720 research outputs found

    Why is the bandwidth of sodium observed to be narrower in photoemission experiments?

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    The experimentally predicted narrowing in the bandwidth of sodium is interpreted in terms of the non-local self-energy effect on quasi-particle energies of the electron liquid. The calculated self-energy correction is a monotonically increasing function of the wavenumber variable. The usual analysis of photo-emission experiments assumes the final state energies on the nearly-free-electron-like model and hence it incorrectly ascribes the non-local self-energy correction to the final state energies to the occupied state energies, thus leading to a seeming narrowing in the bandwidth.Comment: 9 page

    A Quantitative Occam's Razor

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    This paper derives an objective Bayesian "prior" based on considerations of entropy/information. By this means, it produces a quantitative measure of goodness of fit (the "H-statistic") that balances higher likelihood against the number of fitting parameters employed. The method is intended for phenomenological applications where the underlying theory is uncertain or unknown. For example, it can help decide whether the large angle anomalies in the CMB data should be taken seriously. I am therefore posting it now, even though it was published before the arxiv existed.Comment: plainTeX, 16 pages, no figures. Most current version is available at http://www.physics.syr.edu/~sorkin/some.papers/ (or wherever my home-page may be

    Transmission Electron Microscopy of Iron Metal in Almahata Sitta Ureilite

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    Almahata Sitta (AS) is a polymict breccia mainly composed of variable ureilite lithologies with small amounts of chondritic lithologies [1]. Fe metal is a common accessory phase in ureilites, but our earlier study on Fe metals in one of AS fragments (#44) revealed a unique mineralogy never seen in other ureilites [2,3]. In this abstract we report detailed transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on these metal grains to better understand the thermal history of ureilites. We prepared FIB sections of AS#44 by JEOL JIB-4000 from the PTS that was well characterized by SEM-EBSD in our earlier study [2]. The sections were then observed by STEM (JEOL JEM- 2100F). One of the FIB sections shows a submicron-sized symplectic intergrown texture composed of Fe metal (kamacite), Fe carbide (cohenite), Fe phosphide (schreibersite), and Fe sulfide (troilite). Each phase has an identical SAED pattern in spite of its complex texture, suggesting co-crystallization of all phases. This is probably caused by shock re-melting of pre-existing metal + graphite to form a eutectic-looking texture. The other FIB section is mostly composed of homogeneous Fe metal (93 wt% Fe, 5 wt% Ni, and 2 wt% Si), but BF-STEM images exhibited the presence of elongated lathy grains (approx. 2 microns long) embedded in the interstitial matrix. The SAED patterns from these lath grains could be indexed by alpha-Fe (bcc) while interstitial areas are gamma-Fe (fcc). The elongated alpha-Fe grains show tweed-like structures suggesting martensite transformation. Such a texture can be formed by rapid cooling from high temperature where gamma-Fe was stable. Subsequently alpha-Fe crystallized, but gamma-Fe remained in the interstitial matrix due to quenching from high temperature. This scenario is consistent with very rapid cooling history of ureilites suggested by silicate mineralogy

    Cognitive Information Processing

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    Contains research objectives and summary of research on five research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant SED74-12653-A01)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-76-C-1400)National Science Foundation (Grant ENG74-24344)Associated Press (Grant)National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 ROI GM22547-01)National Institutes of Health (Grant 2 PO1 GM19428-04

    Self-consistent Overhauser model for the pair distribution function of an electron gas in dimensionalities D=3 and D=2

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    We present self-consistent calculations of the spin-averaged pair distribution function g(r)g(r) for a homogeneous electron gas in the paramagnetic state in both three and two dimensions, based on an extension of a model that was originally proposed by A. W. Overhauser [Can. J. Phys. {\bf 73}, 683 (1995)] and further evaluated by P. Gori-Giorgi and J. P. Perdew [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 64}, 155102 (2001)]. The model involves the solution of a two-electron scattering problem via an effective Coulombic potential, that we determine within a self-consistent Hartree approximation. We find numerical results for g(r)g(r) that are in excellent agreement with Quantum Monte Carlo data at low and intermediate coupling strength rsr_s, extending up to rs10r_s\approx 10 in dimensionality D=3. However, the Hartree approximation does not properly account for the emergence of a first-neighbor peak at stronger coupling, such as at rs=5r_s=5 in D=2, and has limited accuracy in regard to the spin-resolved components g(r)g_{\uparrow\uparrow}(r) and g(r)g_{\uparrow\downarrow}(r). We also report calculations of the electron-electron s-wave scattering length, to test an analytical expression proposed by Overhauser in D=3 and to present new results in D=2 at moderate coupling strength. Finally, we indicate how this approach can be extended to evaluate the pair distribution functions in inhomogeneous electron systems and hence to obtain improved exchange-correlation energy functionals.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figuers, to apear in Physical Review

    Analytic structure factors and pair-correlation functions for the unpolarized homogeneous electron gas

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    We propose a simple and accurate model for the electron static structure factors (and corresponding pair-correlation functions) of the 3D unpolarized homogeneous electron gas. Our spin-resolved pair-correlation function is built up with a combination of analytic constraints and fitting procedures to quantum Monte Carlo data, and, in comparison to previous attempts (i) fulfills more known integral and differential properties of the exact pair-correlation function, (ii) is analytic both in real and in reciprocal space, and (iii) accurately interpolates the newest, extensive diffusion-Monte Carlo data of Ortiz, Harris and Ballone [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 5317 (1999)]. This can be of interest for the study of electron correlations of real materials and for the construction of new exchange and correlation energy density functionals.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Density functional theories and self-energy approaches

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    A purpose-designed microarray platform (Stressgenes, Phase 1) was utilised to investigate the changes in gene expression within the liver of rainbow trout during exposure to a prolonged period of confinement. Tissue and blood samples were collected from trout at intervals up to 648 h after transfer to a standardised confinement stressor, together with matched samples from undisturbed control fish. Plasma ACTH, cortisol, glucose and lactate were analysed to confirm that the neuroendocrine response to confinement was consistent with previous findings and to provide a phenotypic context to assist interpretation of gene expression data. Liver samples for suppression subtractive hybridisation (SSH) library construction were selected from within the experimental groups comprising “early” stress (2–48 h) and “late” stress (96–504 h). In order to reduce redundancy within the four SSH libraries and yield a higher number of unique clones an additional subtraction was carried out. After printing of the arrays a series of 55 hybridisations were executed to cover 6 time points. At 2 h, 6 h, 24 h, 168 h and 504 h 5 individual confined fish and 5 individual control fish were used with control fish only at 0 h. A preliminary list of 314 clones considered differentially regulated over the complete time course was generated by a combination of data analysis approaches and the most significant gene expression changes were found to occur during the 24 h to 168 h time period with a general approach to control levels by 504 h. Few changes in expression were apparent over the first 6 h. The list of genes whose expression was significantly altered comprised predominantly genes belonging to the biological process category (response to stimulus) and one cellular component category (extracellular region) and were dominated by so-called acute phase proteins. Analysis of the gene expression profile in liver tissue during confinement revealed a number of significant clusters. The major patterns comprised genes that were up-regulated at 24 h and beyond, the primary examples being haptoglobin, β-fibrinogen and EST10729. Two representative genes from each of the six k-means clusters were validated by qPCR. Correlations between microarray and qPCR expression patterns were significant for most of the genes tested. qPCR analysis revealed that haptoglobin expression was up-regulated approximately 8-fold at 24 h and over 13-fold by 168 h.This project was part funded by the European Commission (Q5RS-2001-02211), Enterprise Ireland and the Natural Environment Research Council of the United Kingdom