44 research outputs found

    Common Subexpression-based Compression and Multiplication of Sparse Constant Matrices

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    In deep learning inference, model parameters are pruned and quantized to reduce the model size. Compression methods and common subexpression (CSE) elimination algorithms are applied on sparse constant matrices to deploy the models on low-cost embedded devices. However, the state-of-the-art CSE elimination methods do not scale well for handling large matrices. They reach hours for extracting CSEs in a 200×200200 \times 200 matrix while their matrix multiplication algorithms execute longer than the conventional matrix multiplication methods. Besides, there exist no compression methods for matrices utilizing CSEs. As a remedy to this problem, a random search-based algorithm is proposed in this paper to extract CSEs in the column pairs of a constant matrix. It produces an adder tree for a 1000×10001000 \times 1000 matrix in a minute. To compress the adder tree, this paper presents a compression format by extending the Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) to include CSEs. While compression rates of more than 50%50\% can be achieved compared to the original CSR format, simulations for a single-core embedded system show that the matrix multiplication execution time can be reduced by 20%20\%

    The Diplomacy of Architecture: The Anıtkabir Project Competition from the Perspective of Mussolini’s Italy

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    In 1941, the architectural project competition launched for the design of the proposed mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, or “Anıtkabir,” attracted significant interest from Italian architects. The entry from Arnaldo Foschini was one of the three entries which won the first prize, with designs by other Italian architects — Gino Franzi, Giuseppe Vaccaro, and Giovanni Muzio —being awarded honorable mentions. Marcello Piacentini, the most prominent figure of the Italian architectural scene during the Mussolini period, enthusiastically greeted the results, and the competition received significant coverage in the Italian daily press and architectural magazines. However, the real interest in the competition was behind the scenes and at much higher levels of the regime. The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Popular Culture, which was responsible for propaganda activities abroad, closely monitored the competition process. High-level diplomatic contacts took place following the results in which the Italian Foreign Affairs lobbied the Turkish authorities in their realization of Foschini’s winning project, as well as for the use of Italian construction materials and workforce and the awarding of other Italian entries. T he study aims to uncover the political, economic, architectural, and cultural significance of the Anıtkabir competition from the perspective of Mussolini’s Italy. The article also seeks to reveal the lobbying and propaganda activities carried out by Italian authorities regarding this competition. The research is based on archival studies conducted at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archive, the Italian State Archive, and the Marcello Piacentini Archive Fund of the University of Florence. Analysis is provided in chronological order of the various archival documents discovered during the research, including official correspondences, reports, press releases, and personal letters. The study also examines Turkish and Italian architectural magazines and newspapers published during that period and includes Foschini’s previously unpublished initial drawings for Anıtkabir. Finally, the article discusses Piacentini’s approach to the competition and investigates the contributions of post-war Italy to the final project

    Güney Sapanca Havzası taşkın yayılım haritalarının modellenmesi : Keçi Deresi örneği

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Akarsularda su seviyesi ve debi zaman içinde değişir. Debinin ve dolayısıyla seviyenin yüksek olduğu dönemlerde akarsu yatağının dışına taşabilir. Hidrolojik ekstrem olaylar olarak bilinen taşkınların sonucunda insanları etkileyen önemli ekonomik, ekolojik ve çevresel zararlar ve hatta can kayıpları meydana gelmektedir. Taşkınların çevreye verdiği zararların öngörülebilmesi ve zararların minimum düzeye indirgenmesi için hidrolojik verilerin toplanması, çeşitli metotlar ile analiz edilmesi ve değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu amaçla yapılan tez çalışması ile Sakarya ili güney Sapanca havzasında yer alan Keçi deresi örneği ele alınarak, elde edilen yağış verileri istatistik yöntemler ile 5, 10, 50, 100 ve 500 yıllık taşkın tekerrür debileri hesaplanarak hidrolik analiz yapan paket programlar vasıtasıyla taşkın yayılım haritaları çıkarılmıştır. Elde edilen bu haritalar yardımı ile risk altında bulunan meskûn mahaller ve olası taşkın durumunda yaşanabilecek zararlar tespit edilmiş ve bu zararların önlenebilmesi için önerilerde bulunulmuştur.Flow and stream level change in time at rivers. When flow and water stream at high quantity/level, stream may flow outside of riverbed. Floods known as hydrological extreme incidents may occur grave economic, ecologic and environmental losses and even loss of life. It's a necessity that hydrological datas to be collected, analyzed with various methods estimated in order to reduce damages to minimum and calculation of environmental losses. For this purpose, flood inundation maps have been calculated with computer modelling of precipitation-flow simulation by using statistical methods for 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 years of flood repetition flows at Keçi stream sample, south Sapanca basin. In this study, damages and built-in spaces affected by flood detected and some solutions presented in order to reduction/prevention

