8 research outputs found

    Effect of termite mounds and chemical fertilizer on the cotton and maize yield: An evidence from the Pendjari Region (north west Benin)

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    Like in many other developing countries, smallholder farmers in the Pendjari region located in NorthBenin have low crop productivities and further earn low income. This is due in a large part to soil fertility decline and expensive chemical fertilizers. In these settings, the soil fertility potential of termite mounds is a free-of-charge option to explore. A study is conducted in Tanguieta and Materi to analysepossible effect of termite mound and chemical fertilizer on cotton and maize yield. A Generalized Power Production Function is used on farming system and household data collected on a random sample of 152 farmers with questionnaire. The results suggest that cotton and maize yield functions are elastic to the quantity of chemical fertilizers and to the density of termite mounds. Termite mound and chemical fertilizer are shown to have effect on cotton yield. In addition, 79.2% of cotton producers in the study area have the optimal factor combination according to these two inputs while the opposite is true for maize producers. These results also suggest that farmers may know how to valuate termites’ fertility effect without knowing how to combine it with the chemical fertilizer. Key words: Generalized Power Production Function, Termite, Fertilizers, Pendjari, Benin

    Structure d’allocation de la main-d’œuvre familiale dans les menages agricoles dans le departement de l’alibori au Nord-Benin

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    Dans la zone cotonnière BĂ©ninoise, les facteurs de production travail et terre constituent les principaux moyens d’existence des paysans. Toute la vie des mĂ©nages est centrĂ©e sur l’exploitation agricole, qui mobilise hommes et femmes, membres de la famille et de la communautĂ© comme main-d’œuvre. Dans cet article, il est analysĂ© pour deux communes rurales du dĂ©partement de l’Alibori au Nord du BĂ©nin, la mise en Ĺ“uvre des diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies d’allocation de la main-d’œuvre familiale des mĂ©nages. Pour cela, un total de 300 mĂ©nages agricoles a Ă©tĂ© Ă©chantillonnĂ© par leurs chefs d’exploitation, de façon alĂ©atoire et raisonnĂ©e. En utilisant les statistiques descriptives et les tests de comparaison de moyennes, les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’organisation actuelle des activitĂ©s et la gestion du temps sont fonction de la structure des mĂ©nages et de certaines spĂ©culations et activitĂ©s prioritaires pour les membres. Cette division de travail permet d’assurer Ă  la fois la continuitĂ© de l’exploitation agricole, l’exercice de certaines activitĂ©s extra-agricoles, la survie de la famille et la cohĂ©sion sociale.   English title: Allocation structure of family labor in agricultural households in Alibori department in northen Benin In the cotton zone of Benin, labor and land production factors constitute the main means of farmer’s existence. The whole life of households is centered on farming, which mobilizes men and women, family and community members as a labor force. In this paper, it analyzes the implementation of the different strategies for allocating family labor to households in two rural communes in the Alibori department in Northern Benin. To achieve this objective, a survey mobilized 300 cotton-producing farm households randomly and reasoned identified. Using descriptive statistics and mean comparison tests, the results show that the current organization of activities and time management are a function of household structure and some speculation and priority activities for members. This division of labor ensures the continuity of farming, the exercise of certain non-agricultural activities, family survival and social cohesion. &nbsp

    Impact of Sustainable Land Management Technologies Adoption on maize farmers' well-being in North East Benin

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    Sustainable Land Management (SLM) plays an important role in balancing human demands and ecosystem services of available natural resources. It improves food security, reduces the risk of conflict and supports adaptation to climate change. This study examines the impact of Sustainable Land Management Technologies (SLMT) adoption on yield, profit, and labor productivity of smallholder farmers in North East of Benin. The study uses primary data from smallholder farmers through a three-level stratified random sampling of 431 maize farmers and the Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) model to account for selection bias and endogeneity. We used Instrumental Variable Estimators to estimate the LATE of SLMT adoption on yield, profit and labor productivity. We studied four SLMT, namely cattle manure (CM), Mucuna pruriens (MP), pigeon pea (PP), and crop residue management (CR). The results showed that SLMT adoption increased maize yield, labor productivity and profit. Promotion of these technologies should consider heterogeneous conditions, agroecological environments and farmers' characteristics, including the resources available at the farm level. Keywords: Sustainable Land Management, Yield, Average Labor Productivity, Local Average Treatment Effect, North East Beni

    Relations entre eleveurs et agriculteurs dans un contexte de changements climatiques dans le bassin de l’oueme superieur au Benin : Entre cooperation et conflit

