241 research outputs found

    Feeding Habits of Polynemids: Polydactylus Quadrifilis, Galeoides Decadactylus, and Pentanemus Quinquarius of the Continental Shelf of Grand-Lahou, Côte d’Ivoire

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    This paper focuses on the threadfins Polydactylus quadrifilis, Galeoides decadactylus, and Pentanemus quinquarius captured by the maritime traditional fishing of Grand-Lahou in Côte d'Ivoire. It aims to determine their feeding habits based on weighing, measuring of body, and intestine height and identification of prey. The specimens of Polydactylus quadrifilis with height lower than 55 cm have an average of 12±1 intestinal filaments, whereas those of height higher than 100 cm have an average of 20±2 of them. This average is constant concerning Galeoides decadactylus (12±2) and Pentanemus quinquarius (11±2), for all height. The specimens of Polydactylus quadrifilis consume mainly fish (74.45%), followed by shrimps (10.06%). The juvenile ones of less than one year prefer shrimps (80.28%), whereas fish are preferred (87.07) by the older individuals. Whatever their age, Galeoides decadactylus and Pentanemus quinquarius mainly consume shrimps in the ratio of 83.11% and 68.75% respectively. The relative yearly food consumption reveals for Polydactylus quadrifilis a quantity of 0.124 T/Km2 /year, whereas that of Galeoides decadactylus is 0.02 T/Km2 /year. As for the specimens of Pentanemus quinquarius, they consume 0.013 T/Km2 /year. Threadfins have very short intestine (IC < 1) relatively to the intestinal coefficient. Their food habit is relating to stomach and intestine capabilities

    Growth Parameters, Protein Digestibility And Health Status Of Rabbit Oryctolagus Cuniculus Fed With Palatable Leafy Vegetables

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    This study focused on using vegetable leaves for rabbit feeding. Rabbit fed with leaves of Abelmoschus esculentus, Corchorus olitorius, Ipomea batatas, Vigna unguiculata, Solanum melongena showed positive growth and high feed intake, while rabbits fed with leaves of Amaranthus hybridus, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Manihot esculenta, Celosia argentea, Myrianthus arboreus, Basella alba, Talinum triangulare, Colocasia esculenta showed low feed intake and weight loss. The digestibility of treatments supplemented with concentrate was better than that of the diet without fodder. Feed intake (157.62 g / day) and average weight (2081.87g) of rabbits fed with leaves of Ipomea batatas, were the highest while average daily gain (24.38 - 27.29 g/day) remained similar. The feed conversion ratio of the control treatment (3.51) was better than those obtained for treatments supplemented with concentrate (5.31 - 5.71). Urea and creatinine values were similar in all groups. Blood glucose (0.94 ± 0.04 g/L) and total protein (68.40 ± 0.14 g/L) of rabbit fed with leaves of Solanum melongena were the highest. Total cholesterol of rabbit fed with leaves of Ipomea batatas and control diet were the highest. The blood triglycerides of rabbit fed with control diet was the highest and differed to other treatments (p < 0.05)

    Diffusion des TIC dans l’Enseignement Secondaire Général du District de Yamoussoukro (Côte d’Ivoire): État des Lieux et Défis à Relever

