87 research outputs found

    Роль малого бізнесу в формуванні економічної системи ринкового типу

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    Петрова, К. Я. Роль малого бізнесу в формуванні економічної системи ринкового типу / К. Я. Петрова, Т. Ф. Ларіна // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2002. – Вип. 19. - С. 222-228Розширення обсягів малого бізнесу розглядається як найбільш пріоритетна сфера державної економічної політики розвитку підприємництва в умовах ринкової трансформації. Це пов’язано з його високим потенціалом у вирішенні проблем регулювання специфічних зовнішніх ефектів, властивих країнам із перехідною економікою. Расширение объемов малого бизнеса рассматривается как наиболее приоритетная сфера государственной экономической политики развития предпринимательства в условиях рыночной трансформации. Это связано с его высоким потенциалом в решении проблем регулирования специфических внешних эффектов, присущих странам с переходной экономикой. The expansion of small business is considered as the most priority area of the state economic policy for the development of entrepreneurship in a market transformation. This is due to its high potential in solving the problems of regulating specific external effects inherent in countries with economies in transition


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    Selectivity of sorption of transition and alkaline earth ions metal have been studied at their simultaneous presence in ammonia-acetic buffer solution by sulfoetylated polyallylamine with the degree of modification 0.5, cross-linked epichlorhydrin (SEPAA 0.5). The degree of extraction of silver (I) ions from ammonium-acetate buffer solution was 86% (SEPAA 0.5). It is established that SEPAA 0.5 is a promising material as has high selectivity for silver ions (I).Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке постановления № 211 Правительства Российской Федерации, контракт № 02.A03.21.0006


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    The effect of acidity on the sorption of chloride complexes of noble metal ions by sulfoethylated polyallylamine was studied. It was shown that a sorbent with a maximum degree of modification of 1.0 allows the selective extraction of gold (III) and palladium (II) in the presence of platinum (IV).Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке постановления № 211 Правитель-ства Российской Федерации, контракт № 02.А03.21.0006


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    The optimal conditions for desorption of gold from the surface of sulfoethylated polyal-lylamine have been determined. Quantitative gold desorption is achieved only from the sur-face of SEPAA 1.0 using two desorption cycles with a hot 1% thiourea solution in 3 M HCl.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке постановления № 211 Правительства Российской Федерации, контракт № 02.А03.21.0006

    Herpesvirus-associated central and peripheral nervous system involvement: two clinical cases

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    Herpesviruses can directly affect the structure of the nervous system, resulting in encephalitis, and also induce immune-mediated disorders of the peripheral nervous system as sensory-predominant chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Patients with immunodeficiency may simultaneously develop two pathological processes, determining the severity of the condition. Parainfectious limbic encephalitis (PILE) associated with viruses from the family Herpes viridae is a form of chronic herpes encephalitis, which is characterized by dysfunction of the limbic system and by a long-term course with exacerbations. CIDP is a dysimmune disease leasing to peripheral nervous system involvement, which belongs to a class of myelinopathies. The paper describes two clinical cases of a concurrence of chronic PILE and CIDP in middle-aged men who have symptomatic status epilepticus and iatrogenic complications. It characterizes difficulties in diagnosis and the clinical features of chronic herpes infection involving the central and peripheral nervous systems. The given clinical cases suggest that not only neurologistsand epileptologists, but also resuscitation specialists and ngiosurgeons should be particularly alert to the pathology in question

    Синтез наноразмерных кобальт-цинковых ферритов методом низкотемпературного распыления с последующим термолизом