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    Au BĂ©nin, comme dans tous les pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, la transhumance permet aux Ă©leveurs d’exploiter non seulement les ressources fourragères et hydriques dispersĂ©es mais Ă©galement de dĂ©velopper de multiples interactions notamment coopĂ©ratives et conflictuelles entre Ă©leveurs et entre Ă©leveurs et agriculteurs. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude Ă  pour objectif d’analyser les diffĂ©rentes formes d’interactions entre les Ă©leveurs d’une part, et entre les Ă©leveurs et agriculteurs d’autre part dans les zones pastorales du bassin de l’OuĂ©mĂ© SupĂ©rieur au BĂ©nin. L’approche mĂ©thodologique adoptĂ©e repose sur la collecte des donnĂ©es socio-anthropologiques issues d’enquĂŞtes de terrain. Des entretiens individuels et des discussions de groupe ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s dans les zones pastorales du milieu d’étude auprès de 300 individus. Les mĂ©thodes d’analyse de discours et frĂ©quentielles ont permis d’analyser les diffĂ©rentes formes de relations entre Ă©leveurs et agriculteurs, les facteurs de risques et les mesures d’attĂ©nuation. Les rĂ©sultats de terrain rĂ©vèlent que les Ă©leveurs dĂ©veloppent entre eux diverses formes d’interactions non conflictuelles basĂ©es essentiellement sur les aides mutuelles et le partage de connaissances (90,4 %). Les relations coopĂ©ratives entre Ă©leveurs et agriculteurs portent essentiellement sur les Ă©changes des sous-produits animaux contre les sous-produits agricoles (49,4 %), les aides mutuelles lors de la rĂ©colte contre les rĂ©sidus (25,3 %) et les Ă©changes du lait contre les produits agricoles (10,3 %). MalgrĂ© ces multiples formes d’interactions coopĂ©ratives entre acteurs, l’accès aux ressources pastorales (51,9 %) et l’attribution des dĂ©gâts dans les champs causĂ©s par les transhumants aux sĂ©dentaires (16,2 %) dĂ©gradent les interactions pacifiques entre Ă©leveurs. Les interactions conflictuelles entre Ă©leveurs et agriculteurs sont liĂ©es principalement aux dĂ©gâts dans les champs (66,9 %). La prise en compte de ces rĂ©sultats dans une politique sectorielle de dĂ©veloppement durable du secteur agropastoral, permettrait un rĂ©el dĂ©collage dudit secteur et la consolidation des interactions pacifiques entre Ă©leveurs et agriculteurs.   English title: Relations between herders and farmers in a context of climate change in the upper Oueme Basin in Benin: Between cooperation and conflict In Benin, as in all West African countries, transhumance allows herders to exploit not only the scattered fodder and water resources but also to develop multiple interactions, particularly cooperative and conflictual interactions between herders and between herders and farmers. This study aims to analyze the different forms of cooperative and conflictual interactions between herders on the one hand, and between herders and farmers on the other hand in the pastoral areas of the Upper OuĂ©mĂ© in Benin. The methodological approach adopted is based on the collection of socio-anthropological data from field surveys. Individual interviews and focus group discussions were conducted in pastoral areas of the study area with 300 individuals. Discourse and frequency analysis methods made it possible to analyze the different forms of interactions between herders and farmers, risk factors and mitigation measures. The field results reveal that herders develop various forms of non-conflictual interactions among themselves based essentially on mutual aid and knowledge sharing (90.4%). Cooperative interactions between breeders and farmers mainly concern trade of animal by-products against agricultural by-products (49.4%), mutual aid at harvest time against residues (25.3%) and trade of milkagainst agricultural products (10.3%). Despite these multiple forms of cooperative interactions between actors, access to pastoral resources (51.9%) and the attribution of field damage caused by transhumant herders to sedentary ones (16.2%) degrade peaceful interactions between herders. Conflictual interactions between herders and farmers are mainly related to field damage (66.9%). Taking these results into account in a sectoral policy for sustainable development of the agropastoral sector would allow a real take-off of the sector and the consolidation of peaceful interactions between herders and farmers

    Analyse des determinants de l’acces au financement des producteurs d’anacarde dans la commune de Djidja au centre-Benin

