11 research outputs found


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    In experiments on white rats (Wistar line) it was found that the dry extract of Humulus lupulus L possessed neiroprotectrive activity at the chronic emotional stress. It was normalized white rats brain morphofuntinal status


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    The influence of the dry extract from Serratula centauroides roots on the resistance to the hemic, hystotoxic and hypercapnic hypoxias was investigated in the experiments on white rats. It was established that the course administration of the remedy in the doses of50,100,150 mg/kg increases the resistance of the experimental animals to hypoxias of different genesis. S. centauroides in the dose of 150 mg/kg has the most pronounced antihypoxic activity, increasing the lifespan of the animals with hemic and normobaric hypoxia on average by 60 % (p < 0,001) and and with histotoxic hypoxia - by 50 % (p < 0,001)

    Studying of the anti-ischemic action of <I>Rhaponticum uniflorum</I> and <I>Serratula centauroides</I> dry extracts on a model of bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries

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    The aim of the study to evaluate the anti-ischemic effect of Serratula centauroides and Rhaponticum uniflorum dry extracts for bilateral carotid artery occlusion.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out on 77 Wistar rats. Rh. uniflorum and S. centauroides dry extracts at doses 50, 100, 200 mg/kg were administered intragastrically for 14 days prior to bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries. To assess the anti-ischemic effect of the investigated agents, the total mortality, the dynamics of survival, the survival time, the animals’ neurological status were determined using a modified McGraw scale and the brain hydration degree.Results. S. centauroides at a dose 200 mg/kg reduced the percentage of animals’ death by 2.8 times (p ≤ 0.05) compared with the control. Life expectancy in animals treated with S. centauroides at doses 100 and 200 mg/kg and Rh. uniflorum at dose 100  mg/kg increased by 46, 52 and 64  %, respectively, compared to the control. The neurological deficit lowest severity was observed in animals treated with S. centauroides at dose 200 mg/kg. The most pronounced statistically significant decrease in the brain hydration level was observed in animals treated with Rh.  uniflorum at doses 100 and 200 mg/kg and S. centauroides at dose 100 mg/kg.Conclusion. S. centauroides and Rh. uniflorum dry extracts have an anti-ischemic effect in cerebral ischemia

    Correction of morphofunctional changes in mice thymus and spleen by Rhaponticum uniflorum (L.) DC. extract at cyclophosphamide immunosupression

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of R. uniflorum dry extract on morphofunctional state of mice thymus and spleen at cyclophosphamide immunosuppression.Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out on F1 (CBAxC57Bl/6) mice 18–20 g of weight. Immune deficiency was simulated by a single intraperitoneal introduction of cyclophosphamide in the dose 250 mg/kg. R. uniflorum dry extract in the dose 100 mg/kg was administered per os for 14 days. The thymus and spleen were fixed for histological studies on day 16. The thymus total area, the cortex and medulla area, the connective tissue capsule thickness, the spleen white and red pulp area were used to measure on micropreparations stained with hematoxylineosin and azure-eosin. The cell density and the cellular composition were calculated in the thymus cortical substance.Results. The R. uniflorum extract increased the thymus total area and the corticomedullary index by 37 and 26 % (p ≤ 0.05), respectively. The cells density increased in the cortical substance, it decreased in the medulla, as a result “layer inversion” is not observed in any animal of the experimental group. The number of proliferating lymphocytes, blasts and large lymphocytes increased; the number of destructive cells and macrophages decreased in the cortical substance. The spleen white pulp relative volume was 39 % higher than in the control.Conclusions. The R. uniflorum dry extract had an immunocorrective effect on the thymus and spleen morphofunctional state at cyclophosphamid immunosuppression


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    It was determined that liquid extract of herbal remedy «Noophyt» had. a sedative effect in unpunishable behaviour conditions. The remedy reliably increases number of exits and duration of stay in open branches of uplifted. X-shaped labyrinth number of transitions and. duration of stay in a light part of dark/light chamber


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    Stress-protective and antioxidant effects of Humulus lupulus dry extract were studied in experiments on white Wistar rats at prolonged emotional stress. It has been established that the H. lupulus dry extract had stress-protective effect, reducing the manifestation of degenerative catabolic changes in the internal organs of white rats in chronic emotional stress. The antistress activity of Humulus lupulus dry extract is caused by the pronounced antioxidant activity. On the background of the test extract introduction the MDA content decreased and the activity of catalase, SOD and the GSH content in the blood increased

    Pharmacothera-peutic activity Lomatogonium Carinthiacum extract at experimental hepatitis

