102 research outputs found

    Diagnostics of development of a franchise network in the economic system of the region Диагностика развития франчайзинговой сети в экономической системе региона

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    The article provides main results of the study of theoretical and practical aspects of development of small business in the economic system of the region by means of formation of franchise networks. It develops a theory and methods of selection of the strategy of development of subjects of the small business in the region on the basis of the set goals of entrepreneurial activity, which allows assessment of expediency of creation of franchise networks in the region. The obtained scientific results allow development of activity of representatives of the small business by means of franchise, based on observance of interests of development of economy of each Ukrainian region.В работе изложены основные результаты исследования теоретических и практических аспектов развития малого бизнеса в экономической системе региона путем формирования франчайзинговых сетей. Развита теория и методы выбора стратегии развития субъектов малого бизнеса в регионе на основе поставленных целей предпринимательской деятельности, что позволяет оценить целесообразность создания франчайзинговых сетей в регионе. В совокупности полученные научные результаты позволяют развивать деятельность представителей малого бизнеса средствами франчайзинга, исходя из соблюдения интересов развития экономики каждого региона Украины

    Real-time expression profiling of microRNA precursors in human cancer cell lines

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    Our previous study described a real-time PCR method to quantify microRNA (miRNA) precursors using SYBR green detection [T. D. Schmittgen, J. Jiang, Q. Liu and L. Yang (2004) Nucleic Acids Res., 32, e43]. The present study adapted the assay to a 384-well format and expanded it to include primers to 222 human miRNA precursors. TaqMan minor groove binder probes were used to discriminate nearly identical members of the let-7 family of miRNA isoforms. The miRNA precursor expression was profiled in 32 human cell lines from lung, breast, colorectal, hematologic, prostate, pancreatic, and head and neck cancers. Some miRNA precursors were expressed at similar levels in many of the cell lines, while others were differentially expressed. Clustering analysis of the miRNA precursor expression data revealed that most of the cell lines clustered into their respective tissues from which each cell line was ostensibly derived. miRNA precursor expression by PCR paralleled the mature miRNA expression by northern blotting for most of the conditions studied. Our study provides PCR primer sequences to all of the known human miRNA precursors as of December 2004 and provides a database of the miRNA precursor expression in many commonly used human cancer cell lines

    Distinct lymphocyte antigens 6 (Ly6) family members Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6K and Ly6H drive tumorigenesis and clinical outcome.

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    Stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1) is used to isolate and characterize tumor initiating cell populations from tumors of various murine models [1]. Sca-1 induced disruption of TGF-β signaling is required in vivo tumorigenesis in breast cancer models [2, 3-5]. The role of human Ly6 gene family is only beginning to be appreciated in recent literature [6-9]. To study the significance of Ly6 gene family members, we have visualized one hundred thirty gene expression omnibus (GEO) dataset using Oncomine (Invitrogen) and Georgetown Database of Cancer (G-DOC). This analysis showed that four different members Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6H or Ly6K have increased gene expressed in bladder, brain and CNS, breast, colorectal, cervical, ovarian, lung, head and neck, pancreatic and prostate cancer than their normal counter part tissues. Increased expression of Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6H or Ly6K was observed in sub-set of cancer type. The increased expression of Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6H and Ly6K was found to be associated with poor outcome in ovarian, colorectal, gastric, breast, lung, bladder or brain and CNS as observed by KM plotter and PROGgeneV2 platform. The remarkable findings of increased expression of Ly6 family members and its positive correlation with poor outcome on patient survival in multiple cancer type indicate that Ly6 family members Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6K and Ly6H will be an important targets in clinical practice as marker of poor prognosis and for developing novel therapeutics in multiple cancer type

    A case study for cloud based high throughput analysis of NGS data using the globus genomics system

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    AbstractNext generation sequencing (NGS) technologies produce massive amounts of data requiring a powerful computational infrastructure, high quality bioinformatics software, and skilled personnel to operate the tools. We present a case study of a practical solution to this data management and analysis challenge that simplifies terabyte scale data handling and provides advanced tools for NGS data analysis. These capabilities are implemented using the “Globus Genomics” system, which is an enhanced Galaxy workflow system made available as a service that offers users the capability to process and transfer data easily, reliably and quickly to address end-to-endNGS analysis requirements. The Globus Genomics system is built on Amazon's cloud computing infrastructure. The system takes advantage of elastic scaling of compute resources to run multiple workflows in parallel and it also helps meet the scale-out analysis needs of modern translational genomics research

    Genome-wide multi-omics profiling of colorectal cancer identifies immune determinants strongly associated with relapse

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    The use and benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy to treat stage II colorectal cancer (CRC) patients is not well understood since the majority of these patients are cured by surgery alone. Identification of biological markers of relapse is a critical challenge to effectively target treatments to the ~20% of patients destined to relapse. We have integrated molecular profiling results of several “omics” data types to determine the most reliable prognostic biomarkers for relapse in CRC using data from 40 stage I and II CRC patients. We identified 31 multi-omics features that highly correlate with relapse. The data types were integrated using multi-step analytical approach with consecutive elimination of redundant molecular features. For each data type a systems biology analysis was performed to identify pathways biological processes and disease categories most affected in relapse. The biomarkers detected in tumors urine and blood of patients indicated a strong association with immune processes including aberrant regulation of T-cell and B-cell activation that could lead to overall differences in lymphocyte recruitment for tumor infiltration and markers indicating likelihood of future relapse. The immune response was the biologically most coherent signature that emerged from our analyses among several other biological processes and corroborates other studies showing a strong immune response in patients less likely to relapse

    High Triglycerides Are Associated with Low Thrombocyte Counts and High VEGF in Nephropathia Epidemica

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    Nephropathia epidemica (NE) is a mild form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Several reports have demonstrated a severe alteration in lipoprotein metabolism. However, little is known about changes in circulating lipids in NE. The objectives of this study were to evaluate changes in serum total cholesterol, high density cholesterol (HDCL), and triglycerides. In addition to evaluation of serum cytokine activation associations, changes in lipid profile and cytokine activation were determined for gender, thrombocyte counts, and VEGF. Elevated levels of triglycerides and decreased HDCL were observed in NE, while total cholesterol did not differ from controls. High triglycerides were associated with both the lowest thrombocyte counts and high serum VEGF, as well as a high severity score. Additionally, there were higher levels of triglycerides in male than female NE patients. Low triglycerides were associated with upregulation of IFN-γ and IL-12, suggesting activation of Th1 helper cells. Furthermore, levels of IFN-γ and IL-12 were increased in patients with lower severity scores, suggesting that a Th1 type immune response is playing protective role in NE. These combined data advance the understanding of NE pathogenesis and indicate a role for high triglycerides in disease severity