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    L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les dĂ©terminants de l’accès au financement pour les producteurs d’anacarde de la commune de Djidja au  Centre du BĂ©nin. A cet effet, les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es auprès de 160 producteurs rĂ©partis dans quatre arrondissements de la commune de  Djidja. Ces donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© soumises Ă  une analyse de contenu appuyĂ©e par des statistiques descriptives, le test de concordance de Kendall et une  rĂ©gression logistique. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont montrĂ© que les facteurs qui influencent l’obtention de crĂ©dits sont entre autres la taille de  l’exploitation, le revenu, l’âge et le niveau d’éducation. Par ailleurs, la crĂ©dibilitĂ© acquise par les exploitants agricoles de par leur adhĂ©sion Ă  des  groupements ou associations de production constitue un atout pour l’accès au crĂ©dit. La garantie financière que reprĂ©sente l’épargne constitue une  preuve de la capacitĂ© de solvabilitĂ© et une base de dĂ©finition du seuil du montant du prĂŞt Ă  accorder Ă  ce producteur. La prise en compte de nos  rĂ©sultats aidera dans la recherche des solutions innovantes permettant de faire du crĂ©dit agricole une activitĂ© rentable pour les institutions  financières et favorable au dĂ©veloppement de l’agriculture et des chaĂ®nes de valeur agricoles dont l’anacarde.   English title: Analysis of the determinants of access to financing for cashew nut producers in the commune of Djidja in central Benin The objective of this article is to analyze the determinants of access to finance for cashew nut producers in the commune of Djidja in southern  Benin. To this end, data was collected from 160 producers in four districts of the commune of Djidja in central Benin. These data were subjected to a  content analysis supported by descriptive statistics, Kendall’s concordance test and logistic regression. The results showed that the factors that  influence the obtaining of credit are, among others, the size of the farm, income, age and level of education. In addition, the credibility acquired by  farmers through their membership in production groups or associations is an asset for accessing credit. The financial guarantee represented by  savings constitutes proof of solvency and a basis for defining the threshold for the amount of the loan to be granted to this producer. Taking our  results into account will help in the search for innovative solutions that will make agricultural credit a profitable activity for financial institutions and  favorable to the development of agriculture and agricultural value chains, including cashew nuts

    Dynamique d’offre de fourrages relative a l’environnement : Facteurs explicatifs sur les marches du Benin et du Burkina Faso

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    Les changements climatiques accentuent la pression sur les ressources naturelles et interrogent le potentiel fourrager disponible en zones pastorales pour l’alimentation des ruminants, en particulier celle des bovins et ovins. La présente étude a examiné les facteurs qui influencent l’offre de fourrages, en relation avec l’environnement, sur les marchés du Bénin et du Burkina-Faso. Au total, 272 vendeurs de fourrages ont été enquêtés de façon aléatoire et et en boule de neige dans l’ensemble de la zone d’étude. Le modèle de régression linéaire multiple estimé par les Moindres Carrés Ordinaires a permis d’identifier les facteurs qui affectent l’offre de fourrages dans la zone d’étude. En effet, les zones agro-écologiques, la distance de recherche de fourrages, le prix du fourrage, les caractéristiques des vendeurs et le coût du transport sont les facteurs décisifs qui influencent significativement le niveau d’offre de fourrages dans l’ensemble de la zone d’étude. Toutefois, la zone agro-écologique nord-soudanienne et l’expérience du vendeur dans la collecte du fourrage affectent significativement et positivement la quantité de fourrage offerte au Burkina Faso tandis que la zone agro-écologique I et la distance de recherche de fourrages ont un effet positif et significatif sur l’offre de fourrages au Bénin. La prise en compte de ces facteurs dans les politiques agricoles et actions de développement permettrait d’améliorer l’offre de fourrages et par ricochet la production animale.Mots clés : Déterminants, disparités environnementales, MCO, offre fourragère, Bénin et BurkinaFaso Dynamics of feedstuff’s supply under environmental dimension: determinant factors on Benin and Burkina Faso markets (West Africa)The present study analyses the factors influencing the feedstuff’s supply on the markets of Bénin and Burkina Faso, in relation with environnemental disparity. A sample of 272 feedstuff’s selters was randomly and by snowball selected for a survey. The regression model estimated by OLS allowed to identify the factors that affect the supply of feedstuffs in the study area.As results, the agro-ecological zones, the feedstuffs search distance, feedstuff’s price, the characteristics of the sellers and the cost of transport are the decisive factors that significantly influence the level of forage supply in the study area. However, the North-Sudanese agro-ecological zone and the sellor’s experience in fodder collection significantly and positively affect the level of feedstuffs offered in Burkina Faso while the agroecological zone I and feedstuffs search distance have a positive and significant effect on the supply of feedstuffsin Benin. Considering these factors in agricultural policies and development actions, will lead to improving feedstuffs supply and indirectly the animal production.Keywords: Determinants, environmental disparities, OLS, feedstuffs supply, Benin and Burkina Faso

