743 research outputs found

    Higher-order Topological Phases of Magnons in van der Waals Honeycomb Ferromagnets

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    We theoretically propose a second-order topological magnon insulator by stacking the van der Waals honeycomb ferromagnets with antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling. The system exhibits Z2_{2} topological phase, protected by pseudo-time-reversal symmetry (PTRS). An easy-plane anisotropy term breaks PTRS and destroys the topological phase. Nevertheless, it respects a magnetic two-fold rotational symmetry which protects a second-order topological phase with corner modes in bilayer and hinge modes along stacking direction. Moreover, an introduced staggered interlayer coupling establishes a Z2_{2}×\timesZ topology, giving rise to gapped topological surface modes carrying non-zero Chern numbers. Consequently, chiral hinge modes propagate along the horizontal hinges in a cuboid geometry and are robust against disorders. Our work bridges the higher-order topology and magnons in van der Waals platforms, and could be used for constructing topological magnonic devices

    Separation and economic recovery of strontium from Nanyishan oil-field water, China

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    The mass ratio of Ca to Sr is greater than 10 in Nanyishan oil-field water, which causes significant problems during the economic extraction and recovery of selected trace elements in the oil-field water. The oilfield water was isothermally evaporated and various salts such as Li, K, Mg, Ca, Na, Sr, Rb, Cs, Br, and I were obtained from the solution. The Sr content of each phase was determined by ICP-AES, the Sr distribution rule in this process was obtained, and the best separation stage for Sr was identified, to optimize the separation of Sr from Nanyishan oil-field water

    Developmental Profiles of Preschool Children With Spastic Diplegic and Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of movement and posture control with multiple impairments. The clinical manifestations of CP vary among children. The aim of this study was to compare the developmental profiles of preschool children with either of two types of CP: spastic diplegic (SD) CP and spastic quadriplegic (SQ) CP. Relationships between the children's various developmental functions were also investigated. We recruited 137 children with spastic CP, aged 1-5 years (mean age = 3.7 ± 2.1 years), and we classified them into two groups: SD (n = 59) and SQ (n = 78). The comparison group comprised 18 children with typical development. Developmental functions were assessed in all the children, using the Chinese Child Development Inventory with the updated norms. This scale addressed eight functional domains: gross motor ability, fine motor ability, expressive language ability, concept comprehension ability, situation comprehension ability, self-help ability, personal-social skills, and general development. A development quotient (DQ) was determined for each domain as a percentage of the developmental age divided by the chronological age. The developmental profiles of the CP subtypes were found to differ. Children with SQ were found to have lower DQs than those with SD (p < 0.01). There was also a difference in the distribution of DQs between the SD and SQ groups, although the lowest DQ in both groups was for the gross motor domain. An uneven delay in the development of gross motor function was found in both groups of children with CP. Motor functions, including gross motor and fine motor functions, were significantly related to self-help ability. Complex and significant correlations among developmental functions were also identified in children with CP. The findings in the present study may allow clinicians to anticipate the developmental profile of children with CP on the basis of whether they have the SD or SQ subtype. This, in turn, is likely to facilitate individual assessment, goal setting, and the planning of interventions in children with CP

    Identification of subtype-specific metastasis-related genetic signatures in sarcoma

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    Background: Sarcomas are heterogeneous rare malignancies constituting approximately 1% of all solid cancers in adults and including more than 70 histological and molecular subtypes with different pathological and clinical development characteristics. Method: We identified prognostic biomarkers of sarcomas by integrating clinical information and RNA-seq data from TCGA and GEO databases. In addition, results obtained from cell cycle, cell migration, and invasion assays were used to assess the capacity for Tanespimycin to inhibit the proliferation and metastasis of sarcoma. Results: Sarcoma samples (N = 536) were divided into four pathological subtypes including DL (dedifferentiated liposarcoma), LMS (leiomyosarcoma), UPS (undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas), and MFS (myxofibrosarcoma). RNA-seq expression profile data from the TCGA dataset were used to analyze differentially expressed genes (DEGs) within metastatic and non-metastatic samples of these four sarcoma pathological subtypes with DEGs defined as metastatic-related signatures (MRS). Prognostic analysis of MRS identified a group of genes significantly associated with prognosis in three pathological subtypes: DL, LMS, and UPS. ISG15, NUP50, PTTG1, SERPINE1, and TSR1 were found to be more likely associated with adverse prognosis. We also identified Tanespimycin as a drug exerting inhibitory effects on metastatic LMS subtype and therefore can serve a potential treatment for this type of sarcoma. Conclusions: These results provide new insights into the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of sarcomas and provide new directions for further study of sarcoma

