8 research outputs found

    Individual and personal qualities of bailiffs with various types of professional deformation

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    Background. Insufficient knowledge of the professional deformation of bailiffs with the accumulated research material that reveals the essence of this phenomenon, as well as the need to take into account the specifics of the activity and individual and personal characteristics of this category of employees, determine the relevance of this study.The aim: to identify and describe the individual and personal qualities of bailiffs with various professional deformation types.Material and methods. In this work, the following research methods were used: the author’s questionnaire for assessing seven types of professional personal deformation; psychological testing of individual and personal qualities using methods regulated by departmental documents; statistical methods (descriptive statistics, two-stage cluster and correlation analyzes). The study involved 277 employees of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Arkhangelsk region.Results. Bailiffs showed such professional deformations as overcontrol, authoritarianism and conservatism. The interrelation of all professional deformation types severity with the individual and personal qualities of the bailiffs, which are among the professionally important qualities, has been established. At the same time, the insufficient expression of these qualities contributes to the professional deformation development. The only exceptions are the level of active communication and normativity, which, with excessive development, also contribute to the appearance of personality deformations and contribute to a decrease in the effectiveness of activities. Most types of character accentuations and their various combinations contribute to the professional deformation development of bailiffs, i. e., are her personality markers. Moderate severity of the dysthymic type of character accentuation reduces the likelihood of developing occupational deformity.Conclusion. Within the framework of the practical use of the results of this study, it is necessary, when conducting professional selection of personnel and periodic assessment of personnel, to pay attention to the level of expression of professionally important qualities that have a relationship with key types of professional deformation. This will allow timely implementation of measures to prevent the development of professional deformations of employees

    The functional status of forestry industry workers in the Far North during the shift period

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    All over the world, the timber industry is one of the most physically hazardous industries. Working in such conditions is accompanied by an increase in the risk of unfavorable functional states and a critical decrease in professional reliability. Monitoring the workers’ state during the shift period will allow to determine the adaptation degree of personnel to work, as well as to identify the days of the shift arrival with a high risk of injury caused by the unfavorable state of workers.The aim. To identify and describe the functional states dynamics of loggers during the entire shift period in the Far North as their adaptation degree to work.Methods. Objective: collection of saliva for the determination of cortisol, psychophysiological instrumental methods; projective: M. Luscher’s color test; subjective – questionnaire “Well-being. Activity. Mood” by V.А. Doskin et al.; statistical methods: descriptive statistics. The study involved 24 shift workers of a logging enterprise, with whom we conducted daily monitoring of objective, projective and subjective characteristics of their functional state in the morning and evening during a fourteenday shift visit.Results. According to the objective, projective and subjective indicators of functional states, their consistently favorable level is observed with multidirectional peaks during the shift change period and a slight decrease at the end of the shift, which demonstrates the staff’ adaptability to work. The operator performance is somewhat higher in the second half of the shift period, but in general it is below average due to the reduced quality of task performance. An increased free cortisol level was revealed in employees during the entire shift period with a high functional reserves level of the body. During the shift change period, the risks associated with the efficiency and safety of labor increase, which undoubtedly requires consideration by the management of enterprises

    Ideas about the future profession of students during obtaining of secondary education

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    This survey is to explore ideas about future profession of the respondents at the stage of secondary vocational educationДанное исследование заключалось в изучении представлений о будущей профессии у адептов на этапе получения среднего профессионального образовани

    Interrelation of individual-personal qualities and dynamics of functional states participants of the sea Arctic expedition

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    The issues of psychological adaptation of a person to the extreme conditions of the Arctic continue to be relevant at the present time. Dynamic monitoring of human functional states is an effective technology that allows timely identification of the level of human adaptation to the conditions of the North and implementation of preventive measures to maintain health in extreme working conditions.   The aim of the study is to identify and describe the relationship of individual-personal qualities and the dynamics of the functional states of the participants of the marine Arctic expedition.   Methods. Psychophysiological testing using the device UPFT-1/30-«Psychophysiolog» (variational cardiointervalometry, complex visual-motor reaction); color preference test (M. Luscher, adapted by L. N. Sobchik) with calculation of interpretation coefficients by G. A. Aminev; Five-factor personality questionnaire (R. McCrae and P. Costa, adapted by A. B. Khromov); statistical methods: descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, correlation analysis using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The study was conducted daily in the morning and evening for 20 days on the research vessel Mikhail Somov in June 2021. The study involved 39 people, including participants in the scientific and educational expeditionary project “Arctic Floating University–2021”.   Results. The dynamics of psychophysiological and projective psychological parameters of the functional states of the expedition members as a whole is characterized by favorable levels, which indicates their adaptation to the conditions of high latitudes. According to the results of the correlation analysis, statistically significant relationships were revealed between the dynamics of functional states and such individual-personal qualities as: extraversion − introversion and attachment − separation.   Conclusion. The results of the study are consistent with the data of previous expeditions of the “Arctic floating university” and other polar expeditions. The revealed interrelations of functional states with different personality characteristics of the participants testify in favor of the complex nature of the study using different groups of diagnostic methods