    Effet des composantes de la technologie microdose sur la performance \ue9conomique et financi\ue8re des exploitations agricoles du Kouritenga et du Zondoma au Burkina Faso

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    Natural processes and anthropogenic actions have consequences for the decline of agricultural land productivity. Farmers in affected communities implement a variety of land management technologies to improve productivity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Microdose technology components on the economic and financial performance of farms in the Kouritenga and Zondoma localities in Burkina Faso. A survey was conducted among a sample of 360 farm households applying at least one component of the technology for a minimum of 0.5 ha. Data on socio-economic parameters, quantities and prices of inputs and outputs involved in the components of technology were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire. Economic and financial performance indicators were evaluated and compared by component, followed by simultaneous equation regression to determine factors influencing economic performance. The results showed that \u2018Microdose (MD) with Grass Strips (BE) with Compost (CO)\u2019 showed better performance in terms of net margin, internal rate of return and benefit-cost ratio. The adoption of microdose has a positive and significant effect on the economic performance of production while the technology \u2018Microdose (MD) with Stonecord (CP) + Compost (CO) has negative and significantly influenced on the economic performance of farms. These results could be used to define lines of research and intervention strategies for the farmers benefit.Les processus naturels et de l\u2019action anthropique ont des cons\ue9quences sur la baisse de la productivit\ue9 des terres agricoles. C\u2019est ainsi que les agriculteurs dans les localit\ue9s qui sont affect\ue9es, mettent en \u153uvre diverses technologies de gestion des terres en vue d\u2019am\ue9liorer la productivit\ue9. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer l\u2019effet des composantes de la technologie \u2018Microdose\u2019 sur la performance \ue9conomique et financi\ue8re des exploitations agricoles dans les localit\ue9s de Kouritenga et Zondoma au Burkina Faso. Une enqu\ueate a \ue9t\ue9 conduite aupr\ue8s d\u2019un \ue9chantillon de 360 m\ue9nages agricoles appliquant au moins une composante de la technologie sur un minimum de 0,5 ha. Les donn\ue9es sur les param\ue8tres socio-\ue9conomiques, les quantit\ue9s et prix des intrants et des produits mis en jeu dans les composantes de la technologie, ont \ue9t\ue9 collect\ue9es \ue0 travers un questionnaire semi structur\ue9. Les indicateurs de rentabilit\ue9 \ue9conomique et financi\ue8re ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9valu\ue9s et compar\ue9s selon les composantes, suivie d\u2019une r\ue9gression \ue0 \ue9quations simultan\ue9es pour d\ue9terminer les facteurs influen\ue7ant la performance \ue9conomique. Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que la technologie \u2018Microdose (MD) avec Bandes enherb\ue9es (BE) avec Compost\ua0(CO)\u2019 pr\ue9sentait une meilleure performance du point de vue de la marge nette, du taux interne de rentabilit\ue9 et du ratio b\ue9n\ue9fice-co\ufbt. Cependant, l\u2019adoption de la microdose a un effet positif et significatif sur la performance \ue9conomique de production tandis que la technologie \u2018Microdose (MD) avec Cordon pierreux (CP)+Compost (CO) a influenc\ue9 n\ue9gativement et significativement la performance \ue9conomique des exploitations. Ces r\ue9sultats obtenus pourraient servir \ue0 d\ue9finir des axes de recherche et des strat\ue9gies d\u2019intervention au profit des exploitants agricoles

    Growth of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises and export market integration by smallholder farmers

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    Small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) growth and survival constitute opportunities for the smallholders to become integrated into the export market. Smallholders can gain additional incomes from their transactions with SMEs and in turn, poverty problem could be alleviated. This article aims to better understand how export SMEs’ growth and survival strengthens smallholders’ market integration development and livelihood improvement. We collected data from 52 SMEs involved in the cassava and shea butter sectors in Benin. Interviews were organized, based on the need of value market access, with cassava producers in the Center Region, and women collecting and transforming shea nuts into butter in the Center and Northern Regions. When developing the measurement instrument, its validity and trustworthiness are concerned. SPSS was used for descriptive statistics and R was used for Multiple Correspondence Factor Analysis. Results suggest that 96% of SMEs exporting firms perceived exporting as profitable and resources generation tool. 95% of smallholders appreciate SMEs as value added markets for their products. SMEs are institutional context for smallholders exchange experience in value added process, customers’ needs and expectations satisfaction. They earn more profits from their selling when export SMEs grow and survive. Growth and survival are explained by export selling, share of exporting in total selling, satisfaction of Teklehaimanot exporting, manager perception of success and profitability and export profit