    The Minority Spin Surface Bands of CoS2(001)

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    Angle-resolved photoemission was used to study the surface electronic band structure of high quality single crystals of ferromagnetic CoS2 (below 120 K). Strongly dispersing Co t2g bands are identified along the 100 k direction, the ¯–¯X line of the surface Brillouin zone, in agreement with model calculations. The calculated surface band structure includes corrections for the previously determined surface structure of CoS2(001) and is in general agreement with the experimental photoemission spectra in the region of the Fermi level. There is evidence of the existence of several minority spin surface states, falling into a gap of the projected minority spin bulk CoS2(001) band structure

    Dendrobium officinale

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    Background. Dendrobium officinale (DO) Kimura et Migo is a precious Chinese herb that is considered beneficial for health due to its antioxidant and antidiabetes properties, and so on. In this research, we try to determine the preventive effect of DO on the early complications of STZ-induced diabetic rats. Methods. Type 1 diabetic rats were produced with a single intraperitoneal injection of STZ (50 mg/kg). DO (1 g/kg/day) was then orally administered for 5 weeks. Blood glucose, TC, TG, BUN, CREA, and GSH-PX levels were determined, and electroretinographic activity and hypoalgesia were investigated. Pathological sections of the eyes, hearts, aortas, kidneys, and livers were analyzed. Results. Treatment with DO significantly attenuated the serum levels of TC, TG, BUN, and CREA, markedly increased the amplitudes of ERG a- and b-waves and Ops, and reduced the hypoalgesia and histopathological changes of vital organs induced by hyperglycemia. The protective effect of DO in diabetic rats may be associated with its antioxidant activity, as evidenced by the marked increase in the serum level of glutathione peroxidase. However, DO had no significant effect on blood glucose levels and bodyweight of diabetic rats. Conclusions. DO supplementation is an effective treatment to prevent STZ-induced diabetic complications

    Dimension Increase via Hierarchical Hydrogen Bonding from Simple Pincer-like Mononuclear complexes

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    A tetradentate symmetric ligand bearing both coordination and hydrogen bonding sites, N1,N3-bis(1-(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)-ethylidene)propane-1,3-diamine (H2bbepd) was utilized to synthesize a series of transition metal complexes, namely [Co(H2bbepd)(H2O)2]·2ClO4 (1), [Cu(H2bbepd)(OTs-)]·OTs- (2),[Cu(bbepd)(CH3OH)] (3), [Cd(H2bbepd)(NO3)2]·CH3OH (4), [Cd(H2bbepd)(CH3OH)Cl]·Cl (5), and [Cd(bbepd)(CH3OH)2] (6). These complexes show similar discrete pincer-like coordination units, possessing different arrangements of hydrogen bonding donor and acceptor sites. With or without the aid of uncoordinated anions and solvent molecules, such mononuclear units have been effectively involved in the construction of hierarchical hydrogen bonding assemblies (successively via level I and level II), leading to discrete binuclear ring (complex 2), one-dimensional chain or ribbon (complexes 3, 4 and 6) and two-dimensional layer (complexes 1 and 5) aggregates

    Infectious Alopecia in a Dog Breeder After Renal Transplantation

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    Tinea capitis rarely occurs in renal transplant recipients. We report this living-related renal transplant patient receiving cyclosporine-based therapy who initially presented with severe exfoliation of the scalp with yellowish-white scales and marked hair loss. The lesions extended to the frontal area and both cheeks, resulting in several skin ulcers with perifocal erythematous inflammatory changes, and palpable cervical lymph nodes. A biopsy of a skin lesion revealed fungal infection and culture yielded Microsporum canis. The patient mentioned an outbreak of ringworm in her breeding dogs during this period. After adequate treatment of the patient and her infected animals with griseofulvin and disinfection of the environment, her skin lesions resolved dramatically, with regrowth of hair