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    Pharmacotherapeutic efficiency of the dry extract from Lomatogonium carinthiacum in toxic hepatitis was studied. Experimental hepatitis was caused by the introduction of tetracycline hydrochloride to Wistar white rats in the dose of 1,0 g/kg of the animal weight once a day during 7 days. The extract from L. carinthiacum was administered per os in the dose of 100 mg/kg during 26 days. It was established that the extract from L. carinthiacum had a marked hepatoprotective effect in the case of tetracycline hepatitis in white rats that is characterized by inhibition of the disturbances in choleretic and cholate-synthetic functions of the liver: the increase of bile secretion rate, preservation of cholate concentration in the bile, the decrease in the content of cholesterol triacylglycerides and alkaline phosphatase activity in the animal blood serum during the whole period of experiments. The tested remedy diminishes dystrophic and necrotic processes in hepatocytes, decreases the intensity of inflammatory infiltration in the liver and stimulates regeneration of liver cells in tetracycline hepatitis. The decrease of MDA content in the liver homogenate and increase in catalase activity against the same indices in control animals testify the marked antioxidant effect of L. carinthiacum

    Гастропротективное влияние Ferulopsis hystrix (Bunge) Pimenov при экспериментальной этаноловой гастропатии

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the gastroprotective effect of dry extracts from the roots and rhizomes of Ferulopsis hystrix in ethanol-induced gastropathy.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out on 68 white Wistar rats. Ethanol-induced gastropathy was simulated by a single intragastric administration of ethanol in the dose of 10 ml/kg. Animals of the experimental groups received medicinal forms from the roots and rhizomes of F. hystrix: I – decoction in a volume of 10 ml/kg; II–V – dry extracts in the dose of 200 mg/kg, obtained by extraction with purified water, 30, 40 and 70% ethanol, respectively; VI – dry extract, prepared by double extraction with 40% and single extraction with 30% ethanol for 7 days before the modeling of gastropathy. Number of structural changes was determined in the gastric mucosa. They were differentiated into small, large, and strip-like erosions. The Pauls’ index was calculated for structural changes. Pathomorphological studies of the stomach were carried out.Results. The total number of structural changes in the stomach of animals in experimental groups I, II, IV and V is 44% lower on average, in experimental group III it is 67% lower and in experimental group VI it is 3.6 times lower than in the control. The Pauls’ index for large erosions in experimental groups I–V is 38–75% lower, in experimental group VI it is 83% lower than the index in the control animals. No strip-like erosions are detected in animals of experimental groups III–VI. Pauls’ index for these destructions in experimental groups I and II is 7.0 and 6.5 times lower than the index in the control animals. Microscopic morphological examination registered the increase of shallow-like erosions in the stomach of animals of experimental groups. Shallow-like erosions do not reach the muscularis mucosae. Microcirculation disorders and leukocyte infiltration are less pronounced than in the control group.Conclusion. F. hystrix has the gastroprotective effect, increasing the resistance of the gastric mucosa to the effect of ethanol. The F. hystrix extract prepared with 30% and 40% ethanol shows the most pronounced pharmacotherapeutic effect in ethanol-induced gastropathy.Цель. Оценка гастропротективного действия сухих экстрактов, полученных с использованием различных экстрагентов из корневищ с корнями Ferulopsis hystrix (Bunge) Pimenov при этаноловом повреждении желудка у белых крыс.Материалы и методы. Эксперименты проведены на 68 самцах и самках крыс линии Вистар. Этаноловую гастропатию моделировали однократным внутрижелудочным введением этанола в дозе 10 мл/кг. Животные опытных групп (I– VI) в течение 7 сут до  моделирования гастропатии получали лекарственные формы из корневищ с корнями F. hystrix: I – отвар в объеме 10 мл/кг; II–V – сухие экстракты в дозе 200 мг/кг, полученные путем экстракции водой очищенной, 30-, 40- и 70%-м этанолом соответственно; VI – сухой экстракт, приготовленный двукратной экстракцией 40%-м и однократной экстракцией 30%-м этанолом. В слизистой оболочке желудка определяли структурные изменения, которые дифференцировали на мелкие, крупные и  полосовидные эрозии. Проводили патоморфологические исследования желудка.Результаты. Установлено, что в I, II, IV и V опытных группах общее количество повреждений в желудке было в среднем на 44% меньше, чем в контроле, в III опытной группе – на 67% и в VI опытной группе – в 3,6 раза. Индекс Паулса для крупных эрозий в I–V опытных группах был ниже контрольного показателя на 38–75%, в VI – на 83%. Полосовидные эрозии не выявлялись у животных III–VI опытных групп; индекс Паулса для данных деструкций в I и II опытных группах был в 7,0 и 6,5 раза ниже показателя контрольных животных. В стенке желудка животных отмечались неглубокие эрозии, не  достигающие мышечной пластинки слизистой оболочки; нарушения микроциркуляции и лейкоцитарная инфильтрация были менее выражены относительно контроля.Заключение. F. hystrix оказывает гастропротективное влияние, повышая  резистентность слизистой оболочки желудка к действию этанола. Наиболее выраженный  фармакотерапевтический эффект проявляет экстракт, приготовленный двукратной экстракцией 40%-м и однократной экстракцией 30%-м этиловым спиртом