strategies of different healthcare personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic in India.Methods: Qualitative and quantitative interviews were conducted telephonically. The experiences of data collection were noted as a field notes/diary by the data collectors and principal investigators.Results: The interviewers reported challenges such as network issues, lack of transfer of visual cues and sensitive content of data. Although the telephonic interviews present various challenges in mixed method data collection, it can be used as an alternative to face-to-face data collection using available technology.Conclusions: It is important that the investigators are well trained keeping these challenges in mind so that their capacity is built to deal with these challenges and good quality data is obtained

    Factors associated with stigma and manifestations experienced by Indian health care workers involved in COVID-19 management in India: A qualitative study

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    Healthcare personnel who deal with COVID-19 experience stigma. There is a lack of national-level representative qualitative data to study COVID-19-related stigma among healthcare workers in India. The present study explores factors associated with stigma and manifestations experienced by Indian healthcare workers involved in COVID-19 management. We conducted in-depth interviews across 10 centres in India, which were analysed using NVivo software version 12. Thematic and sentiment analysis was performed to gain deep insights into the complex phenomenon by categorising the qualitative data into meaningful and related categories. Healthcare workers (HCW) usually addressed the stigma they encountered when doing their COVID duties under the superordinate theme of stigma. Among them, 77.42% said they had been stigmatised in some way. Analyses revealed seven interrelated themes surrounding stigma among healthcare workers. It can be seen that the majority of the stigma and coping sentiments fall into the mixed category, followed by the negative sentiment category. This study contributes to our understanding of stigma and discrimination in low- and middle-income settings. Our data show that the emergence of fear of the virus has quickly turned into a stigma against healthcare workers

    Knowledge models in agropedia indica

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    This paper refers to the creation of multilingual agricultural knowledge models (KMs) in the context of the Agropedia Indica project. We present the reasons and the requirements for the development of such KMs, the choices made in terms of modeling tools and modeling solutions, and we detail the content of some of the models

    Unmet need for treatment-seeking from public health facilities in India: An analysis of sociodemographic, regional and disease-wise variations.

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    Treatment-seeking behaviour is closely associated with the health status of individuals and countries. About 800 million people have no access to health services in the developing world. Though the situation has been improving, the inequalities across geographical regions, socioeconomic status, and disease types continued to persist. The available literature suggests research gaps in examining the unmet need for treatment-seeking from public health facilities across sociodemographic characteristics, regions, and specific diseases. Data for this study comes from the three rounds of National Sample Survey (NSS) (2004, 2014, 2018). We applied descriptive, bivariate, and multivariable analysis to investigate the unmet need for treatment-seeking for public health facilities across sociodemographic characteristics, regions, and specific diseases between 2004 and 2018. The unmet need for treatment-seeking from public health facilities remained high at 60% in 2004 to 62% in 2018. However, the proportion of respondents who did not seek treatment has reduced 12% to 3% from 2004 to 2018. In states like Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, the unmet need for treatment-seeking from public health facilities was more than 60% in 2018. For 2018, the quality of services at public health facilities was the main reason for showing a higher unmet need for treatment-seeking in the richer MPCE quintiles. On the other hand, the ailment not considered serious as the main reason for the unmet need for treatment-seeking from any sources has got nearly doubled from 36% in 2004 to 71% in 2018. This study concludes that improving the availability of various kinds of services at public health facilities should be a priority under India's universal health coverage program. Education plays a vital role in treatment-seeking. Thus, there is an urgent need for increasing awareness among people for treatment-seeking. Ensuring a minimum quality of health care services and reducing long waiting timing would reduce the apathy to receive services from the public health facilities