    Efficacy of Tenodermodesis Method in Chronic Mallet Finger Surgery

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    Purpose: Hammertoe is an injury that usually results from partial or complete rupture of the terminal insertion of the extensor tendon distal to the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint. It is usually caused by forced bending of the DIP joint. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of tenodermodesis surgery in chronic mallet finger injury. Materials and Methods: A total of 15 patients’ data was investigated retrospectively. All the patients whose conservative treatment failed and underwent a mallet finger surgery with the tenodermodesis method were included. The technic was slightly modified: Sutures were applied, so they traverse the skin and tendon together after suturing the tendon and capsule. Results: The patients were followed up for up to 24 months. All patients had improvements in DIP joint motion. Nine patients reached a full extension of the DIP joint. According to Crawford's criteria, all the patients had no pain and had excellent and good scores after the procedure. No postop complication was reported. Conclusion: Tenodermodesis method is a curative surgery technic with a high success outcome rate for chronic tendinous mallet finger deformity

    Adequateness of radiography in recognizing rib fractures in minor chest trauma: A comparison of the efficacy of sonography and radiography

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    Introduction: The most common injury resulting from blunt chest trauma is a rib fracture (25%) which is usually visible on radiographs. However, radiographs sometimes cannot show fractures, especially those in cartilage, unless they're densely calcified. The present study aimed to investigate the role of ultrasonography (US) in detecting rib fractures with minor blunt chest trauma and comparing its success with posteroanterior (PA) chest radiography.Methods: Patients with minor blunt chest trauma who had previously undergone US and radiography to assess suspected rib fractures, between June 2017– March 2019, were included. Radiography was obtained in the PA projection. US was performed by a radiologist who identified fractures by the disruption of the anterior margin of the rib on the US. The incidence and location of the fractures detected by US and radiography were then compared.Results: Totally 126 patients were included in the study. Ninety-eight patients (78%) were admitted to the hospital for the first time, and 28 patients (22%) for the second time (they previously admitted to the other hospitals and were evaluated as ‘normal’ by radiography). A total of 108 fractures ( in 79 patients (63%) ) were detected based on radiography and US examination, while 47 patients (37%) had no diagnostic evidence of fracture. All fractures were correctly detected by ultrasonography (100%), whereas radiography revealed 16 fractures (14.81%). A statistically significant difference in diagnostic capability was found between patients diagnosed by radiography and US (p=0.001).Conclusion: Ultrasonographic imaging is significantly superior to radiography in terms of accuracy in diagnosing rib fractures. Ultrasound was found to be significantly superior to radiography regardless of trauma site, localization, and location. Even though some rib areas are inaccessible on ultrasonographic evaluation, rapid evaluation of the most affected areas is most effective with ultrasonography when it comes to minor energy chest trauma. For this reason, the US increases the accuracy of diagnosis in minor chest traumas and rib fractures and decreases the repetitive referral of patients to health institutions by reducing the missed diagnosis.Keywords: Rib fractures, thoracic injuries, trauma, ultrasonography, radiograph


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    Barajlar, üzerine inşaa edildikleri akarsuların Hidrolojik, Morfolojik ve Sediment Taşıma Kapasitesi gibi karakteristik özelliklerinde zaman içinde önemli ölçüde değişiklikler meydana getirmektedirler. Bu çalışmada, Orta Sakarya Havzasında Sarıyar, Gökçekaya ve Yenice Barajlarının ve Pamukova Hidroelektrik Santrali (HES) ve Regülatörünün inşa edilmesinden sonra Aşağı Sakarya Nehrinde meydana gelen hidrolik değişimler araştırılmıştır. Her bir barajın tam kapasite işletmeye alınmasından önce ve sonraki durumlar için nehirdeki akımların değişimi ayrı ayrı incelenmiştir. Aşağı Sakarya Nehri üzerindeki Doğançay ve Botbaşı istasyonlarına ait değerler her bir baraj ve regülatörün işletmeye alındığı tarihlerin öncesi ve sonrası akım değişimleri grafikler halinde gösterilmektedir. Ayrıca, her iki istasyona ait maksimum anlık feyezan akımları kullanılarak gelmesi muhtemel taşkınlardaki değişimler incelenmektedir. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde; Nehirde taşkın pik debileri düşerken, nehir rejiminin düzenlendiği görülmüştür

    Yüksek sıcaklık uygulamaları için termoelektrik oksit kompozitlerin güç faktörünün geliştirilmesi.

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    In this work, we report a simultaneous increase in Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity, that results in increasing power factor, of Ca3Co4O9 (C-349) ceramic by forming a composite system together with another promising oxyselenide; BiCuSeO (BCSO). Pristine C-349 and BCSO were synthesized using sol-gel and solid-state reaction methods, respectively and mixed by several ball-milling steps. We observed a remarkable increase in the power factor of, approximately 41% higher than the power factor of pristine C-349 at 900 K. The addition of BCSO phase results in slight decrease in carrier concentration and at the same time creates more porous structure. Both consequences have a positive impact on Seebeck coefficient. The reason for enhancement in electrical conductivity is related with high increase in hole mobility without significant decrease in carrier concentration. This study might inspire other researchers to explore the new concepts of developing high power factor thermoelectric (TE) materials. To our best knowledge, this is the first study on the TE properties of C-349/BCSO composites.M.S. - Master of Scienc