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    Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) constituent l’un des facteurs les plus marquants des sociĂ©tĂ©s contemporaines. Les technologies numĂ©riques comme l’Internet apparaissent de plus en plus comme des solutions crĂ©dibles, efficaces et durables pour rĂ©soudre la difficile Ă©quation de l’accès au savoir et Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© du système Ă©ducatif. Cependant, malgrĂ© les nombreux avantages issus de l’intĂ©gration pĂ©dagogique des TIC dans l’enseignement, le secteur de l’éducation du district de Yamoussoukro, dans sa grande diversitĂ© peine encore Ă  les insĂ©rer de manière efficace dans le processus d’apprentissage des apprenants de tous les niveaux, surtout au niveau de l’enseignement secondaire gĂ©nĂ©ral. Notre rĂ©flexion porte sur la problĂ©matique de Diffusion des TIC dans l’enseignement secondaire gĂ©nĂ©ral du District de Yamoussoukro : État des lieux et dĂ©fis Ă  relever.  Ainsi, l’objectif de cet article est de contribuer Ă  une connaissance sur les TIC pour l’éducation en gĂ©nĂ©ral et en particulier sur leur intĂ©gration dans l’enseignement secondaire gĂ©nĂ©ral dans les Ă©tablissements du district de Yamoussoukro. La mĂ©thodologie de cette Ă©tude s’est reposĂ©e sur la recherche documentaire, l’observation directe et les enquĂŞtes de terrain. Les rĂ©sultats de cette recherche ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que 50% des Ă©tablissements enquĂŞtĂ©s ne bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’aucun outils numĂ©rique, entrainant ainsi une faible diffusion et utilisation du numĂ©rique. Ces rĂ©sultats ont mis en Ă©vidence que de nombreux dĂ©fis d’ordre politiques, humains et technologiques.   Information and communication technologies (ICT) are one of the most striking factors in contemporary societies. Digital technologies such as the Internet are increasingly emerging as credible, effective and sustainable solutions to solving the difficult equation of access to knowledge and improving the quality of the education system. However, despite the many benefits derived from the pedagogical integration of ICT into education, the education sector of the Yamoussoukro district, in its great diversity, still struggles to integrate them effectively into the learning process of learners at all levels, especially at the level of general secondary education. Our reflection focuses on the issue of ICT diffusion in general secondary education in the District of Yamoussoukro: State of play and challenges to be met.  Thus, the objective of this article is to contribute to a knowledge on ICT for education in general and in particular on their integration into general secondary education in schools in the district of Yamoussoukro. The methodology of this study was based on desk research, direct observation and field surveys. The results of this research revealed that 50% of the establishments surveyed do not benefit from any digital tools, resulting in a low diffusion and use of digital. These results highlighted many political, human and technological challenges

    Diffusion des TIC dans l’Enseignement Secondaire General du District de Yamoussoukro (Cote d’Ivoire): Etat des Lieux et Defis a Relever

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    Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) constituent l’un des facteurs les plus marquants des sociĂ©tĂ©s contemporaines. Les technologies numĂ©riques comme l’Internet apparaissent de plus en plus comme des solutions crĂ©dibles, efficaces et durables pour rĂ©soudre la difficile Ă©quation de l’accès au savoir et Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© du système Ă©ducatif. Cependant, malgrĂ© les nombreux avantages issus de l’intĂ©gration pĂ©dagogique des TIC dans l’enseignement, le secteur de l’éducation du district de Yamoussoukro, dans sa grande diversitĂ© peine encore Ă  les insĂ©rer de manière efficace dans le processus d’apprentissage des apprenants de tous les niveaux, surtout au niveau de l’enseignement secondaire gĂ©nĂ©ral. Notre rĂ©flexion porte sur la problĂ©matique de Diffusion des TIC dans l’enseignement secondaire gĂ©nĂ©ral du District de Yamoussoukro : État des lieux et dĂ©fis Ă  relever.  Ainsi, l’objectif de cet article est de contribuer Ă  une connaissance sur les TIC pour l’éducation en gĂ©nĂ©ral et en particulier sur leur intĂ©gration dans l’enseignement secondaire gĂ©nĂ©ral dans les Ă©tablissements du district de Yamoussoukro. La mĂ©thodologie de cette Ă©tude s’est reposĂ©e sur la recherche documentaire, l’observation directe et les enquĂŞtes de terrain. Les rĂ©sultats de cette recherche ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que 50% des Ă©tablissements enquĂŞtĂ©s ne bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’aucun outils numĂ©riques, entrainant ainsi une faible diffusion et utilisation du numĂ©rique. Ces rĂ©sultats ont mis en Ă©vidence que de nombreux dĂ©fis d’ordre politiques, humains et technologiques sont Ă  relever dans ce domaine.   Information and communication technologies (ICT) are one of the most striking factors in contemporary societies. Digital technologies such as the Internet are increasingly emerging as credible, effective and sustainable solutions to solving the difficult equation of access to knowledge and improving the quality of the education system. However, despite the many benefits derived from the pedagogical integration of ICT into education, the education sector of the Yamoussoukro district, in its great diversity, still struggles to integrate them effectively into the learning process of learners at all levels, especially at the level of general secondary education. Our reflection focuses on the issue of ICT diffusion in general secondary education in the District of Yamoussoukro: State of play and challenges to be met.  Thus, the objective of this article is to contribute to a knowledge on ICT for education in general and in particular on their integration into general secondary education in schools in the district of Yamoussoukro. The methodology of this study was based on desk research, direct observation and field surveys. The results of this research revealed that 50% of the establishments surveyed do not benefit from any digital tools, resulting in a low diffusion and use of digital. These results highlighted many political, human and technological challenges

