4 research outputs found

    [Potential of Waqf Livestock Financing for Micro, Medium and Large Scale Businesses] Potensi Pendekatan Pembiayaan Wakaf Penternakan Berskala Mikro, Sederhana dan Makro

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    Malaysia is a Muslim majority country with an estimated Muslim population in Malaysia of 20, 192 700 out of the total population in Malaysia. This amount reflects the need for food security including the supply of halal food for the needs of the Muslim community. Malaysia is also the most popular Islamic tourism destination in the global Muslim tourism market due to access of halal food through halal-certified restaurants. However, Malaysia still depends on imports products in various food commodities including rice, milk and dairy products, beef and mutton. Total food imports reached about RM45.4 billion compared to Malaysia's exports just only about RM27 billion leaving a deficit of more than RM18 billion. These imports are expected to increase further but there is still a shortage of supply from local sources in Malaysia. To meet the demand of domestic market, Malaysia needs to formulate a plan to improve the sustainability of food security, including protein sources from cattle and goat farming. In addition, Malaysia has the potential for the development of wakaf land due to having an area of idle wakaf land covering 11,091.82 hectares. Thus, this study aims to examine the suitability of waqf financing approaches that have the potential to be practiced in waqf livestock projects. This study has the potential as an initial proposal to implement a livestock endowment project financing approach to increase the level of food security in Malaysia and reduce dependence on imports of beef and mutton. Malaysia merupakan negara majoriti Muslim dengan anggaran penduduk Muslim di Malaysia sebanyak 20, 192 700 daripada jumlah keseluruhan penduduk yang berada di Malaysia. Jumlah ini menggambarkan keperluan terhadap sekuriti makanan termasuklah bekalan makanan halal untuk keperluan masyarakat Muslim. Malaysia turut merupakan destinasi pelancongan Islam paling popular dalam pasaran pelancongan muslim global yang disebabkan akses kepada makanan halal melalui restoran yang diiktiraf halal. Walaubagaimanapun, Malaysia  bergantung kepada import luar dalam pelbagai komoditi makanan termasuklah beras, susu dan produk tenusu, daging lembu dan daging kambing. Jumlah keseluruhan import makanan  hampir menjangkau RM45.4 bilion berbanding eksport Malaysia ke luar negara hanya RM 27 bilion meninggalkan defisit melebihi RM18 bilion. Jumlah import ini dijangka akan terus meningkat sekiranya masih lagi kekurangan bekalan dari sumber lokal di Malaysia. Bagi memenuhi keperluan makanan domestik, Malaysia perlu merangka pelan untuk meningkatkan kelestarian sekuriti makanan termasuklah sumber protein daripada penternakan lembu dan kambing. Tambahan pula, Malaysia mempunyai potensi untuk pembangunan tanah wakaf berikutan mempunyai keluasan tanah wakaf terbiar merangkumi 11,091.82 hektar. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti kesesuaian pendekatan pembiayaan wakaf yang berpotensi dipraktikkan dalam projek wakaf penternakan. Kajian ini berpotensi sebagai cadangan awal untuk mengimplentasikan pendekatan pembiayaan projek wakaf penternakan untuk meningkatkan tahap sekuriti makanan di Malaysia dan mengurangkan pergantungan terhadap import daging lembu dan kambing dari luar negara.  &nbsp

    Wakaf infrastruktur menurut perspektif hadith dan aplikasinya dalam pembangunan hartanah wakaf di Selangor / Mohd Ashrof Zaki Yaakob

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    The practices of waqf infrastructure by the Prophet SAW and the companions RA represent the main reference and guidance for muslims in the continuation of current waqf implementation. This study attempts to analyze the hadith of waqf infrastructure in al-Kutub al-Sittah and its discussion through fiqh al-hadith. The study also scrutinizes the fiqh discussion among the Islamic jurists on property and ownership of waqf properties in the implementation of waqf infrastructure, and also analyzing transformation in waqf administration and management in Selangor. The development of waqf infrastructure by Perbadanan Wakaf Selangor (PWS) is compared with waqf infrastructure development based on the hadith perspective and hence, a guideline on the implementation of waqf infrastructure based on hadith be developed. To achieve these objectives, this study employs library research and interviews for data collection methods. The findings showed that there are 27 texts of the hadith waqf infrastructure in the al-Kutub al-Sittah which comprises of three major categories: religious infrastructure, public utilities infrastructure and infrastructure in general. From the fiqh perspectives, the findings ascertain a close relationship between the concept of property and property ownership for waqf infrastructure. Analysis of both waqf infrastructure developments from PWS and hadith in the al-Kutub al-Sittah reveal that there is similar yet not parallel infrastructure development. Based on the overall analysis and findings of this study, a guideline and a model for waqf infrastructure development are therefore suggested according to the perspective of hadith. It is expected that the findings of this study could be made as references for those involve in administration and management of waqf in Malaysia

    The growth of waqf properties through infrastructure development according to al-hadith

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    Waqf is an Islamic institution to serve as a catalyst for Muslim economic development. The existence of this socio-economic institution started with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and it became the root of success for the Islamic social security system. The expansion of waqf properties through investment or istithmar is e one of the possible ways to utilise waqf. It was found that 75% of the hadith related to waqf in al-Kutub al-Sittah debated on waqf infrastructure. This shows the importance of infrastructure development in the expansion of waqf properties

    The convenience of takhrij al-hadith through ICT apps: An exploratory analysis on selected hadith website and mobile apps

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    The development of information and communications technology (ICT) has given a new dimension to the study of hadith in cyberspace as an effort to empower, uphold and preserve it in a long run. Thus, this study’s focused on three mobile apps which are Encyclopedia of 9 Imam, Mawsu‘ah al-Hadith al-Nabawi al-Sharif and Kutub Tis’ah along with three websites, namely al-Durar al-Saniyyah, Mawqi’ al-Islam and Islamweb that can be used to facilitate takhrij hadith. The study is aims to demonstrate the convenience of takhrij hadith in ICT integration and explore some of ICT apps that can be utilized to assist learning. Methodology applied was a qualitative method of hadith data collection infused within the apps. It was later revealed that a few of takhrij facilities were instilled in these apps: (1) Source of hadith (2) Ranking of hadith (3) Sanad hadith (4) Matan hadith (5) Rating of hadith in other sources (to specify Syawahid/Mutaba‘at) (6) The biography of narrators (al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil) (7) Types of hadith based on the Sanad (8) Types of hadith based on Matan (9) Hukm al-Hadith. The study found that as many as nine takhrij facilities have been infused in all of the six ICT apps. Encyclopedia of 9 Imam apps is the leading apps so far that can be useful for scholars, for it contained all the facililities mentioned. Nevertheless, to go on hadith search through available websites is much more extensive as they provide access to a larger amount of hadith