146 research outputs found

    Some characterizations of ergodicity in Riesz spaces

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    In the recent surge of papers on ergodic theory within Riesz spaces, this article contributes by introducing enhanced characterizations of ergodicity. Our work extends and strengthens prior results from both the authors and Homann, Kuo, and Watson. Specifically, we show that in a conditional expectation preserving system (E,T,S,e), S can be extended to the natural domain of T and operates as an isometry on L^{p}(T) spaces.Comment: 14 page

    Simulation active du procédé du grenaillage de précontrainte contrôlé

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    L'objet de ce travail est de mettre en place un modèle éléments finis, permettant de faire des simulations actives très proches du procédé de grenaillage de précontrainte contrôlé. On se propose en particulier, de prendre en compte les effets dynamiques des impacts, les dispersions dues aux vitesses d'impacts, des caractéristiques des billes, des angles d'incidence, des conditions de contact bille/matériau, de la durée du traitement (taux de recouvrement), la nature de l'écrouissage cyclique du comportement du matériau traité, etc. Le modèle proposé est validé à travers une comparaison avec des investigations expérimentales d'analyses des contraintes résiduelles par diffraction des rayons X. Une bonnne cohérence a été observé suite à cette comparaison.

    Highlight of Grid-connected PV systems in administrative buildings in Egypt

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    Solar energy applications are becoming increasingly common in Egypt. The abundant sunshine in Egypt, as well as the increasing competitiveness of solar energy systems including- but not limited to photovoltaic (PV), – predicts that these technologies could be weighed to be raised in Egypt.PV systems are installed on roof tiles or other parts of building structures to supplement grid utility, reduce electric bills, and provide emergency back–up energy. Moreover, they simultaneously reduce significant amounts of CO2 emissions. It is foreseen, a number of residential and public buildings in Egypt are using solar power to cut electric utility bills significantly. The approximately payback period to recover the investment costs for PV systems is up to about 5 years.  In addition, it is more economical to use PV system than grid utility systems. The two components that determine the total initial price of a grid- connected PV system are the modules and the balance of systems (BOS). The BOS includes different components such as mounting frames, inverters and site- specific installation hardware.The Government of Egypt (GOE) has endorsed the deployment of PV systems through three approaches. It started with a prime minister decree to install PV projects on one-thousand of the governmental buildings. This was followed by as an initiative called "Shamsk ya Masr", and finally the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) projects.Following the prime minster decree the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) and its affiliated companies took the lead to install PV systems at the top roof of their administrative buildings and interconnect these systems to the electricity network where the suitable locations have been selected for mounting them. About 90 PV systems have been already mounted with about a capacity of 9 MW. On the other hand, "Shamsk ya Masr" has considered energy efficiency (EE) so as to complement the PV systems, which will be installed on administrative buildings. Cost- effective EE measures should be implemented prior to or at the same time as implemented PV program. The amount of electricity that a PV system produces depends on the system type, orientation and the available solar resource. In 2014, the GOE issued the Feed-in Tariff program to further promote RE technologies in general and PV in particular. Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Authority (Egypt ERA) has set the regulations, promotion and awareness for PVs. This approach has been applied for administrative buildings as well.The paper highlights the impact of the previously mentioned mechanisms in deploying PV technologies through small scale projects. It also represents a cost- benefit analysis for the installed systems taking into account the measured value for PV parameters (kWh/kWp, PSH) and daily load profiles of the selected administrative buildings.</p

    Cases of Lifting the Swiss Banking Secrecy in Financial Crimes

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    Banking secrecy is the most important obstacle facing the disclosure of financial crimes especially corruption and tax crimes where criminals commit corruption, theft, embezzlement, and tax evasion crimes and deposit their assets in countries that have strong banking secrecy provisions such as Switzerland in order to hide their illegal assets. Recovering those assets from Swiss banks which have strong banking secrecy, an issue that demands further exploration, is something that this research intends to undertake. In this regard, this paper will analyse the Federal Act No. 955 of 1997 on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Financial Sector. In addition, this paper will address Federal Act on the Freezing and the Restitution of Illicit Assets held by Foreign Politically Exposed Persons. Furthermore, this paper will address the agreement between the United States of America and Switzerland for Cooperation to Facilitate the Implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

    Derivative spectrophotometric method for simultaneous determination of ezetimibe and simvastatin in combined tablets

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    The introduced study portrays the development and validation of an effortless, speedy and selective first order derivative zero-crossing spectrophotometric method to estimate ezetimibe and simvastatin simultaneously in combined drug products over and above in the presence of ezetimibe alkaline degradation products. Ezetimibe and its alkaline degradates spectra showed zero-crossing point at 249 nm, so the amplitude at 249 nm could be used for calculating the concentration of simvastatin. While simvastatin and ezetimibe alkaline degradates spectra showed a zero-reading value at 261 nm, so ezetimibe could be determined by measuring the amplitude at 261 nm. Regression plots revealed good linear relationships in the concentration range 1-16 µg/mL with accuracy checked by conducting recovery studies; average recovery was 99.61 ± 1.183 and 100.47 ± 1.310 for ezetimibe and simvastatin, respectively. The suggested first derivative spectrophotometric method was successfully applied for the determination of the cited drugs in "Inegy 10/10, 10/20 and 10/40 tablets". Satisfactory results were obtained for the recovery of both drugs and were in good agreement with the labeled amounts.  Method validation was estimated according to USP guidelines