    Diffusion des TIC dans l’Enseignement Secondaire Général du District de Yamoussoukro (Côte d’Ivoire): État des Lieux et Défis à Relever

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    Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) constituent l’un des facteurs les plus marquants des sociĂ©tĂ©s contemporaines. Les technologies numĂ©riques comme l’Internet apparaissent de plus en plus comme des solutions crĂ©dibles, efficaces et durables pour rĂ©soudre la difficile Ă©quation de l’accès au savoir et Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© du système Ă©ducatif. Cependant, malgrĂ© les nombreux avantages issus de l’intĂ©gration pĂ©dagogique des TIC dans l’enseignement, le secteur de l’éducation du district de Yamoussoukro, dans sa grande diversitĂ© peine encore Ă  les insĂ©rer de manière efficace dans le processus d’apprentissage des apprenants de tous les niveaux, surtout au niveau de l’enseignement secondaire gĂ©nĂ©ral. Notre rĂ©flexion porte sur la problĂ©matique de Diffusion des TIC dans l’enseignement secondaire gĂ©nĂ©ral du District de Yamoussoukro : État des lieux et dĂ©fis Ă  relever.  Ainsi, l’objectif de cet article est de contribuer Ă  une connaissance sur les TIC pour l’éducation en gĂ©nĂ©ral et en particulier sur leur intĂ©gration dans l’enseignement secondaire gĂ©nĂ©ral dans les Ă©tablissements du district de Yamoussoukro. La mĂ©thodologie de cette Ă©tude s’est reposĂ©e sur la recherche documentaire, l’observation directe et les enquĂŞtes de terrain. Les rĂ©sultats de cette recherche ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que 50% des Ă©tablissements enquĂŞtĂ©s ne bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’aucun outils numĂ©rique, entrainant ainsi une faible diffusion et utilisation du numĂ©rique. Ces rĂ©sultats ont mis en Ă©vidence que de nombreux dĂ©fis d’ordre politiques, humains et technologiques.   Information and communication technologies (ICT) are one of the most striking factors in contemporary societies. Digital technologies such as the Internet are increasingly emerging as credible, effective and sustainable solutions to solving the difficult equation of access to knowledge and improving the quality of the education system. However, despite the many benefits derived from the pedagogical integration of ICT into education, the education sector of the Yamoussoukro district, in its great diversity, still struggles to integrate them effectively into the learning process of learners at all levels, especially at the level of general secondary education. Our reflection focuses on the issue of ICT diffusion in general secondary education in the District of Yamoussoukro: State of play and challenges to be met.  Thus, the objective of this article is to contribute to a knowledge on ICT for education in general and in particular on their integration into general secondary education in schools in the district of Yamoussoukro. The methodology of this study was based on desk research, direct observation and field surveys. The results of this research revealed that 50% of the establishments surveyed do not benefit from any digital tools, resulting in a low diffusion and use of digital. These results highlighted many political, human and technological challenges

    A test of contagion among BRICS economies

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    Abstract: This research applies an ordinary GARCH (1, 1) model, as well as a quantile regression technique to analyse the effects of contagion among BRICS economies. To this end, data on Brazilian, Russian, Indian, Chinese, and South African deposit and lending rates are estimated to test if contagion exists between these economies. Monthly periods are used for the estimations, ranging from April 1999 to June 2018. The study focuses on a dependence structure among the variables by investigating seven quantiles to detect possible contagion effects. The results indicate that China induces asymmetric dependence towards its BRICS counterparts, namely Brazil, Russia and India, but does not affect South Africa’s interest rates. However, the latter are asymmetrically dependent on the Russia and Brazil interest rates. This study is therefore not entirely supportive of BRICS interest rates contagion. The study findings should be of importance to international investors exploring portfolio diversification, and to the policymakers of the BRICS countries who may be seeking monetary policy implementation and capital market liberalization.M.Com. (Financial Economics