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    Co0,65Zn0,35Fe2O4 nanoparticles were produced by spray-drying in air in presence of NaCl from the solution of nitrates, as well as from the suspension of coprecipitated particles. The precursors obtained were annealed at 300–900 °C in the matrix of the inert component in order to increase the crystallinity degree without substantial increase of the nanoparticle size. Microstructure, morphology and magnetic properties of nanoparticles were studied by XRD, FT-IR spectroscopy, TEM / SEM and magnetometry. For the ferrites obtained from nitrate solutions partial oxidation of Co2+ ions to Co3+ occurs, which leads to the formation of two spinel phases, ferrite and cobaltite. With the increase of annealing temperature the content of cobaltite decreases and content of ferrite increases. No cobaltite formation was observed for annealing the spray-dried suspension. An increase in the temperature of the heat treatment leads to partial recrystallization of the particles and the ordering of the ferrite crystal structure, which causes an increase in the specific magnetization of the materials: from 32.8 emu/g (before annealing) to 91.3 emu/g (annealing at 900 ° C). The average diameter of nanoparticles after heat treatment does not exceed 100 nm.Наночастицы состава Co0,65Zn0,35Fe2O4 получали методом распылительной сушки на воздухе в присутствии NaCl из раствора нитратов, а также из суспензии предварительно осажденных частиц. Полученные прекурсоры подвергали термообработке в диапазоне 300–900 °С в матрице инертного компонента с целью увеличения степени кристалличности без существенного роста размеров наночастиц. Микроструктуру, морфологию и магнитные свойства наночастиц исследовали методами РФА, ИК-спектроскопии, ПЭМ/СЭМ и магнитометрии. При получении ферритов из растворов солей происходит частичное окисление ионов Co2+ до Co3+, что приводит к образованию двух шпинельных фаз – феррита и кобальтита. С ростом температуры обжига доля кобальтита снижается, а феррита – растет. При распылении и последующем обжиге суспензий наночастиц формирования фазы кобальтита не происходит. Повышение температуры термообработки приводит к частичной рекристаллизации частиц и упорядочиванию кристаллической структуры феррита, что вызывает рост удельной намагниченности материалов: от 32,79 Ам2 кг–1 (до обжига) до 91,3 Ам2 кг–1 (обжиг при 900 °С). При этом средний диаметр наночастиц после термообработки не превышает 100 нм

    The astrometric Gaia-FUN-SSO observation campaign of 99 942 Apophis

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    Astrometric observations performed by the Gaia Follow-Up Network for Solar System Objects (Gaia-FUN-SSO) play a key role in ensuring that moving objects first detected by ESA's Gaia mission remain recoverable after their discovery. An observation campaign on the potentially hazardous asteroid (99 942) Apophis was conducted during the asteroid's latest period of visibility, from 12/21/2012 to 5/2/2013, to test the coordination and evaluate the overall performance of the Gaia-FUN-SSO . The 2732 high quality astrometric observations acquired during the Gaia-FUN-SSO campaign were reduced with the Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically (PRAIA), using the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue 4 (UCAC4) as a reference. The astrometric reduction process and the precision of the newly obtained measurements are discussed. We compare the residuals of astrometric observations that we obtained using this reduction process to data sets that were individually reduced by observers and accepted by the Minor Planet Center. We obtained 2103 previously unpublished astrometric positions and provide these to the scientific community. Using these data we show that our reduction of this astrometric campaign with a reliable stellar catalog substantially improves the quality of the astrometric results. We present evidence that the new data will help to reduce the orbit uncertainty of Apophis during its close approach in 2029. We show that uncertainties due to geolocations of observing stations, as well as rounding of astrometric data can introduce an unnecessary degradation in the quality of the resulting astrometric positions. Finally, we discuss the impact of our campaign reduction on the recovery process of newly discovered asteroids.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Vitamin D Status Among Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Multicenter Prospective, Non-randomized, Comparative Study

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    BackgroundJuvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by destructive and inflammatory damage to the joints. The aim in this study was to compare vitamin D levels between children and adolescents, 1–18 years of age, with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and a health control group of peers. We considered effects of endogenous, exogenous, and genetic factors on measured differences in vitamin D levels among children with JIA.MethodsOur findings are based on a study sample of 150 patients with various variants of JIA and 277 healthy children. The blood level of vitamin D was assessed by calcidiol level. The following factors were included in our analysis: age and sex; level of insolation in three regions of country (center, south, north); assessment of dietary intake of vitamin D; effect of prophylactic doses of cholecalciferol; a relationship between the TaqI, FokI, and BsmI polymorphisms of the VDR gene and serum 25(OH)D concentration.ResultsWe identified a high frequency of low vitamin D among children with JIA, prevalence of 66%, with the medial level of vitamin D being within the range of “insufficient” vitamin D. We also show that the dietary intake of vitamin D by children with JIA is well below expected norms, and that prophylactic doses of vitamin D supplementation (cholecalciferol) at a dose of 500–1,000 IU/day and 1,500–2,000 IU/day do not meet the vitamin D needs of children with JIA. Of importance, we show that vitamin D levels among children with JIA are not affected by clinical therapies to manage the disease nor by the present of VDR genetic variants.ConclusionProphylactic administration of cholecalciferol and season of year play a determining role in the development of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency