2 research outputs found

    Plazo razonable en procesos penales que adelanta la fiscalía general de la nación con las víctimas del conflicto armado interno en Colombia

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el plazo razonable en procesos penales que adelanta la Fiscalía General de la Nación con las victimas del conflicto armado interno en Colombia. La metodología aplicada fue cualitativa y de carácter jurídico. La técnica de recolección de datos se basó en la revisión documental, por medio de la revisión de jurisprudencia y sentencias obtenidas de los sistemas de información Web de la Rama Judicial y de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Los procesos penales se seleccionaron de manera no probabilística y por conveniencia, para tomar aquellos con pronunciamientos recientes y que tuvieran mayor antigüedad desde el primer acto procesal. En los resultados se describieron los elementos que conforman la doctrina de plazo razonable que emplea la Corte IDH, haciendo una comparación con los pronunciamientos de la Corte Constitucional en materia de debido proceso. Posteriormente, se establecieron tablas comparativas con los casos analizados por la Corte IDH en cuanto a la mora judicial de otros países, frente a la presentada en Colombia con las victimas del conflicto armado interno. A partir de esto, se determinó que la principal causa de la falta de razonabilidad en el plazo de los procesos penales analizados, se refiere a la incapacidad del aparato judicial para llevar a cabo la investigación y desarrollo del proceso penal en un marco temporal esperado. Palabras clave: mora judicial, plazo razonable, procesos penales, conflicto armado interno.The investigation objective was to determine the reasonable period of time in criminal proceedings carried out by the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation with the Colombian internal armed conflict victims. The methodology applied was qualitative and legal in nature. The data collection technique was a documentary review, by reviewing jurisprudence and judgments obtained from the Judicial Branch and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Web information systems. The criminal proceedings were selected in a non-probabilistic manner and for convenience, to take those with recent pronouncements and that were older from the first procedural act. The results described the elements that make up the reasonable term doctrine used by the Inter-American Court, making a comparison with the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court on due process. Subsequently, comparative tables were established with the cases analyzed by the Inter-American Court regarding the judicial delay in other countries, compared to that presented in Colombia with the victims of the internal armed conflict. Based on this, that the main cause of the lack of reasonableness in the term of the analyzed criminal proceedings refers to the inability of the judicial apparatus to carry out the investigation and development of the criminal proceedings in an expected time frame

    Proteomic profiling of quality protein Maize kernels using mass spectrometry

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is the third most crucial crop worldwide and is of paramount importance in both humansand livestock diets. Conventional maize varieties have less than half of the amino acids recommended for humannutrition, and this deficiency results in an imbalance of amino acids and low protein content, which has been associatedwith several pathologies, including malnutrition. Thus, different countries have focused on research onfortified foods, such as quality protein maize (QPM) noting that these improved varieties may contain up to 100%more essential amino acids residues than conventional maize. Hence, this study aimed to characterize throughtandem mass spectrometry and bioinformatics analysis, relative expression of polypeptides contained in a hybridvariety of QPM, which allow to identify potential markers with implications in the management and improvementof this crops maintaining their intrinsic characteristics. We identify 262 polypeptides, highlighting those related tomolecular function (catalytic activity, structural molecule activity, and binding) and biological process (cellular andmetabolic process). These results provide the necessary information, not only for the characterization of the QPMproteome through novel tools such as proteomics, but also to describe mechanisms related to different biologicalprocesses such as the embryogenesis, development and growth of grains and eventually plants. PotentiallyIt promotes the discovery of molecular markers (biomarkers) that would allow the improvement of agronomicalprocesses