    Jeux sémanticologiques entre le syntagme prépositionnel et le trio adjectif -adverbe - conjonction dans les textes théâtraux d’Aimé Césaire et d’Amadou Koné

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    Résumé : La présente analyse porte sur le syntagme prépositionnel et le trio adjectif-adverbe-conjonction dans les textes théâtraux d’Aimé Césaire et d’Amadou Koné, notamment dans une perspective d’équivalences sémantique et fonctionnelle claquées sur la sémanticologique des deux blocs constitués. La méthode distributionnelle et la théorie transformationnelle ont permis de dégager les caractéristiques des trois espèces de mots proches du syntagme prépositionnel puis à décrire les principes de l’opérationnalisation des jeux sémanticologiques ou des tests d’équivalence entre lesdites classes grammaticales et le syntagme prépositionnel dans les textes théâtraux choisis. Mots-clés : Syntagme ; préposition ; adjectif ; adverbe ; conjonctio

    Characterization of Waste From Attiéké Factory: Case of Azito Village (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire)

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    The control of the anaerobic digestion of cassava residues from attiéké factories requires their characterization to offer a better working environment to attiéké producers. This study concerns at first the quantity of solid residues of cassava, dough of crushed cassava and other waste generated by the process of attiéké production. The second aspect concerns the determination of some physicochemical parameters (COD, TKN, pH, COD/TKN). These two aspects were realized thanks to the use of a bag in synthetic fibers, a dynamometric steelyard with dial of diameter 17 cms, and the use of a gradual can of capacity 20 L. The results of this study showed that an average quantity of 1.53 tonne of manioc handled (treated) generates 1.14 m3 of effluents and 0.16 tonne of solid waste per day. These effluents are acid with a pH ranged between 2.54 and 4.80. So they have on average a DCO of 58.79 g/L for 0,71 g/L of nitrogen. All these parameters help control the optimal conditions of anaerobic digestion of cassava effluents in the manufacturing process of attiéké


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    Cette étude, qui s’est intéressée à la figuration faunesque dans les contes de l’Afrique noire, a saisi l’animal en tant que symbole thématique et force agissante. Le bestiaire dans l’univers narratif des textes oraux assume une triple fonctionnalité : véhiculer les idéaux de la société, indiquer les repères de conduite à tenir dans telle ou telle circonstance et se conformer aux normes communautaires. La symbolisation animale permet de déboucher sur la sagesse humaine, élément fondamental de la paix sociale

    Length-Weight Relationship And Condition Factor Of Mangrove Fish Species In Azagny National Park (Grand-Lahou Department, Ivory Coast)

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    The length-weight relationship and condition factor of mangrove fish species in Azagny National Park (ANP) were studied, to provide baseline data of the impact of mangrove disturbances on ichthyofauna. Specimens were captured from March 2019 to February 2020 using gillnets and mesh traps. After identification, each specimen was weighed to the nearest gram and measured to the nearest millimeter. Twenty-eight species belonging to 17 families and 24 genera were selected based on their numbers (only species with at least 10 specimens were considered). Most of these species have a negative allometry (22 species, 78.57%). 14.28% species showed positive allometry and 7.14% species showed isometry. The length-weight regressions are significant with a coefficient of determination (r²) varying between 0.115 for Chrysichthys maurus and 0.936 for Labeo coubie. The coefficient of allometry b varies from 0.413 for Chrysichthys maurus to 4.272 for Labeo coubie with a mean value of 2.384 ± 0.810. The condition factor ranged on average from 0.935 ± 0.966 for Schilbe mandibularis 113.3 ± 10.644 for Chrysichthys maurus. This study provides information on the effects of mangrove disturbance on the growth of species of the said ecosystem and contributes to the management of the ichthyofauna of the ANP
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